165 research outputs found

    Serum Biochemistry and Serum Cortisol Levels of Immobilized and Hunted Muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) from Northern Canada

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    Muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) are Arctic-adapted ruminants native to the Arctic regions of Canada, Alaska, and Greenland. Little is known about the serum biochemistry and serum cortisol of this species, or the effects of chemical immobilization on serum biochemical parameters. This study aimed to describe blood chemistry parameters and cortisol levels in hunted, tame, and chemically immobilized muskoxen and to examine differences in blood chemistry parameters and levels of stress associated with different capture techniques. Serum was collected from 91 adult female muskoxen in northern Canada. For analysis, these muskoxen were classified into six groups, five of free-ranging muskoxen (10 animals shot from snowmobiles near Kugluktuk, Nunavut; 18 chemically immobilized from a helicopter near Kugluktuk; 8 chemically immobilized from a helicopter near Norman Wells, Northwest Territories; 17 shot from snowmobiles near Cambridge Bay, Nunavut; 33 chemically immobilized from a snowmobile near Kugluktuk) and one of tame muskoxen (five tame animals maintained on pasture near Saskatoon, Saskatchewan). All samples were analyzed for cortisol, and 26 serum biochemistry parameters were measured in serum collected from three of the six groups (n = 36). Comparison of four groups showed that serum cortisol levels of muskoxen chemically immobilized from a helicopter near Kugluktuk were significantly higher(p < 0.05) than those of muskoxen chemically immobilized from snowmobiles or shot. A comparison of serum biochemistry from the groups of muskoxen shot and immobilized near Kugluktuk found that serum sodium, creatinine, phosphorus, magnesium, and creatine kinase were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in hunted muskoxen than in chemically immobilized animals, while urea, glucose and gamma glutamyl transferase were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in immobilized muskoxen. Most serum biochemical parameters, however, were similar to those of captive muskoxen. This evidence of differences between hunted and immobilized muskoxen in several serum biochemistry parameters will contribute to further research on the effects of immobilization and other health assessments in this species.Le boeuf musqué (Ovibos moschatus) est un ruminant adapté à l’Arctique qui est natif des régions arctiques du Canada, de l’Alaska et du Groenland. On en sait peu à propos de la biochimie du sérum et du cortisol du sérum de cette espèce ou encore, à propos des effets de l’immobilisation chimique sur les paramètres biochimiques du sérum. Cette étude visait à décrire les paramètres de la chimie du sang et les taux de cortisol chez les boeufs musqués chassés, apprivoisés et chimiquement immobilisés, de même qu’à examiner les différences sur le plan des paramètres de la chimie du sang et des degrés de stress en fonction de diverses méthodes de capture. Du sérum a été prélevé auprès de 91 femelles adultes du nord du Canada. Aux fins de l’analyse, ces boeufs musqués ont été classés en six groupes, dont cinq des groupes étaient composés de boeufs musqués en liberté (10 des boeufs avaient été tirés depuis des motoneiges près de Kugluktuk, au Nunavut; 18 avaient été chimiquement immobilisés à partir d’un hélicoptère près de Kugluktuk; 8 avaient été chimiquement immobilisés à partir d’un hélicoptère près de Norman Wells, dans les Territoires du Nord-Ouest; 17 avaient été tirés depuis des motoneiges près de Cambridge Bay, au Nunavut; 33 avaient été chimiquement immobilisés depuis une motoneige près de Kugluktuk) et l’autre groupe était composé de boeufs musqués apprivoisés (5 bêtes évoluant dans des pâturages près de Saskatoon, en Saskatchewan). Dans tous les cas, le cortisol des échantillons a été analysé, puis 26 paramètres biochimiques du sérum ont été mesurés à partir du sérum recueilli chez trois des six groupes (n = 36). Les comparaisons établies pour quatre des groupes ont permis de constater que les taux de cortisol du sérum des boeufs musqués chimiquement immobilisés à partir d’un hélicoptère près de Kugluktuk étaient considérablement plus élevés (p < 0,05) que ceux des boeufs musqués qui avaient été chimiquement immobilisés depuis une motoneige ou qui avaient été tirés. La comparaison de la biochimie du sérum chez les boeufs musqués tirés et immobilisés près de Kugluktuk a permis de déceler que le sodium du sérum, la créatinine, le phosphore, le magnésium et la créatine kinase étaient considérablement plus élevés (p < 0,05) chez le boeuf musqué chassé que chez le boeuf musqué chimiquement immobilisé, tandis que l’urée, le glucose et la gamma-glutamyl-transférase étaient considérablement plus élevés (p < 0,05) chez le boeuf musqué immobilisé. Cependant, la plupart des paramètres biochimiques du sérum étaient semblables à ceux des boeufs musqués en captivité. Ces différences évidentes sur le plan de nombreux paramètres biochimiques du sérum entre le boeuf musqué chassé et le boeuf musqué immobilisé permettront d’approfondir les recherches sur les effets de l’immobilisation et d’autres évaluations de santé de cette espèce

    In vitro multiplication of Swietenia macrophylla King (Meliaceae) from juvenile shoots.

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    Big-leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King) is an important species for timber production that is considered the most valuable in the world. For this reason its exploitation is indiscriminate and leads this species to the risk of extinction. Moreover, mahogany is difficult to regenerate naturally and, when used in reforestation programs, plants are severely damaged by the shoot-borer (Hypsipyla grandella Zellar). This work aimed at developing the multiplication stage of micropropagation of Swietenia macrophylla King using juvenile material. After desinfestation, seeds were germinated in MS solid culture medium. Shoot formation from seeds occurred during five months, giving 5.54 nodal segments per seed. These explants were excised, each containing one axillary bud, and transferred on multiplication media. Four experiments with cytokinins were conducted, using media supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) (2.5 to 50.0 ?M), 2- isopentenyladenine (2-iP) (0; 1.1 to 8.8 ?M), combinations of BAP (0; 2.5 to 50.0 ?M) and 2-iP (2.2 ?M). For the first treatments the basal culture medium was MS medium and in the last one MS and QL media were used in separate experiments. When BAP was tested alone, the maximum point of multiplication rate average was obtained on medium containing 23.61 ?M, while 2-iP did not induce bud multiplication. On QL culture medium supplemented with the combinations of BAP (0; 2.5; 5.0; 10.0 e 20.0 ?M ) and 2-iP (2.2 ?M), there was no multiplication. The maximum point of multiplication rate average was 5.7 ?M, obtained when the MS culture medium was supplemented with 18.51 ?M BAP and 2.2 ?M 2-iP

    A π-Extended Donor-Acceptor-Donor Triphenylene Twin linked via a Pyrazine-bridge

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    Beta-amino triphenylenes can be accessed via palladium catalyzed amination of the corresponding triflate using benzophe-none imine. Transformation of amine 6 to benzoyl amide 18 is also straightforward and its wide mesophase range demon-strates that the new linkage supports columnar liquid crystal formation. Amine 6 also undergoes clean aerobic oxidation to give a new twinned structure linked through an electron-poor pyrazine ring. The new discotic liquid crystal motif contains donor and acceptor fragments, and is more oval in shape rather than disk-like. It forms a wide range columnar mesophase. Absorption spectra are strong and broad; emission is also broad and occurs with a Stokes shift of ca. 0.7 eV, indicative of charge-transfer characte

    Avaliação de combinações enxerto/porta-enxerto visando indução de resistência à broca das meliáceas por enxertia.

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    Este trabalho teve por objetivos avaliar combinações enxerto/porta-enxerto e modalidades de enxertia no sentido de indução de resistência em algumas espécies de meliáceas à broca causada pela Hypsipyla grandella. Foram testadas modalidades de enxertia e combinações intraespecíficas, intra e intergenéricas e interfamílias. A combinação toona/mogno, métodos GFMT e GFCT obtiveram, respectivamente o segundo e o terceiro pegamento médio, diferindo estatisticamente das demais. As combinações mogno/ toona e toona/mogno apresentaram bons resultados de pegamento na enxertia. Entretanto, as plantas definharam e acabaram morrendo, restando vivas as combinações mogno/mogno (testemunha). O melhor pegamento foi obtido na combinação cedro branco/cinamomo, diferindo significativamente das demais. A combinação cedro branco/toona apresentou o segundo melhor pegamento, diferindo significativamente das demais. As combinações MBr/Af ? GFMT, MAf/MBR ? GFMT e MBr/Af ? Borbulhia em T invertido apresentaram o terceiro melhor pegamento. O comportamento das melhores combinações foi avaliado em condições de campo. Os resultados mostraram incompatibilidade enxerto/porta-enxerto na fase de enxertia para todas as combinações testadas, à exceção das combinações mogno/mogno africano, mogno/mogno (testemunha) e cedro branco/cedro australiano. Em condições de campo, a combinação mogno/ mogno africano foi atacada pela H. grandella (apresentou sintomas de danos da broca).bitstream/CNPF-2009-09/44868/1/BPD41_CD.pd

    Implantação do Protocolo de Manejo de Sepse no Pronto Atendimento do Hospital Universitário Regional dos Campos Gerais

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    Background and Objectives: A sepsis is a challenge for public health, and the protocols are fundamental for management. The aim of this study was to evaluate the implementation of a care protocol for the management of sepsis and to characterize the patients submitted to clinical evaluation. Method: Descriptive cross-sectional study performed at the Emergency Service (EC) of the Campos Gerais Regional University Hospital. The protocol was elaborated from the literature, focusing on adult patients with criteria of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock, being described by flowchart. They were part of the study of the patients attended in the EC between july and september of 2016 submitted to the protocol (n=50), being collected by electronic medical records and analyzed descriptively. Results: For the implementation of the protocol, the training was carried out by the EC staff, for acceptance and alignment of knowledge regarding the conceptual, technical and logistical aspects. The protocol consists of 3 steps: initial approach to the patient with sepsis; package 3/6 hours - hemodynamic optimization and optional package - optimization of central venous oxygen saturation/ central venous pressure. Patients submitted to the protocol were mean of 66 years (SD=±13.71), most of them were 56% women, presented hypotension (96%), creatinine elevation (76%) and leukocytosis (70%) among SIRS, achievement immediate exams (100%), initiation antibiotic therapy (74%) and death (72%). Conclusion: an implementation of the protocol subsidized the precocious identification of patients, qualification of care, operational experience and as characteristics of patients consistent with severe sepsis.Justificación y Objetivo: La sepsis es un desafío para la salud pública, siendo los protocolos fundamentales para su manejo. Se objetivó evaluar la implantación de un protocolo asistencial de manejo de sepsis y caracterizar a los pacientes sometidos a evaluación clínica. Método: Estudio descriptivo, transversal realizado en la unidad de Pronto Atención (PA) del Hospital Universitario Regional de los Campos Generales. El protocolo fue elaborado a partir de la literatura, con foco en los pacientes adultos con criterios de síndrome de la respuesta inflamatoria sistémica (SIRS), sepsis, sepsis grave y shock séptico, siendo descrito por medio de diagrama de flujo. Se realizaron parte del estudio los pacientes atendidos en el PA entre julio a septiembre de 2016 sometidos al protocolo (n=50), siendo los datos recogidos por medio de los prontuarios electrónicos y analizados descriptivamente. Resultados: Para implantación del protocolo se realizaron capacitaciones del equipo actuante en el PA, para la aceptación y alineamiento de conocimientos como los aspectos conceptuales, técnicos y logísticos. El protocolo se compone de 3 etapas: abordaje inicial al paciente con sepsis; paquete 3/6 horas - optimización hemodinámica y paquete opcional - optimización de Saturación venosa central de oxígeno / presión venosa central. Los pacientes sometidos al protocolo tenían una edad media de 66 años (dp=± 13,71), la mayoría eran 56% mujeres, presentaron hipotensión (96%), elevación de la creatinina (76%) y leucocitosis (70%) entre las SIRS, realización inmediata de exámenes (100%), inicio de la antibioticoterapia (74%) y óbito (72%). Conclusión: la implantación del protocolo subsidió la identificación precoz de los pacientes, calificación del cuidado, ganancia operativa y las características de los pacientes concordantes con cuadros graves de sepsis.Justificativa e Objetivo: A sepse é um desafio para a saúde pública, sendo os protocolos fundamentais para seu manejo. Objetivou-se avaliar a implantação de um protocolo assistencial de manejo de sepse e caracterizar os pacientes submetidos a avaliação clínica. Método: Estudo descritivo, do tipo transversal realizado na unidade de Pronto Atendimento (PA) do Hospital Universitário Regional dos Campos Gerais. O protocolo foi elaborado a partir da literatura, com foco nos pacientes adultos com critérios de síndrome da resposta inflamatória sistêmica (SIRS), sepse, sepse grave e choque séptico, sendo descrito por meio de fluxograma. Fizeram parte do estudo os pacientes atendidos no PA entre julho a setembro de 2016 submetidos ao protocolo (n=50), sendo os dados coletados por meio dos prontuários eletrônicos e analisados descritivamente. Resultados: Para implantação do protocolo realizou-se capacitações da equipe atuante no PA, para aceitação e alinhamento de conhecimentos quanto os aspectos conceituais, técnicos e logísticos. O protocolo é composto por 3 etapas: abordagem inicial ao paciente com sepse; pacote 3/6 horas – otimização hemodinâmica e pacote opcional -otimização de Saturação venosa central de oxigênio/ pressão venosa central. Os pacientes submetidos ao protocolo tinham idade média de 66 anos (dp=±13,71), a maioria era 56% mulheres, apresentaram hipotensão (96%), elevação da creatinina (76%) e leucocitose (70%) entre as SIRS, realização imediata de exames (100%), início da antibioticoterapia (74%) e óbito (72%). Conclusão: a implantação do protocolo subsidiou a identificação precoce dos pacientes, qualificação do cuidado, ganho operacional e as características dos pacientes condizentes com quadros graves de sepse

    Code Reuse in Open Source Software

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    Code reuse is a form of knowledge reuse in software development that is fundamental to innovation in many fields. However, to date there has been no systematic investigation of code reuse in open source software projects. This study uses quantitative and qualitative data gathered from a sample of six open source software projects to explore two sets of research questions derived from the literature on software reuse in firms and open source software development. We find that code reuse is extensive across the sample and that open source software developers, much like developers in firms, apply tools that lower their search costs for knowledge and code, assess the quality of software components, and have incentives to reuse code. Open source software developers reuse code because they want to integrate functionality quickly, because they want to write preferred code, because they operate under limited resources in terms of time and skills, and because they can mitigate development costs through code reuse

    Change Patterns in Use: A Critical Evaluation

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    Process model quality has been an area of considerable research efforts. In this context, the correctness-by-construction principle of change patterns provides promising perspectives. However, using change patterns for model creation imposes a more structured way of modeling. While the process of process modeling (PPM) based on change primitives has been investigated, little is known about this process based on change patterns. To obtain a better understanding of the PPM when using change patterns, the arising challenges, and the subjective perceptions of process designers, we conduct an exploratory study. The results indicate that process designers face little problems as long as control-flow is simple, but have considerable problems with the usage of change patterns when complex, nested models have to be created. Finally, we outline how effective tool support for change patterns should be realized.This research is supported by Austrian Science Fund (FWF): P23699-N23.Weber, B.; Pinggera, J.; Torres Bosch, MV.; Reichert, M. (2013). Change Patterns in Use: A Critical Evaluation. En Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling, BPMDS 2013. Springer Verlag. 261-276. https://doi.org/11007/978-3-642-38484-4_19S26127

    Ranked retrieval of Computational Biology models

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The study of biological systems demands computational support. If targeting a biological problem, the reuse of existing computational models can save time and effort. Deciding for potentially suitable models, however, becomes more challenging with the increasing number of computational models available, and even more when considering the models' growing complexity. Firstly, among a set of potential model candidates it is difficult to decide for the model that best suits ones needs. Secondly, it is hard to grasp the nature of an unknown model listed in a search result set, and to judge how well it fits for the particular problem one has in mind.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we present an improved search approach for computational models of biological processes. It is based on existing retrieval and ranking methods from Information Retrieval. The approach incorporates annotations suggested by MIRIAM, and additional meta-information. It is now part of the search engine of BioModels Database, a standard repository for computational models.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The introduced concept and implementation are, to our knowledge, the first application of Information Retrieval techniques on model search in Computational Systems Biology. Using the example of BioModels Database, it was shown that the approach is feasible and extends the current possibilities to search for relevant models. The advantages of our system over existing solutions are that we incorporate a rich set of meta-information, and that we provide the user with a relevance ranking of the models found for a query. Better search capabilities in model databases are expected to have a positive effect on the reuse of existing models.</p

    The Circadian Deadenylase Nocturnin Is Necessary for Stabilization of the iNOS mRNA in Mice

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    Nocturnin is a member of the CCR4 deadenylase family, and its expression is under circadian control with peak levels at night. Because it can remove poly(A) tails from mRNAs, it is presumed to play a role in post-transcriptional control of circadian gene expression, but its target mRNAs are not known. Here we demonstrate that Nocturnin expression is acutely induced by the endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs) lacking Nocturnin exhibit normal patterns of acute induction of TNFα and iNOS mRNAs during the first three hours following LPS treatment, but by 24 hours, while TNFα mRNA levels are indistinguishable from WT cells, iNOS message is significantly reduced 20-fold. Accordingly, analysis of the stability of the mRNAs showed that loss of Nocturnin causes a significant decrease in the half-life of the iNOS mRNA (t1/2 = 3.3 hours in Nocturnin knockout MEFs vs. 12.4 hours in wild type MEFs), while having no effect on the TNFα message. Furthermore, mice lacking Nocturnin lose the normal nighttime peak of hepatic iNOS mRNA, and have improved survival following LPS injection. These data suggest that Nocturnin has a novel stabilizing activity that plays an important role in the circadian response to inflammatory signals