659 research outputs found

    Low-noise design issues for analog front-end electronics in 130 nm and 90 nm CMOS technologies

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    Deep sub-micron CMOS technologies provide wellestablished solutions to the implementation of low-noise front-end electronics in various detector applications. The IC designers’ effort is presently shifting to 130 nm CMOS technologies, or even to the next technology node, to implement readout integrated circuits for silicon strip and pixel detectors, in view of future HEP applications. In this work the results of noise measurements carried out on CMOS devices in 130 nm and 90 nm commercial processes are presented. The behavior of the 1/f and white noise terms is studied as a function of the device polarity and of the gate length and width. The study is focused on low current density applications where devices are biased in weak or moderate inversion. Data obtained from the measurements provide a powerful tool to establish design criteria in nanoscale CMOS processes for detector front-ends in LHC upgrades

    MAPS in 130 nm triple well CMOS technology for HEP applications

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    Deep N-well CMOS monolithic active pixel sensors (DNWMAPS) represent an alternative approach to signal processing in pixellated detectors for high energy physics experiments. Based on different resolution constraints, two prototype MAPS, suitable for applications requiring different detector pitch, have been developed and fabricated in 130 nm triple well CMOS technology. This work presents experimental results from the characterization of some test structures together with TCAD and Monte Carlo simulations intended to study the device properties in terms of charge diffusion and charge sharing among pixels

    Analog front-end for pixel sensors in a 3D CMOS technology for the SuperB Layer0

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    This work is concerned with the design of two different analog channels for hybrid and monolithic pixels readout in view of applications to the SVT at the SuperB Factory. The circuits have been designed in a 130nm CMOS, vertically integrated technology, which, among others, may provide some advantages in terms of functional density and electrical isolation between the analog and the digital sections of the front-end

    Mental Health and Coaching Challenges Facing the COVID-19 Outbreak

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    On 31th December 2019 an increasing number of pneumonia of unknown aetiology that depend on a new virus, SarsCoV-2, has been registered. The epicentre of the spread of the pathogen has been identified in the Chinese city of Wuhan, but the Coronavirus has reached other neighbouring countries and on January 24th the first cases have been ascertained in Europe, until the World Health Organization declared the state of pandemic. Coaching can be the key to find oneself and therefore to focus more effectively on the actual bonds, affections and investments, at least slightly reducing the need for elsewhere that often characterizes the escape from oneself. In our experience, coaching can stimulate and promote the growth and improvement of personal resources and the potential of each individual in full respect of their uniqueness and their peculiar characteristics, helping to revive the ability to think and dream of a better future. Specifically, in this particularly delicate moment, embarking on a coaching process can make learn resilience, acquire specific skills and discover transversal abilities. Coaching can offer the opportunity to find the motivation and perseverance to adopt functional behaviours to achieve a greater level of well-being. The coaching process can transform this moment of crisis into an opportunity for personal and professional growth, facing uncertainty and change, keeping the course and focus on own objectives, investing to improve himself. The construction of an ethics of collaboration and solidarity, in which everyone renounces something in the name of the common good could be the best way to look forward to the future with less anxiety and to preserve mental and physical health

    Bioaerosol emissions during organic waste treatment for biopolymer production: A case study

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    Environmentally sustainable methods of waste disposal are a strategic priority. For organic waste management and innovative biological treatments present advantageous opportunities, although organic waste treatment also includes environmental drawbacks, such as bioaerosol pro-duction. This study aims to evaluate bioaerosol spread during an innovative experimental treatment. The process consists of two anaerobic steps: acidogenesis, which includes polyhydroxyalkanoate accumulation, followed by methanogenesis. Bioaerosol, PM10, and endotoxin concentrations were measured at three sampling points during different campaigns to evaluate: (1) the background levels, (2) the contamination produced in the pre-treatment stage, and (3) the residual contamination of the outgoing digested sludge. Environmental PM10 seemed to be generally quite contained, while the endotoxin determination was close to 90 EU/m3. Significant microbial concentrations were detected during the loading of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (fungi > 1300 CFU/m3, Bacillus genus (≈103 CFU/m3), higher Clostridium spp. and opportunistic human pathogens such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae), suggesting a significant contamination level. Such results are useful for hazard identification in the risk assessment of innovative processes, as they reveal contaminants potentially harmful to both workers’ health and the environment

    Saharan dust impact in central Italy: An overview on three years elemental data records

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    In southern European countries, Saharan dust may episodically produce significant increases of PM10, which may also cause the exceedance of the PM10 daily limit value established by the European Directive (2008/50/EC). The detection with very high sensitivity of all the elements that constitute mineral dust makes PIXE technique a very effective tool to assess the actual impact of these episodes. In this work, a review of long-term series of elemental concentrations obtained by PIXE has been accomplished with the aim of identifying the occurrence of Saharan dust transport episodes over long periods in Tuscany and characterising them in terms of composition and impact on PM concentration, tracing back their contribution to the exceedances of the PM10 limit value. The impact of the different Saharan intrusions on PM10 showed a very high variability. During the most intense episodes (which occurred with a frequency of few times per year) the calculated soil dust concentration reached values as high as 25\u201330 \u3bcg m 123, to be compared with background values of the order of 5 \u3bcg m 123. The Saharan dust contribution was decisive to cause the exceedance of the PM10 daily limit value in the 1\u20132% of the days considered in the present work

    PixFEL: development of an X-ray diffraction imager for future FEL applications

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    A readout chip for diffraction imaging applications at new generation X-ray FELs (Free Electron Lasers) has been designed in a 65 nm CMOS technology. It consists of a 32 × 32 matrix, with square pixels and a pixel pitch of 110 µm. Each cell includes a low-noise charge sensitive amplifier (CSA) with dynamic signal compression, covering an input dynamic range from 1 to 104 photons and featuring single photon resolution at small signals at energies from 1 to 10 keV. The CSA output is processed by a time-variant shaper performing gated integration and correlated double sampling. Each pixel includes also a small area, low power 10-bit time-interleaved Successive Approximation Register (SAR) ADC for in-pixel digitization of the amplitude measurement. The channel can be operated at rates up to 4.5 MHz, to be compliant with the rates foreseen for future X-ray FEL machines. The ASIC has been designed in order to be bump bonded to a slim/active edge pixel sensor, in order to build the first demonstrator for the PixFEL (advanced X-ray PIXel cameras at FELs) imager

    Carbonaceous aerosol in polar areas: First results and improvements of the sampling strategies

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    While more and more studies are being conducted on carbonaceous fractions—organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC)—in urban areas, there are still too few studies about these species and their effects in polar areas due to their very low concentrations; further, studies in the literature report only data from intensive campaigns, limited in time. We present here for the first time EC–OC concentration long-time data records from the sea-level sampling site of Ny-Ålesund, in the High Arctic (5 years), and from Dome C, in the East Antarctic Plateau (1 year). Regarding the Arctic, the median (and the interquartile range (IQR)) mass concentrations for the years 2011–2015 are 352 (IQR: 283–475) ng/m3 for OC and 4.8 (IQR: 4.6–17.4) ng/m3 for EC, which is responsible for only 3% of total carbon (TC). From both the concentration data sets and the variation of the average monthly concentrations, the influence of the Arctic haze on EC and OC concentrations is evident. Summer may be interested by high concentration episodes mainly due to long-range transport (e.g., from wide wildfires in the Northern Hemisphere, as happened in 2015). The average ratio of EC/OC for the summer period is 0.05, ranging from 0.02 to 0.10, and indicates a clean environment with prevailing biogenic (or biomass burning) sources, as well as aged, highly oxidized aerosol from long-range transport. Contribution from ship emission is not evident, but this result may be due to the sampling time resolution. In Antarctica, a 1 year-around data set from December 2016 to February 2018 is shown, which does not present a clear seasonal trend. The OC median (and IQR) value is 78 (64–106) ng/m3; for EC, it is 0.9 (0.6–2.4) ng/m3, weighing for 3% on TC values. The EC/OC ratio mean value is 0.20, with a range of 0.06–0.35. Due to the low EC and OC concentrations in polar areas, correction for the blank is far more important than in campaigns carried out in other regions, largely affecting uncertainties in measured concentrations. Through the years, we have thus developed a new sampling strategy that is presented here for the first time: samplers were modified in order to collect a larger amount of particulates on a small surface, enhancing the capability of the analytical method since the thermo-optical analyzer is sensitive to carbonaceous aerosol areal density. Further, we have recently coupled such modified samplers with a sampling strategy that makes a more reliable blank correction of every single sample possible
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