333 research outputs found

    Cessação de hábitos tabágicos em doentes coronários

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    Objective: Assess the impact of coronary events in smoking cessation habits, and study the association between smoking habits and coronary artery disease. Methods: With a clinical structured interview, three groups were selected (n=68), from the patients of the Cardiology Service of Hospital Militar Principal. Sample 1 was composed by patients with stable, and unstable angina (n= 18), sample 2 by patients with myocardial infarction (n=26), and sample 3 by individuals with other cardiac disease (arterial hypertension, or valve disease) (n=24). The individuals were aged between 48 and 75. The following statistical procedures were used: correspondence analysis, chi-square test (x2 ~ and Fisher exact test. Results: The association between smoking habits(non smoker, former smoker, and current smoker),and type of disease (angina, myocardial infarction, and arterial hypertension), was statistically significant [X2(68)=l4,5; p=O,OO6], and there was also a significant association between smoking habits and coronary artery disease [~2(68)=4,O;p=O,O45]. The category of ex-smokers and myocardial patients also showed significant association (Fisher exact test=O,036). Conclusions: Previous myocardial infarction events constitute an experience of severe suffering and crisis, in which the patient accepts to stop smoking. We also confirm that smoking is a risk factor for myocardial infarction. Thus the objective of clinic objectivo de promover e reforçar a intenção de abandonar o consumo de tabaco revela-se de extrema importância e utilidade nesta tomada de decisão

    Partial vertical ownership and tacit collusion

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    A partial ownership held by a downstream rm creates a perceived cost asymmetry towards its competitors. In this article, it is shown that this will have a negative impact on the sustainability of a collusive scenario. This is a similar result to natural di¤erences in production costs of rms. However, this participation makes it so it is more likely to be the most e cient rm to deviate, and not the least one, as in natural assymetry. The existance of participation never makes collusion easier to sustain than its absence. This also creates a tool for the upstream rm to break, or incentivate, joint downstream decision-making, as it may also be used to increase its directed demand. Similarly, this tool can be used by a regulator to increase welfare by avoiding market concentrationUma participação parcial detida por uma empresa a jusante cria uma as- simetria de custos perante os seus concorrentes. Neste artigo mostra-se que isto terá um impacto negativo na sustentabilidade de um cenário de conluio. Isto é um resultado semelhante a uma diferença natural nos custos de pro- dução das empresas. Contudo, esta participação faz com que seja a empresa mais e ciente a mais provável de desviar da situação, em vez da menos e - ciente, como em assimetria natural. A existência da participação nunca torna o conluio mais sustentável do que a sua ausência. Isto também cria uma ferra- mente à empresa a montante para quebrar, ou incentivar, a decisão conjunta a jusante. Do mesmo modo, esta ferramenta pode ser usada por um regulador para aumentar o bem estar, quebrando o conluio

    Uncalibrated stereo vision applied to breast cancer treatment aesthetic assessment

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    Mestrado Integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201

    The role of chitosan membranes on scarring process following lumbar surgery :post-laminectomy experimental model

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Patologia Experimental, apresentada à Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de CoimbraIntroduction: Post-operative scarring process on lumbar surgery is object of several studies mainly because of the epidural fibrosis formation. Chitosan have shown promising effect fibrosis prevention. The aim of this study is to determine the influence chitosan-silane membrane on the lumbar surgery scarring process. These membranes have improved mechanical strength which makes it suitable to mantain a predefined shape. Materials/methods: Fourteen New Zealand male rabbits underwent two level lumbar laminectomy. Laminectomy sites were randomly selected for biomaterial or control. Chitosan membranes were prepared and care was taken in order to make it adapted to the bone defect dimensions in a way that it covered the totality of the defect and also the bone margins. Histological analysis was performed by haematoxylin/eosin and by Masson’s trichrome staining four weeks after laminectomy. Results: Microscope observations revealed the presence of a wellorganized regenerating tissue, integrated in the surrounding vertebral bone tissue with a regular and all-site interface on the chitosan sites, in clear contrast with the presence of a disorganized regenerating tissue with aspects consistent with the persistence of a chronic inflammatory condition, on control sites. Conclusions: The results of this study clearly demonstrated that chitosan had an organizing effect on post-operative scarring process. The presence of the chitosan membrane resulted on a well-organized tissue integrated in the surrounding vertebral bone tissue with signs of regenerative bone tissue in continuity with native bone. This can be a major feature on the dynamics of epidural fibrosis formatio

    Kinetic modeling of the molecular architecture of cross-linked copolymers synthesized by controlled radical polymerization techniques

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    Kinetic Modeling of the Molecular Architecture of Cross-Linked Copolymers Synthesized by Controlled Radical Polymerization TechniquesFC

    SEC/MALLS measurement of the branched structure of methyl methacrylate + ethylene glycol dimethacrylate copolymers synthesized by atom transfer radical polymerization

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    In the last few years, atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) of acrylate and methacrylate monomers in the presence of a small amount of cross-linker has been investigated in order to produce branched polymers and gels with applications in microelectronics, coatings industries or biomedicine (Wang and Zhu, 2005; Gao et al., 2007). In this context, it is being explored the production by ATRP of branched/crosslinked polymers with a lower degree of heterogeneity than that obtained by conventional free radical polymerization (FRP). This work reports an experimental study on the ATRP of methyl methacrylate (MMA) + ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) initiated by MBPA (methyl -bromophenylacetate) and mediated by copper bromide (CuBr) ligated with HMTETA (1,1,4,7,10,10- hexamethyltriethylenetetramine). The synthesized copolymers were analyzed by size exclusion chromatography (SEC) with simultaneous detection of refractive index (RI) and multi-angle laser light scattering (MALLS) signals. Important details of the molecular architecture of these materials can therefore be measured, namely absolute molecular weights and z-average radius of gyration. Different experimental runs were performed in order to investigate the influence of the operating conditions (e.g. temperature and initial molar ratios MMA/EGDMA/MBPA/CuBr/HMTETA) on the structure of the products.FC

    O papel da endoscopia de contacto no cancro oral

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    Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2020O Cancro oral é um desafio na prática clínica, sendo com frequência diagnosticado em estadios tardios. Dado o seu caráter localmente invasivo e multifocal, pode requerer abordagens terapêuticas com graves danos funcionais e estéticos para o doente. Por sua vez, a lesões prémalignas da cavidade oral são uma janela de oportunidade, pois têm um elevado potencial de malignização, e se detetadas atempadamente poder-se-á evitar a transformação maligna. Aliado ao facto de os fatores de risco para este cancro estarem bem estabelecidos, é possível a implementação de rastreio oportunístico, focado nas pessoas de alto-risco, tendo-se verificado em estudos recentes que o mesmo é custo-benéfico, em diferentes partes do mundo. De forma a ajudar na identificação precoce deste cancro, promovendo um tratamento atempado, surgem técnicas de visualização microscópicas. A Endoscopia de Contacto permite em ambiente de consulta e sem anestesia, observar in vivo e in situ as alterações microvasculares e celulares superficiais da mucosa oral, tendo um enorme potencial para o estudo das lesões epiteliais da cavidade oral e da orofaringe. Esta técnica, que foi introduzida e desenvolvida na área de ORL no Serviço de ORL do Hospital de Santa Maria/ Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa pelos Profs Mário Andrea e Óscar Dias, traz diversos benefícios e elevados valores de sensibilidade e especificidade, especialmente quando combinada com outras técnicas, como a NBI (narrow band imaging) ou a SPIES (Storz professional image enhancement system). De acordo com a literatura atual, os grandes objetivos são caracterizar a patologia oral e ajudar a guiar as zonas que devem realizar biópsia, mas há autores que chegam mesmo a sugerir que a técnica da Endoscopia de Contacto possa substituir a biópsia excisional, como método de eleição no diagnóstico das lesões pré-malignas e malignas da cavidade oral. A aceitação deste conceito preconiza o desenvolvimento da técnica de Endoscopia de Contacto na cavidade oral, pois os resultados parecem ser promissores. Na realização desta revisão bibliográfica não sistemática recorreu-se à pesquisa no PubMed de artigos e na leitura de livros e outros documentos com datas entre 1995 e 2018, tendo-se posteriormente alargado a pesquisa para artigos mais antigos, abordando a história da técnica.Oral cancer presents as a challenge for the physicians, since it is usually diagnosed late in its course. Given its locally invasive and multifocal phenotype that requires surgical treatment, it implies severe functional and aesthetic sequels for the patient. The so called, premalignant lesions of the oral cavity, are clinical entities of further importance, because their early diagnosis can avoid its malignant transformation. Thus, the risk factors identified for this cancer are well established and it is possible to implement opportunistic screenings, focusing on high-risk individuals. In the latest literature, it has been concluded that this screening is cost-effective, in several parts of the world. In order to help identify this cancer in early stages for early treatment, techniques for microscopy have been developed. These techniques present further information about the lesions, in contrast to the traditional macroscopic evaluation, made by the physician with the clinical examination. Contact Endoscopy is performed in the ambulatory practice without anesthesia and allows the evaluation in vivo and in situ of the cellular and microvascular patterns of the superficial layers of the mucosa, with enormous potential for the study of epithelial lesions of the oral cavity and oropharynx. According to the literature, this technique, which was introduced and developed for the ORL field in the ORL Department of Hospital de Santa Maria/Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa by the Professors Mário Andrea and Óscar Dias, has several advantages and high values for sensibility and specificity, especially when combined with other innovations, such as NBI (narrow band imaging) or SPIES (Storz professional image enhancement system). Furthermore, the aim is to characterize the oral pathology and help guide the areas where the biopsy should be performed, but some authors suggest that Contact Endoscopy can actually replace excisional biopsy, as the gold-standard, for the diagnosis of premalignant and malignant lesions of the oral cavity. According to these promising findings, Contact Endoscopy is under development and improvement and seem to ensure further research. In the making of this non-systematic literature review, a research was made on PubMed for articles published between 1995 and 2018 and on books different documents. In a second phase, the research was extended to older articles, which focused on the history of the technique

    Automation of Invoice Processing with ERP Integration Using RPA Tools

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    In most organizations, invoice processing is still done manually and time-consuming, because many of the invoices still come in paper form or by email. From the moment the invoice enters the organization until it is available in the management software it goes through several steps, such as, scanning, storage, approval and integration into the management software, usually an ERP system, steps that are not automated and must be performed by employees, sometimes typing all the information of the invoice in the ERP system. To automate this process, this paper presents a management information system based on Robotic Process Automation technologies

    Intimidades taurinas y el arte de torear de Ricardo Torres "Bombita"

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 201
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