612 research outputs found

    Dendrites and conformal symmetry

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    Progress toward characterization of structural and biophysical properties of neural dendrites together with recent findings emphasizing their role in neural computation, has propelled growing interest in refining existing theoretical models of electrical propagation in dendrites while advocating novel analytic tools. In this paper we focus on the cable equation describing electric propagation in dendrites with different geometry. When the geometry is cylindrical we show that the cable equation is invariant under the Schr\"odinger group and by using the dendrite parameters, a representation of the Schr\"odinger algebra is provided. Furthermore, when the geometry profile is parabolic we show that the cable equation is equivalent to the Schr\"odinger equation for the 1-dimensional free particle, which is invariant under the Schr\"odinger group. Moreover, we show that there is a family of dendrite geometries for which the cable equation is equivalent to the Schr\"odinger equation for the 1-dimensional conformal quantum mechanics.Comment: 19 page

    CLIC Background Studies and optimization of the innermost tracker elements

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    The harsh machine background at the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) forms a strong constraint on the design of the innermost part of the tracker. For the CLIC Conceptual Design Report, the detector concepts developed for the International Linear Collider (ILC) were adapted to the CLIC environment. We present the new layout for the Vertex Detector and the Forward Tracking Disks of the CLIC detector concepts, as well as the background levels in these detectors. We also study the dependence of the background rates on technology parameters like thickness of the active layer and detection threshold.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, LCWS 201

    Justicia restaurativa. El papel del Criminólogo en el ámbito de la mediación penal en justicia juvenil.

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Criminologia, Facultat de Dret, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2014-2015, Tutor: Víctor GómezUno de los ámbitos que me ha llamado siempre la atención dentro del campo de la Criminología ha sido el de la aplicación de medidas alternativas de gestión de conflictos, concretamente, en el ámbito penal y las medidas alternativas a la pena privativa de libertad. El uso de estas prácticas puede ofrecer grandes resultados a nivel empírico: en contraposición a las medidas convencionales de pena de prisión, algunos medios alternativos, como la mediación o la conciliación, suponen para los órganos judiciales procedimientos más óptimos y menos prolongados (San Cristóbal, 2013), ayudando a evitar, consecuencias como la victimización secundaria en la víctima o la aplicación penas desproporcionadas para el infractor. De entre todas las medidas existentes, las que más me interesaron, después de asistir a diferentes conferencias y jornadas, fueron aquellas recogidas bajo el concepto de Justicia Restaurativa. Este conjunto de diferentes prácticas, no sólo con contraponerse con modelo puramente retributivo, es más ambicioso a la hora de tratar el fenómeno delictivo: no se focaliza únicamente en el delincuente, sino que también lo hace en la víctima, la familia o incluso la misma comunidad, dotando al modelo de una gran capacidad explicativa a la hora de resolver conflictos, evitando también la aplicación abusiva de la pena privativa de libertad..

    Venezuela : izquierda, populismo y democracia en tiempos de Chávez

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    The rise of Hugo Chávez to power in 1999 has brought fundamental political changes and socioeconomic transformations to Venezuela. The main goal of this paper is to briefly analyze a sociopolitical proc-ess so sui generis and contradictory that goes against Latin American progressive experiences. Although the elites have appealed to the establishment of a socialist model from 2004 on, Chávez’s Government is not a leftist one. It can be better conceptualized as a (neo) populism that combines old-fashion radical ideas with democratic, authoritarian, militarist, and personalist characteristics. While some improvements of the socioeconomic conditions of the lower classes and the introduction of innovative local sociopolitical instruments can not be denied, at the same time it must be highlighted the deterioration of liberal and representative principles and institu-tions. Moreover, the exercise of some rights and liberties has wors-ened and democracy has been hindered by a highly polarized political environment. In addition, doubts remain about the building of a new economic development since the elites have exacerbated a rentier model. In sum, there is not evidence that the chavistas are constructing a new democratic socialism. Because the current political project de-pends heavily on the leadership of the President and the income pro-vided by petroleum, the so called “21st Century Socialism” is highly vulnerable and its export to other countries of the region unlikely

    El campanario de San Félix, una obra del siglo XVI

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    La nueva directiva audiovisual: perspectiva legal

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    The European Parliament approved on 2 October 2018 the text of the Audiovisual Communication Services Directive. In the absence of a final procedure (its formal approval by the Council), its promulgation is imminent. At the beginning of June 2018 the negotiation phase between the three European co-legislators (Commission, Parliament and Council) was concluded; this political agreement supposes de facto its approval. The publication of the aforementioned legal Instrument, which is part of the set of initiatives of the Digital Single Market, anticipates a huge impact on the audiovisual sector that we approach from a legal perspective.El Parlamento Europeo ha aprobado el 2 de octubre de 2018 el texto de la Directiva de Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual. A falta de un último trámite (su aprobación formal por parte del Consejo), su promulgación es inminente. A principios de junio de 2018 concluyó la fase de negociaciones entre los tres colegisladores europeos (Comisión, Parlamento y Consejo); este acuerdo político supone su aprobación de facto. La publicación de este Instrumento normativo, que se enmarca en el conjunto de iniciativas del Mercado Único Digital, anticipa un enorme impacto en el sector audiovisual al que nos aproximamos desde una perspectiva jurídica

    Forensic Analysis of Venezuelan Elections during the Chávez Presidency

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    Contiene adjunto ficheros de datos.Hugo Chavez dominated the Venezuelan electoral landscape since his first presidential victory in 1998 until his death in 2013. Nobody doubts that he always received considerable voter support in the numerous elections held during his mandate. However, the integrity of the electoral system has come into question since the 2004 Presidential Recall Referendum. From then on, different sectors of society have systematically alleged electoral irregularities or biases in favor of the incumbent party. We have carried out a thorough forensic analysis of the national-level Venezuelan electoral processes held during the 1998-2012 period to assess these complaints. The second-digit Benford's law and two statistical models of vote distributions, recently introduced in the literature, are reviewed and used in our case study. In addition, we discuss a new method to detect irregular variations in the electoral roll. The outputs obtained from these election forensic tools are examined taking into account the substantive context of the elections and referenda under study. Thus, we reach two main conclusions. Firstly, all the tools uncover anomalous statistical patterns, which are consistent with election fraud from 2004 onwards. Although our results are not a concluding proof of fraud, they signal the Recall Referendum as a turning point in the integrity of the Venezuelan elections. Secondly, our analysis calls into question the reliability of the electoral register since 2004. In particular, we found irregular variations in the electoral roll that were decisive in winning the 50% majority in the 2004 Referendum and in the 2012 Presidential Elections.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Projects ECO2011-25706 and CSO2012-35852)

    El refranero español: características y aplicaciones didácticas.

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    本稿はスペイン語のことわざについて、例を挙げながら、その特徴を考えることを目的とする。また、ことわざは話し手の言語的・文化的知識の一部であることから、外国語学習に役立つ教育的側面についても検討したい。古くから伝わってきた話し言葉の記録であることわざは、実際に使われる口語の見本として良い材料になり、また学習者のコミュニケーション能力や社会文化的能力を育てるための手段にもなる、という大きな役割があると考える。El siguiente articulo tiene por objeto reflexionar sobre los dichos y refranes en general y presentar el refranero espanol en concreto, mostrando algunas caracteristicas propias que lo diferencian de los de otras culturas. Un segundo objetivo de nuestro trabajo se centra en su interes didactico para el aprendizaje de idiomas, ya que forman parte de la competencia linguistica y cultural de los hablantes. Su eminente funcion comunicativa ligada al registro coloquial, constituye un material de primera mano como muestra autentica de lengua hablada y un recurso para desarrollar la competencia comunicativa y sociocultural de los aprendientes