10 research outputs found

    EU member states and enlargement towards the Balkans. EPC ISSUE PAPER No. 79, July 2015

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    From the Executive Summary. The European Union’s enlargement to the Balkans seems to be running on autopilot since Croatia’s accession in 2013 and amidst the on-going crisis. While the region still has a clear European perspective, progress on the dossier has been marred not just by outstanding challenges in individual Balkan countries but often also by hurdles which develop within the Union – more specifically in the member states. While the EU’s internal procedures for handling enlargement have always been intergovernmental in nature, the frequency of incursions and opportunities for the member states to interfere and derail the process has increased over the past years, suggesting a so-called ‘nationalisation’ of enlargement. In 17 case studies and two theoretical chapters, this Issue Paper investigates whether the dossier has shifted more under the control of the member states, and looks at the kind of considerations and potential ‘roadblocks’ that influence the positions of key national actors on enlargement

    Isovist Fingerprinting as new way of Indoor Localisation

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    Nowadays, humans rely in technology more and more when it comes to navigation and localisation and in many aspects of life as well. While most concepts related to localisation and navigation of outdoors environments are already well derived from various researches and softwares, the indoor environment remains a significantly unexplored area. Nevertheless, lately there have been increased interest on Location Based Services (LBS) and Indoor Positioning Systems (IPS). There are already several methods available for indoor localisation such as Wi-Fi Fingerprinting and Bluetooth Beacons, but none of them is fully functional yet. It remains a field that requires more and further research and investigation in order to reach a satisfactory and complete Indoor Localisation-Navigation method. Therefore, this thesis's main objective is to investigate and explore a new method for Indoor Localisation based on Isovists. The exploration and evaluation of Isovist-Fingerprinting approach for Indoor Localisation can extend the fields of LBS and Geomatics. The main research question is “To what extent can isovist support Indoor Localisation” and through this and a series of sub-questions to analyse the Isovist concept in relation to the Indoor Localisation. This is achieved by forming a proof of concept and a methodology that investigates how the Isovists would benefit an LBS.To succeed that the methodology is divided into 4 main sections. The Data Acquisition for which the newly supported from smartphones Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) technology were used. The Space Syntax and Isovist Analysis Measures, where all the concepts related such as the Isovist Parameters were analysed in depth for better understanding of their effect. Then the Matching and Localisation Algorithms, where the possibilities and options on how to reach the localisation were investigated and analysed. And finally, the Tests and Experiments took place in order to evaluate all the prior stages of the methodology.The main conclusion of this research is that a method for Indoor Localisation based on Isovists is feasible and can indeed support an LBS. The analysis and evaluation of all related components has be done and if putting all the parts in the right order they can be of high value for LBS applications. Since is a new method of Indoor Localisation, there is plenty of future work to be done which mainly focuses on how to connect it with existing techniques and integrate all together into a user application.Geomatic

    Wine packaging elements: contribution to the estimated value

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    ABSTRACTThis dissertation constitutes an attempt to define in which way and extend the new marketing strategies are implemented by Greek wine production enterprises. The interested is mainly focused on the infusion of marketing trends that are related with wine, its price and its packaging as means of promotion and transformation of perceived value. In the nowadays multicultural society, whereas merchandise and financial coordinations have been expanded to an international scope, there have been noticed remarkable changes concerning the methods and ways of providing, promoting and retailing commodities, thus wine. New financial arising powers have invaded into local markets contributing to the reformation of national companies of each country concerning the aspects of management and marketing as well. Consumers are daily exposed on a huge amount of stimulations that stem from mass media along with social networks connection, which are extensively used by all kind of corporations in an incessant attempt to attract the buyers’ interest. Wine, of course, consists a kind of product which is highly affected by the changes and reformations of international market conditions. In wine market the competition among enterprises is getting on higher levels in an ever- reforming environment. The part of wine marketing which is thoroughly examined on this study is the product itself including all these elements that express its differentiation from products which belong to the same category. In addition to this it is examined the role of perceived value as an instrumental factor of determining the levels of consumer’s satisfaction or displeasure. The study was conducted by using the method of experiment. A pilot research predated the main research. During the pilot research a pre-experimental design was carried out, namely the measurement of one group’s results at two time points, one before the treatment and one after the treatment. Initially the members of the sample had tasted a wine that had been served from a decanter to their glasses. Then, they had to evaluate the wine without having been given any information about it. After that, they tasted the same wine which was served from a bottle that included its packaging design features as well as pieces of information written on its label and its price. The score of the second evaluation concerning the perceived value and the satisfaction level was higher from the first. It worth to be mentioned that the participants of the experiment were not informed that they had evaluated the same wine. On the main research, the procedure that was followed on the experiment was modified in order to ensure precise measurements. They were two samples, the experimental group of 60 participants and the control group of 60 participants too. The two samples tasted the same wine in two different wine- tastings. After every wine –tasting the participants of each group had to fill an assessment questionnaire. Though, the wine that was tasted by the members of experimental group during the second wine tasting was served from another bottle with different packaging style and with higher price. Furthermore, it was not mentioned to the members of experimental sample that they had tasted the same wine in both wine- tastings. Judging from the results of the experimental procedure, the internal cues of quality seems to have more important role in the configuration of perceived value of wine comparing to the packaging effects. Nevertheless, packaging has a very strong influence on the consumers’ perceptions concerning the internal quality features and therefore the estimated quality of wine. In the light of this evidence it’s getting obvious that packaging features affect on a subconscious way the perceived value of wine through their contribution on the establishment of its perceived quality. To put it differently, packaging is not just a stimulus for choosing or rejecting wines from a store shelves; its role is functional in the determination of estimated quality of wine in consumers’ perceptions. Price, as rate of financial sacrifice for obtaining a wine product, is also conducive to the shaping of consumer’s opinion with regard to the perceived value and the received satisfaction. It emerges from data analysis that the relation between price and perceived value is stronger than the relation between packaging and perceived value. Finally, in terms of consumer’s satisfaction, the variable of packaging as the sum of external features of quality appears to have a medium degree correlation with satisfaction level. The same degree of correlation is noticed for the relation between price and consumer’s satisfaction. Yet, it is on very high degree the strength of association between the variable of perceived value as a resultant of packaging and price and the variable of consumer’s satisfaction. The main conclusions of the research are that packaging is proved to be a very useful instrument for creating notions about the quality and subsequently about the perceived value of a wine. The combination of packaging and price are factors of significant importance for the creation and establishment of high or low appreciated value for a wine, a value that reflects on consumers’ satisfaction levels.ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗτην παρούσα έρευνα επιχειρείται μια ενδοσκόπηση στις πρακτικές μάρκετινγκ που υιοθετούν οι ελληνικές επιχειρήσεις οίνου. Το ενδιαφέρον επικεντρώνεται στον προσδιορισμό του βαθμού διάχυσης των σύγχρονων τάσεων μάρκετινγκ που σχετίζονται με το προϊόν «κρασί», την τιμή, τη συσκευασία ως μέσα προώθησης του και απόδοσης αξίας στην αντίληψη του καταναλωτικού κοινού. Επιχειρείται να διασαφηνισθεί με ποιους τρόπους οι επιχειρήσεις που δραστηριοποιούνται στον ελληνικό χώρο - εκ των οποίων ένα μεγάλο ποσοστό ανήκει στην κατηγορία των μικρομεσαίων επιχειρήσεων - διαχειρίζονται τα νέα δεδομένα της τοπικής και παγκόσμιας αγοράς και πως ανταποκρίνονται στις ανάγκες των σύγχρονων καταναλωτών. Η έρευνα εστιάζει στη μελέτη της εφαρμογής των μεθόδων και των θεωριών μάρκετινγκ σε ένα τμήμα από το σύνολο των προϋποθέσεων δημιουργίας και καθιέρωσης αξίας στην αντίληψη του καταναλωτή. Το τμήμα αυτό είναι το ίδιο το προϊόν όπως παρουσιάζεται προς τους δυνητικούς αγοραστές με όλα τα γνωρίσματα που το διαφοροποιούν από τα υπόλοιπα προϊόντα της κατηγορίας του. Επίσης, εξετάζεται αν και σε ποιο βαθμό, η εκτιμώμενη αξία που προκύπτει από το σύνολο των γνωρισμάτων του προϊόντος, του οίνου εν προκειμένω, συμβάλει με κάποιο τρόπο στη δημιουργία αισθήματος ικανοποίησης ή δυσαρέσκειας από πλευράς καταναλωτή. Η μέθοδος που προτιμήθηκε για τη διεξαγωγή της έρευνας είναι η πειραματική. Στην πιλοτική έρευνα που προηγήθηκε της κύριας, εφαρμόστηκε το προ-πειραματικό σχέδιο, δηλαδή μέτρηση των αποτελεσμάτων μίας ομάδας πριν και μετά τον πειραματικό χειρισμό. Τα υποκείμενα της έρευνας δοκίμασαν αρχικά ένα κρασί που τους προσφέρθηκε από μία καράφα, χωρίς να έχουν οποιαδήποτε πληροφορία για αυτό και στη συνέχεια το αξιολόγησαν. Έπειτα, τους προσφέρθηκε ξανά το ίδιο κρασί προς αξιολόγηση, το οποίο σερβιρίστηκε από τη φιάλη του με όλα τα πληροφοριακά στοιχεία που περιελάμβανε η συσκευασία του ενώ γνωστοποιήθηκε και η τιμή του. Τα υποκείμενα της έρευνας, τα οποία δεν ενημερώθηκαν ότι πρόκειται για το ίδιο κρασί, έδωσαν θετικότερες κριτικές στη δεύτερη γευσιγνωσία, οι οποίες επέδρασαν και στο επίπεδο ικανοποίησης. Στο κανονικό πειραματικό σχέδιο της κύριας έρευνας η διαδικασία τροποποιήθηκε ούτως ώστε οι μετρήσεις να είναι περισσότερο ακριβείς. Επιλέγεται το σχέδιο με δύο μετρήσεις επί της πειραματικής ομάδας, που αποτελείται από 60 άτομα, με τη χρήση ομάδας ελέγχου, που αποτελείται επίσης από 60 άτομα. Τα υποκείμενα της έρευνας δοκιμάζουν το ίδιο κρασί σε δύο γευσιγνωσίες με χρονική διαφορά 15 λεπτών και στη συνέχεια το αξιολογούν. Όμως, στην πειραματική ομάδα προσφέρεται το κρασί σε διαφορετική συσκευασία και σε υψηλότερη τιμή κατά τη δεύτερη γευσιγνωσία, χωρίς να τους έχει γνωστοποιηθεί ότι πρόκειται για το ίδιο κρασί. Από τα αποτελέσματα της πειραματικής διαδικασίας προκύπτει ότι μπορεί τα εσωτερικά χαρακτηριστικά ποιότητας να έχουν πιο σημαντικό ρόλο στην διαμόρφωση της εκτιμώμενης αξίας του κρασιού σε σύγκριση με τη συσκευασία, ωστόσο η συσκευασία επιδρά στην αντίληψη των καταναλωτών κυρίως ως προς την εκτίμηση/ αξιολόγηση της εσωτερικής ποιότητας του οίνου. Επομένως, η επίδραση που ασκεί στη διαμόρφωση της εκτιμώμενης αξίας και της ικανοποίησης είναι έμμεση και προέρχεται ως αποτέλεσμα της επίδρασης που ασκεί η συσκευασία στην αντίληψη του καταναλωτή οίνου σχετικά με τα χαρακτηριστικά της εσωτερικής ποιότητας και κατ’ επέκταση της εκλαμβανόμενης ποιότητας. Σε αυτή την έρευνα αναδείχθηκε μέσα από την πειραματική δοκιμή ο συγκεκαλυμμένος ρόλος της συσκευασίας στην απόδοση εκτιμώμενης αξίας στα οινικά προϊόντα, η οποία δεν λειτουργεί απλά ως ερέθισμα που θα παροτρύνει ή θα αποτρέψει έναν καταναλωτή στην επιλογή ενός κρασιού αλλά εξακολουθεί να τον επηρεάζει με υποσυνείδητο τρόπο στην αξιολογική κρίση που σχηματίζει την ποιότητα του. Η τιμή, ως δείκτης της οικονομικής θυσίας για την απόκτηση του οινικού προϊόντος, διαδραματίζει επίσης σημαντικό ρόλο στη διαμόρφωση της άποψης του καταναλωτή σχετικά με την τελική του αξία και την ικανοποίηση που λαμβάνει. Μάλιστα, από την ανάλυση των δεδομένων φαίνεται ότι η σχέση τιμής- εκτιμώμενης αξίας είναι πιο ισχυρή σε σύγκριση με τη σχέση συσκευασίας και εκτιμώμενης αξίας. Τέλος, ενώ η συσκευασία, ως το σύνολο των εξωτερικών χαρακτηριστικών ποιότητας, και η τιμή, ως δείκτης οικονομικής θυσίας, επιδρούν ξεχωριστά σε ένα μέτριο βαθμό με την ικανοποίηση, η εκτιμώμενη αξία ως συνισταμένη τους σχετίζεται σε πολύ υψηλό βαθμό με την ικανοποίηση που αποκομίζει ο καταναλωτής από το προϊόν και η σχέση τους χαρακτηρίζεται ως πολύ ισχυρή. Τα αποτελέσματα και τα συμπεράσματα της έρευνας στοχεύουν στην αξιοποίηση τους από τους επαγγελματίες του κλάδου, κυρίως σε θέματα σχεδιασμού μάρκετινγκ, τοποθέτησης προϊόντος και αντιληπτικής χαρτογράφησης. Ένα κρασί μπορεί να διαφοροποιηθεί και μέσω της συσκευασίας στην αντίληψη του καταναλωτή και να κερδίσει μια θέση που θα το καθιστά ξεχωριστό σε σχέση με άλλα ανταγωνιστικά προϊόντα. Επίσης, για τον καθορισμό της τιμής ενός κρασιού είναι χρήσιμο να λαμβάνεται υπόψη και η αντίληψη περί εκλαμβανόμενης ποιότητας που έχουν σχηματίσει οι καταναλωτές για τα προϊόντα του οινοποιείου ώστε να καθοριστεί η τιμή που θα ανταποκρίνεται στην εκτίμηση για τα ποιοτικά γνωρίσματα του κρασιού. Τέλος, η συσκευασία που θα επιλεχθεί για να ενημερώσει τον καταναλωτή σχετικά με την ταυτότητα και τις ιδιότητες του κρασιού πρέπει να έρχεται σε συμφωνία με την οικονομική θυσία που απαιτείται για την απόκτηση αυτού του κρασιού ενώ παράλληλα τόσο η συσκευασία όσο και η τιμή πρέπει να προσαρμόζονται στους διαφορετικούς στόχους και τις ανάγκες κάθε επιχείρησης

    Effects of Anti-Inflammatory Treatment and Surgical Intervention on Endothelial Glycocalyx, Peripheral and Coronary Microcirculatory Function and Myocardial Deformation in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients: A Two-Arms Two-Stage Clinical Trial

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    Sixty inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients (45 Crohn disease and 15 ulcerative colitis, 40 ± 13 years, 53% male) were examined at baseline and 4 months after intervention (surgical (35 patients) or anti-TNFa treatment (25 patients)). IBD severity, using Mayo score, Harvey–Bradshaw Index (HBI) and biomarkers, was correlated with cardiovascular markers. At baseline, the disease severity, the white blood cells (WBC) values and the reducing power (RP) were significantly correlated with the aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV) (r = 0.4, r = 0.44 and r = 0.48, p < 0.05) and the lateral mitral E’ velocity (r = 0.35, p < 0.05 and r = 0.3, p < 0.05). Four months after intervention, there was a reduction of WBC (1962.8/mm3 ± 0.425/mm3, p < 0.001), C-reactive protein (CRP) (8.1 mg/L ± 1.7 mg/L, p < 0.001), malondialdehyde (MDA) (0.81 nmol/mg ± 0.37, p < 0.05) and glycocalyx perfused boundary region (PBR 5-25) (0.24 μm ± 0.05 μm, p < 0.01). Moreover, the brachial flow mediated dilatation (FMD), the coronary flow reserve (CFR) and the left ventricle global longitudinal strain (LV GLS) were significantly improved for both groups (4.5% ± 0.9%, 0.55 ± 0.08, 1.4% ± 0.35%, p < 0.01), while a more significant improvement of PWV/GLS was noticed in the anti-TNFa group. IBD severity is associated with vascular endothelial, cardiac diastolic, and coronary microcirculatory dysfunction. The systemic inflammatory inhibition and the local surgical intervention lead to significant improvement in endothelial function, coronary microcirculation and myocardial deformation

    Pregnancy Complications in a-Thalassemia (Hemoglobinopathy H): A Case Study

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    Thalassemia intermedia (TI) is a clinical definition which represents a wide spectrum of thalassemia genotypes but mainly includes patients who do not require or only occasionally require transfusion. An uncommon case of a 32-year-old Greek woman, para 1, at the 22nd week + day 3 of gestation with thalassemia intermedia (she was splenectomized), where her pregnancy was complicated with portal vein thrombosis, splenic thrombosis, and partial HELLP, is described. This is a generally uncommon event in thalassemia intermedia. She had no transfusion as her hematologist consulted and she took anticoagulation therapy. Thus, we present for the first time in the literature a case of HbH a-thalassemia pregnant woman whose pregnancy was complicated with portal vein thrombosis, splenic vein thrombosis, and partial HELLP; she was treated with anticoagulation therapy and she had a successful outcome

    Pregnancy Complications in a-Thalassemia (Hemoglobinopathy H): A Case Study.

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    Thalassemia intermedia (TI) is a clinical definition which represents a wide spectrum of thalassemia genotypes but mainly includes patients who do not require or only occasionally require transfusion. An uncommon case of a 32-year-old Greek woman, para 1, at the 22nd week + day 3 of gestation with thalassemia intermedia (she was splenectomized), where her pregnancy was complicated with portal vein thrombosis, splenic thrombosis, and partial HELLP, is described. This is a generally uncommon event in thalassemia intermedia. She had no transfusion as her hematologist consulted and she took anticoagulation therapy. Thus, we present for the first time in the literature a case of HbH a-thalassemia pregnant woman whose pregnancy was complicated with portal vein thrombosis, splenic vein thrombosis, and partial HELLP; she was treated with anticoagulation therapy and she had a successful outcome

    A satellite ocean color observation operator system for eutrophication assessment in coastal waters

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    International audienceDuring the INSEA project the potential positive role that remote sensing products can play in coastal eutrophication assessment systems using assimilation into coupled hydrodynamic–biogeochemical models has been shown. However, products derived from satellite ocean color data continue to suffer from high levels of inaccuracy when compared with in situ measurements of the surface layer of the ocean. This has been particularly pronounced for coastal waters and waters optically classified as Case-II. The early success of using empirical relationships between chlorophyll and simple band ratios to derive estimates of surface layer chlorophyll from the first ocean color satellite sensors' data (i.e. CZCS), has led mainstream ocean color remote sensing and standard ocean color products towards following this approach for subsequent sensors (e.g. SeaWiFS and MODIS). Chlorophyll has continued to be the main focus product but is only related to one of the optical properties of sea water, namely the absorption of light by phytoplankton, whereas empirical band ratio approaches use wavelength banded water leaving radiance resultant from all absorption and scattering of light by all the optically active components of the ocean surface layer. We suggest that using approaches that do not fully exploit remote sensing optical data through a parameterization of the optical properties of sea water, is the main reason for the poor performance of many ocean color products when compared with in situ data. This is in concordance with the International Ocean Color Coordinating Group (IOCCG) and following their recent guidelines, novel inherent optical properties approaches (e.g. for MERIS) and the lines of research that are being used in atmospheric remote sensing, we present a demonstration ‘observation operator’ system that is based on biogeochemical model output, optical properties (apparent and inherent), and radiative transfer modeling. In the forward mode we demonstrate the system by producing MODIS and SeaWiFS synthetic images of water leaving radiance for the coastal test sites of INSEA. We show that the observation operator approach has the potential to allow the consistent mapping of model variables into observed quantities which simplifies the transport of measurement errors and reduces the need for approximations inherent in previous approaches. In conclusion we discuss the future development and potential of inversion of the system in order to obtain more accurate ocean color biogeochemical products (including chlorophyll) from satellite radiance data for eutrophication assessment. We also highlight the additional advantages there may be for ecological models from having stronger links to bio-optics

    Building Rhythms: Reopening the workspace with indoor localisation

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    Indoor localisation methods are an essential part for the management of COVID-19 restrictions, social distancing, and the flow of people in the indoor environment. Moving towards an open work space in this scenario requires effective real-time localisation services and tools, along with a comprehensive understanding of the 3D indoor space. This project’s main objective is to analyse how ArcGIS Indoors can be used with location awareness methods to elaborate and develop space management tools for COVID­-19 restrictions in order to reopen the workspace for TU Delft Campus. This was accomplished by using six Arduino micro controllers, which were programmed in C++ to scan all available Wi-­Fi fingerprints in the east wing of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of TU Delft and send over the data to an ArcGIS Indoor Information Model (AIIM). The data stored on the AIIM is then accessed using the app on the user’s Android device using REST Application Programming Interface (API) where a kNN based matching algorithm then identifies the location of the user. The results show that the localisation is not consistent for rooms that are directly above each other or share common access points. However, when functioning to locate different tables inside a room, the system proved to uniquely distinguish between the specific tables. As a result, we can conclude that based on the size of the rooms, more Arduino devices should be installed to achieve an ideal accuracy. Finally, recommendations are made for the continuation of this research.Synthesis Project 2021Geomatic

    Fungal diversity in the soil Mycobiome: Implications for ONE health

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    Today, over 300 million individuals worldwide are afflicted by severe fungal infections, many of whom will perish. Fungi, as a result of their plastic genomes have the ability to adapt to new environments and extreme conditions as a consequence of globalization, including urbanization, agricultural intensification, and, notably, climate change. Soils and the impact of these anthropogenic environmental factors can be the source of pathogenic and non-pathogenic fungi and subsequent fungal threats to public health. This underscores the growing understanding that not only is fungal diversity in the soil mycobiome a critical component of a functioning ecosystem, but also that soil microbial communities can significantly contribute to plant, animal, and human health, as underscored by the One Health concept. Collectively, this stresses the importance of investigating the soil microbiome in order to gain a deeper understanding of soil fungal ecology and its interplay with the rhizosphere microbiome, which carries significant implications for human health, animal health and environmental health

    Sedation in digestive endoscopy: The Athens international position statements

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    Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2010; 32: 425-442 SummaryBackground Guidelines and practice standards for sedation in endoscopy have been developed by various national professional societies. No attempt has been made to assess consensus among internationally recognized experts in this field. Aim To identify areas of consensus and dissent among international experts on a broad range of issues pertaining to the practice of sedation in digestive endoscopy. Methods Thirty-two position statements were reviewed during a 1-day meeting. Thirty-two individuals from 12 countries and four continents, representing the fields of gastroenterology, anaesthesiology and medical jurisprudence heard evidence-based presentations on each statement. Level of agreement among the experts for each statement was determined by an open poll. Results The principle recommendations included the following: (i) sedation improves patient tolerance and compliance for endoscopy, (ii) whenever possible, patients undergoing endoscopy should be offered the option of having the procedure either with or without sedation, (iii) monitoring of vital signs as well as the levels of consciousness and paindiscomfort should be performed routinely during endoscopy, and (iv) endoscopists and nurses with appropriate training can safely and effectively administer propofol to low-risk patients undergoing endoscopic procedures. Conclusions While the standards of practice vary from country to country, there was broad agreement among participants regarding most issues pertaining to sedation during endoscopy. © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.SCOPUS: ar.jFLWINinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe