206 research outputs found

    ContrĂŽle d'accĂšs versus ContrĂŽle de flots

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    National audienceTraditionnellement, une politique de sĂ©curitĂ© est mise en oeuvre par un mĂ©canisme de contrĂŽle des accĂšs des sujets sur les objets du systĂšme: un sujet peut lire l'information contenue dans un objet si la politique autorise ce sujet Ă  accĂ©der Ă  cet objet. Une politique induit des flots d'information: si un sujet s a le droit de lire un objet o, alors toute l'information que peut un jour contenir o est accessible Ă  s. De mĂȘme, si un sujet s a le droit de modifier un objet o, alors toute l'information qui peut ĂȘtre portĂ©e Ă  la connaissance de s peut se propager dans le systĂšme par le biais de o. Alors qu'une politique spĂ©cifie des autorisations sur les contenus, sa mise en oeuvre contrĂŽle les accĂšs aux objets sans connaĂźtre leur contenu courant. Nous nous proposons dans ce travail d'Ă©tudier formellement les politiques de sĂ©curitĂ© sous l'angle des flots d'information qu'elles induisent. Pour les politiques dont on ne peut pas montrer que tous les flots induits sont autorisĂ©s, nous dĂ©finissons un mĂ©canisme permettant de dĂ©tecter les flux illĂ©gaux. Nous prĂ©sentons aussi l'implĂ©mentation de ce mĂ©canisme de dĂ©tection

    Multi-Evaporator Miniature Loop Heat Pipe for Small Spacecraft Thermal Control

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    Under NASA s New Millennium Program Space Technology 8 (ST 8) Project, four experiments Thermal Loop, Dependable Microprocessor, SAILMAST, and UltraFlex - were conducted to advance the maturity of individual technologies from proof of concept to prototype demonstration in a relevant environment , i.e. from a technology readiness level (TRL) of 3 to a level of 6. This paper presents the new technologies and validation approach of the Thermal Loop experiment. The Thermal Loop is an advanced thermal control system consisting of a miniature loop heat pipe (MLHP) with multiple evaporators and multiple condensers designed for future small system applications requiring low mass, low power, and compactness. The MLHP retains all features of state-of-the-art loop heat pipes (LHPs) and offers additional advantages to enhance the functionality, performance, versatility, and reliability of the system. Details of the thermal loop concept, technical advances, benefits, objectives, level 1 requirements, and performance characteristics are described. Also included in the paper are descriptions of the test articles and mathematical modeling used for the technology validation. An MLHP breadboard was built and tested in the laboratory and thermal vacuum environments for TRL 4 and TRL 5 validations, and an MLHP proto-flight unit was built and tested in a thermal vacuum chamber for the TRL 6 validation. In addition, an analytical model was developed to simulate the steady state and transient behaviors of the MLHP during various validation tests. Capabilities and limitations of the analytical model are also addressed

    Off-Label-Use von Medikamenten in der PĂ€diatrie

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    Der sogenannte Off-Label-Use in der PĂ€diatrie von Medikamenten, das heißt der Einsatz von Medikamenten außerhalb der Zulassung, ist fĂŒr Patienten, Ärzte und KostentrĂ€ger in juristischer und ethischer Hinsicht ein bislang unzureichend gelöstes Problem. Die Aufgabe der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die folgenden Fragen zu bearbeiten: Wie hoch ist der Anteil an Off-Label eingesetzten Medikamenten, differenziert nach Substanzgruppen, allgemein fĂŒr den pĂ€diatrischen Bereich nicht vorhande-ner Zulassung, und im Vergleich zwischen den Angaben der Roten Liste(RL) ge-genĂŒber der Fachinformation/FachInfo-Service(FS) auf einer pĂ€diatrischen hĂ€ma-to-onkologischen Station ? Aus welchen GrĂŒnden lag im einzelnen Fall (individuell patientenbezogen) ein Off-Label-Use vor? ZusĂ€tzlich sollte eine Software entwickelt werden, die es ermöglicht, alle anfallen-den AntrĂ€ge auf individuelle Heilversuche mit Medikamenten, die off-label einge-setzt werden sollen, zeitsparend fĂŒr Krankenkassen, Ethikkommissionen und Kli-niken zu erstellen und prospektiv zu erfassen. Methode: Patientenkollektiv von 11 minderjĂ€hrigen Patienten (n=11) aus der Klinik fĂŒr PĂ€diatrische HĂ€matologie und Onkologie der UniversitĂ€tskliniken des Saarlandes. Auswertungszeit-raum von Juli 1996 bis Juli 2005. Ein Off-Label-Use wurde definiert, wenn nach den An-gaben der Arzneimittelhersteller in der RL und der FS (Rote Liste /FachInfo-Service 2004, jeweils CD-ROM-Version) die Zulassung fĂŒr das Patientenalter, die Applikationsart oder die zugrunde liegende Erkrankung nicht vorlag. ÜberprĂŒfung anhand der stationĂ€-ren und ambulanten Krankenakte. ZusĂ€tzlich wurden diese Medikamente patientenun-abhĂ€ngig hinsichtlich grundsĂ€tzlicher Zulassung bzw. EinschrĂ€nkung im pĂ€diatrischen Bereich ausgewertet. In die Analyse mit aufgenommen wurden Differenzierung nach Substanzgruppe und Wirkstoff, Dosierung und Applikation. Die Auswertung erfolgte mit deskriptiver Statistik. Mit Hilfe des Programms Access 2000 wurde zusĂ€tzlich eine Software entwickelt, die An-trĂ€ge auf individuelle Heilversuche ĂŒbersichtlich erfassen kann und gleichzeitig dem be-handelnden Arzt Hilfen anbietet, diese aufwendigen AntrĂ€ge auf individuellen Heilver-such an Krankenkassen und Ethikkommissionen zeitsparend zu erstellen. Ergebnisse: Bei den 11 Patienten wurden insgesamt 519 Medikamente mit 472 Wirkstoffen erfasst. Da bei mehreren Kindern die gleichen Medikamente angewandt wurden, ergaben sich 285 verschiedene Medikamente aus 47 Substanzklassen mit 164 verschiedenen Wirk-stoffen. Von diesen Medikamenten fehlte die Zulassung fĂŒr diese Kinder bei 61% der PrĂ€parate. Es fehlten bei 158 der 519 PrĂ€parate Dosisangaben fĂŒr Kinder in den FS. Im Schnitt erhielt jedes Kind 47 verschiedene Medikamente. Ein Off-Label-Use lag bei der HĂ€lfte dieser 47 Medikamente vor. Insgesamt hĂ€tten somit fĂŒr jedes Kind im Durchschnitt 23 AntrĂ€ge auf individuelle Heilversuche gestellt werden mĂŒssen. Zytostatika wurden gesondert ausgewertet mit einem Off-Label-Use-Anteil von – patientenbezogen – 78%. Eine Indikation zum Stellen eines Antrages auf individuellen Heilversuch fand sich 255mal bei den 519 Verordnungen (49,2%) aus verschiedenen GrĂŒnden, die in der Aus-wertung differenziert wurden. Eine generelle Zulassung fĂŒr Kinder fehlte bei 61% der Medikamente. Zur Arbeitserleichterung und QualitĂ€tssicherung fĂŒr Ärzte wurde die Software „Off-Label-Administration-System (OLAS)¼“ entwickelt. Diese gewĂ€hrleistet einen ĂŒbersichtlichen Zugriff auf alle relevanten Daten (incl. Publikationen), im Zusammenhang mit Off-Label-Anwendungen. Mit Hilfe dieser Software können AntrĂ€ge fĂŒr individuelle Heilversuche vereinfacht gestellt, retrospektiv analysiert und fĂŒr zukĂŒnftige FĂ€lle genutzt werden. Es handelt sich hierbei um eine eigenstĂ€ndige Open-Source-Entwicklung. Die Software liegt auf einer CD dieser Dissertation bei und unterliegt den Richtlinien fĂŒr Open-Source (o-pensource 2013).Summary: The so-called off-label use of medicines, that is the administration of medicines outside their approval range, in paediatrics, is a problem which has still not been satisfactorily resolved for patients, physicians and funding agencies from the legal and ethical points of view. The present work was based on the task of dealing with the following questions: ● What is the proportion of medicines used in off-label form, differentiated by substance groups, generally for the paediatric field without approval and in the comparison between the data of the Rote Liste (RL) and the Fachinformation (FS), on a paediatric haemato-oncological ward? ● What are the reasons why an off-label use was made in specific cases (individually pa-tient-related)? Additionally, the aim was to develop a software enabling all applications accruing for in-dividual treatment using off-label medicines to be created and prospectively recorded, so as to save time for health insurance funds, ethics committees and hospitals. Method: A patient cohort of 11 minor patients (n=11) was selected from the Clinic for Paediatric Haematology and Oncology of the Saarland University Clinics. The evaluation period ran from July 1996 to July 2005. An off-label use was defined if, according to the drug manu-facturers, the approval did not exist in the RL and in the FS (each in CD-ROM version) (Rote Liste / Fachinformation 2004) for the patient age, the type of application or the un-derlying disease. The investigation was made on the basis of the inpatient and outpatient medical file. In addition, these medicines were checked, without reference to the pa-tients, for licensing in general and for restrictions in the paediatric domain. The analysis included a differentiation according to substance group and active ingredient, dosage and application. The evaluation was made by means of descriptive statistics. Furthermore, using the program Access 2000, a software was developed which is able to record applications for individual treatment in a clear manner while offering the attending physician aids to create these cumbersome applications for individual treatment for sub-mission to health insurance funds and ethics committees in a time-saving manner. Results: For the 11 patients, a total of 519 different drugs with 472 different active ingredients were recorded. Due to the fact that the same drugs were used for different children, 285 different drugs from 47 substance classes with 164 different active ingredients were in-volved. 61% of these preparations had no approval for these children. For 158 of the 519 preparations dosage information for children was missing in the FS. On average, each child received 47 different medicines. Half of these 47 drugs were administered by off-label use. In total, 23 applications for individual treatment ought to have been made on average for each child. A separate evaluation for cytostatics showed a - patient-related - off-label use proportion of 78%. An indication to file an application for individual treatment existed 255 times for the 519 prescriptions (49.2%) for various reasons differentiated in the evaluation. 61% of the drugs did not have a general approval for children. As a means to facilitate the work and quality assurance performed by physicians the software "Off-Label Administration System (OLAS)Âź" has been developed. This system ensures a clear access to all relevant data (including publications) in connection with off-label applications. By means of this software, applications for individual treatment can be filed, retrospectively analysed and used for future cases more easily. This software is an independent open source development which is attached to this dissertation on a CD and is subject to the open source rules (opensource 2013)

    FingerKey, un cryptosystÚme biométrique pour l'authentification

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    9 pagesNational audienceNous nous intĂ©ressons dans cet article Ă  l'authentification des utilisateurs par le biais de leurs donnĂ©es biomĂ©triques (empreinte digitale, forme de la main, . . . ). Traditionnellement, l'authentification biomĂ©trique d'un utilisateur consiste Ă  vĂ©rifier que sa donnĂ©e biomĂ©trique courante est suffisamment proche d'une donnĂ©e de rĂ©fĂ©rence. Malheureusement, la sĂ©curitĂ© de ce schĂ©ma souffre du fait que les donnĂ©es biomĂ©triques sont des donnĂ©es personnelles non rĂ©vocables. Lorsqu'une donnĂ©e biomĂ©trique est compromise, contrairement Ă  un mot de passe, elle ne peut pas ˆetre changĂ©e. Nous pensons que le point faible des approches traditionnelles rĂ©side dans le stockage des donnĂ©es biomĂ©triques de rĂ©fĂ©rence. Si les donnĂ©es biomĂ©triques n'Ă©taient pas stockĂ©es, elles seraient plus difficiles Ă  voler. Il serait aussi plus difficile d'en compromettre un grand nombre simultanĂ©ment. Pour pallier ce probl`eme, nous proposons un schĂ©ma d'authentification biomĂ©trique ne nĂ©cessitant pas la comparaison Ă  une valeur biomĂ©triqu de rĂ©fĂ©rence. Notre mĂ©thode amĂ©liore la sĂ©curitĂ© de l'authentification biomĂ©trique puisqu'elle ne nĂ©cessite pas de stockage

    Investigation of the Temperature Hysteresis Phenomenon of a Loop Heat Pipe

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    The temperature hysteresis phenomenon of a Loop Heat Pipe (LHP) was experimentally investigated. The temperature hysteresis was identified by the fact that the operating temperature depends upon not only the imposed power but also the previous history of the power variation. The temperature hysteresis could impose limitations on the LHP applications since the LHP may exhibit different steady-state operating temperatures at a given power input even when the condenser sink temperature remains unchanged. In order to obtain insight to this phenomenon, a LHP was tested at different elevations and tilts by using an elaborated power profile. A hypothesis was suggested to explain the temperature hysteresis. This hypothesis explains well the experimental observations. Results of this study provide a better understanding of the performance characteristics of the LHPS

    Apport du suivi de flux d'information pour la sécurité des systÚmes

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    Ce document reprend plusieurs années de recherche sur des travaux qui se sont intéressé à contrÎler la dissémination de l'information dans un systÚme d'exploitation

    Obfuscated Android Application Development

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    International audienceObfuscation techniques help developers to hide their code when distributing an Android application. The used techniques are linked to the features provided by the programming language but also with the way the application is executed. Using obfuscation is now a common practice and specialized companies sell tools or services for automatizing the manipulation of the source code. In this paper, we present how to develop obfuscated applications and how obfuscation technique usage is evolving in the wild. First, using advanced obfuscation techniques requires some advanced knowledge about the development of Android applications. We describe how to build such applications for helping researchers to generate samples of obfuscated applications for their own research. Second, the use of obfuscation techniques is evolving for both regular applications or malicious ones. We aim at measuring the development of these usages by studying application and malware samples and the artifacts that indicate the use of obfuscation techniques

    An Advanced Loop Heat Pipe for Cryogenic Applications

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    A loop heat pipe (LHP) is a very versatile heat transfer device which can transport a large heat load over a long distance with a small temperature difference. All LHPs currently servicing orbiting spacecraft are designed to operate in the room temperature range. Future space telescopes and space-based Earth resource imaging satellites require passive cryogenic heat transport devices that can thermally couple remote cryocoolers to sensor or instrument of interest while providing the capability of payload vibration/jitter isolation, implementation of redundant coolers, and coupling of multiple sensors to a common heat sink. All of these requirements can be satisfied by using a cryogenic LHP (CLHP). Although the development of CLHPs faces several technical challenges, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center has devoted extensive efforts in developing CLHP technology over the past decade and has made significant progress. In particular, the combination of the innovative ideas of using a secondary capillary pump to manage the parasitic heat gain and using a hot reservoir to reduce the system pressure under the ambient condition has led to the successful development of the CLHP. Several CLHPs charged with nitrogen and hydrogen were built and tested in thermal vacuum chambers. These CLHPs demonstrated reliable start-up and robust operation during power cycle and sink temperature cycle tests

    A Privacy Preserving Distributed Reputation Mechanism

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    International audienceReputation systems allow to estimate the trustworthiness of entities based on their past behavior. Electronic commerce, peer-to-peer routing and collaborative environments, just to cite a few, highly benefit from using reputation systems. To guarantee an accurate estimation, reputation systems typically rely on a central authority, on the identification and authentication of all the participants, or both. In this paper, we go a step further by presenting a distributed reputation mechanism which is robust against malicious behaviors and that preserves the privacy of its clients. Guaranteed error bounds on the estimation are provided
