102 research outputs found

    A survey of usar healthcare practitioners' requirements in order to operate effectively in the collapsed structure environment

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    A research report submitted to the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfilment of the degree of Master of Science in Medicine in Emergency Medicine Cape Town, May 2016Background: An Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Healthcare Practitioner (UHP) is a medical professional (doctor, nurse or paramedic) that works as part of a USAR team. UHPs are essential for effective USAR operations and are required to function as an integral component of the USAR team. The purpose of a UHP is to 1) provide for the medical requirements of their team; 2) the team’s search dogs and 3) provide emergency medical care to victims entrapped in collapsed structures. The International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG) Guidelines require that a USAR team have a medical component, however, there is currently no international consensus or standardisation regarding the requirements of UHP’s. This research set out to survey members of the UHP community to gain insight into the demographics and experience of current UHP’s and to determine their opinions regarding UHP selection processes and USAR specific training for UHP’s. Methods: This study was a prospective, descriptive, transverse study comprised of closed and open-ended questions conducted using an online questionnaire. Requests for participation, which included a link to the online questionnaire, were emailed to the researcher’s personal contacts in twenty countries. These UHP’s were requested to send the request for participation in the study to their respective UHP networks. This resulted in a total of 136 study respondents from nineteen countries. Results: Of the UHP’s that participated in this survey, 82% were 36 years or older, with the largest group (44%) being older than 44. Males accounted for 83.7% of the respondents. Paramedics make up the majority (43.2%) of the UHP community that participated in the survey. The largest number of respondents (35%) have been v medically qualified as a doctor, nurse or paramedic for > 20 years. The majority of respondents (30%) have been involved in USAR for 3-5 years. The experience of respondents in responding to actual USAR incidents is low, 47% had never responded internationally and a further 42% had deployed on 1-3 international USAR responses. The vast majority of survey respondents (94.3%) are of the opinion that there is a need for a selection process for prospective UHP’s and 93% are of the opinion there is a need for UHP’s to undergo a USAR-specific training program after being selected as a UHP. There was unanimous agreement to the need for an ongoing USAR training program that includes the practical aspects of USAR medical care, USAR rescue techniques and USAR simulation exercises at some point between 6 months and two years. Conclusion: Participants completing the online survey questionnaire supported the need for a UHP selection process to become part of a UHP team and the need to undergo a USAR-specific training course prior to becoming an operational member of the team. They also supported the requirement to undergo continuous professional development training, which includes practical aspects of USAR medical care, USAR rescue techniques and USAR simulation exercises.MT201

    Fish prey of sub-Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus tropicalis at the Tristan da Cunha Islands, South Atlantic Ocean

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    Some top predator populations in the South Atlantic and South Indian oceans are in decline, presumably contingent upon reduced food availability, precipitated by climate change. This phenomenon impacts on the positions of major ocean frontal zones which are hypothesised to act as natural dispersal borders for fish in the Southern Ocean. We investigate this hypothesis by establishing the fish diet of sub-Antarctic fur seals, Arctocephalus tropicalis, at Tristan da Cunha Island (37°15′S, 12°25′W) and Gough Island (40°19′S, 9°57′W), South Atlantic Ocean. The diets of these island populations, located on either side of the Subtropical Convergence, are compared with published dietary information from populations further south on islands located within the Polar Frontal Zone. To this end, fur seal scats were collected and analysed for remains of hard parts from prey in 2012–2013. The myctophid fish Gymnoscopelus piabilis, Protomyctophum tenisoni and Symbolophorus barnardi predominated in the diet. Lampichthys gemellarii, Myctophum aurolaternatum, S. barnardi and the Diaphus genus are recorded for the first time in the diet of A. tropicalis. Sub-Antarctic fur seal populations clustered around the Subtropical Convergence (~ 41°40′S), compared with those in the Polar Frontal Zone (~ 47°25′S to ~ 50°47′S), showed a considerable difference in the myctophid fish prey taken. The latitudinal differences in the fish diet of sub-Antarctic fur seals support suggestions that major frontal zones act as natural dispersal borders for fish in the Southern Ocean.http://link.springer.com/journal/3002022-03-10hj2022Mammal Research InstituteZoology and Entomolog

    Cetaceans sightings during research cruises in three remote Atlantic British Overseas Territories

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    Marine mammal sightings were recorded during research cruises to three remote, mid-ocean British Overseas Territories in the South Atlantic and Southern Ocean. In March to April 2018 and 2019, the Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) of tropical St Helena and temperate Tristan da Cunha were surveyed. The sub-polar waters of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (SGSSI) were surveyed in February to March 2019. At St Helena in 2018, five species were recorded during 11 sightings, and in 2019, four species, with one additional unidentified species, during seven sightings. Most of these sightings were of dolphin species, which are known to be resident around the Island and seamounts. In Tristan da Cunha in 2018, a total of five identified and one unidentified species were recorded during six sightings, half of which were associated with the Islands or seamounts. In 2019, due to rough weather, no sightings were recorded in the Tristan waters. Around SGSSI, 162 sightings of 236 cetaceans were made in 2019, mostly of baleen whales, with seven species identified with certainty. Sightings around the southern South Sandwich Islands' included beaked whales and large dolphins, whereas baleen whales dominated in the northern South Sandwich Islands. These results provide new data for rarely surveyed regions, helping to build a spatial picture of important areas for marine mammals, which will help inform marine spatial protection strategies

    Using globally threatened pelagic birds to identify priority sites for marine conservation in the South Atlantic Ocean

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    The Convention on Biological Diversity aspires to designate 10% of the global oceans as Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), but so far, few MPAs protect pelagic species in the high seas. Transparent scientific approaches are needed to ensure that these encompass areas with high biodiversity value. Here we used the distribution of all globally threatened seabirds breeding in a centrally located archipelago (Tristan da Cunha) to provide guidance on where MPAs could be established in the South Atlantic Ocean. We combined year-round tracking data from six species, and used the systematic conservation-planning tool, 'Zonation', to delineate areas that would protect the largest proportion of each population. The areas used most intensively varied among species and seasons. Combining the sites used by all six species suggested that the most important areas of the South Atlantic are located south of South Africa, around the central South Atlantic between 30 degrees S and 55 degrees S, and near South America. We estimated that the longline fishing effort in these intensively used areas is around 11 million hooks on average each year, highlighting the need for improved monitoring of seabird bycatch rates and the enforcement of compliance with bird bycatch mitigation requirements by fisheries. There was no overlap between the identified areas and any of the existing MPAs in the South Atlantic. The conservation of these highly mobile, pelagic species cannot be achieved by single countries, but requires a multi-national approach at an ocean-basin scale, such as an agreement for the conservation of biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction under the United Nation Convention on the Law of the Sea

    Birds of a feather eat plastic together: high levels of plastic ingestion in Great Shearwater adults and juveniles across their annual migratory cycle

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    © The Author(s), 2022. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Robuck, A. R., Hudak, C. A., Agvent, L., Emery, G., Ryan, P. G., Perold, V., Powers, K. D., Pedersen, J., Thompson, M. A., Suca, J. J., Moore, M. J., Harms, C. A., Bugoni, L., Shield, G., Glass, T., Wiley, D. N., & Lohmann, R. Birds of a feather eat plastic together: high levels of plastic ingestion in Great Shearwater adults and juveniles across their annual migratory cycle. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, (2022): 719721, https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2021.719721.Limited work to date has examined plastic ingestion in highly migratory seabirds like Great Shearwaters (Ardenna gravis) across their entire migratory range. We examined 217 Great Shearwaters obtained from 2008–2019 at multiple locations spanning their yearly migration cycle across the Northwest and South Atlantic to assess accumulation of ingested plastic as well as trends over time and between locations. A total of 2328 plastic fragments were documented in the ventriculus portion of the gastrointestinal tract, with an average of 9 plastic fragments per bird. The mass, count, and frequency of plastic occurrence (FO) varied by location, with higher plastic burdens but lower FO in South Atlantic adults and chicks from the breeding colonies. No fragments of the same size or morphology were found in the primary forage fish prey, the Sand Lance (Ammodytes spp., n = 202) that supports Great Shearwaters in Massachusetts Bay, United States, suggesting the birds directly ingest the bulk of their plastic loads rather than accumulating via trophic transfer. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy indicated that low- and high-density polyethylene were the most common polymers ingested, within all years and locations. Individuals from the South Atlantic contained a higher proportion of larger plastic items and fragments compared to analogous life stages in the NW Atlantic, possibly due to increased use of remote, pelagic areas subject to reduced inputs of smaller, more diverse, and potentially less buoyant plastics found adjacent to coastal margins. Different signatures of polymer type, size, and category between similar life stages at different locations suggests rapid turnover of ingested plastics commensurate with migratory stage and location, though more empirical evidence is needed to ground-truth this hypothesis. This work is the first to comprehensively measure the accumulation of ingested plastics by Great Shearwaters over the last decade and across multiple locations spanning their yearly trans-equatorial migration cycle and underscores their utility as sentinels of plastic pollution in Atlantic ecosystems.This project was supported by the NOAA Fisheries National Seabird Program and the Volgenau Foundation. AR acknowledges support from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program (NOAA Award Number NA17NOS4290028), the Robert and Patricia Switzer Foundation, the STEEP Superfund Research Program (NIEHS Award Number P42ES027706), and the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) program. LB was funded by INCT-Mar COI and PQ Grant No. 311409/2018-0, both by the Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq). JS was funded by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship program

    Birds of a Feather Eat Plastic Together: High Levels of Plastic Ingestion in Great Shearwater Adults and Juveniles Across Their Annual Migratory Cycle

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    Limited work to date has examined plastic ingestion in highly migratory seabirds like Great Shearwaters (Ardenna gravis) across their entire migratory range. We examined 217 Great Shearwaters obtained from 2008–2019 at multiple locations spanning their yearly migration cycle across the Northwest and South Atlantic to assess accumulation of ingested plastic as well as trends over time and between locations. A total of 2328 plastic fragments were documented in the ventriculus portion of the gastrointestinal tract, with an average of 9 plastic fragments per bird. The mass, count, and frequency of plastic occurrence (FO) varied by location, with higher plastic burdens but lower FO in South Atlantic adults and chicks from the breeding colonies. No fragments of the same size or morphology were found in the primary forage fish prey, the Sand Lance (Ammodytes spp., n = 202) that supports Great Shearwaters in Massachusetts Bay, United States, suggesting the birds directly ingest the bulk of their plastic loads rather than accumulating via trophic transfer. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy indicated that low- and high-density polyethylene were the most common polymers ingested, within all years and locations. Individuals from the South Atlantic contained a higher proportion of larger plastic items and fragments compared to analogous life stages in the NW Atlantic, possibly due to increased use of remote, pelagic areas subject to reduced inputs of smaller, more diverse, and potentially less buoyant plastics found adjacent to coastal margins. Different signatures of polymer type, size, and category between similar life stages at different locations suggests rapid turnover of ingested plastics commensurate with migratory stage and location, though more empirical evidence is needed to ground-truth this hypothesis. This work is the first to comprehensively measure the accumulation of ingested plastics by Great Shearwaters over the last decade and across multiple locations spanning their yearly trans-equatorial migration cycle and underscores their utility as sentinels of plastic pollution in Atlantic ecosystems

    Using globally threatened pelagic birds to identify priority sites for marine conservation in the South Atlantic Ocean

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    The Convention on Biological Diversity aspires to designate 10% of the global oceans as Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), but so far, few MPAs protect pelagic species in the high seas. Transparent scientific approaches are needed to ensure that these encompass areas with high biodiversity value. Here we used the distribution of all globally threatened seabirds breeding in a centrally located archipelago (Tristan da Cunha) to provide guidance on where MPAs could be established in the South Atlantic Ocean. We combined year-round tracking data from six species, and used the systematic conservation-planning tool, ‘Zonation’, to delineate areas that would protect the largest proportion of each population. The areas used most intensively varied among species and seasons. Combining the sites used by all six species suggested that the most important areas of the South Atlantic are located south of South Africa, around the central South Atlantic between 30°S and 55°S, and near South America. We estimated that the longline fishing effort in these intensively used areas is around 11 million hooks on average each year, highlighting the need for improved monitoring of seabird bycatch rates and the enforcement of compliance with bird bycatch mitigation requirements by fisheries. There was no overlap between the identified areas and any of the existing MPAs in the South Atlantic. The conservation of these highly mobile, pelagic species cannot be achieved by single countries, but requires a multi-national approach at an ocean-basin scale, such as an agreement for the conservation of biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction under the United Nation Convention on the Law of the Sea

    The response of the maize nitrate transport system to nitrogen demand and supply across the lifecycle

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    The definitive version is available at www.newphytologist.comAn understanding of nitrate (NO3-) uptake throughout the lifecycle of plants, and how this process responds to nitrogen (N) availability, is an important step towards the development of plants with improved nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). NO3- uptake capacity and transcript levels of putative high- and low-affinity NO3- transporters (NRTs) were profiled across the lifecycle of dwarf maize (Zea mays) plants grown at reduced and adequate NO3-. Plants showed major changes in high-affinity NO3- uptake capacity across the lifecycle, which varied with changing relative growth rates of roots and shoots. Transcript abundances of putative high-affinity NRTs (predominantly ZmNRT2.1 and ZmNRT2.2) were correlated with two distinct peaks in high-affinity root NO3- uptake capacity and also N availability. The reduction in NO3- supply during the lifecycle led to a dramatic increase in NO3- uptake capacity, which preceded changes in transcript levels of NRTs, suggesting a model with short-term post-translational regulation and longer term transcriptional regulation of NO3- uptake capacity. These observations offer new insight into the control of NO3- uptake by both plant developmental processes and N availability, and identify key control points that may be targeted by future plant improvement programmes to enhance N uptake relative to availability and/or demand.Trevor Garnett, Vanessa Conn, Darren Plett, Simon Conn, Juergen Zanghellini, Nenah Mackenzie, Akiko Enju, Karen Francis, Luke Holtham, Ute Roessner, Berin Boughton, Antony Bacic, Neil Shirley, Antoni Rafalski, Kanwarpal Dhugga, Mark Tester, and Brent N. Kaise

    A global map of mangrove forest soil carbon at 30 m spatial resolution

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    With the growing recognition that effective action on climate change will require a combination of emissions reductions and carbon sequestration, protecting, enhancing and restoring natural carbon sinks have become political priorities. Mangrove forests are considered some of the most carbon-dense ecosystems in the world with most of the carbon stored in the soil. In order for mangrove forests to be included in climate mitigation efforts, knowledge of the spatial distribution of mangrove soil carbon stocks are critical. Current global estimates do not capture enough of the finer scale variability that would be required to inform local decisions on siting protection and restoration projects. To close this knowledge gap, we have compiled a large georeferenced database of mangrove soil carbon measurements and developed a novel machine-learning based statistical model of the distribution of carbon density using spatially comprehensive data at a 30 m resolution. This model, which included a prior estimate of soil carbon from the global SoilGrids 250 m model, was able to capture 63% of the vertical and horizontal variability in soil organic carbon density (RMSE of 10.9 kg m−3). Of the local variables, total suspended sediment load and Landsat imagery were the most important variable explaining soil carbon density. Projecting this model across the global mangrove forest distribution for the year 2000 yielded an estimate of 6.4 Pg C for the top meter of soil with an 86–729 Mg C ha−1 range across all pixels. By utilizing remotely-sensed mangrove forest cover change data, loss of soil carbon due to mangrove habitat loss between 2000 and 2015 was 30–122 Tg C with >75% of this loss attributable to Indonesia, Malaysia and Myanmar. The resulting map products from this work are intended to serve nations seeking to include mangrove habitats in payment-for- ecosystem services projects and in designing effective mangrove conservation strategies
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