68 research outputs found

    Analysis of external fire water abstraction points in the Jičín district

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    Předložená bakalářská práce analyzuje stav vnějších odběrných míst požární vody. V prvních částech práce jsou uvedeny legislativní požadavky na odběrná místa, jsou zde definovány základní pojmy, které souvisejí z odběrnými místy. Další část bakalářské práce je zaměřena na konkrétní lokalitu, tzn. na okres Jičín, kde jsou vyhodnoceny zdroje požární vody. V závěru práce jsou zhodnoceny stavy odběrných míst, v případě zjištěných nedostatků jsou navržena řešení pro nápravu. Výsledkem bakalářské práce je souhrn dat, který je zdrojem informací pro potřeby JPO a pro projektanty při projektování nových staveb.The presented bachelor thesis analyses the condition of external fire water intake points. In the first parts of the thesis, the legislative requirements for tapping points are presented and the basic concepts related to tapping points are defined. The next part of the bachelor thesis focuses on a specific location, i.e. the district of Jičín, where fire water sources are evaluated. In the conclusion of the thesis, the conditions of the sampling points are evaluated and solutions for remediation are proposed in case of identifies deficiencies. The result of the bachelor thesis is a summary of the data, which is a source of information for the needs of the JPO and for designers when designing new buildings.040 - Katedra bezpečnosti práce a procesůvelmi dobř

    Predictors of Violent and Non-Violent Institutional Infractions of Death Row Prisoners

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    Institutional misconduct has been widely researched in the criminological literature for more than 50 years, leading to an extensive knowledge about how and why different prisoners misbehave while incarcerated. Nevertheless, one correctional population has been mostly left out of these research pursuits – death row prisoners (DRPs). Although DRPs form a small fraction of the overall number of incarcerated individuals in the US, they tend to spend more than 20 years in maximum security facilities and require a considerable amount of resources. As such, it is imperative for the safety of the facility, the staff, and the prisoners themselves to investigate which factors impact one’s likelihood of engaging in misconduct. The limited amount of available research suggests that those on death row are rarely violent while in prison, but oftentimes engage in non-violent misconduct. The reasons why these previously violent individuals do not frequently act aggressively – but continue breaking rules while in prison – remain mostly unknown. Using the largest sample of American DRPs to date, this study enhances the understanding of death row misconduct. Drawing upon scholarship regarding misconduct of different correctional populations, I use a conjunctive analysis of case configurations (CACC) with a sample of 238 current DRPs to establish which variables are associated with the presence and absence of violent and non-violent infractions. The results of the CACC contribute to theoretical knowledge and emphasize variables that should be further explored in future studies. In order to also facilitate the practical applicability of this study, I attempt to create actuarial scales predicting violent and non-violent misconduct on death row prisoners in Arizona (n=105) and pursue validation of the scale predicting non-violent misconduct on the North Carolina sample (n=133). To address previous findings regarding race and age being predictive of death row misconduct, additional scales are constructed to inquire whether predictors vary across the subgroups. My findings suggest that while few importation model factors are predictive of misconduct and the scale predicting non-violent misconduct is not valid, the prisoner’s location is significantly associated with their non-violent and violent institutional infraction record. Resulting is the discussion on what role does the location of death row play in prisoners’ misbehavior, as well as consideration of limitations of this study and its practical implications

    The concept of slavery in the novel Cecilia Valdés or El Angel Hill

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    This bachelor thesis focuses on the concept of slavery in the novel Cecilia Valdés or El Angel Hill written by the Cuban writer Cirilo Villaverde. I try to describe and summarize the means that the author was using to fight for the abolition of slavery in this work. By the time Villaverde's novel came out slavery had already been abolished in many countries and declared as illegal - except in Cuba. Cuba was still economically dependent on the slavery system and on the exploitation of the black population that was being imported from Africa. This work deals with the historical development of slavery at the time the novel was written and at the time the novel takes place - 1812 to 1831. The thesis devotes on portraying of the life of the black slave in Cuba, his social status and tries to depict the social environment. It also concerns the way of thinking of the upper class, white slave-holders but also of the people of the mixed race about the slaves and their attitude towards the slavery system as such.Tato bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na pojetí otroctví v románu Cecilia Valdésová aneb Andělský pahorek kubánského spisovatele Cirila Villaverde. V této práci se pokouším popsat a shrnout prostředky, jež autor využíval k boji za zrušení otroctví. V době, kdy vyšel Villaverdeho román, bylo otroctví již v mnoha zemích zrušeno a prohlášeno za nezákonné, vyjma Kuby. Kuba byla stále hospodářsky závislá na otrockém systému a vykořisťování černého obyvatelstva dováženého z Afriky. Tato práce se zabývá historickým vývojem otroctvím v době vzniku románu a v době, kdy se román odehrává, tedy v letech 1812 až 1831. Práce se věnuje vykreslení života černého otroka na Kubě, jeho společenskému postavení a snaží se vyobrazit sociální prostředí tehdejší doby. Zároveň se zaobírá smýšlením vyšších vrstev, bílých otrokářů, ale i míšenců ohledně otroků a jejich přístupu k systému otroctví jako takovému.Institute of Romance StudiesÚstav románských studiíFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    DNA hypomethylation and aberrant expression of the human endogenous retrovirus ERVWE1/syncytin-1 in seminomas

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    Additional file 3: Figure S1. Expression analysis of ERVWE1 and ERVFRDE1 loci normalized to the TBP gene. Expression from the ERVWE1 (A, B) and ERVFRDE1 (C, D) loci was analyzed by qRT-PCR in the panel of tumor samples. Both the full-length RNA (A, C) and spliced mRNA (B, D) forms were quantified. All the data were normalized to the expression of TBP. Each sample is represented by a dot and was measured as a technical triplicate. In each column, median with interquartile range is depicted. Significance was assigned as follows: **** for P-values <0.0001, *** for P-values <0.001, ** for P-values <0.01, * for P-values <0.05

    Project management in the manufacturing plant

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    Import 01/09/2009Bakalářská práce se zabývá projektovým řízením ve výrobním podniku. Nejprve je představena teoretická část projektového řízení a poté je popsáno projektové řízení ve společnosti Koito Czech s.r.o. Stěžejní část obsahuje porovnání mezi teoretickými a praktickými částmi bakalářské práce a následně je zaměřena na návrhy na možná zlepšení v několika oblastech projektového řízení. Tyto oblasti zahrnují specifikaci provedení, časový plán a finanční rozpočet projektu.The thesis is about the project management in a manufacturing plant. Firstly, the theoretic part of project management is introduced and then the project management in the manufacturing company Koito Czech s.r.o. is described. The main part contains comparison between theoretic and practical parts of the thesis and subsequently, it is focused on the possible countermeasures in some project management areas. These areas include a product specification, project timing plan and financial project budget.Prezenční545 - Institut ekonomiky a systémů řízenívýborn

    Motivation Towards the Visual Arts via Art Techniques in Free Time Pedagogy

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    Motivation youth towards the visual arts via art techniques in free time pedagogy. The purpose of bachelor work was analyse by means of young people motivation to positive affinity to plastic art. Theoretic part put brain to explication basic concepts, which be related to work theme. The first chapters I explained bacis consepts, namely conception art, plastic art and aesthetics in human relation to mentioned values. In the next chapters I put mind to guestions of young people, guestions and importance of the free time. The last theme of theoretic part is motivation. Motivation in the concepts definition and motivation youth to visual art activities by means of today`s visual arts projectes. Practical part put mind to the plastic project ,,Colour sensation of music``. The purpose of the project is visual expession of subjective experience, which was induced by the auditory sensation of music. The project is specialised for young people. Now it`s harder motivate them to every activities with the visual activities. So I wanted to find one way to motivate young people to visual activity trough this project. Conclusion of bachelor work summarises knowledges and observations sequence of this visual project

    Logic in math lessons at elementary schools

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    Tato práce pojednává o výrokové logice a odvozovacích pravidlech, díky nimž můžeme matematiky popsat postup logického myšlení či řešení problémů pomocí intuice Dále je tato práce zaměřena na ukázky příkladů z učebnic matematiky pro druhý stupeň základních škol, které podporují rozvoj logického myšlení studentů.ObhájenoThis work deals with the propositional calculus and the rules of inference that allow us to mathematically describe the process of logical thinking or problem solving using intuition. Furthermore, this work focuses on demonstration of the examples from the textbooks of mathematics for secondary schools which supports the development of logical thinking of students