174 research outputs found

    Kontribusi Inisiasi Menyusu Dini Dan Dukungan Suami Pada Riwayat Asi Eksklusif Bayi Umur 6 Sampai 12 Bulan

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    World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) provide recommendations for exclusive breastfeeding until the child aged 6 months and continued until the child aged 2 years. Exclusive breastfeeding has many benefits, however its practice remains low which can be caused by several factor, such as early initiation of breastfeeding and the husband support. This study aims to analyze the relationship between early initiation of breastfeeding and husband suppport with the exclusive breastfeeding history for infants aged 0 to 6 months old in the area of Brambang Public Health Center, Jombang district. The study design was cross sectional. The sample was mothers with infants aged 6 to 12 months as much as 77 respondents in area of Brambang Public Health Center, Jombang district. Subjects were taken using simple random sampling. Information in the study obtained through direct interviews with questionnaires to mothers. Chi-Square test was used to analyze the relationship between early initiation and the husband support with exclusive breastfeeding history. The result showed that there was a relationship between early initiation of breastfeeding (p=0,000) and husband support (p=0,000) with exclusive breastfeeding history. The result showed that early initiation of breastfeeding and husband support could increase the tendency of exclusive breastfeeding. It suggested to improve the early initiation of breastfeeding in maternity hospitals and improve husband support by involving husband during breastfeeding counseling

    Pembuatan Web Desa Karanggeneng Sebagai Sarana Informasi Desa Dan Promosi Desa

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    Website atau yang biasanya disingkat web adalah halaman informasi yang disediakan melalui jalur internet sehingga bisa diakses di seluruh dunia selama terkoneksi dengan jaringan internet. Website merupakan kumpulan halaman yang menampilkan informasi data teks, data gambar diam atau, data animasi, suara, video dan atau gabungan dari semuanya, baik yang bersifat statis maupun dinamis yang membentuk satu rangkaian bangunan yang saling terkait dimana masing-masing dihubungkan dengan jaringan-jaringan halaman. Saat ini web merupakan salah satu media yang efektif untuk digunakan sebagai media informasi karena cakupannya yang sangat luas yaitu seluruh dunia. Dalam pembuatan web desa Karanggeneng kami membutuhkan waktu beberapa minggu, untuk template web kami menggunakan sistem informasi desa dari OpenSid kemudian setelah web desa siap, kami melakukan sosialisasi kepada perangkat desa Karanggeneng terkait penggunaan dan pemeliharaan web desa Karanggeneng. Dengan adanya web desa Karanggeneng ini diharapkan akan dapat menjadi sebuah media informasi yang baru dan bermanfaat baik untuk desa dan  masyarakat desa itu sendiri maupun masyarakat luar

    Phosphorus retention in a lowland Neotropical stream following an eight-year enrichment experiment

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    Human alteration of the global P cycle has led to widespread P loading in freshwater ecosystems. Much research has been devoted to the capacity of wetlands and lakes to serve as long-term sinks for P inputs from the watershed, but we know much less about the potential of headwater streams to serve in this role. We assessed storage and retention of P in biotic and abiotic compartments after an 8-y experimental P addition to a 1st-order stream in a Neotropical wet forest. Sediment P extractions indicated that nearly all P storage was in the form of Fe- and Al-bound P (∼700 μg P/g dry sediment), similar to nearby naturally high-P streams. At the end of the enrichment, ∼25% of the total P added over the 8-y study was still present in sediments within 200 m of the injection site, consistent with water-column measurements showing sustained levels of high net P uptake throughout the experiment. Sediment P declined to baseline levels (∼100 μg P/g dry sediment) over 4 y after the enrichment ended. Leaf-litter P content increased nearly 2× over background levels during P enrichment and was associated with a 3× increase in microbial respiration rates, although these biotic responses were low compared to nearby naturally high- P streams. Biotic storage accounted for \u3c0.03% of retention of the added P. Our results suggest that the high sorption capacity of these sediments dampened the biotic effects of P loading and altered the timing and quantity of P exported downstream

    Global human frequencies of predicted nuclear pathogenic variants and the role played by protein hydrophobicity in pathogenicity potential

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    Mitochondrial proteins are coded by nuclear (nDNA) and mitochondrial (mtDNA) genes, implying a complex cross-talk between the two genomes. Here we investigated the diversity displayed in 104 nuclear-coded mitochondrial proteins from 1,092 individuals from the 1000 Genomes dataset, in order to evaluate if these genes are under the effects of purifying selection and how that selection compares with their mitochondrial encoded counterparts. Only the very rare variants (frequency < 0.1%) in these nDNA genes are indistinguishable from a random set from all possible variants in terms of predicted pathogenicity score, but more frequent variants display distinct signs of purifying selection. Comparisons of selection strength indicate stronger selection in the mtDNA genes compared to this set of nDNA genes, accounted for by the high hydrophobicity of the proteins coded by the mtDNA. Most of the predicted pathogenic variants in the nDNA genes were restricted to a single continental population. The proportion of individuals having at least one potential pathogenic mutation in this gene set was significantly lower in Europeans than in Africans and Asians. This difference may reflect demographic asymmetries, since African and Asian populations experienced main expansions in middle Holocene, while in Europeans the main expansions occurred earlier in the post-glacial period

    Evidence of American Martens Populating the Turtle Mountains of North Dakota

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    American martens (Martes americana) were native to northeastern North Dakota but were considered extirpated by the early 1800s. Although there is no historic evidence of martens occurring beyond the northeast, forested habitat potentially suitable for martens exists in the Turtle Mountains region of northcentral North Dakota and southwestern Manitoba. From 1989– 1991, the Turtle Mountain Trappers Association translocated 59 martens into the Canadian portion of the Turtle Mountains. During summer 2007, we used covered track-plates and/or remotely-triggered cameras placed at 123 survey sites distributed among 41 1-km2 grid cells (a GIS-generated layer imposed on electronic maps of the study region) to determine if martens occupied the Turtle Mountains in North Dakota. Martens were detected at 26 (21%) sites, representing 20 of the 41 sample cells (49%) widely dispersed throughout the study area. Our study provided the first evidence of martens occurring in North Dakota since the early 1800s

    On the Portability of Prolog Applications

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    The non-portability of Prolog programs is widely considered one of the main problems facing Prolog programmers. Although since 1995, the core of the language is covered by the ISO standard 13211-1, this standard has not been sufficient to support large Prolog applications. As an approach to address this problem, since 2007, YAP and SWI-Prolog have established a basic compatibility framework. The aim of the framework is running the same code on Edinburgh-based Prolog systems rather than having to migrate an application. This article describes the implementation and evaluates this framework by studying how it can be used on a number of libraries and an important application. © 2011 Springer-Verlag

    Transient Storage as a Function of Geomorphology, Discharge, and Permafrost Active Layer Conditions in Arctic Tundra Streams

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    Transient storage of solutes in hyporheic zones or other slow-moving stream waters plays an important role in the biogeochemical processes of streams. While numerous studies have reported a wide range of parameter values from simulations of transient storage, little field work has been done to investigate the correlations between these parameters and shifts in surface and subsurface flow conditions. In this investigation we use the stream properties of the Arctic (namely, highly varied discharges, channel morphologies, and subchannel permafrost conditions) to isolate the effects of discharge, channel morphology, and potential size of the hyporheic zone on transient storage. We repeated stream tracer experiments in five morphologically diverse tundra streams in Arctic Alaska during the thaw season (May–August) of 2004 to assess transient storage and hydrologic characteristics. We compared transient storage model parameters to discharge (Q), the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor (f), and unit stream power (ω). Across all studied streams, permafrost active layer depths (i.e., the potential extent of the hyporheic zone) increased throughout the thaw season, and discharges and velocities varied dramatically with minimum ranges of eight-fold and four-fold, respectively. In all reaches the mean storage residence time (tstor) decreased exponentially with increasing Q, but did not clearly relate to permafrost active layer depths. Furthermore, we found that modeled transient storage metrics (i.e., tstor, storage zone exchange rate (αOTIS), and hydraulic retention (Rh)) correlated better with channel hydraulic descriptors such as f and ω than they did with Q or channel slope. Our results indicate that Q is the first-order control on transient storage dynamics of these streams, and that f and ω are two relatively simple measures of channel hydraulics that may be important metrics for predicting the response of transient storage to perturbations in discharge and morphology in a given stream

    Fine-Scale in Situ Measurement of Riverbed Nitrate Production and Consumption in an Armored Permeable Riverbed

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    Alteration of the global nitrogen cycle by man has increased nitrogen loading in waterways considerably, often with harmful consequences for aquatic ecosystems. Dynamic redox conditions within riverbeds support a variety of nitrogen transformations, some of which can attenuate this burden. In reality, however, assessing the importance of processes besides perhaps denitrification is difficult, due to a sparseness of data, especially in situ, where sediment structure and hydrologic pathways are intact. Here we show in situ within a permeable riverbed, through injections of 15N-labeled substrates, that nitrate can be either consumed through denitrification or produced through nitrification, at a previously unresolved fine (centimeter) scale. Nitrification and denitrification occupy different niches in the riverbed, with denitrification occurring across a broad chemical gradient while nitrification is restricted to more oxic sediments. The narrow niche width for nitrification is in effect a break point, with the switch from activity “on” to activity “off” regulated by interactions between subsurface chemistry and hydrology. Although maxima for denitrification and nitrification occur at opposing ends of a chemical gradient, high potentials for both nitrate production and consumption can overlap when groundwater upwelling is strong