94 research outputs found

    Semi-Automatic Method for Creating Virtual Reality Environments

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    Traditsioonilised virtuaalreaalsuskeskkonnad põhinevad kõikide ümbritsevate objektide renderdamisel 3D mudelitest. Selleks tuleb kogu keskkond graafiliselt modelleerida, mis on enamasti pikk ja üksluine tegevus. Hiljuti turule ilmunud 360-kraadi kaamerad võivad olukorda muuta – piltidel põhinev virtuaalreaalsus ei vaja graafilist modelleerimist ja omab seetõttu potentsiaali luua keskkondi palju kiiremini ning pärismaailmale palju sarnasemate tulemustega. Selle lähenemise puuduseks on aga vajadus jäädvustada iga vaadeldava asukoha jaoks eraldi pilt. Seega on lõpptulemuseks suur arv pilte, mis tuleb sildistada viisil, mis võimaldaks piltidevahelist navigeerimist. Lõputöö uurib võimalikke meetodeid selliste virtuaalreaalsuskeskkondade poolautomaatsel teel loomiseks ning kirjeldab kasutajaliidest, mis võimaldab neid kuvada.Traditional virtual reality environments are based on rendering all the surroundings using 3D models of objects. This requires graphically modelling the whole environment, which is usually a long and tedious task. 360-degree cameras that have recently become commercially available might be able to change that situation, as image-based virtual reality requires no graphical modelling and therefore has the promise of being faster with the results resembling the real world more accurately. The downside of this approach is the requirement to create a separate image for each possible location in the scene that is being captured, thus resulting in a large number of images that need to be labelled, so that navigation between images would become possible. This thesis investigates possible methods to create such maps semi-automatically and provides an interface to display the virtual reality environments so created

    Smile Detector Based on the Motion of Face Reference Points

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    Inimese ja arvuti suhtlus on kahtlemata tänapäeva ühiskonna väga tähtis osa. Et seda veelgi parandada on võimalik luua süsteeme, kus arvuti reageerib inimese liigutustele või näoilmetele. Naeratamine on ilmselt näoilme, mis annab inimese kohta kõige rohkem informatsiooni. Selles lõputöös kirjeldame algoritmi, mis suudab tuvastada seda, kui inimene naeratab. Selleks leiame kõigepealt Viola-Jones'i algoritmi abil näo asukoha. Seejärel leiame vajalikele näoosadele vastavad kontrollpunktid ning jälgime nende liikumist järgmiste videokaadrite jooksul. Tuvastatud liikumise järgi otsustab algoritm, kas inimene naeratab või mitte.Human and computer interaction is without doubt a really important part of our modern society. In order to improve it even further it is possible to develop computer systems that react to gestures or facial expressions of its user. Smiling is an expression that gives probably the most information about a person. In this thesis we describe an algorithm that understands when a person is smiling. To achieve that we first detect a face of a person using the Viola-Jones algorithm. After that several facial reference points are located and then tracked across several consequent frames using optical flow. The motion of these points is analyzed and the face is classified as smiling or not smiling

    Analysing Contact and Non-Contact Methods of Anthropometric Data Collecting in Estonian Rescue Board

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    This study investigates different non-contact and contact methods to find a suitable measuring approach for taking body measurements from rescue workers. In the public sector, when ordering a uniform, every employee has to provide the body measurements themselves. This is a difficult task for ordinary consumer. Therefore, most employees give old uniform sizes. However, in the case of changes in industrial patterns of sewed items, it is necessary to know the actual body dimensions. In this article, three methods have been studied: measuring with a measuring tape from the human body, measuring with a body scanner Human Solution 3D and measuring with two different smartphone applications - apps. Forty seven employees of the Rescue Board were measured within a period of two weeks using different methods. After the analysis, the correct measurement instructions were prepared for the employees. The measurement instructions involved a combination of two approaches – tape measuring method and selected mobile app method. Collecting the right anthropometric data helps to produce work clothing of the right size and better fit, optimise the need for stocks and is the basis for creating an online order system for uniforms


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    The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the impact of maintenance to some mechanical properties of coated fabrics. Polyester is often used for outerwear because of its high durability. Coating application enhances several physical – mechanical properties of fabric. The reverse side of the test fabrics were laminated with a thin layer of the membrane to ensure complete water resistance. Since the micro-pores are sufficiently small, they will not let water through, but they let vapour through from inside to outside. It makes these kind fabrics vapour-permeable and therefore very comfortable for wearing. Although we can damage the micro-pores in the fabric very quickly whether by false maintenance mode at home for washing or drying. Test fabrics of this study were chosen from kid`s outerwear collection. Kids are good for testing of ready to wear garments but this time, the emphasis was on laboratory tests of basic fabrics. The aim of this study was to test the outer fabric under the conditions of domestic care and thereafter to carry out tests on abrasion resistance and tearing of cared fabrics.

    The co-influence of noise and carbon dioxide on humans in the work and living environment

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    The aim of the paper is to investigate the co-influence of noise and carbon dioxide on people in different situations (inside/outside houses/classrooms) depending on the traffic intensity, the fuel used for heating in residential buildings etc.). All the measurements and the questionnaire have been carried out during the autumn of 2019 (at the mean temperature of 5–10 °C). Riga has a more intensive traffic compared to Tallinn and has greater problems of exceeding the permissible noise levels. The levels of carbon dioxide inside classrooms are also very high in Latvia (1,500–2,000 ppm). The concentration of carbon dioxide outside buildings is low in the forest areas (measured in the south of Estonia), being 340–350 ppm. In regional towns, it is 500 ppm (measured in autumn-winter near a busy street). The co-influence of noise and carbon dioxide on the residents has been investigated by using the Weinstein questionnaire. High carbon dioxide levels cause fatigue. Although it was not particularly pointed out by the residents questioned in a panel house with small apartments, the air was considered to be stuffy. The house is situated near a busy street, so the problems with noise are higher. ANOVA statistics has been used for the questionnaire (p < 0.001, α = 0.93). The decrease of noise and carbon dioxide levels help people stay healthy and the environmental impact from the investigation is emphasising the necessity and providing possibilities to decrease the concentration of CO2 in the ambient air

    Lühialbumi "Ära siit" loomine

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    Töö eesmärgiks oli analüüsida, kuidas autor lõi täiesti algusest kuni masterini enda lühialbumi “Ära siit”. Töös kirjutab lahti, kuidas viib läbi lugude kirjutamise, salvestamise ja järeltöötluse ning räägib nii positiivsetest kui ka negatiivsetest olukordadest, mis seda tehes ilmnesid.https://www.ester.ee/record=b5237919*es

    Os militares e os Aiatolás : relações Brasil - Irã (1979 - 1985)

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Dennison de OliveiraAutor não autorizou a divulgação do arquivo digitalTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Programa de Pós-Graduação em História. Defesa: Curitiba, 24/06/2013Bibliografia: fls. 181-186Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma síntese histórica das relações Brasil-Irã, assim como da política externa de ambos os países entre 1979 e 1985.Com base em pesquisas realizadas nos arquivos do Itamaraty em Brasília procurou-se traçar paralelos na trajetória destes dois países no período em questão. A Revolução Iraniana, um dos principais movimentos políticos do século XX, foi o estopim do chamado Segundo Choque do Petróleo em 1979 e o Brasil, país dependente do transporte terrestre para escoar sua produção, fez do pragmatismo sua bandeira de política externa para manter a parceria com um dos principais produtores da commodity que tanto necessitava. Este trabalho também se propõe a preencher lacunas na historiografia das Relações Internacionais no que tange às especificidades das relações Sul-Sul e com o Oriente Médio em particular.Abstract: The aim of this work is to present a historical overview of Brazil-Iran relations, as well as the foreign policy of both countries between 1979 and 1985.Based on research conducted in the archives of the Foreign Ministry in Brasília in order to draw a parallel on the trajectory of these two countries during the period in question. The Iranian Revolution, one of the major political movements of the 20th century, was the catalyst of the so-called Second Oil Shock, in 1979. Dependent on ground transportation to drain its production, Brazil made of pragmatism its foreign policy flag to keep its partnership with one of the main world oil producers. This work also aims to fill gaps in the historiography of International Relations with regard to the specific features of South-South relations and the Middle East in particular


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    O objetivo deste artigo é fazer uma breve análise sobre as razões históricas, econômicas e sociais sobre as razões que levaram á convocação da Conferência de Berlim em 1885, utilizando o caso do Congo Belga como emblemático neste processo de exploração econômica embasado numa suposta superioridade da civilização ocidenta