313 research outputs found

    The use of digital image correlation in the biomechanical area: a review

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    This paper offers an overview of the potentialities and limitations of digital image correlation (DIC) as a technique for measuring displacements and strain in biomechanical applications. This review is mainly intended for biomechanists who are not yet familiar with DIC. This review includes over 150 papers and covers different dimensional scales, from the microscopic level (tissue level) up to macroscopic one (organ level). As DIC involves a high degree of computation, and of operator- dependent decisions, reliability of displacement and strain measurements by means of DIC cannot be taken for granted. Methodological problems and existing solutions are summarized and compared, whilst open issues are addressed. Topics addressed include: preparation methods for the speckle pattern on different tissues; software settings; systematic and random error associated with DIC measurement. Applications to hard and soft tissues at different dimensional scales are described and analyzed in terms of strengths and limitations. The potentialities and limitations of DIC are highlighted, also in comparison with other experimental techniques (strain gauges, other optical techniques, digital volume correlation) and numerical methods (finite element analysis), where synergies and complementarities are discussed. In order to provide an overview accessible to different scientists working in the field of biomechanics, this paper intentionally does not report details of the algorithms and codes used in the different studies

    On the dynamical origin of the ICM metallicity evolution

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    We present a study on the origin of the metallicity evolution of the intra-cluster medium (ICM) by applying a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation to N-body/smoothed particle hydrodynamic (SPH) non-radiative numerical simulations of clusters of galaxies. The semi-analytic model includes gas cooling, star formation, supernovae feedback and metal enrichment, and is linked to the diffuse gas of the underlying simulations so that the chemical properties of gas particles are dynamically and consistently generated from stars in the galaxies. This hybrid model lets us have information on the spatial distribution of metals in the ICM. The results obtained for a set of clusters with virial masses of ∼1.5 × 1015 h−1 M contribute to the theoretical interpretation of recent observational X-ray data, which indicate a decrease of the average iron content of the intra-cluster gas with increasing redshift. We find that this evolution arises mainly as a result of a progressive increase of the iron abundance within ∼0.15 Rvir. The clusters have been considerably enriched by z ∼ 1 with very low contribution from recent star formation. Low entropy gas that has been enriched at high redshift sinks to the cluster centre contributing to the evolution of the metallicity profiles.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y GeofísicasInstituto de Astrofísica de La Plat

    On the dynamical origin of the ICM metallicity evolution

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    We present a study on the origin of the metallicity evolution of the intra-cluster medium (ICM) by applying a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation to N-body/smoothed particle hydrodynamic (SPH) non-radiative numerical simulations of clusters of galaxies. The semi-analytic model includes gas cooling, star formation, supernovae feedback and metal enrichment, and is linked to the diffuse gas of the underlying simulations so that the chemical properties of gas particles are dynamically and consistently generated from stars in the galaxies. This hybrid model lets us have information on the spatial distribution of metals in the ICM. The results obtained for a set of clusters with virial masses of ∼1.5 × 1015 h−1 M contribute to the theoretical interpretation of recent observational X-ray data, which indicate a decrease of the average iron content of the intra-cluster gas with increasing redshift. We find that this evolution arises mainly as a result of a progressive increase of the iron abundance within ∼0.15 Rvir. The clusters have been considerably enriched by z ∼ 1 with very low contribution from recent star formation. Low entropy gas that has been enriched at high redshift sinks to the cluster centre contributing to the evolution of the metallicity profiles.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y GeofísicasInstituto de Astrofísica de La Plat

    Family History of Breast, Ovarian and Endometrial Cancer and Risk of Breast Cancer

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    The relationship between family history of breast, ovarian and endometrial cancer and risk of breast cancer was analysed using data from a case-control study of breast cancer conducted in the greater Milan area, Northern Italy. The cases studied were 3415 women (median age 52 years, range 23-74) who had histdogically confirmed breast cancer diagnosed within the year precedmg the interview. The controls were 2916 women (median age 54 years; range 21-74] In hospital for a spectrum of acute illnesses excluding gynaecological, hormonal or neoplastic conditions. A total of 375 cases (11.0%) and 128 controls (4.4%) reported a history of breast cancer in first degree relatives. Compared with women with no family history of breast cancer, the RR was 2.7 (95% confidence Interval [CI] : 2.2-3.3) in those with one first degree relative affected and 2.8 (95% CI : 1.3-5.7) in those with two or more affected relatives. In comparison with women without family history of ovarlan cancer the RR of breast cancer was 1.4 (95% CI : 0.9-2.3) for those reporting one or more first degree relatives with ovarian cancer. However, the multivariate estimate for family history of ovarian cancer, including a term for familial breast cancer, decreased to 0.8 (95% CI : 0.5-1.4). The risk of breast cancer was similar in women reporting a family history of breast cancer (RR=2.2) and in those reporting a family history of both breast and ovarian cancer (RR=2.51, in cornparkon with women reporting no family history of breast and/or ovarian cancer. When tlia relation with family history of breast cancer was analysed in strata of women with and without family history of ovarian cancer, no difference was found in the RR estimates: the RR for family history of breast cancer was 2.8 in women with family history of ovarian cancer and 2.7 in those without history of ovarian cancer. No relation was found between history of endometrial cancer in first degree relatives and risk of breast cance

    Systematic study on nail plate assessment: differences in nail plate shape, thickness, power Doppler signal and scanning approach

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    Ultrasonography (US) of the nail is raising interest in the last years and its feasibility, quickness and amount of descriptive data may provide valuable information. Different authors presented several scanning approaches to nail complex in different pathological conditions, such as psoriasis, but no scanning protocol was ever proposed using healthy subjects as population of reference. The aim of the study was to establish a protocol for the US of nail plate and to assess whether the measurement of the nail plate is influenced by longitudinal vs transverse scan, sex, digit and hand dominance. Using high frequency probe and a Canon Aplio i800 machine, ultrasonographers took scans of nail plates of the hands from healthy subjects. Nail plate shape, thickness and power Doppler signal (PDUS) were evaluated and scans were taken both on longitudinal and transverse axis, at distal, middle and proximal portion of the nail plate or at a fixed angles of - 45 degrees, 0 degrees or + 45 degrees. All the images were then revised and scored using a DICOM software, in order to allow good standards of accuracy and reproducibility. A total of 27 subjects (14 females and 13 males) were assessed. The measures did not result to differ in different portions or angles. Furthermore, no difference appears in sex or dominant vs not dominant hand. A decreasing and significant trend for nail plate thickness was found from the first to the fifth finger. Doppler signal was found in all but one subjects, with a range from almost absent to very evident. No difference was found between groups regarding PDUS. The data provided suggest that a proper scan protocol should include all the nails and evaluation should be done both on longitudinal and transverse axis. Since Doppler signal is highly variable in healthy subjects, its presence should be carefully considered as pathological finding. Observations provided by this study clarify important points of the scanning technique and solve doubts related to which nails should be scanned and where to evaluate quantitative parameters

    Digital Twin in Naval Environment

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    A naval vessel is usually engaged in demanding operations that take place in a multifaceted environment. This requires a solid design of the ship as a platform and a prompt decision-making response. To support both the design and operation phases, digital tools and techniques have been widely implemented, along with a significant number of sensors and probes installed onboard. All of these features pave the way for the development of a Digital Twin model, which will be beneficial for the naval sector. In this work, relevant applications and a use case have been presented and discussed, with the goal of highlighting the added value and critical issues in the perspective of gathering them in a Digital Twin environment. The steps required to develop a shared reference digital architecture have been identified, as well as the gaps that need to be filled


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    The last decades have seen an increasing attention on a new, ground-breaking field, soft-robotics [1]. Soft-robotics tries to overcome the limits of classical rigid robots, developing bioinspired structures with compliant and soft materials. Skeletal muscle is a biological, hierarchically arranged fibrous structure (Fig A), suitable to inspire innovative soft actuators. The possibility to mimic muscles and soft tissues has been demonstrated through the use of the electrospinning technique [2]. The aim of the present study was to develop and characterize innovative muscle-inspired, hierarchically arranged electrospun structures made of Nylon 6,6 for soft-robotics applications. In order to mimic skeletal muscle myofibrils [3], mats of aligned Nylon 6,6 nanofibers were electrospun on a rotating drum collector. To reproduce skeletal muscle fibers and fascicles morphology [3], the mats were cut in stripes and wrapped up on the drum, producing bundles of axially aligned nanofibers. The bundles were then pulled out from the drum, obtaining ring-shaped bundles. To mimic a whole skeletal muscle with its epimysium membrane [3], 2-levels hierarchical structure was developed (Fig B). Several bundles were aligned and packed together using a nanofibrous sheath produced through an innovative electrospinning setup [4]. Finally, in order to mimic also the skeletal muscle fascicles and perimysium [3], a 3-levels hierarchical structure was obtained by grouping together three 2-levels hierarchical structures, produced as previously described, with an additional electrospun sheath (Fig C). A morphological investigation of the different electrospun structures was carried out with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and high-resolution x-ray tomography (XCT). The alignment of the nanofibers of the electrospun sheaths and the internal bundles, was quantified with a previously validated methodology [5]. The bundles and the 2-levels hierarchical structures were also mechanically characterized with a monotonic tensile test. The level of alignment of the nanofibers in the sheaths has proved to be tuneable by modifying the electrospinning parameters. The electrospun sheaths are also capable to tighten the structures wrapped inside, reducing their cross-sectional area and improving the apparent mechanical strength and stiffness. The high-resolution imaging confirmed that the mean diameters of the different hierarchical structures were comparable to the corresponding structures of biological skeletal muscle [3]. The directionality analysis on both bundles and sheaths nanofibers showed comparable levels of alignment with corresponding skeletal muscles fibrous tissues [3]. The mechanical test on the structures revealed a non-linear behaviour typical of soft tissue. The 2- levels hierarchical structures showed mechanical properties roughly proportional to the number of single bundles incorporated (with a possible underestimation of the ultimate strength, due to a stress concentration at the grips). In conclusion, this innovative electrospinning approach to produce hierarchically-arranged structures will be suitable to develop muscle-inspired assemblies. We will explore the possibility of incorporating adequate contracting ability so as to build soft actuators

    Biofabrication of bundles of poly(lactic acid)-collagen blends mimicking the fascicles of the human Achille tendon

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    Electrospinning is a promising technique for the production of scaffolds aimed at the regeneration of soft tissues. The aim of this work was to develop electrospun bundles mimicking the architecture and mechanical properties of the fascicles of the human Achille tendon. Two different blends of poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) and collagen (Coll) were tested, PLLA/Coll-75/25 and PLLA/Coll-50/50, and compared with bundles of pure PLLA. First, a complete physico-chemical characterization was performed on non-woven mats made of randomly arranged fibers. The presence of collagen in the fibers was assessed by thermogravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry and water contact angle measurements. The collagen release in phosphate buffer solution (PBS) was evaluated for 14 days: results showed that collagen loss was about 50% for PLLA/Coll-75/25 and 70% for PLLA/Coll-50/50. In the bundles, the individual fibers had a diameter of 0.48 ±0.14 μm (PLLA), 0.31 ±0.09 μm (PLLA/Coll-75/25), 0.33 ±0.08 μm (PLLA/Coll-50/50), whereas bundle diameter was in the range 300-500 μm for all samples. Monotonic tensile tests were performed to measure the mechanical properties of PLLA bundles (as-spun) and of PLLA/Coll-75/25 and PLLA/Coll-50/50 bundles (as-spun, and after 48 h, 7 days and 14 days in PBS). The most promising material was the PLLA/Coll-75/25 blend with a Young modulus of 98.6 ±12.4 MPa (as-spun) and 205.1 ±73.0 MPa (after 14 days in PBS). Its failure stress was 14.2 ±0.7 MPa (as-spun) and 6.8 ±0.6 MPa (after 14 days in PBS). Pure PLLA withstood slightly lower stress than the PLLA/Coll-75/25 while PLLA/Coll-50/50 had a brittle behavior. Human-derived tenocytes were used for cellular tests. A good cell adhesion and viability after 14 day culture was observed. This study has therefore demonstrated the feasibility of fabricating electrospun bundles with multiscale structure and mechanical properties similar to the human tendon

    Digital volume correlation can be used to estimate local strains in natural and augmented vertebrae: An organ-level study

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    Digital Volume Correlation (DVC) has become popular for measuring the strain distribution inside bone structures. A number of methodological questions are still open: the reliability of DVC to investigate augmented bone tissue, the variability of the errors between different specimens of the same type, the distribution of measurement errors inside a bone, and the possible presence of preferential directions. To address these issues, five augmented and five natural porcine vertebrae were subjected to repeated zero-strain micro-CT scan (39 μm voxel size). The acquired images were processed with two independent DVC approaches (a local and a global one), considering different computation sub-volume sizes, in order to assess the strain measurement uncertainties. The systematic errors generally ranged within ±100 microstrain and did not depend on the computational sub-volume. The random error was higher than 1000 microstrain for the smallest sub-volume and rapidly decreased: with a sub-volume of 48 voxels the random errors were typically within 200 microstrain for both DVC approaches. While these trends were rather consistent within the sample, two individual specimens had unpredictably larger errors. For this reason, a zero-strain check on each specimen should always be performed before any in-situ micro-CT testing campaign. This study clearly shows that, when sufficient care is dedicated to preliminary methodological work, different DVC computation approaches allow measuring the strain with a reduced overall error (approximately 200 microstrain). Therefore, DVC is a viable technique to investigate strain in the elastic regime in natural and augmented bones

    Strain uncertainties from two digital volume correlation approaches in prophylactically augmented vertebrae: local analysis on bone and cement-bone microstructures

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    Combination of micro-focus computed tomography (micro-CT) in conjunction with in situ mechanical testing and digital volume correlation (DVC) can be used to access the internal deformation of materials and structures. DVC has been exploited over the past decade to measure complex deformation fields within biological tissues and bone-biomaterial systems. However, before adopting it in a clinically-relevant context (i.e. bone augmentation in vertebroplasty), the research community should focus on understanding the reliability of such method in different orthopaedic applications involving the use of biomaterials. The aim of this study was to evaluate systematic and random errors affecting the strain computed with two different DVC approaches (a global one, “ShIRT-FE”, and a local one, “DaVis-DC”) in different microstructures within augmented vertebrae, such as trabecular bone, cortical bone and cement-bone interdigitation. The results showed that systematic error was insensitive to the size of the computation sub-volume used for the DVC correlation. Conversely, the random error (which was generally the largest component of error) was lower for a 48-voxel (1872 μm) sub-volume (64–221 microstrain for ShIRT-FE, 88–274 microstrain for DaVis-DC), than for a 16-voxel (624 μm) sub-volume (359–1203 microstrain for ShIRT-FE, 960–1771 microstrain for DaVis-DC) for the trabecular and cement regions. Overall, the local random error did not appear to be influenced by either bone microarchitecture or presence of biomaterial. For the 48-voxel sub-volume the global approach was less sensitive to the gradients in grey-values at the cortical surface (random error below 200 microstrain), while the local approach showed errors up to 770 microstrain. Mean absolute error (MAER) and standard deviation of error (SDER) were also calculated and substantially improved when compared to recent literature for the cement-bone interface. The multipass approach for DaVis-DC further reduced the random error for the largest volume of interest. The random error did not follow any recognizable pattern with the six strain components and only ShiRT-FE seemed to produce lower random errors in the normal strains. In conclusion this study has provided, for the first time, a preliminary indication of the reliability and limitations for the application of DVC in estimating the micromechanics of bone and cement-bone interface in augmented vertebrae