50 research outputs found

    Comparative Genomic Profiling of Second Breast Cancers following First Ipsilateral Hormone Receptor-Positive Breast Cancers

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    Purpose: We compared the mutational profile of second breast cancers (SBC) following first ipislateral hormone receptor-positive breast cancers of patient-matched tumors to distinguish new primaries from true recurrences. Experimental design: Targeted next-generation sequencing using the Oncomine Tumor Mutation Load Assay. Variants were filtered according to their allele frequency ≥ 5%, read count ≥ 5X, and genomic effect and annotation. Whole genome comparative genomic hybridization array (CGH) was also performed to evaluate clonality. Results: Among the 131 eligible patients, 96 paired first breast cancer (FBC) and SBC were successfully sequenced and analyzed. Unshared variants specific to the FBC and SBC were identified in 71.9% and 61.5%, respectively. Paired samples exhibited similar frequency of gene variants, median number of variants per sample, and variant allele frequency of the reported variants except for GATA3. Among the 30 most frequent gene alterations, ARIDIA, NSD2, and SETD2 had statistically significant discordance rates in paired samples. Seventeen paired samples (17.7%) exhibited common variants and were considered true recurrences; these patients had a trend for less favorable survival outcomes. Among the 8 patients with available tissue for CGH analysis and considered new primaries by comparison of the mutation profiles, 4 patients had clonally related tumors. Conclusions: Patient-matched FBC and SBC analysis revealed that only a minority of patients exhibited common gene variants between the first and second tumor. Further analysis using larger cohorts, preferably using single-cell analyses to account for clonality, might better select patients with true recurrences and thereby better inform the decision-making process

    Data for Millennia of genomic stability within the invasive Para C Lineage of Salmonella enterica: date estimation 1

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    Salmonella enterica serovar Paratyphi C is the causative agent of enteric (paratyphoid) fever. While today a potentially lethal infection of humans that occurs in Africa and Asia, early 20th century observations in Eastern Europe suggest it may once have had a wider-ranging impact on human societies. We recovered a draft Paratyphi C genome from the 800-year-old skeleton of a young woman in Trondheim, Norway, who likely died of enteric fever. Analysis of this genome against a new, significantly expanded database of related modern genomes demonstrated that Paratyphi C is descended from the ancestors of swine pathogens, serovars Choleraesuis and Typhisuis, together forming the Para C Lineage. Our results indicate that Paratyphi C has been a pathogen of humans for at least 1,000 years, and may have evolved after zoonotic transfer from swine during the Neolithic period

    Pan-genome Analysis of Ancient and Modern Salmonella enterica Demonstrates Genomic Stability of the Invasive Para C Lineage for Millennia.

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    Salmonella enterica serovar Paratyphi C causes enteric (paratyphoid) fever in humans. Its presentation can range from asymptomatic infections of the blood stream to gastrointestinal or urinary tract infection or even a fatal septicemia [1]. Paratyphi C is very rare in Europe and North America except for occasional travelers from South and East Asia or Africa, where the disease is more common [2, 3]. However, early 20th-century observations in Eastern Europe [3, 4] suggest that Paratyphi C enteric fever may once have had a wide-ranging impact on human societies. Here, we describe a draft Paratyphi C genome (Ragna) recovered from the 800-year-old skeleton (SK152) of a young woman in Trondheim, Norway. Paratyphi C sequences were recovered from her teeth and bones, suggesting that she died of enteric fever and demonstrating that these bacteria have long caused invasive salmonellosis in Europeans. Comparative analyses against modern Salmonella genome sequences revealed that Paratyphi C is a clade within the Para C lineage, which also includes serovars Choleraesuis, Typhisuis, and Lomita. Although Paratyphi C only infects humans, Choleraesuis causes septicemia in pigs and boar [5] (and occasionally humans), and Typhisuis causes epidemic swine salmonellosis (chronic paratyphoid) in domestic pigs [2, 3]. These different host specificities likely evolved in Europe over the last ∼4,000 years since the time of their most recent common ancestor (tMRCA) and are possibly associated with the differential acquisitions of two genomic islands, SPI-6 and SPI-7. The tMRCAs of these bacterial clades coincide with the timing of pig domestication in Europe [6]

    Stepwise evolution of Salmonella Typhimurium ST313 causing bloodstream infection in Africa

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    Bloodstream infections caused by nontyphoidal Salmonella are a major public health concern in Africa, causing ~49,600 deaths every year. The most common Salmonella enterica pathovariant associated with invasive nontyphoidal Salmonella disease is Salmonella Typhimurium sequence type (ST)313. It has been proposed that antimicrobial resistance and genome degradation has contributed to the success of ST313 lineages in Africa, but the evolutionary trajectory of such changes was unclear. Here, to define the evolutionary dynamics of ST313, we sub-sampled from two comprehensive collections of Salmonella isolates from African patients with bloodstream infections, spanning 1966 to 2018. The resulting 680 genome sequences led to the discovery of a pan-susceptible ST313 lineage (ST313 L3), which emerged in Malawi in 2016 and is closely related to ST313 variants that cause gastrointestinal disease in the United Kingdom and Brazil. Genomic analysis revealed degradation events in important virulence genes in ST313 L3, which had not occurred in other ST313 lineages. Despite arising only recently in the clinic, ST313 L3 is a phylogenetic intermediate between ST313 L1 and L2, with a characteristic accessory genome. Our in-depth genotypic and phenotypic characterization identifies the crucial loss-of-function genetic events that occurred during the stepwise evolution of invasive S. Typhimurium across Africa

    Génomique épidémiologique de Salmonella

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    Over a century has passed since the discovery of Salmonella and yet, this pathogen still intrigues researchers. Its ability to withstand many antibiotics is of increasing concern. The monitoring of this pathogen is based on a rapid and discriminatory typing to identify the sources of contaminated food as early as possible. The conventional methods are long, heavy and non-automatable. Understanding the emergence and evolution of Salmonella is the key to eradicate this pathogen, which has remained one of the leading causes of foodborne bacterial diarrhea in the world. During the last decades, spectacular progress has been made in the world of microbiology with the arrival of workbench sequencers, passing from a dozen to hundreds of millions of sequences processed. Facilitated access to numerous genome sequences and dedicated tools are mandatory. Tools currently available are not sufficiently discriminating for the subtype of S. enterica serotype Typhimurium, a predominant serotype of Salmonella. Throughout this study, we showed the interest of whole genome sequencing, a multidisciplinary tool, for the genomic study of Salmonella. (1) After sequencing over 300 S. enterica serotype Typhimurium genomes, we have developed an in silico subtyping tool for this serotype, based on the CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) polymorphism. High-throughput microbiological monitoring of salmonellosis has been routinely validated on over 800 genomes. The study of coevolution between the chromosome (SNPs of the core genome) and the two CRISPR regions made it possible to establish a nomenclature defining the different populations of this serotype. (2) Genomic analysis of 280 historical strains of S. enterica serotype Typhimurium showed that plasmids carrying beta-lactamase genes, which confer resistance to ampicillin, were widespread within this serotype in the late 1950s, years before ampicillin was first used for clinical purposes. The presence of penicillin G in the farming environment where these compounds were used as growth promoters, may have led to the selection of the first ampicillin-resistant strains. (3) The phylogenetic study of a genome from the corpse of a young woman who died over 800 years ago, probably due to enteric fever, and 219 historical and recent genomes of the serotypes Paratyphi C, Choleraesuis and Typhisuis have shown, despite the differences in host specificity, that their genomes were very similar over the past 4000 years. Thus, the combination of genotypic and phylogenetic approaches has increased our knowledge of the evolution of this pathogen.Key words: Whole genome sequencing, epidemiological monitoring, CRISPR, SNP, antibiotic resistance, phylogeny, evolutionDécouverte il y a plus d’un siècle, Salmonella n’a cessé d’intriguer les chercheurs. Sa capacité à résister à de nombreux antibiotiques est de plus en plus préoccupante. La surveillance de ce pathogène repose sur un typage rapide et discriminant de façon à identifier le plus précocement possible les sources alimentaires contaminées. Les méthodes classiques sont longues, lourdes et non automatisables. Comprendre l’émergence et l’évolution des Salmonella est la clé pour éradiquer ce pathogène resté l’une des premières causes de diarrhées bactériennes d’origine alimentaire dans le monde. Au cours des dernières décennies, des progrès spectaculaires ont été menés dans le monde de la microbiologie avec l’arrivée des séquenceurs de paillasse, passant du traitement d’une dizaine à des centaines de millions de séquences. L’accès facilité aux séquences génomiques et aux outils qui leurs sont dédiés sont devenus une nécessité. Les outils actuellement disponibles ne sont pas assez discriminants pour sous-typer S. enterica sérotype Typhimurium (STM), sérotype prédominant de Salmonella. Nous avons voulu lors de ce travail, montrer l’intérêt du séquençage entier du génome, pour l’étude génomique de Salmonella. (1) Après avoir séquencé plus de 300 génomes de STM, nous avons mis au point un outil de sous-typage in silico de ce sérotype, basé sur le polymorphisme des CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats). La surveillance à haut débit des salmonelloses a été validée en routine sur plus de 800 génomes. L’étude de la coévolution entre le chromosome (SNPs) et les régions CRISPR ont permis d’établir une nomenclature définissant les différentes populations de STM. (2) L’analyse génomique de 280 souches historiques de STM a montré que les gènes de bêta-lactamase conférant une résistance à l’ampicilline et portés par des plasmides étaient répandus chez STM à la fin des années 1950, bien avant l’utilisation de cet antibiotique. La présence de la pénicilline G dans le milieu agricole où ces composés ont été utilisés en tant que promoteurs de croissance ont pu conduire à la sélection des premières souches résistantes à l’ampicilline. (3) L’étude phylogénétique d’un génome issu du cadavre d’une femme décédée il y a plus de 800 ans, probablement à cause de la fièvre entérique et de 219 génomes historiques et récents des sérotypes Paratyphi C, Choleraesuis et Typhisuis ont montré que leurs génomes étaient très similaires au cours des 4000 dernières années. Ainsi, la combinaison des approches génotypique et phylogénétique ont accru nos connaissances sur l’évolution de ce pathogène.Mots clés : Séquençage entier du génome, surveillance épidémiologique, CRISPR, SNP, résistance antibiotique, phylogénie, évolutio

    Genomic and epidemiology of Salmonella

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    Découverte il y a plus d’un siècle, Salmonella n’a cessé d’intriguer les chercheurs. Sa capacité à résister à de nombreux antibiotiques est de plus en plus préoccupante. La surveillance de ce pathogène repose sur un typage rapide et discriminant de façon à identifier le plus précocement possible les sources alimentaires contaminées. Les méthodes classiques sont longues, lourdes et non automatisables. Comprendre l’émergence et l’évolution des Salmonella est la clé pour éradiquer ce pathogène resté l’une des premières causes de diarrhées bactériennes d’origine alimentaire dans le monde. Au cours des dernières décennies, des progrès spectaculaires ont été menés dans le monde de la microbiologie avec l’arrivée des séquenceurs de paillasse, passant du traitement d’une dizaine à des centaines de millions de séquences. L’accès facilité aux séquences génomiques et aux outils qui leurs sont dédiés sont devenus une nécessité. Les outils actuellement disponibles ne sont pas assez discriminants pour sous-typer S. enterica sérotype Typhimurium (STM), sérotype prédominant de Salmonella. Nous avons voulu lors de ce travail, montrer l’intérêt du séquençage entier du génome, pour l’étude génomique de Salmonella. (1) Après avoir séquencé plus de 300 génomes de STM, nous avons mis au point un outil de sous-typage in silico de ce sérotype, basé sur le polymorphisme des CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats). La surveillance à haut débit des salmonelloses a été validée en routine sur plus de 800 génomes. L’étude de la coévolution entre le chromosome (SNPs) et les régions CRISPR ont permis d’établir une nomenclature définissant les différentes populations de STM. (2) L’analyse génomique de 280 souches historiques de STM a montré que les gènes de bêta-lactamase conférant une résistance à l’ampicilline et portés par des plasmides étaient répandus chez STM à la fin des années 1950, bien avant l’utilisation de cet antibiotique. La présence de la pénicilline G dans le milieu agricole où ces composés ont été utilisés en tant que promoteurs de croissance ont pu conduire à la sélection des premières souches résistantes à l’ampicilline. (3) L’étude phylogénétique d’un génome issu du cadavre d’une femme décédée il y a plus de 800 ans, probablement à cause de la fièvre entérique et de 219 génomes historiques et récents des sérotypes Paratyphi C, Choleraesuis et Typhisuis ont montré que leurs génomes étaient très similaires au cours des 4000 dernières années. Ainsi, la combinaison des approches génotypique et phylogénétique ont accru nos connaissances sur l’évolution de ce pathogène.Mots clés : Séquençage entier du génome, surveillance épidémiologique, CRISPR, SNP, résistance antibiotique, phylogénie, évolutionOver a century has passed since the discovery of Salmonella and yet, this pathogen still intrigues researchers. Its ability to withstand many antibiotics is of increasing concern. The monitoring of this pathogen is based on a rapid and discriminatory typing to identify the sources of contaminated food as early as possible. The conventional methods are long, heavy and non-automatable. Understanding the emergence and evolution of Salmonella is the key to eradicate this pathogen, which has remained one of the leading causes of foodborne bacterial diarrhea in the world. During the last decades, spectacular progress has been made in the world of microbiology with the arrival of workbench sequencers, passing from a dozen to hundreds of millions of sequences processed. Facilitated access to numerous genome sequences and dedicated tools are mandatory. Tools currently available are not sufficiently discriminating for the subtype of S. enterica serotype Typhimurium, a predominant serotype of Salmonella. Throughout this study, we showed the interest of whole genome sequencing, a multidisciplinary tool, for the genomic study of Salmonella. (1) After sequencing over 300 S. enterica serotype Typhimurium genomes, we have developed an in silico subtyping tool for this serotype, based on the CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) polymorphism. High-throughput microbiological monitoring of salmonellosis has been routinely validated on over 800 genomes. The study of coevolution between the chromosome (SNPs of the core genome) and the two CRISPR regions made it possible to establish a nomenclature defining the different populations of this serotype. (2) Genomic analysis of 280 historical strains of S. enterica serotype Typhimurium showed that plasmids carrying beta-lactamase genes, which confer resistance to ampicillin, were widespread within this serotype in the late 1950s, years before ampicillin was first used for clinical purposes. The presence of penicillin G in the farming environment where these compounds were used as growth promoters, may have led to the selection of the first ampicillin-resistant strains. (3) The phylogenetic study of a genome from the corpse of a young woman who died over 800 years ago, probably due to enteric fever, and 219 historical and recent genomes of the serotypes Paratyphi C, Choleraesuis and Typhisuis have shown, despite the differences in host specificity, that their genomes were very similar over the past 4000 years. Thus, the combination of genotypic and phylogenetic approaches has increased our knowledge of the evolution of this pathogen.Key words: Whole genome sequencing, epidemiological monitoring, CRISPR, SNP, antibiotic resistance, phylogeny, evolutio

    Early transmissible ampicillin resistance in zoonotic Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium in the late 1950s: a retrospective, whole-genome sequencing study

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    International audienceBACKGROUND:Ampicillin, the first semi-synthetic penicillin active against Enterobacteriaceae, was released onto the market in 1961. The first outbreaks of disease caused by ampicillin-resistant strains of Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium were identified in the UK in 1962 and 1964. We aimed to date the emergence of this resistance in historical isolates of S enterica serotype Typhimurium.METHODS:In this retrospective, whole-genome sequencing study, we analysed 288 S enterica serotype Typhimurium isolates collected between 1911 and 1969 from 31 countries on four continents and from various sources including human beings, animals, feed, and food. All isolates were tested for antimicrobial drug susceptibility with the disc diffusion method, and isolates shown to be resistant to ampicillin underwent resistance-transfer experiments. To provide insights into population structure and mechanisms of ampicillin resistance, we did whole-genome sequencing on a subset of 225 isolates, selected to maximise source, spatiotemporal, and genetic diversity.FINDINGS:11 (4%) of 288 isolates were resistant to ampicillin because of acquisition of various β lactamase genes, including blaTEM-1, carried by various plasmids, including the virulence plasmid of S enterica serotype Typhimurium. These 11 isolates were from three phylogenomic groups. One isolate producing TEM-1 β lactamase was isolated in France in 1959 and two isolates producing TEM-1 β lactamase were isolated in Tunisia in 1960, before ampicillin went on sale. The vectors for ampicillin resistance were different from those reported in the strains responsible for the outbreaks in the UK in the 1960s.INTERPRETATION:The association between antibiotic use and selection of resistance determinants is not as direct as often presumed. Our results suggest that the non-clinical use of narrow-spectrum penicillins (eg, benzylpenicillin) might have favoured the diffusion of plasmids carrying the blaTEM-1 gene in S enterica serotype Typhimurium in the late 1950s

    Data for Millennia of genomic stability within the invasive Para C Lineage of Salmonella enterica: ParaC Pan-genome 2

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    Salmonella enterica serovar Paratyphi C is the causative agent of enteric (paratyphoid) fever. While today a potentially lethal infection of humans that occurs in Africa and Asia, early 20th century observations in Eastern Europe suggest it may once have had a wider-ranging impact on human societies. We recovered a draft Paratyphi C genome from the 800-year-old skeleton of a young woman in Trondheim, Norway, who likely died of enteric fever. Analysis of this genome against a new, significantly expanded database of related modern genomes demonstrated that Paratyphi C is descended from the ancestors of swine pathogens, serovars Choleraesuis and Typhisuis, together forming the Para C Lineage. Our results indicate that Paratyphi C has been a pathogen of humans for at least 1,000 years, and may have evolved after zoonotic transfer from swine during the Neolithic period

    Data for Millennia of genomic stability within the invasive Para C Lineage of Salmonella enterica: Concoct 1

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    Salmonella enterica serovar Paratyphi C is the causative agent of enteric (paratyphoid) fever. While today a potentially lethal infection of humans that occurs in Africa and Asia, early 20th century observations in Eastern Europe suggest it may once have had a wider-ranging impact on human societies. We recovered a draft Paratyphi C genome from the 800-year-old skeleton of a young woman in Trondheim, Norway, who likely died of enteric fever. Analysis of this genome against a new, significantly expanded database of related modern genomes demonstrated that Paratyphi C is descended from the ancestors of swine pathogens, serovars Choleraesuis and Typhisuis, together forming the Para C Lineage. Our results indicate that Paratyphi C has been a pathogen of humans for at least 1,000 years, and may have evolved after zoonotic transfer from swine during the Neolithic period