1,613 research outputs found

    Operational loopwheel suspension systems for Mars Rover demonstration model: Loopwheel failure report

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    The results are presented from the analysis of a failure which occurred in the fiberglass loop of one of the Loopwheel traction elements delivered to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) for use on the JPL Mars Rover demonstration model. The loop failed in compression in the outer fibers forming a hinge which, through cycling, caused the inner fibers to break. The probable cause of this failure was the load being introduced as point loads at the center of the loop causing high compressive stresses and early buckling. To decrease the stress level and delay buckling, the tread lugs can be reshaped so that the entire lug contacts the ground when the loop is loaded. This can be accomplished through removal of lug material, starting with zero removal at the outer edge and linearly increasing to one-half of the lug thickness at the center

    Introduction to the special issue devoted to the 2018 ESHET conference at Madrid

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    The 22nd Annual ESHET Conference was held at the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business of the Complutense University of Madrid from 7 to 9 June 2018.Depto. de Economía Aplicada, Estructura e HistoriaFac. de Ciencias Económicas y EmpresarialesTRUEpu

    Dependências morfossintáticas entre núcleos verbais em sequência e a dupla realização do sujeito : auxiliares como verbos de controle

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Maximiliano GuimarãesDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras. Defesa: Curitiba,24/04/2013Inclui referênciasResumo: Esta dissertação de mestrado tem por objetivo avançar na compreensão dos verbos auxiliares do Português Brasileiro, ampliando as descrições e refinando as análises de seu comportamento. O próprio estatuto categorial dos verbos auxiliares será revisto com base em (i) dependências morfossintáticas e possibilidades de combinação em estruturas sequências de múltiplos auxiliares; e (ii) estruturas com dupla realização do sujeito, uma delas aparentando ser um pronome resumptivo. Com base nas propostas de Chomsky (1957), Ross (1969), Lasnik (2000), Hornstein (2001, e trabalhos subsequentes) e Guimarães e Mendes (2013), propomos uma análise para dados como (1-3), paralelamente revendo algumas posições já sedimentadas sobre os verbos auxiliares do Português Brasileiro. (1) a. O Joãoi vai ELEi consertar o carro, já que ninguém se mexe. b. Não sei por que elai/j está procupada, Mariai é ELAi a linda do grupo. c. Mariai está ELAi preparando a festa já que ninguém se manifestou. d. Joãoi está ELEi sendo o mal educado aqui, não o Carlos. (2) a. Maria está ELA indo ficar chorando no ombro do Pedro, e não vice-versa. b. Maria está indo ELA ficar chorando no ombro de Pedro, e não vice-versa. c. Maria está indo ficar ELA chorando no ombro de Pedro, e não vice-versa. d. *Maria está ELA indo ELA ficar chorando no ombro do Pedro, e não viceversa. e. *Maria está indo ELA ficar ELA chorando no ombro de Pedro, e não viceversa. f. *Maria está ELA indo ELA ficar ELA chorando no ombro de Pedro, e não vice-versa. (3) a. O meninos querem ELES lavar o carro depois que ELES arrumarem a casa. b. Os meninos parecem ELES estar conversando enquanto ELES estudam. Os dados acima apontam que existe a possibilidade de "pronunciação" de uma cópia baixa do sujeito que passa por processo de pseudo-pronominalização nos sintagmas com os verbos auxiliares, desde que esse elemento esteja focalizado – por isso a notação em maiúsculas – e obrigatoriamente co-referencial ao sujeito. Essa possibilidade de que verbos auxiliares licenciam estruturas de controle em que essa cópia baixa passa por um fenômeno de pseudo-pronominalização para ser pronunciada como anáfora associada com foco levanta diversas questões que são o cerne deste trabalho: (i) existindo uma posição Spec nos sintagmas nucleados por auxiliares, este seria de passagem obrigatória para os DPs sujeitos?; (ii)tendo que estar obrigatoriamente em foco essa cópia pseudopronominalizada, qual a informação focalizada, já que auxiliares são tradicionalmente considerados verbos não atribuidores de papel temático a um argumento externo?; (iii) os verbos auxiliares atribuiriam, então, algo como um papel temático, ou um papel quasi-temático, que possa servir de informação focalizada?; (iv) se esses verbos possuírem posição de argumento externo e atribuírem um papel temático ou quasi-temático, não seriam eles mais parecidos com os verbos plenos como defendeu Ross (1969)?; (v) nessa perspectiva, poderíamos, então, tratar os auxiliares como verbos de controle, dada a similaridade de seus comportamentos?Abstract: This Master’s Thesis aims at advancing our understanding of the behavior of auxiliary verbs in Brazilian Portuguese, expanding the descriptions and fine tuning the analysis of their behavior. The categorial status of auxiliary verbs itself will be revised based on (i) morphosyntactic dependencies and combination possibilities in sequences of multiple auxiliaries; and (ii) structures with two instances of the subject being pronounced, one of them in the form of an apparent resumptive pronoun. Based on the proposals of Chomsky (1957), Ross (1969), Lasnik (2000), Hornstein (2001 and subsequent work) and Guimarães and Mendes (2013), we propose a new analysis the data suchlike (1-3). In parallel we review some well established positions about the behavior and description of auxiliary verbs in Brazilian Portuguese. (1) a. O Joãoi vai ELEi consertar o carro, já que ninguém se mexe. b. Não sei por que elai/j está procupada, Mariai é ELAi a linda do grupo. c. Mariai está ELAi preparando a festa já que ninguém se manifestou. d. Joãoi está ELEi sendo o mal educado aqui, não o Carlos. (2) a. Maria está ELA indo ficar chorando no ombro do Pedro, e não vice-versa. b. Maria está indo ELA ficar chorando no ombro de Pedro, e não vice-versa. c. Maria está indo ficar ELA chorando no ombro de Pedro, e não vice-versa. d. *Maria está ELA indo ELA ficar chorando no ombro do Pedro, e não viceversa. e. *Maria está indo ELA ficar ELA chorando no ombro de Pedro, e não viceversa. f. *Maria está ELA indo ELA ficar ELA chorando no ombro de Pedro, e não vice-versa. (3) a. O meninos querem ELES lavar o carro depois que ELES arrumarem a casa. b. Os meninos parecem ELES estar conversando enquanto ELES estudam. The data above indicate that there is a possibility of pronunciation of a lower copy of the subject that undergoes the process of what we call "pseudo pronominalization" in sentences with auxiliary verbs, wherein there is the restriction that this element that suffers pseudo-pronominalization must be focalized (that’s why we use the notation with capitals notation), and co-referencial with the subject. The possibility that auxiliary verbs license control structures in which a low copy undergoes pseudo-pronominalization and is pronounced as an anaphora associated with focus raises several questions that are the core of this study: (i) since there is a Spec position in the AuxP, would the subject DP necessarily have to ‘stop by’ this position on its way to its final position?; (ii) given that the lower copy of the subject must be focalized to be pronounced, there ought to be some information being focalized; then what would that semantic information be, since auxiliaries are known for not assigning any thematic information to their argument?; (iii) would auxiliary verbs, then, assign something like a theta-role, or a quasitheta-role, to serve as the focalized information?;(iv) if these verbs have an external argument position and assign a theta-role or a quasi-theta-role, wouldn’t they be more like lexical verbs as defended by Ross (1969)?; (v) in this perspective, could we treat auxiliaries as control verbs, given the similarity of their behavior

    Претензионная работа по топливу для предприятий энергетики

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    Background and aims: CREB (cAMP response element binding protein) transcription factors are key regulators of homeostatic functions in the liver, and CRE binding is increased in hepatic inflammation. During chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, mutations or deletions in the pre-S region are frequently observed. These mutations can affect the pre-S2/S promoter controlling HBV envelope protein expression (hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)) and have been associated with worsened clinical outcome. We aimed to test if CREB activation impacts on HBsAg expression. Methods: The effect of the CREB inducer protein kinase A (PKA) was tested by coexpression with HBV wild-type vector in vitro. Luciferase reporter gene constructs were cloned to identify novel regulatory regions for the HBV pre-S2/S promoter. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) gelshift and supershift experiments were conducted to confirm DNA transcription factor binding. Results: Coexpression of HBV and PKA resulted in HBV-S mRNA induction and enhanced small envelope protein expression. We identified a CREB binding motif in the transcribed part of the pre-S2 region, contributing to basal S promoter activity via binding of activating transcription factor 2 (ATF2). A second CREB motif closely linked to the S-ATG showed a similar binding pattern involving ATF2 and CREB1, without appearing essential for basal promoter activity. Moreover, a sequence in the pre-S2 region is responsible for further transcriptional induction via CREB activators such as PKA and forskolin. EMSA experiments indicate that CREB1 and ATF4 are involved in complex formation conferring PKA dependent promoter activation. Conclusions: Our data suggest a novel mechanism by which HBV may utilise CREB/PKA signal transduction pathways of hepatocytes to enhance its HBsAg expression during homeostasis and hepatic inflammation

    Nonlinear modeling of SFRC beam using multilinear softening function obtained by inverse analysis

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    The modeling of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) is a challenging task in comparison with the conventional reinforced concrete structures. Softening functions used to numerically reproduce SFRC fracture need to describe the effects associated with the post-cracking residual strength induced by the fibers in the concrete matrix. In order to do this, multilinear softening functions can be used to consider these effects. The work presents the results of a study in which the behavior of a SFRC beam tested in four-point bending test is compared with the responses obtained in nonlinear simulations using the finite element method. Multilinear softening functions are obtained through an inverse analysis technique, aiming to reproduce the phenomena of appearance and propagation of cracks. The simulations were performed using ATENA/GiD software. The technique adopted to find the softening function of SFRC allowed to reproduce, with a good agreement, the behavior reported experimentally596CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPES140135 / 2019-701-P-01879-201

    Exoskeletons and economics:indoor arthropod diversity increases in affluent neighbourhoods

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    In urban ecosystems, socioeconomics contribute to patterns of biodiversity. The ‘luxury effect’, in which wealthier neighbourhoods are more biologically diverse, has been observed for plants, birds, bats and lizards. Here, we used data from a survey of indoor arthropod diversity (defined throughout as family-level richness) from 50 urban houses and found that house size, surrounding vegetation, as well as mean neighbourhood income best predict the number of kinds of arthropods found indoors. Our finding, that homes in wealthier neighbourhoods host higher indoor arthropod diversity (consisting of primarily non-pest species), shows that the luxury effect can extend to the indoor environment. The effect of mean neighbourhood income on indoor arthropod diversity was particularly strong for individual houses that lacked high surrounding vegetation ground cover, suggesting that neighbourhood dynamics can compensate for local choices of homeowners. Our work suggests that the management of neighbourhoods and cities can have effects on biodiversity that can extend from trees and birds all the way to the arthropod life in bedrooms and basements

    The habitats humans provide:factors affecting the diversity and composition of arthropods in houses

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    Abstract The indoor biome is a novel habitat which recent studies have shown exhibit not only high microbial diversity, but also high arthropod diversity. Here, we analyze findings from a survey of 50 houses (southeastern USA) within the context of additional survey data concerning house and room features, along with resident behavior, to explore how arthropod diversity and community composition are influenced by physical aspects of rooms and their usage, as well as the lifestyles of human residents. We found that indoor arthropod diversity is strongly influenced by access to the outdoors and carpeted rooms hosted more types of arthropods than non-carpeted rooms. Arthropod communities were similar across most room types, but basements exhibited more unique community compositions. Resident behavior such as house tidiness, pesticide usage, and pet ownership showed no significant influence on arthropod community composition. Arthropod communities across all rooms in houses exhibit trophic structure—with both generalized predators and scavengers included in the most frequently found groups. These findings suggest that indoor arthropods serve as a connection to the outdoors, and that there is still much yet to be discovered about their impact on indoor health and the unique ecological dynamics within our homes