203 research outputs found

    Effet de l’insertion des plantes de couverture sur la productivité du système de culture à base de maïs dans le cadre de l’intégration agriculture-élevage

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    En zone soudano-sahĂ©lienne, la productivitĂ© des cultures est limitĂ©e par les effets nĂ©fastes du changement climatique et la pauvretĂ© des sols. L’insertion des plantes de couverture dans les systèmes de production pourrait ĂŞtre une alternative d’amĂ©lioration des rendements et de la biomasse. Pour atteindre cet objectif, la pratique conventionnelle de la culture du maĂŻs a Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©e pendant cinq annĂ©es (2014-2018), Ă  quatre systèmes de culture associant des plantes de couverture. Le dispositif expĂ©rimental utilisĂ© a Ă©tĂ© un bloc de Fisher avec 6 traitements en 4 rĂ©pĂ©titions. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que l’insertion du Cajanus cajan, du Stylosanthes hamata, du Brachiaria ruziziensis et Mucuna cochinchinensis dans un système de culture Ă  base du maĂŻs permet d’amĂ©liorer la production de biomasse fourragère sans nĂ©gativement affecter son rendement. UtilisĂ©e dans la supplĂ©mentation des animaux, la biomasse produite peut nourrir pendant 90 jours 7 unitĂ©s de bĂ©tail tropical (UBT) en culture pure du maĂŻs et 8 Ă  13 unitĂ©s de bĂ©tail tropical (UBT) en fonction du type de plantes de couverture. Dans le cadre de la production fumure organique, les mĂŞmes tendances de variations ont Ă©tĂ© obtenues en fonction des systèmes de culture. L’insertion des plantes de couverture est un Ă©lĂ©ment intĂ©grateur agriculture-Ă©levage.Mots clĂ©s : Changement climatique, maĂŻs, lĂ©gumineuse, biomasse fourragère, zone Soudano-sahĂ©lienne, Mali   English Title: Cover crop insertion effect on productivity of maize-based cropping system in the context of crop-livestock integrationIn Sudano-Sahelian zone, crop productivity is limited by climate change effect and poor soils. Inserting cover crops into production systems could be an alternative to improve yields and biomass. To achieve this goal, conventional practice of maize cultivation was compared over a five-year period (2014-2018) with four cropping systems using cover crops. The experimental design used was a Fisher block with 6 treatments in 4 replicates. The results showed that the insertion of Cajanus cajan, Stylosanthes hamata, Brachiaria ruziziensis and Mucuna cochinchinensis in a maize-based cropping system improves biomass production without negatively affecting its yield. Used in animal supplementation, the biomass produced can feed 7 Tropical Livestock Units (UBT) of pure maize crop and 8 to 13 UBT for 90 days, depending on the type of cover crop. In the case of organic manure production, the same variations were obtained depending on cropping systems. The insertion of cover crops in cropping system is an integrating agriculture-livestock component.Keywords: Climate change, maize, legumes, fodder biomass, fodder biomass, Sudano-Sahelian zone, Mali

    The Impact of Microcredit on Promoting Female Entrepreneurship: The Case of the Cooperative of Women Merchants in the Municipality of Gao

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    This work is based on a questionnaire intended for women entrepreneurs in the municipality of Gao. This research therefore aims to measure the effect of microcredit on the development of income-generating activities for these women.It is based on a particular case, namely the impact of credit on the activities of traders in the commune of Gao. The methodology used for this research is the descriptive method which is based on a statistical analysis through graphs, and cross tables, with version 20 of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software and the R (4.2.1, our sample was made up of 100 women, all members of the cooperative of women traders in the commune of Gao.Our results indicate that microcredit has a positive effect on the income-generating activities of beneficiaries. Thus, women's access to this credit has enabled them to increase their turnover and their profits, while meeting the conditions for the sustainability of their income-generating activities through the strengthening of organizational capacities. Keywords: female entrepreneurship, micro credit, tradeswoman, multinomial logit. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/14-24-01 Publication date: December 31st 202

    Obstetric emergencies in a humanitarian context at the Somine Dolo hospital in Mopti, Mali

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    Background: Conflicts are a barrier to physical and financial access to health centers. Our objective was to evaluate obstetric emergencies in a humanitarian context at the Sominé DOLO hospital in Mopti.Methods: This was a descriptive and prospective longitudinal study from January to September, 2020 in the obstetrical gynecology department of the Sominé DOLO hospital in Mopti. Our objective was to evaluate obstetric emergencies in the humanitarian context.Results: The frequency of patients evacuated was 30.61%. The average age of the patients was 27 years with extremes of 15 and 49 years. Hemorrhage during pregnancy was the main cause of reference with 23.83%. The ambulance was the most used means of transport with 51%. Delay in evacuation was observed in 31.33 cases. About 73.03% of our patients had given birth by caesarean section. We recorded 64 maternal deaths, a rate of 10.67%. Fetal mortality in our study was 23.28%. Attacks by armed groups had a negative impact on the referral/evacuation system.Conclusions: The health system had experienced severe challenges due to insecurity. Armed conflicts were the cause of evacuation delays. Haemorrhage during pregnancy was the main reference cause. Maternal and perinatal mortality was high

    Conclusions of ten years of maternal death surveillance and response in the health district of commune V of Bamako, Mali

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to report the findings of the local maternal deaths surveillance and response (MDSR) committee in the health district of Municipality V of the district of Bamako. Methods: It was a retrospective study over a period from January 2009 to December 2017. We have compiled all the findings of the local MDSR committee from the health district of Municipality V. The data was generated from the Local Health Information System (LHIS). We made a simple entry of text and tables using Word and Excel software. Results: During the study period, the maternal mortality ratio (MMR) was 219/100,000 live births. The study was about 140 cases of maternal deaths that occurred in health facilities. The middle age of the patients was 28.01 years. Most of the deaths occurred in the postpartum period, with 106 cases. In 92.12%, the deaths were from direct obstetric causes (DOC), including hemorrhage 70%, eclampsia 7.85%, obstructed labor 7.14%. Seven deaths (5%) were from indirect obstetric causes (IOC), including anemia 3.57% and malaria 1.73%. In 2.58%, the deaths were from undetermined causes. Deaths were preventable in 80%. The response included, among other things, the notification of cases and the implementation of the recommendations made. In 70% of cases, the recommendations issued were implemented. Conclusions:  The MMR remains high in Municipality V of the district of Bamako. These deaths were mostly from DOCs, with hemorrhage as the main cause. These deaths were mostly preventable.

    Determinants of Success of the Young Entrepreneurship: Case of Young Financed by Fier in Segou Region

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    This research focuses on a less explored subject but one of considerable importance for the development of the Segou region, mainly the determinants of the success of young entrepreneurs. The objective of this research was to determine the success factors of entrepreneurs (entrepreneurial activities) financed by the FIER Project in the region of Segou. As part of this research, data were collected from a sample of 334 (three hundred and thirty-four) young entrepreneurs who are partners in the project.The results show that six (6) branches of activity were identified which are cattle fattening at 65.3%, followed by sheep fattening at 27.2%, cereal trade at 4.2%, goat breeding at 1.8 %, vegetable gardening at 1.2% ended by the trade of agricultural inputs 0.3%. Almost half of the entrepreneurs interviewed (46.1%) have more than 2 years of experience in their sector of activity, generally between 3 and 4 years. The DFS, partners of the young people in the sample, are CAECE JIGISEME, CVECA/ON, KAFO JIGINEW and NYESIGISO.The results of the logistic regression indicate that the motivation of young people to be their own boss, to value themselves, the experience in the activity, the financing of FIER and the Restitution of the amount received are significant at the threshold of 0.1%, 1 % and 5%. The Wald test confirms variables such as the motivation of the young person, the number of years in the activity, the structure of the financing, the personal contribution, the restitution and the start of production. Keyswords: Rural entrepreneurship, young, determinants, FIER, Segou, ACM. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/15-6-02 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Facteurs de vulnérabilités des petites et moyennes entreprises informelles au Mali

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    L’objectif du prĂ©sent manuscrit est de : i) identifier les rĂ´les jouĂ©s par l’environnement dans la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© des petites et moyennes entreprises informelles au Mali ; ii) dĂ©terminer les facteurs de vulnĂ©rabilitĂ©s liĂ©s au profil du dirigeant des petites et moyennes entreprises informelles au Mali ; et iii) dĂ©terminer les facteurs de vulnĂ©rabilitĂ©s liĂ©s Ă  l’entreprise informelle au Mali. Pour atteindre cet objectif fixĂ©, nous avons optĂ© pour le positionnement interprĂ©tatif.  En effet, cette posture interprĂ©tative nous a permet d’adoptĂ© une mĂ©thode qualitative basĂ©e sur de guide d’entretiens semi directif auprès de 20 personnes morales. Seules six personnes ont rĂ©pondu favorablement Ă  notre entretien. A cet effet, nos rĂ©sultats de recherche qualitative ont Ă©galement permis de faire les propositions selon lesquelles les facteurs de vulnĂ©rabilitĂ©s dĂ©pendront de l’environnement, le profil du dirigeant et de l’entreprise informelle malienne et les autres facteurs transversaux. &nbsp

    Estimation de la variabilité de la digestibilité et des émissions de méthane (CH4) des régimes des ruminants en fonction de la saison sur parcours sahélien

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    Les ruminants, du fait de leur processus de digestion des aliments, produisent du CH4. Notre objectif dans cette étude, est d’obtenir des données sur la qualité des régimes alimentaires du cheptel sahélien et la relation entre celle-ci et la production de méthane. Pour cela, des données ont été collectées d’octobre 2013 à septembre 2014 sur trois vaches suivies à Niassanté (village d’éleveur) et trois taurillons au centre de recherches zootechnique de Dahra. Les échantillons de fèces et de régimes prélevés ont été ensuite triés par groupes botaniques, pesés, séchés, broyés et analysés par SPIR. La digestibilité de la matière organique (dMO) et la production de méthane ont été calculées à partir des équations de prédiction. La dMO est de 51,26 ± 1,35% à Niassanté et 52,62 ± 3,28% à Dahra. La saison de collecte du régime affecte significativement la dMO (p = 0,000). La production de CH4 est en moyenne de 75 litres/jour/animal et est significativement affectée par la période de l’année (p= 0,000) et la quantité de matière sèche ingérée. Elle est négativement affectée par la dMO des régimes ingérés par les bovins (r = -0,308 ; p = 0,013). Il serait donc intéressant de bien caractériser les ressources fourragères utilisées par nos animaux et de déterminer leurs valeurs alimentaires.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Digestibilité, régime alimentaire, émission méthane, Zébu GobraEnglish Title:  Estimation of digestibility variability and methane (CH4) emission of ruminants diets depending on the season in Sahelian pastureEnglish AbstractRuminants, due to their food digestion process, produce CH4. Thus, the objective of this study is to obtain data on quality of Sahelian animals’ diets and the relationship between it and the production of CH4. For this, data were collected from October 2013 to September 2014 in three cows followed at Niassanté (a village of farmer) and three bulls at livestock research center of Dahra. Feces samples taken and collected diet were then sorted by botanical groups, weighed, dried, crushed and analyzed by NIRS. The organic matter digestibility (OMD) and methane production were calculated from prediction equations. The OMD is 51.26 ± 1.35% to Niassanté and 52.62 ± 3.28% to Dahra. The collected diet according the season has significant effects on the OMD (p = 0.000). CH4 production is on average of 75 liters/day /animal and is significantly affected by the period of year (p = 0.000) and the amount of ingested dry matter. It is negatively affected by the digestibility of the organic matter ingested by cattle (r = -0.308; p = 0.013). It would be interesting to characterize forage resources used by animals and determine their dietary values.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reservedKeywords: Digestibility, diet, methane emission, Gobra Zeb

    L’entrepreneuriat féminin au Mali : Enjeux et perspectives

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    Today access to employment in the public services in Mali constitutes a major challenge for the active population, in particular women. This constraint results in a dominance of informal employment. This type of employment exists in all institutional sectors and in all regions and regardless of background and sex. Female entrepreneurship has taken on increasing importance for decades in most industrialized countries but also in developing countries with specific characteristics (micro-enterprises). International organizations see women's entrepreneurship as an important means of combating poverty and promoting the women’s development. It is in this context that the article discusses the issues and in order to decide the future prospects of this entrepreneurship on the labor market. In a theoretical context, without modeling aspect, the methodological research focuses on the documentary review, the exploration of available data produced by the statistical information structures of public administrations in Mali. The analyzes of these data are contrasted with the various socio-demographic determinants. The results showed that female entrepreneurship is topical in Mali through different forms of organizations, especially in the informal sector in small businesses such as agribusiness. It emerges from these results that the difficulties or constraints are multiple, for which support measures are requested by women entrepreneurs.     Classification JEL : J64 Paper type : Empirical ResearchL'accès Ă  l'emploi dans les fonctions publiques de l’État constitue aujourd’hui au Mali un dĂ©fi majeur pour la population active, en particulier les femmes. Cette contrainte se traduit par une dominance de l'emploi informel Ce type d'emploi existe dans tous les secteurs institutionnels et dans toutes les rĂ©gions et quel que soit le milieu et le sexe. L’entrepreneuriat fĂ©minin a pris depuis des dĂ©cennies une importance croissante dans la plupart des pays industrialisĂ©s, mais aussi dans les pays en voie de dĂ©veloppement avec des caractĂ©ristiques spĂ©cifiques (micro entreprises). Les organisations internationales voient l’entrepreneuriat fĂ©minin comme un important moyen de lutte contre la pauvretĂ© et de l’épanouissement de la femme. C’est dans ce contexte que cet article Ă©voque les enjeux et opine les perspectives d’avenir de cet entrepreneuriat sur le marchĂ© du travail. Dans un contexte thĂ©orique, sans aspect de modĂ©lisation, la mĂ©thodologie de la recherche porte sur la revue documentaire, l’exploration des donnĂ©es disponibles produites par les structures d’informations statistiques des administrations publiques du Mali. Les analyses de ces donnĂ©es sont contrastĂ©es aux divers dĂ©terminants sociodĂ©mographiques. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que l’entrepreneuriat fĂ©minin est Ă  l’actualitĂ© au Mali Ă  travers diffĂ©rentes formes d’organisations surtout dans le secteur informel dans de petites entreprises comme les agroalimentaires. Il ressort de ces rĂ©sultats que les difficultĂ©s ou les contraintes sont multiples dont des mesures d’accompagnement sont sollicitĂ©es par les femmes entrepreneures.     Classification JEL : J64 Type de papier : Recherche empiriqu

    Gastrointestinal parasites of baboons (Papio papio) in Niokolo-Koba National Park, Senegal

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    Background: Primates can harbor parasites that could be pathogenic or not for humans and primates themselves. It is necessary to know the parasitological situation of the primates that are under surveillance in the park.Aim: To estimate the prevalence and diversity of gastrointestinal parasites, including zoonotic potential parasites, in baboons in the Niokolo-Koba National Park located in Senegal.Method: Fecal samples (n = 50) from two groups of baboons (A and B) were collected in October 2019. The samples were processed using the flotation technique and the modified Ritchie method. Slides were examined microscopically and the parasite identification was based on morphology, color, and parasite content.Results: A total of seven nematodes (Strongyloides sp., Trichirus sp., Ancylostoma sp., Mammo monogamus, Enterobius sp., Strongyloides stercoralis, Strongyle digestif), one cestode (Bertiella sp.), and one trematode (Fasciolopsis sp.) were identified. The overall prevalence was 78%, while the prevalence of poly-infected samples was 49%. The parasite with zoonotic potential, S. stercoralis, was identified in group B samples. Trichuris sp., which is common and pathogenic to humans and primates, was present with prevalence of 52% and of 32% in groups A and B, respectively.Conclusion: These results suggest that baboons are infested with zoonotic parasites and this situation could expose people working in this park to infection. Contact between humans and these baboons or their feces could expose them to infection with zoonotic parasites
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