325 research outputs found

    El Salvador : análisis del proceso de formulación presupuestaria y del proyecto presupuesto 2015

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    De acuerdo con la Ley Orgánica de Administración Financiera del Estado (AFI), el proceso presupuestario comprende las etapas de formulación, aprobación, ejecución, seguimiento y evaluación del presupuesto. Estas fases son desarrolladas a lo largo del ejercicio fiscal previo y el vigente. De todas ellas, la fase de formulación adquiere especial relevancia debido a que es en dicho momento en que se define la política presupuestaria que guiará el destino de la política fiscal para el ejercicio siguiente. El presente documento aborda el Análisis del proyecto de presupuesto 2015, algunas fallas en el proceso, problemas de liquidez en el país y la lógica de acumulación de la deuda. Finaliza con una serie de conclusiones enfatizando en la formulación del presupuesto

    Incidencia de QT corto y largo en alumnos de primer ingreso a Facultad de Deportes

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    Las alteraciones electrocardiográficas del intervalo QT (síndrome de QT corto y largo) están asociadas a un riesgo elevado de muerte súbita por arritmias ventriculares malignas y a episodios de fibrilación auricular. Por ello el objetivo de este estudio fue detectar la incidencia de alteraciones en el intervalo QT del electrocardiograma en reposo en alumnos de primer ingreso de la Facultad de Deportes periodo 2015-2. Mediante un diseño descriptivo transversal participaron 78 alumnos de ambos géneros (59 hombres, 19 mujeres) quienes ingresaron a la carrera de Licenciatura. Tuvieron una edad promedio de 20 (M = 3.58) años, a quienes se les realizó un electrocardiograma en reposo, y se midió el intervalo QT, intervalo RR, y se obtuvo el QT corregido. Los datos se analizaron descriptivamente mediante tablas de frecuencias. Los resultados ofrecieron evidencia de las alteraciones electrocardiográficas del intervalo QT corregido en el 5.12% de la muestra, en un caso con un QT corto (306 ms) y el resto de los casos con un QT largo (459 ms). Se concluye que la incidencia de alteraciones del intervalo QT en los alumnos de primer ingreso de la Facultad de Deportes 2015-2 campus Mexicali es baja, no obstante merece atención porque tal alteración se asocia a la predisposición de episodios de muerte súbita cardiaca. ABSTRACT The short QT syndrome is associated with an increased risk of sudden death due to malignant ventricular arrhythmias and atrial fibrillation episodes. The aim of this study was to detect the incident of alterations in QT interval of the electrocardiogram in freshmen entering to the Facultad de Deportes 2015-2. By a transverse descriptive design seventy-eight students were evaluated (59 men, 19 women), for who 20 years old average (SD = 3.58). Arresting electrocardiogram was measured QT interval, RR interval and corrected QT was obtained. Data were proceeded to be analyzed descriptively using frequency tables. The results evidence showed an electrocardiographic abnormalities like a corrected QT in 5.12%, one case of a Short QT (306 ms) and the other with a long QT (459 ms). As a conclusion the incident of QT alteration in freshmen of the Facultad de Deportes 2015-2 campus Mexicali is low: However, it worth attention because we can prevent a sudden cardiac death whiles themis practicing Activity Physic

    Delinquência juvenil: Da disfunção social à psicopatologia

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    No presente artigo fazemos uma revisão de literatura acerca da Delinquência Juvenil, analisando o fenómeno à luz das interpretações sociológicas e psicológicas, nomeadamente no que concerne à sua etiologia, prevenção e tratamento. Consideram-se as várias dimensões do problema, contemplando as relações normativas entre a adolescência e os comportamentos de transgressão enquanto estratégias de resolução de conflitos no sentido da adaptação. Discriminamos os comportamentos delinquentes normativos dos patológicos, analisando-os segundo os modelos de controlo social, da identidade/subcultura e da teoria psicanalítica. Reforça-se a necessidade de intervenção preventiva primária, partindo da identificação de factores de risco que tornam determinados grupos vulneráveis. Expõem- se algumas das principais estratégias de tratamento: institucional (ligado ao sistema de justiça) e não institucional (ligado aos serviços de saúde). Por fim, fazemos algumas propostas de investigação sobre a Delinquência Juvenil em Portugal

    Respuesta del tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) al consumo hídrico, área foliar y rendimiento con respecto al número de tallos

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    The objective of this study was to analyze tomato responses to water requirements (evaluated by means of balance lysimeters), leaf area, yield, quality and its relationship with weather, depending on the number of stems. The work was carried out in a greenhouse under hydroponic conditions. Tezontle (Stuff) was used as a substrate and a drip irrigation system was installed. The experiment consisted of three treatments, with one (T1), two (T2) and three (T3) stems per plant. The daily crop evapotranspiration was 0.30 L m-2 in the initial stage, up to 4.41, 4.77 and 6.0 L m-2, in the stage of maximum demand for T1, T2 and T3. The gross volume applied throughout the cycle was 352.2, 388.4 and 434.7 L m-2 for T1, T2 and T3, with productivities of 49, 41 and 36 kg m3 and yields of 20, 18 and 16 kg m-2 for T1, T2 and T3. Regarding quality parameters in size, T1 was the best, with 69, 23, 8 and 1% fruits of first, second, third and small fruits per plant respectively. The meteorological variables such as; temperature, wind, relative humidity, vapor pressure deficit and atmospheric water potential determined the consumption of water and nutrients in crops and are variables for irrigation scheduling.El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las respuestas del jitomate a los requerimientos hídricos (evaluado por medio de lisímetros de balance), área foliar, rendimiento, calidad y su relación con el tiempo atmosférico, en función del número tallos. El trabajo se realizó en un invernadero en condiciones de hidroponía. Se utilizó tezontle como sustrato y un sistema de riego por goteo. El experimento consistió en tres tratamientos, con uno (T1), dos (T2) y tres (T3) tallos por planta. El consumo por evapotranspiración diaria del cultivo fue 0,30 L m-2 en la etapa inicial, hasta 4,41, 4,77 y 6,0 L m-2 en la etapa de máxima demanda para T1, T2 y T3. El volumen bruto aplicado durante todo el ciclo fue 352,2; 388,4 y 434,7 L m-2 para T1, T2 y T3, con productividades de 49, 41 y 36 kg m3 y rendimientos de 20, 18 y 16 kg m-2 para T1, T2 y T3. Con relación a los parámetros de calidad en tamaño, el T1 fue mejor, con 69, 23, 8 y 1% frutos de primera, segunda, tercera y frutos pequeños por planta. Las variables meteorológicas como temperatura, viento, humedad relativa, déficit de presión de vapor y potencial hídrico atmosférico determinan el consumo de agua y nutrimentos en los cultivos y son variables para calendarización del riego

    Respuesta del tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) al consumo hídrico, área foliar y rendimiento con respecto al número de tallos en invernadero

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    The objective of this study was to analyze tomato responses to water requirements (evaluated by means of balance lysimeters), leaf area, yield, quality and its relationship with weather, depending on the number of stems. The work was carried out in a greenhouse under hydroponic conditions. Tezontle (Stuff) was used as a substrate and a drip irrigation system was installed. The experiment consisted of three treatments, with one (T1), two (T2) and three (T3) stems per plant. The daily crop evapotranspiration was 0.30 L m-2 in the initial stage, up to 4.41, 4.77 and 6.0 L m-2, in the stage of maximum demand for T1, T2 and T3. The gross volume applied throughout the cycle was 352.2, 388.4 and 434.7 L m-2 for T1, T2 and T3, with productivities of 49, 41 and 36 kg m3 and yields of 20, 18 and 16 kg m-2 for T1, T2 and T3. Regarding quality parameters in size, T1 was the best, with 69, 23, 8 and 1% fruits of first, second, third and small fruits per plant respectively. The meteorological variables such as; temperature, wind, relative humidity, vapor pressure deficit and atmospheric water potential determined the consumption of water and nutrients in crops and are variables for irrigation scheduling.El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las respuestas del jitomate a los requerimientos hídricos (evaluado por medio de lisímetros de balance), área foliar, rendimiento, calidad y su relación con el tiempo atmosférico, en función del número de tallos. El trabajo se realizó en un invernadero en condiciones de hidroponía. Se utilizó tezontle como sustrato y un sistema de riego por goteo. El experimento consistió en tres tratamientos, con uno (T1), dos (T2) y tres (T3) tallos por planta. El consumo por evapotranspiración diaria del cultivo fue 0,30 L m-2 en la etapa inicial, hasta 4,41, 4,77 y 6,0 L m-2 en la etapa de máxima demanda para T1, T2 y T3. El volumen bruto aplicado durante todo el ciclo fue 352,2; 388,4 y 434,7 L m-2 para T1, T2 y T3, con productividades de 49, 41 y 36 kg m3 y rendimientos de 20, 18 y 16 kg m-2 para T1, T2 y T3. Con relación a los parámetros de calidad en tamaño, el T1 fue mejor, con 69, 23, 8 y 1% frutos de primera, segunda, tercera y frutos pequeños por planta. Las variables meteorológicas como temperatura, viento, humedad relativa, déficit de presión de vapor y potencial hídrico atmosférico determinan el consumo de agua y nutrimentos en los cultivos y son variables para calendarización del riego.Fil: Mendoza-Pérez, Cándido. Colegio de Postgraduados. Campus Montecillo (México)Fil: Ramírez-Ayala, Carlos. Colegio de Postgraduados. Campus Montecillo (México)Fil: Ojeda-Bustamante, Waldo. Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua (Morelos, México).Fil: Trejo, Carlos. Colegio de Postgraduados. Campus Montecillo (México)Fil: López-Ordaz, Anselmo. Texcoco (México). Colegio de PostgraduadosFil: Quevedo-Nolasco, Abel. Colegio de Postgraduados. Campus Montecillo (México)Fil: Martínez Ruiz, Antonio. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias (México

    Soybean protein concentrate as a protein source for totoaba (Totoaba macdonaldi) juveniles: Effect on intermediary metabolism and liver histological organization

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    This study aimed to investigate the effects of replacing fish meal (FM) with soybean protein concentrates (SPC) on the intermediary metabolism and health of Totoaba macdonaldi juveniles. Fish (initial weight 50 ± 1 g) were fed for 60 days with eight diets: a reference diet (RD) and seven experimental diets where FM was replaced gradually with 15 to 100% SPC (SPC15, SPC30, SPC45, SPC60, SPC75, SPC90, and SPC100, respectively). Hexokinase (HK), glucokinase (GK), and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) enzyme activities showed highly significant differences (p < 0.01) between fish fed RD (0% SPC) compared to fish fed the diets with 60, 75, 90, and 100% SPC. The ALT enzyme shows a highly significant (p < 0.01) decrease in activity for fish fed 75, 90, and 100% SPC inclusions compared to fish fed the RD. The aspartate aminotransferase AST/ALT ratio showed a significant increase in activity for fish fed 100% soybean compared only with fish fed the control diet. The histological organization of the liver in totoaba juveniles fed RD, SPC15, SPC30 and SPC45 diets were similar. Totoaba fed with SPC90 and SPC100 showed histological alterations in hepatic and pancreatic parenchyma. Overall, according to the findings in this study, 45% of dietary FM could be replaced by SPC without causing adverse changes in metabolism, histological organization of liver, and health of juveniles of totoaba when cultured for 60 days. However, levels greater than 60% of SPC could compromise the health status of fish.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Exploring the Design of Highly Energy Efficient Forestry Cranes using Gravity Compensation

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    Although most mechanized forestry work relies heavily on cranes for handling logs along the supply chain, there has been little research on how to improve cranes design. In addition, the available research has mainly focused on improving current designs, so there is a lack of application of modern methods for designing cranes with improved efficiency. This paper analyzes how a mechanical engineering design method, known as gravity compensation, can be used to make a new generation of highly energy efficient forestry cranes. To introduce this design approach, a standard forwarder crane with two booms is used as a model system on which to apply gravity compensation concepts. The design methodology follows a procedure based on physics and mathematical optimization, with the objective of minimizing the energy needed to move the crane by using gravity compensation via counterweights. To this end, we considered to minimize mechanical power, because this quantity relates to how fuel and hydraulic fluid are converted into mechanical motion. This analysis suggests that using gravity compensation could reduce energy consumption due to crane work by 27%, at the cost of increasing the crane total mass by 57%. Thus, the original crane mass of 559 kg increases to 879 kg after applying gravity compensation with counterweights. However, overall reductions in energy consumption would depend on both the crane work and the extraction distance. The greater the extraction distance, the lower the total savings. However, energy consumption savings of around 2% could be achieved even with an extraction distance of 1 km. From a design perspective, this study emphasized the need to consider gravity compensation in the design philosophy of forestry cranes, not only for its ability to minimize energy consumption, but also due to all the inherited properties it provides. This initial study concludes that designing cranes with a combination of gravity compensation concepts could yield a new generation of highly energy efficient cranes with energy savings exceeding those reported here

    Lifestyle dependent Parasitic diseases

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    Objective. Determine the presence of parasites in vulnerable groups and venture into the exploration regarding lifestyles and their correlation with contracting parasitic diseases. Material and methods. An exploratory study was conducted by project with medical students, for this investigation a survey was applied to 90 vulnerable people, as well as coproparasitoscopic analysis and fresh amiba to 20 more people from different social groups; students, housewives, workers and infants. Results. 1% of the sample presented Entamoeba histolytica, among others blastocysts was detected Giardia lamblia and as Endolimax nana 6 (6/20). Discussion. Governments invest a lot of resources in the construction of hospitals or health units and invest much less in working on the lifestyles of the population, which has a negative impact on the health of the community. the importance of building knowledge about improving lifestyles and the population understands the direct relationship that these lifestyles have on the health and disease process, spending on health institutions will continue to increase and vulnerable populations that do not have access to health services will continue to be isolated. Conclusions. There is a correlation between lifestyles and present amebiasis, with hand washing and the presence of Entamoeba histolytica with key symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea