93 research outputs found


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    Program percepatan penyediaan informasi geospasial skala besar harus diimbangi dengan percepatan proses evaluasi kualitas. Evaluasi kualitas kelengkapan informasi geospasial skala besar masih dilakukan secara visual. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan pencocokan terhadap sumber data berupa data mozaik orthophoto. Evaluasi secara visual membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama dan tidak akan mampu mengimbangi kegiatan percepatan penyediaan informasi geospasial skala besar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari pendekatan evaluasi kualitas kelengkapan data spasial yang terstandar dan berjalan secara otomatis. Evaluasi dilakukan terhadap layer bangunan berbentuk poligon yang merupakan salah satu produk informasi geospasial dasar skala besar. Kelengkapan data diukur dari jumlah kelebihan data (commission) dan kekurangan data (omission). Pendekatan evaluasi kualitas dilakukan dengan pembangunan tools deteksi kelengkapan (omission) dan commission). Tools deteksi menggunakan metode pencocokan pada level unsur dengan membandingkan seluruh data uji terhadap referensi. Ada 4 skenario yang digunakan dalam menguji kemampuan tools evaluasi berdasarkan bentuk data pembanding dan matching option. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pembanding poligon memperoleh true commission dan true omission yang lebih baik dibanding menggunakan pembanding point (radius 2,5 meter) pada opsi pencocokan “intersect” dan “Have Their Center In”. Pendekatan evaluasi kelengkapan secara otomatis masih memiliki kesalahan deteksi omission dan commission. Untuk mendukung percepatan pengadaan informasi geospasial skala besar, diusulkan prosedur evaluasi kualitas semi otomatis yang menggabungkan deteksi otomatis dan validasi visual untuk memperoleh hasil evaluasi kualitas kelengkapan yang lebih baik

    Spatio-Temporal Visualization of Peatlands Changes

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    Increased deforestation and draining of peatlands with the started of the drainage occurs quickly makes the availability of peatlands as carbon storage is even more alarming. The presence of peat land conversion greatly affect the hydrological balance of the ecosystem. The conversion of peatland have the massive effect with the increase of drainage constructions for land cultivation needs. This makes the neighborhood unity peat hydrology (KHG) which is wet into dry so prone to burning and experiencing land subsidence. Information of peatland degradation is presented in the spatio - temporal visualization using Space Time Cube (STC). The usability in order to determine the extent of the spatio - temporal visualization can be used by users to obtaining information peatland degradation in terms of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction for users. Drainage density built on KHG getting bigger every year with the index of medium density classification. Increasing the number of long-drainage occurs at 119.4934 km per year from 2000 to 2008 and 148.6954 km per year from 2008 to 2012. Based on observations in 12 years has increased the number of distribution Hotspot significantly in February. In May and September the spread of hotspots increased by the average number of hotspots at 15 points per month. The drainage development’s and distribution of hotspot has dominant occurs at the HTI in the KHG Peatland degradation is presented in Visualization spatio-temporal, which visualization is very effective, fairly efficient, and give satisfaction to the users in displaying information peatland degradation in time series


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    Particle size is ones of the most important characteristic of active drug substance that affects solubility and bioavailability. Fenofibrate, as a class II drug based on biopharmaceutical classification system, which has poor aqueous solubility has been chosen to be drug model of particle size reduction.. Fenofibrate was mixed with mannitol as stabilizer with the ratio 1:9 in physical mixture form. The size reduction was conducted by a ball mills, with the milling rate of 100, 200 and 300 rpm, respectively. Characterization of the solid dispersion was analyzed by organoleptic and instrumental method. The instrumental tools used were Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) which showed that there was no changes happen in fenofibrate molecule during milling process. Scanning Electron Microscope results showed that fenofibrate-mannitol was produce non-spherical forms. Milling rate improvement produce smaller size of particle with rough morphology that decrease the flow properties. Based on the solubility test and reflected in UV/Vis spectra, it showed that particle size reduction with 200 rpm milling rate determined 3 times higher of aborsbance value compared with pure fenofibrate


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    The research was conducted to analyze the effect of different types and concentrations of the acid source on the physical characteristics and chemical stability of black soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) Detam I variety effervescent granules. Effervescent granules were made in three different acid sources, which are  15% citric acid for formula I, a mixture of 5% citric acid and 10% tartaric acid for formula II and a mixture of 8% citric acid and 16% tartaric acid for formula III, respectively. The granules’ physical characteristics were obtained by particle size distribution, specific density, bulk density, moisture content, flow time, angle of repose, and effervescent time. Total phenolic content was evaluated for 28 days and the samples were collected at 0, 1, 4, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days. The sample was then measured using a visible spectrophotometric method at 505.5 nm wavelength. The results showed that granule effervescent with formula III was selected as the best formula in all parameters measured, except on the particle size distribution result. In addition,  total phenolic in the formula I was the highest content with a better stability profile, compared to formula II and III. It showed that the formula with a combination of 8% citric acid: 16% tartaric acid is the most optimum formula physically, even for further research, adsorbent use or binder ratio in the formula, and moisture resistant of the primary packaging must also be considered.    


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    Telah dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemanis terhadap karakteristik fisik granul effervescent biji kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) varietas Detam I dan melihat pengaruh formulasi terhadap kadar fenolik total pada serbuk dan granul effervescent. Pembuatan granul effervescent dilakukan dengan metode granulasi kering yang dibuat dalam tiga fomula yang berbeda, formula 1 dengan variasi pemanis aspartam, formula 2 dengan pemanis siklamat, dan formula 3 dengan pemanis sukralosa. Formula 2 dipilih sebagai formula terbaik karena semua persyaratan karakteristik telah terpenuhi. Formula 1 memenuhi 5 dari 7 persyaratan karakteristik fisik, sedangkan Formula 3 memenuhi 6 dari 7 persyaratan karakteristik fisik. Penetapan kadar fenolik total pada serbuk dan granul effervescent biji kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) varietas Detam 1 dilakukan dengan metode spektrofotometri uv-vis. Kadar yang didapat pada serbuk biji kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) varietas Detam 1 adalah 9 ± 8,14mg GAE/g dan pada granul effervescent didapat 4,6 ± 1,62 mg GAE/g

    Procjena visinske točnosti digitalnog modela terena (DMT) ALOS PALSAR-2 u području Rote Dead Sea – Indonezija

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    Vertical accuracy evaluation is essential to determine in order to know the quality of a DTM. This quality will affect the scale type and utilization of the DTM. The study data use DTM ALOS PALSAR-2. This study evaluates the vertical accuracy of the DTM ALOS PALSAR-2 with different height reference fields in the Rote Dead Sea Area, Indonesia. Each DTM is made with the EGM 1996, EGM 2008, and WGM 2012. The three DTMs extracted based on the height reference field will have different orthometric heights; therefore, an evaluation of the vertical accuracy is needed to determine the quality of the three DTMs. They compare with field measurements from GNSS-levelling. This test is carried out at lowland and highland, using 10 test points. For the lowland area, the RMSE (z) in height at DTM is 1.363 m for WGM 2012, 2.017 m for EGM 2008, and 1.934 m for EGM 1996. For the highlands area, the RMSE (z) in height at DTM is 1.185 m for WGM 2012, 1.201 m for EGM 2008, and 1.432 m for EGM 1996. The DTM-WGM 2012 and DTM-EGM 1996 are recommended to use in this area because they have higher vertical accuracy. The vertical accuracy test in the Rote lowland corresponds to class 2 and class 3 on a scale of 1:10,000. The vertical accuracy test results in the Rote highland correspond to class 1 and class 2 on a scale of 1:10,000. The ALOS PALSAR-2 DTM vertical accuracy test results can be used for mapping scales of 1:10,000 – 1:25,000 in Rote.Procjenu visinske točnosti neophodno je obaviti kako bi se utvrdila kvaliteta DMT-a. Ta će kvaliteta utjecati na vrstu mjerila i korištenje DMT-a. U studiji se koriste podaci iz DMT-a ALOS PALSAR-2. Ova studija procjenjuje visinsku točnost DMT-a ALOS PALSAR-2 s različitim referentnim područjima visine u području Rote Dead Sea, Indonezija. Svaki DMT izrađen je uz pomoć EGM 1996, EGM 2008 i WGM 2012. Tri DMT-a, koja se temelje na referentnim područjima visine, imat će različite ortometrijske visine; zato je potrebna procjena visinske točnosti kako bi se odredila kvaliteta ta tri DMT-a. Oni se uspoređuju s terenskim mjerenjima dobivenima GNSS-niveliranjem. Ovo ispitivanje provodi se u nizinskim i brdskim područjima koristeći 10 testnih točaka. Za nizinsko područje, RMSE (z) u visini na DMT-u je 1,363 m za WGM 2012, 2,017 m za EGM 2008 i 1,934 m za EGM 1996. Za brdsko područje, RMSE (z) u visini na DMT-u je 1,185 m za WGM 2012, 1,201 m za EGM 2008 i 1,432 m za EGM 1996. DMT-WGM 2012 i DMT-EGM 1996 preporučuju se za korištenje u tom području jer imaju veću visinsku točnost. Ispitivanje visinske točnosti u nizinskom području otoka Rote odgovara klasi 2 i klasi 3 u mjerilu 1:10 000. Ispitivanje visinske točnosti u brdskom području otoka Rote odgovara klasi 1 i klasi 2 u mjerilu 1:10 000. Rezultati ispitivanja visinske točnosti DMT-a ALOS PALSAR-2 mogu se koristiti za mjerila kartiranja 1:10 000 – 1:25 000 na otoku Rote

    Respons Pasar Modal Indonesia Terhadap Pengumuman Insentif Fiskal Biaya R&D Korporat

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    This study examines the Indonesia stock market’s response to the announcement of tax deduction as an incentive for corporate R & D activity implementation. The study is performed using samples of 13 companies from Miscellaneous Industry and Consumer Goods Industry in Indonesia Stock Market June – July 2019 period. This study uses event study approach, by examining market reaction calculated by Cumulative Abnormal Return (CAR), Cumulative Abnormal Volume (CAV), and Cumulative Abnormal Frequency (CAF). To measure the significance of each variable, non-parametric statistic test Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and Mann Whitney Test are performed. The Result shows that investors respond to the announcement of tax deduction as an incentive for Indonesia corporate R & D activity. Another result shows that there are different responses from Miscellaneous Industry and Consumer Goods Industry sectors in the Indonesia Stock Market. Keywords: Corporate R & D, event study, fiscal policy, tax deductio

    Analitik Geovisual Pengaruh Pandemi COVID-19 Terhadap Pola Dan Kecenderungan Kriminalitas Di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Angka kriminalitas pada pandemi COVID-19 saat ini terus meningkat. COVID-19 tidak hanya memicu kontraksi terhadap ekonomi tetapi juga peningkatan pengangguran secara besar-besaran hal ini dapat menjadi faktor peningkatan angka kriminalitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis pola distribusi spasial, tren data temporal dan analisis pengaruh pandemi COVID-19  terhadap kriminalitas. Metode yang digunakan untuk memvisualisasikan distribusi spasial adalah clustering metode kernel density, data spasio temporal divisualisasikan dengan menggunakan visualisasi time series (deret waktu), untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel lain terhadap angka kriminalitas digunakan analisis statistik regresi dengan metode Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR). Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah pada tahun 2019 pola distribusi spasial kriminalitas terjadi di Kecamatan Depok, Mlati, Ngaglik berada pada wilayah kriminalitas dengan kerapatan titik yang sangat tinggi, dan tahun 2020 yaitu Kecamatan Depok dan Mlati. Jenis kriminalitas yang banyak terjadi tahun 2019 adalah pencurian dan penganiayaan, sedangkan tahun 2020 jenis kriminalitas penipuan dan penipuan dengan penggelapan. Analisis spasiotemporal tindak kriminalitas paling sering terjadi antara pukul 07.00-13.00 dan 12.01-18.00 yaitu 69,00 % tahun 2019 dan 72,00% tahun 2020. Analisis berdasarkan kebijakan PSBB dan PSBB Transisi terjadi peningkatan rata-rata kriminalitas tiap bulan saat diberlakukannya kebijakan. Berdasarkan nilai predicted hasil analisis GWR wilayah dengan kerawanan tinggi ada pada Kecamatan Depok dengan nilai kerawanan 26,67 tahun 2019 dan 35,54 pada tahun 2020. Model dapat menjelaskan data mengenai kriminalitas di Provinsi DI. Yogyakarta yaitu sebesar 47% untuk tahun 2019 dan 52% tahun 2020. Hasil uji-t, pada data 2019 dan 2020 variabel yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kriminalitas adalah sama yaitu jumlah laki-laki, persentase datang dan pindah dan persentase remaja. Namun pada data 2020 variabel yang berpengaruh lainnya adalah variabel COVID-19 juga signifikan terhadap kriminalitas


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    Keywords: Detam II black soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr), Tablet, Binder, Disintegrant, Disintegration time Black soybean (Glycine max L. Merr) Detam II Variety has a scavenging activity and total phenolic compound higher than yellow soybean. As a natural compound, the flow properties of black soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr) Detam II powder is poor due to its high content of moisture, so it must be made by dry granulation method. Dry binder and disintegrant have opposite functions on tablets formula where one serves to increase consolidation between particles while other accelerate the disintegration time as the rate limiting step of dissolution. The effects of disintegrant and dry binder variation on the physical characteristics of black soybean tablets have been observed. The variations of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)-K30 combined with Plasdone S-630 were used as binders, while sodium starch glycolate (SSG) was used as a disintegrant. Approximately 4% of PVP-K30 as a single binder in the formula component provides better hardness and friability value of tablets, but the disintegration time was longer than other formulas. The amount of SSG used was increased to 4 and 8%, respectively in the formula component. 4% was the ideal amount of SSG as a disintegrant to get the best physical tablet characteristics and also disintegration time, about 4.45 minutes. Increasing the amount of SSG has no significant effect on the disintegration time even tends to slow down