8 research outputs found

    Central retinal arterial occlusion in a patient with pyoderma gangrenosum

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    A 74-year-old male presented to us with a history of vision loss for 36 hours in the right eye (RE). The RE had a visual acuity of hand movements. The fundus revealed a pale retina, cattle tracking in the retinal vessels, and a cherry-red spot at the macula. The patient was a known case of pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) and had received intravenous methylprednisolone and cyclophosphamide at the onset of visual symptoms. An emergency anterior chamber paracentesis was performed following unsuccessful attempts of ocular massage. The patient improved to 6/9 in the RE 4 months after paracentesis. The patient had an aggressive course of PG, for which he needed a combination of oral steroid, immunomodulator therapy and biologicals. An association between central retinal arterial occlusion and PG has not been reported before, according to the best of authors' knowledge

    A Comparative Study on the Precipitation of Hydrated Alumina from Different Sources

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    Abstract Hydrated alu mina fro m three different sources like sodium alu minate liquor, waste alu miniu m dross and synthetic salt like alu miniu m sulfate were studied to obtain various form of alu miniu m hydro xide. Boeh mite (A l 2 O 3 .H 2 O), a form of hydrated alu mina, has better performance in obtaining alu mina, as the enthalpy of dehydration of boehmite is less as compared to gibbsite due to the less number of water mo lecules in the crystal lattice as compared to gibbsite. Precipitation of hydrated alumina was also studied by using synthetic alu miniu m sulfate solution with aqueous ammonia and alternating the sequence of reagent addition. Subsequently, the variation in the p H of precip itation and fo llo wed by variat ion of the ageing temperature produced a range of hydrated alu mina with different phases and crystallin ities. In another option hydrated alu mina was precipitated fro m the sulfuric acid leach liquor of waste aluminiu m dross by varying the pH of the precipitation followed by temperature o f ageing

    Study on South African Indigenous Teas—Antioxidant Potential, Nutritional Content, and Hypoxia-Induced Cyclooxygenase Inhibition on U87 MG Cell Line

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    Background: This study comparatively assessed seven indigenous traditional tea plants on several attributes that included antioxidant, nutritional, caffeine contents, and cyclooxygenase activity. Methodology: Nutritional content of all tea plants were determined for energy, fat, carbohydrates, total sugars, dietary fiber and amino acids. Antioxidant potential and the antioxidant potentiating secondary metabolites were also measured and compared. Further, we investigated the tea plants for any role they would have on cyclooxygenase (COX) activity on cobalt chloride (CoCl2) induced human glioma cell lines (U87MG). Results: The tea plants were found non-cytotoxic at concentrations tested against the human Chang liver and HeK 293 kidney cells and were found to be naturally caffeine free. The lowest and highest extraction yield among the tea plants was 7.1% for B. saligna and 15.48% for L. scaberrimma respectively. On average, the flavonol content was 12 to 8 QE/g, ORAC 800 µmol TE/g, TEAC 150 µmol TE/g, FRAP 155 µmol AAE/g, polyphenols 40 mg GAE/g, flavanols 0.35 mg CE/g, flavonols 12 mg QE/g and total flavonoid content (TFC) 180 µg QE/mg. The COX activity has been found to be inhibited by a dose-dependent manner by L. scaberrimma, B. saligna and L. javanica. Conclusion: The results further support competitive value of tea plants and need for improved and further development

    Assessment of the recurrent mutagenesis efficacy of sesame crosses followed by isolation and evaluation of promising genetic resources for use in future breeding programs

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    The primary causes of low sesame production are a lack of high-yielding varieties, an inability to adjust to environmental challenges, and a poor response to enhanced crop management. The potential for improving sesame has been investigated using a variety of breeding approaches, including mutation and recombination breeding; however, these methods have only produced a minor increase in productivity. Recombination and mutant breeding have recently been proposed as novel, cutting-edge approaches to overcome the limitations of conventional breeding practices. This study was conducted to assess the recurrent mutagenesis efficacy of sesame crosses, followed by the isolation and evaluation of superior breeding lines that could be released as varieties in the future. In the F4M4 generation, the populations were grown in a randomized block design (RBD), and the efficacy of recurrent mutagenesis was assessed in terms of variability parameters such as the mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation. During the F5M5 generation, the materials were grown in three separate trials in Compact Family Block Design to evaluate the between-family and within-family variations, followed by the isolation of improved breeding lines based on per se performance. The improved breeding lines were further advanced to the F6M6 generation for evaluation in three separate trials in an RBD. In the F6M6 generation, ANOVA, correlation, regression, path coefficient, and Mahalanobis’s D 2 analysis were computed, followed by the construction of selection indices to select superior lines. The results showed the importance of three or four EMS treatment cycles for sesame improvement in the F4M4 generation. Twenty of the top lines based on per se performance (with a selection intensity of 27%) from each category in the F5M5 generation were carried forward to the F6M6 generation. In the F6M6 generation, the top six breeding lines (with a selection intensity of 30%) from each category, for a total of 18 breeding lines, were chosen based on these index scores. These high-yielding micromutant lines could be subsequently released as varieties through multiplication trials with standard checks. After a thorough evaluation, these lines have the potential to replace the current varieties and increase production, productivity, and adoption of sesame in India