18 research outputs found


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    The research was conducted to find out the perceptions of ELT students towards the use of WhatsApp as a Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) device for learning English during the COVID-19 pandemic. The researcher distributed a survey which was filled out by 225 English Language Teaching (ELT) students of Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia. The data analysis results show that the students find WhatsApp convenient features due to its connectivity, instant, portability, spontaneity, personalized, and ubiquity. They think that the app is useful for bite-size learning, blended learning, collaborative learning, various learning strategies, learning autonomy, task-based learning, asynchronous and synchronous learning, facilitating interactivity, and for mediating learning. They are also content to use WhatsApp for self-study and improving learning motivation

    Peningkatan Kualitas Asesmen Guru Bahasa Inggris SMP Melalui Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Online

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    Kegiatan pengembangan profesionalisme guru menjadi kegiatan wajib bagi semua guru untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mereka secara berkala. Kegiatan yang diadakan secara daring dan berupa rangkaian kegiatan pelatihan dan pendampingan sejawat belum banyak dilaksanakan. Kegiatan pelatihan yang biasanya hanya sekali dilakukan tanpa kegiatan lanjutan hanya meningkatkan pengetahuan guru, tetapi tidak memberi mereka kesempatan untuk mengimplementasikan pengetahuan baru ini di kelas mereka masing-masing. Kegiatan pengembangan profesionalisme guru yang dilaksanakan sebagai kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat selama lebih kurang satu bulan ini berpotensi untuk membantu guru merefleksi dan berkolaborasi dengan guru sejawat mereka di sekolah yang sama sehingga mereka dapat lebih percaya diri dalam mengimplementasikan pengetahuan baru mereka. Kendala teknis maupun kurangnya komitmen guru untuk mengikuti kegiatan ini secara utuh terjadi dalam program ini. Dampak nyata dari rangkaian kegiatan pelatihan dan pendampingan ini belum dapat dirasakan dalam jangka pendek, akan tetapi dengan dibukanya peluang untuk para guru membentuk komunitas belajar diantara sejawat mereka, diharapkan mereka dapat saling memberikan dukungan baik secara pengalaman maupun emosi. Kata kunci—Pendampingan sejawat, Pengembangan profesionalisme guru, Guru Bahasa Inggris SMP Abstract  Teacher professional development activities are mandatory activities for all teachers to improve their knowledge and skills regularly. Activities held online and in a series of training activities, and peer coaching have not been widely implemented. Training activities usually carried out only once without follow-up activities only increase teachers' knowledge but do not allow them to implement the newly acquired knowledge in their language classes. The reported teacher professional development program, carried out as a community service activity for approximately one month, can help teachers reflect on their teaching and collaborate with their peer teachers at the same school so that they can be more confident in implementing new knowledge. Technical obstacles and lack of commitment of teachers to participate in this activity as a whole occurred in this program. The real impact of this series of training and coaching activities cannot be observed in the short term, but with the opening of opportunities for teachers to form learning communities in their own school and collaborate among their peers, it is hoped that they can provide mutual support both experientially and emotionally. Keywords— Peer coaching, Teacher professional development, Junior high school English teache


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    This article reports a case study that explored a teacher of a high school in Situbondo who is resistant to ICT integration in language instruction. The study started from the concern of a teacher who chose to resist ICT despite the importance and potentials of it in improving learner’s language skill. The study found that the variable of age has influenced other variables like the motivation to learn and the capability to operate ICT for teaching which lead to the preference of resisting and thus he keeps using the conventional teaching method. This variable is not thought to be the only influence to the resistance because it was further found that the teacher’s failure to fulfill the demand of his profession becomes more contributing to it. Therefore, it is suggested that English teachers are aware of the demands of their profession in order to stay on the track of professional teachers. Penelitian ini memaparkan hasil studi kasus terhadap seorang guru bahasa Inggris SMA di Situbondo yang resistan untuk menggunakan TIK di kelas. Berawal dari keprihatinan terhadap guru yang memilih untuk abai terhadap penggunaan TIK, terlepas dari penting dan berpotensinya TIK tersebut dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berbahasa siswa. Ditemukan bahwa variabel usia yang lanjut menjadi penyebab munculnya variabel lain seperti kurangnya motivasi belajar TIK dan rendahnya kemampuan menggunakannya yang berujung pada pilihannya untuk tidak menggunakan TIK di kelas sehingga tetap menggunakan metode mengajar konvensional. Variabel usia tersebut ternyata bukanlah pemicu utama sikap resistan tersebut, melainkan lemahnya kemampuan guru dalam memahami dan memenuhi tuntutan profesinya sebagai guru bahasa Inggris. Oleh karenanya, saran penelitian ditujukan pada guru agar lebih siap terhadap tuntutan dan tantangan lain dalam profesinya sehingga menjadi guru profesional

    Uncovering Resistance to Ict Use in Language Instruction

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    This article reports a case study that explored a teacher of a high school in Situbondo who is resistant to ICT integration in language instruction. The study started from the concern of a teacher who chose to resist ICT despite the importance and potentials of it in improving learner\u27s language skill. The study found that the variable of age has influenced other variables like the motivation to learn and the capability to operate ICT for teaching which lead to the preference of resisting and thus he keeps using the conventional teaching method. This variable is not thought to be the only influence to the resistance because it was further found that the teacher\u27s failure to fulfill the demand of his profession becomes more contributing to it. Therefore, it is suggested that English teachers are aware of the demands of their profession in order to stay on the track of professional teachers.Penelitian ini memaparkan hasil studi kasus terhadap seorang guru bahasa Inggris SMA di Situbondo yang resistan untuk menggunakan TIK di kelas. Berawal dari keprihatinan terhadap guru yang memilih untuk abai terhadap penggunaan TIK, terlepas dari penting dan berpotensinya TIK tersebut dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berbahasa siswa. Ditemukan bahwa variabel usia yang lanjut menjadi penyebab munculnya variabel lain seperti kurangnya motivasi belajar TIK dan rendahnya kemampuan menggunakannya yang berujung pada pilihannya untuk tidak menggunakan TIK di kelas sehingga tetap menggunakan metode mengajar konvensional. Variabel usia tersebut ternyata bukanlah pemicu utama sikap resistan tersebut, melainkan lemahnya kemampuan guru dalam memahami dan memenuhi tuntutan profesinya sebagai guru bahasa Inggris. Oleh karenanya, saran penelitian ditujukan pada guru agar lebih siap terhadap tuntutan dan tantangan lain dalam profesinya sehingga menjadi guru profesional

    “I am so lucky to be part of this community”: Online professional learning communities to support teacher professional development (TPD) in higher education

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    Few studies have examined how EFL teachers, as language teacher educators, perceive their participation in a particular online professional learning community (PLC) despite the growing body of research on PLC in educational settings. The current study delved into the teacher professional development of EFL teachers in higher education settings. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data and then narratively evaluated. The data were thematically analyzed. The results point to a few advantages teacher educators experience when participating in online PLC, which ultimately improves their competency in teacher professional development. The result brought to light that online PLC activities in Indonesia facilitated teacher educators' professional development in many aspects. Understanding the findings in the present study could motivate English teachers, be they in secondary or post-secondary education contexts, to always improve their pedagogical knowledge through PLC. Stories shared by the participants in this study inform pedagogical impacts for redesigning curricula that specialize in writing practice for PhD students. Policymakers could also take advantage of the present study's findings in the context of enacting PLC training for teachers on how to treat and make use of this PLC effectively

    Speaking II

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    Abstrak: Artikel ini adalah laporan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan guru dalam menginovasi pembelajaran dengan Blended Learning, pendekatan yang digunakan praktek, diskusi, presentasi, dan refleksi.   Peserta berjumlah 64 orang, terdiri atas guru SMA berbagai bidang studi, laboran, kepala sekolah dan wakilnya.. Pasca pelatihan tatap muka, penugasan membuat rancangan pembelajaran dilanjutkan secara online. Melalui kuesioner, peserta menyatakan bahwa pelatihan Blended Learning memberi mereka wawasan baru tentang Blended Learning yang sangat bermanfaat, dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka. Berdasarkan hasil refleksi dan kuesioner, peserta memerlukan program tindak lanjut dan menyarankan penyelenggaraan pelatihan Blended Learning lanjutan dengan waktu yang lebih memadai serta disediakan modul sebagai pegangan belajar mandiri.Abstract: This article is a report on community service activities aimed at developing teacher skills in innovating learning with Blended Learning, approaches used in practice, discussion, presentation, and reflection. There were 64 participants, consisting of high school teachers in various fields of study, laboratory assistants, school principals and their representatives. After face-to-face training, the assignment of making learning plans was continued online. Through the questionnaire, participants stated that the Blended Learning training gave them new insights about Blended Learning that were very useful, and suited their needs. Based on the results of reflections and questionnaires, participants need a follow-up program and suggest the implementation of Blended Learning training with more adequate time and modules provided as a guide for independent learning

    English Language Attrition Levels and Language Maintenance Efforts among Indonesian Non-English Department Students

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    In the EFL context, the primary linguistic environment for learners is a formal classroom in which they receive input, feedback, and opportunities to practice with teachers and other learners. However, as learners graduate from schools, they might no longer have access to such an environment and thus be deprived of the main intake to support acquisition and retention, which makes them susceptible to language attrition. This study aims to explore the levels of attrition experienced by 165 multilingual non-English department students 30 months after graduating from their secondary schools, the possible factors associated with attrition, and the predictive power of some language maintenance efforts (LMEs) on English attrition. The participants took standardized English tests, that is, Test 1 and Test 2 administered within a 24-month interval and responded to a questionnaire about LMEs. A paired t-test was used to establish a link between attrition level and the identified factors. A multiple linear regression analysis was conducted to determine the predictive power of LMEs for attrition. The results show that learners with different proficiency levels experience different levels of attrition. Factors like attitude and motivation showed different degrees of correlation with attrition. A negative correlation was found in the three dimensions of LMEs: entertainment, literacy activity, and academic activity. Contrary to popular literature on first- and second-language attrition, the dimension of social interaction has a very low predictive power for foreign-language attrition

    Factors Affecting Second Language Comprehension Ability in Children: A Systematic Review

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    Tinjauan sistematis ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kemampuan pemahaman bahasa kedua anak. Pemerolehan bahasa kedua pada anak merupakan proses kompleks yang dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor. Memahami faktor-faktor ini dapat memberikan wawasan berharga bagi pendidik, orang tua, dan pembuat kebijakan untuk mengoptimalkan strategi dan intervensi pembelajaran bahasa. Tinjauan ini mengikuti pendekatan sistematis dengan melakukan pencarian komprehensif di berbagai database, termasuk sumber pendidikan, psikologis, dan linguistik. Penelitian relevan yang diterbitkan dalam dekade terakhir dimasukkan dalam analisis. Tinjauan ini berfokus pada anak-anak berusia 5 hingga 12 tahun, karena ini adalah periode penting untuk perkembangan dan perolehan bahasa. Dengan menggabungkan penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya sebagai evaluasi literatur yang lebih menyeluruh, penelitian ini menggunakan metode tinjauan literatur sistematis (SLR) untuk menjawab permasalahan penelitian. Temuan ini mengungkapkan beberapa faktor kunci yang mempengaruhi kemampuan pemahaman bahasa kedua pada anak-anak. Pertama, faktor kognitif individu, seperti kapasitas memori kerja, perhatian, dan fungsi eksekutif, memainkan peran penting dalam pemrosesan dan pemahaman bahasa. Kedua, faktor sosial budaya, termasuk keterlibatan orang tua, status sosial ekonomi, dan paparan bahasa kedua di masyarakat, mempengaruhi hasil pembelajaran bahasa. Ketiga, faktor pengajaran, seperti kualitas metode pengajaran, desain kurikulum, dan lingkungan kelas, mempunyai dampak besar terhadap kemampuan pemahaman bahasa anak. Berdasarkan temuan-temuan tersebut, tinjauan ini menggarisbawahi perlunya pendekatan komprehensif dan holistik untuk meningkatkan keterampilan pemahaman bahasa kedua pada anak-anak. Ini menekankan pentingnya mengintegrasikan faktor kognitif, sosial budaya, dan pembelajaran dalam program pembelajaran bahasa. Selain itu, tinjauan ini juga mengidentifikasi kesenjangan penelitian dan memberikan rekomendasi untuk penelitian di masa depan guna lebih meningkatkan pemahaman kita tentang penguasaan bahasa kedua pada anak-anak

    The Effect of Flipped Classroom Model on ELE Students’ Reading Comprehension and Their Perception towards Flipping

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    Abstract: This quasi-experimental study aimed to find out the effect of the implementation of flipped classroom on ELE students’ reading comprehension and also observe their perception towards flipping. The findings of this study revealed that the difference in reading comprehension between students taught by using flipped classroom and those taught by using traditional classroom was significant. It was also found that the students in the experimental group have positive perception toward the use of flipped classroom teaching model. This implied that this technique could be applied effectively to teach reading comprehension for ELE students.Keywords: flipped classroom, reading comprehension, perceptionAbstrak: Penelitian quasi-experimental ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh penerapan flipped classroom terhadap pemahaman membaca mahasiswa pendidikan bahasa Inggris (PBI) dan juga untuk mengamati persepsi mereka terhadap teknik tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan  pada pemahaman membaca mahasiswa antara mahasiswa yang diajar dengan menggunakan flipped classroom dan mahasiswa yang diajar secara tradisional. Ditemukan juga bahwa mahasiswa pada kelompok eksprimen memiliki persepsi positif terhadap penggunaan model pembelajaran flipped classroom. Ini menyiratkan bahwa   teknik ini dapat diterapkan secara efektif untuk mengajarkan pemahaman membaca mahasiswa PBI.Kata kunci: flipped classroom, pemahaman membaca, perseps