192 research outputs found

    Learning about tools in infancy

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    These experiments explored the role of prior experience in 12-to 18-month-old infants' tool-directed actions. In Experiment 1, infants' use of a familiar tool (spoon) to accomplish a novel task (turning on lights inside a box) was examined. Infants tended to grasp the spoon by its handle even when doing so made solving the task impossible (the bowl did not fit through the hole in the box, but the handle did) and even though the experimenter demonstrated a bowl-grasp. In contrast, infants used a novel tool flexibly and grasped both sides equally often. In Experiment 2, infants received training using the novel tool for a particular function; 3 groups of infants were trained to use the tool differently. Later, infants' performance was facilitated on tasks that required infants to grasp the part of the tool they were trained to grasp. The results suggest that (a) infants' prior experiences with tools are important to understanding subsequent tool use, and (b) rather than learning about tool function (e.g., hammering), infants learn about which part of the tool is meant to be held, at least early in their exposure to a novel tool

    The principal rank characteristic sequence over various fields

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    Given an n x n matrix, its principal rank characteristic sequence is a sequence of length n+1 of 0s and 1s where, for k = 0, 1, . . . , n, a 1 in the kth position indicates the existence of a principal submatrix of rank k and a 0 indicates the absence of such a submatrix. The principal rank characteristic sequences for symmetric matrices over various fields are investigated, with all such attainable sequences determined for all n over any field with characteristic 2. A complete list of attainable sequences for real symmetric matrices of order 7 is reported

    The principal rank characteristic sequence over various fields

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    Given an n × n matrix, its principal rank characteristic sequence is a sequence of length n + 1 of 0s and 1s where, for k = 0, 1,..., n, a 1 in the kth position indicates the existence of a principal submatrix of rank k and a 0 indicates the absence of such a submatrix. The principal rank characteristic sequences for symmetric matrices over various fields are investigated, with all such attainable sequences determined for all n over any field with characteristic 2. A complete list of attainable sequences for real symmetric matrices of order 7 is reported

    Metabolic flux understanding of Pichia pastoris grown on heterogenous culture media

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    [EN] Within the emergent field of Systems Biology, mathematical models obtained from physical chemical laws (the so-called first principles-based models) of microbial systems are employed to discern the principles that govern cellular behaviour and achieve a predictive understanding of cellular functions. The reliance on this biochemical knowledge has the drawback that some of the assumptions (specific kinetics of the reaction system, unknown dynamics and values of the model parameters) may not be valid for all the metabolic possible states of the network. In this uncertainty context, the combined use of fundamental knowledge and data measured in the fermentation that describe the behaviour of the microorganism in the manufacturing process is paramount to overcome this problem. In this paper, a grey modelling approach is presented combining data-driven and first principles information at different scales, developed for Pichia pastoris cultures grown on different carbon sources. This approach will allow us to relate patterns of recombinant protein production to intracellular metabolic states and correlate intra and extracellular reactions in order to understand how the internal state of the cells determines the observed behaviour in P. pastoris cultivations.Research in this study was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and FEDER funds from the European Union through grants DPI2011-28112-C04-01 and DPI2011-28112-C04-02. The authors are also grateful to Biopolis SL for supporting this research. We also gratefully acknowledge Associate Professor Jose Camacho for providing the Exploratory Data Analysis Toolbox.González Martínez, JM.; Folch-Fortuny, A.; Llaneras Estrada, F.; Tortajada Serra, M.; Picó Marco, JA.; Ferrer, A. (2014). Metabolic flux understanding of Pichia pastoris grown on heterogenous culture media. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 134:89-99. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemolab.2014.02.003S899913

    Primate-specific evolution of noncoding element insertion into PLA2G4C and human preterm birth

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    Background The onset of birth in humans, like other apes, differs from non-primate mammals in its endocrine physiology. We hypothesize that higher primate-specific gene evolution may lead to these differences and target genes involved in human preterm birth, an area of global health significance. Methods We performed a comparative genomics screen of highly conserved noncoding elements and identified PLA2G4C, a phospholipase A isoform involved in prostaglandin biosynthesis as human accelerated. To examine whether this gene demonstrating primate-specific evolution was associated with birth timing, we genotyped and analyzed 8 common single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in PLA2G4C in US Hispanic (n = 73 preterm, 292 control), US White (n = 147 preterm, 157 control) and US Black (n = 79 preterm, 166 control) mothers. Results Detailed structural and phylogenic analysis of PLA2G4C suggested a short genomic element within the gene duplicated from a paralogous highly conserved element on chromosome 1 specifically in primates. SNPs rs8110925 and rs2307276 in US Hispanics and rs11564620 in US Whites were significant after correcting for multiple tests (p < 0.006). Additionally, rs11564620 (Thr360Pro) was associated with increased metabolite levels of the prostaglandin thromboxane in healthy individuals (p = 0.02), suggesting this variant may affect PLA2G4C activity. Conclusions Our findings suggest that variation in PLA2G4C may influence preterm birth risk by increasing levels of prostaglandins, which are known to regulate labor.Children’s Discovery InstituteMarch of Dimes Birth Defects FoundationNational Institute of General Medical Sciences (U.S.) (grant T32 GM081739)Washington University (Saint Louis, Mo.) (Mr. and Mrs. Spencer T. Olin Fellowship for Women in Graduate Study)Sigrid Jusélius FoundationSigne and Anne Gyllenberg FoundationAcademy of FinlandVanderbilt University (Turner-Hazinski grant award

    Swimming in a Sea of Shame: Incorporating Emotions into Explanations of Institutional Reproduction and Change

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    We theorize the role in institutional processes of what we call the shame nexus, a set of shame-related constructs: felt shame, systemic shame, sense of shame, and episodic shaming. As a discrete emotion, felt shame signals to a person that a social bond is at risk and catalyzes a fundamental motivation to preserve valued bonds. We conceptualize systemic shame as a form of disciplinary power, animated by persons’ sense of shame, a mechanism of ongoing intersubjective surveillance and self-regulation. We theorize how the duo of the sense of shame and systemic shame drives the self-regulation that underpins persons’ conformity to institutional prescriptions and institutional reproduction. We conceptualize episodic shaming as a form of juridical power used by institutional guardians to elicit renewed conformity and reassert institutional prescriptions. We also explain how episodic shaming may have unintended effects, including institutional disruption and recreation, when it triggers sensemaking among targets and observers that can lead to the reassessment of the appropriateness of institutional prescriptions or the value of social bonds. We link the shame nexus to three broad categories of institutional work

    Killer whale genomes reveal a complex history of recurrent admixture and vicariance

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    Reconstruction of the demographic and evolutionary history of populations assuming a consensus tree‐like relationship can mask more complex scenarios, which are prevalent in nature. An emerging genomic toolset, which has been most comprehensively harnessed in the reconstruction of human evolutionary history, enables molecular ecologists to elucidate complex population histories. Killer whales have limited extrinsic barriers to dispersal and have radiated globally, and are therefore a good candidate model for the application of such tools. Here, we analyse a global data set of killer whale genomes in a rare attempt to elucidate global population structure in a nonhuman species. We identify a pattern of genetic homogenisation at lower latitudes and the greatest differentiation at high latitudes, even between currently sympatric lineages. The processes underlying the major axis of structure include high drift at the edge of species' range, likely associated with founder effects and allelic surfing during postglacial range expansion. Divergence between Antarctic and non‐Antarctic lineages is further driven by ancestry segments with up to fourfold older coalescence time than the genome‐wide average; relicts of a previous vicariance during an earlier glacial cycle. Our study further underpins that episodic gene flow is ubiquitous in natural populations, and can occur across great distances and after substantial periods of isolation between populations. Thus, understanding the evolutionary history of a species requires comprehensive geographic sampling and genome‐wide data to sample the variation in ancestry within individuals