54 research outputs found

    Temas y métodos de investigación en ciencia de la información, 2000-2019. Revisión bibliográfica

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    Se realiza una revisión sistemática de bibliografía que analiza los temas de investigación y los métodos y técnicas utilizados en la Ciencia de la Información que han sido recogidos en revisiones y estudios publicados entre 2000 y 2019. Se han revisado 36 trabajos. Según los resultados obtenidos no hay un consenso sobre los temas nucleares de la disciplina, ya que éstos evolucionan y cambian dinámicamente en relación con otras disciplinas y con los contextos sociales y culturales dominantes. En relación con los métodos y técnicas de investigación, puede afirmase que en su mayoría han sido adoptados del campo de las ciencias sociales, a los que hay que añadir los métodos numéricos, especialmente en las áreas de bibliometría e informetría. A systematic literature review is carried out, detailing the research topics and the methods and techniques used in information science in studies published between 2000 and 2019. The results obtained allow us to affirm that there is no consensus on the core topics of information science, as these evolve and change dynamically in relation to other disciplines, and with the dominant social and cultural contexts. With regard to the research methods and techniques, it can be stated that they have mostly been adopted from social sciences, with the addition of numerical methods, especially in the fields of bibliometric and scientometric research

    Hannibal ad portas, o los futuros perfiles profesionales de la información

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    La identificación de perfiles profesionales se contempla como necesaria para adecuar la formación de los estudiantes y el desarrollo profesional posterior. Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica selectiva sobre la identificación de perfiles profesionales durante las dos últimas décadas. Se concluye que debe atenderse prioritariamente a la definición y adquisición de competencias, que permitan el desarrollo profesional en entornos caracterizados por cambios dinámicos y continuos. The identification of information professional profiles is necessary in order to develop studies for the current labor market and to improve professional development for students. A literature review was carried out on selected papers published within the last two decades. Findings indicate that faculty must address the definition and acquisition of skills to prepare students for a dynamic and constantly changing professional environment

    An evaluation based on the digital library user: An experience with greenstone software

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    Digital libraries are a product of digital information aimed at satisfying users’ information needs, through collections of documents to which value added services are provided. To ensure the correct functioning of digital libraries and the services they provide it is essential to adequately include an understanding of the needs of users and their behavior in the design and creation processes. The evaluation of digital libraries has benefited from an effort to establish theoretical frameworks. The model that is proposed is based on techniques centered on the user. The focus is on defining the structure of the analysis, establishing evaluation levels and criteria, and verifying these through an evaluation process, carried out by a group of end users. The user activity identified, and which was the subject of the study, is the process of creating, enriching and configuring a collection for a digital library. A basic evaluation instrument was designed, which combined closed and guided questionnaires with the collection and study of individual opinions of users in the test groups. The results obtained made it possible to confirm that the instrument has produced valid results. The weaknesses and problems inherent in the tool, and the tool's deficiencies which must be corrected, were identified

    Studies and analysis of reference management software: A literature review

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    Reference management software is a well-known tool for scientific research work. Since the 1980s, it has been the subject of reviews and evaluations in library and information science literature. This paper presents a systematic review of published studies that evaluate reference management software with a comparative approach. The objective is to identify the types, models, and evaluation criteria that authors have adopted, in order to determine whether the methods used provide adequate methodological rigor and useful contributions to the field of study

    Estudios sobre la credibilidad de Wikipedia: una revisión

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    La evaluación de la credibilidad de Wikipedia ha sido objeto de atención en los estudios sobre credibilidad de la información. Este trabajo presenta un estado de la cuestión, que ha sido elaborado siguiendo la técnica de revisión sistematizada de bibliografía. Se han diferenciado tres tipos de estudios: estudios generales, del ámbito de la salud y del ámbito educativo. Los datos obtenidos permiten afirmar que se aplican diferentes modelos y técnicas de análisis para este tipo de estudios, que los principios heurísticos de evaluación de los usuarios desempeñan un papel fundamental, y que las evaluaciones de credibilidad están influenciados por los contextos sociales y educativos e los usuarios, y por el tipo de necesidad de información. Finalmente, se afirma que evaluar la credibilidad se enmarca en proceso continuo de cambio e interacción. The evaluation of the credibility of Wikipedia has received special attention in studies on the credibility of information on the web. This paper presents a state of the art, which has been carried out following the systematized literature review technique. Three types of studies have been differentiated: general studies, the health field and the educational field. The data support the conclusion that different models and analysis techniques for such studies are applied; that the heuristic principles of user evaluation play a key role; and that assessments of credibility are influenced by user''s social and educational contexts, and by the type of information needed. Finally, it is stated that credibility is part of a continuous process of change and interaction

    Gestión automatizada del proceso de evaluación de la asignatura Informática Aplicada a las Humanidades (IAH)

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    La presente contribución muestra la experiencia llevada a cabo por un grupo de profesores de distintas áreas de conocimiento de la Universidad de Zaragoza, en el desarrollo y uso de software ad-hoc para llevar a cabo de forma automatizada, parte del proceso de gestión de asignaturas de informática en otras carreras

    Rúbricas como estrategia de evaluación en entornos TICS [Rubrics as an evaluation strategy in ICT environments]

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    La enseñanza de las asignaturas de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones (TICs) enmarcadas en titulaciones de Ciencias Sociales, es de gran importancia y elevada complejidad. Por eso se requiere una metodología de trabajo adecuada, que facilite el correcto aprendizaje por parte de los alumnos. Sin embargo aún es bastante habitual utilizar metodologías de enseñanza basadas en la escuela tradicional, en donde se abusa de clases magistrales, se califica a los alumnos utilizando una única prueba de evaluación final y en caso de realizar algún ejercicio práctico, la única retroalimentación que reciben los alumnos es su calificación numérica, a veces incluso después de realizar los exámenes. En este trabajo se expondrá el uso de una metodología de trabajo innovadora, adaptada al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), basada en la utilización del Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos Colaborativos (ABPC) en la que además se ha utilizado como estrategia evaluadora la utilización de rúbricas. Los resultados obtenidos son muy esperanzadores, consiguiendo una participación activa por parte de los alumnos, una reducción del absentismo y los problemas derivados de la disciplina, permitiendo atender a la diversidad y heterogeneidad del alumnado, y lo que es más importante, fomentan el aprendizaje de todo el aula, lo que es altamente satisfactorio e inusual para la actividad académica en educación superior. [Information and Communications Technology (ICT) teaching subjects, framed in Social Sciences degrees, is of great importance and high complexity. That is why a proper working methodology is required, which facilitates the correct learning on the part of the students. However, it is still quite common to use teaching methods based on the traditional school, where lectures are abused, students are graded using a single final exam and in the case of some practical exercise, the only feedback students received is their numerical rating, sometimes even after the exams. This work will show the experience of using an innovative work methodology, adapted to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), and based on the use of Collaborative Project-Based Learning (CPBL) together with the innovative strategy of using rubrics. The results obtained are very encouraging, getting an active participation by the students, absenteeism reduction and problems arising from discipline, allowing to attend to the diversity and heterogeneity of the students, and what is more important, to get the whole classroom learning, which is highly satisfactory and unusual for academic activity in higher education

    The recovery umbrella in the world of elite sport: Do not forget the coaching and performance staff

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    In the field of sports science, the recovery umbrella is a trending topic, and even more so in the world of elite sports. This is evidenced by the significant increase in scientific publications during the last 10 years as teams look to find a competitive edge. Recovery is recognized to be an integral component to assist athlete preparation in the restoration of physical and psychological function, and subsequently, performance in elite team sports athletes. However, the importance of recovery in team staff members (sports coaches and performance staff) in elite sports appears to be a forgotten element. Given the unrelenting intense nature of daily tasks and responsibilities of team staff members, the elite sports environment can predispose coaches to increased susceptibility to psycho-socio physiological fatigue burden, and negatively affect health, wellbeing, and performance. Therefore, the aim of this opinion was to (1) develop an educational recovery resource for team staff members, (2) identify organizational task-specific fatigue indicators and barriers to recovery and self-care in team staff members, and (3) present recovery implementation strategies to assist team staff members in meeting their organizational functions. It is essential that we do not forget the coaching and performance staff in the recovery process. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Obesity Takes Its Toll on Visceral Pain: High-Fat Diet Induces Toll-Like Receptor 4- Dependent Visceral Hypersensitivity

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    Exposure to high-fat diet induces both, peripheral and central alterations in TLR4 expression. Moreover, functional TLR4 is required for the development of high-fat diet-induced obesity. Recently, central alterations in TLR4 expression have been associated with the modulation of visceral pain. However, it remains unknown whether there is a functional interaction between the role of TLR4 in diet-induced obesity and in visceral pain. In the present study we investigated the impact of long-term exposure to high-fat diet on visceral pain perception and on the levels of TLR4 and Cd11b (a microglial cell marker) protein expression in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and hippocampus. Peripheral alterations in TLR4 were assessed following the stimulation of spleenocytes with the TLR4-agonist LPS. Finally, we evaluated the effect of blocking TLR4 on visceral nociception, by administering TAK-242, a selective TLR4-antagonist. Our results demonstrated that exposure to high-fat diet induced visceral hypersensitivity. In parallel, enhanced TLR4 expression and microglia activation were found in brain areas related to visceral pain, the PFC and the hippocampus. Likewise, peripheral TLR4 activity was increased following long-term exposure to high-fat diet, resulting in an increased level of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Finally, TLR4 blockage counteracted the hyperalgesic phenotype present in mice fed on high-fat diet. Our data reveal a role for TLR4 in visceral pain modulation in a model of diet-induced obesity, and point to TLR4 as a potential therapeutic target for the development of drugs to treat visceral hypersensitivity present in pathologies associated to fat diet consumption

    Non-nociceptive roles of opioids in the CNS: opioids' effects on neurogenesis, learning, memory and affect.

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    Mortality due to opioid use has grown to the point where, for the first time in history, opioid-related deaths exceed those caused by car accidents in many states in the United States. Changes in the prescribing of opioids for pain and the illicit use of fentanyl (and derivatives) have contributed to the current epidemic. Less known is the impact of opioids on hippocampal neurogenesis, the functional manipulation of which may improve the deleterious effects of opioid use. We provide new insights into how the dysregulation of neurogenesis by opioids can modify learning and affect, mood and emotions, processes that have been well accepted to motivate addictive behaviours