604 research outputs found

    (A)bridging the Gap – A study of the norms and laws in the intralingual translation of the novel And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie

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    In the last decade, intralingual translation has started to gain momentum amongst a number of translation academics. Nevertheless, some types of intralingual translation remain largely undiscovered, such as the process of abridgement in the production of simplified versions of classic literary works (i.e. graded readers). This article subjects three chapters of the abridged version of And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie to qualitative analysis using Descriptive Translation Studies theory. The aim is to contribute to bridging a research gap in Translation Studies by examining the norms and laws governing the process of abridgement. Translation norms and laws are detected by situating the source and the target texts in their respective socio-cultural backgrounds and by analysing translation shifts. Relevant shifts are identified by means of a check-list of features elaborated on the basis of theory on graded readers, which classifies them into lexical, structural and information shifts. The results of the analysis showcase the vast research potential of intralingual translation for language learning purposes. Keywords: Intralingual translation, abridgement, graded readers, DTS, translation norms, translation laws, Agatha Christie, And Then There Were NoneIn the last decade, intralingual translation has started to gain momentum amongst a number of translation academics. Nevertheless, some types of intralingual translation remain largely undiscovered, such as the process of abridgement in the production of simplified versions of classic literary works (i.e. graded readers). This article subjects three chapters of the abridged version of And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie to qualitative analysis using Descriptive Translation Studies theory. The aim is to contribute to bridging a research gap in Translation Studies by examining the norms and laws governing the process of abridgement. Translation norms and laws are detected by situating the source and the target texts in their respective socio-cultural backgrounds and by analysing translation shifts. Relevant shifts are identified by means of a check-list of features elaborated on the basis of theory on graded readers, which classifies them into lexical, structural and information shifts. The results of the analysis showcase the vast research potential of intralingual translation for language learning purpose

    Situation and challenges of the Mexicana organic sector

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    For Mexico, organic farming is a feasible option, given the goodness it offers the country, since it is linked to the geography of poverty, mainly with small-scale farmers with surfaces below 3 ha, 22 indigenous groups, and 35% of women responsible for farming. In addition, it is linked to a form of production that protects and preserves natural resources

    Growing a local organic movement: The Mexican Network of Organic Markets

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    Over the past several years, in response to the rapid growth in global demand for organic goods, the amount of organic production in Mexico has increased dramatically. Indeed, while Mexican agriculture as a whole has suffered severe crises, the organic sector has boomed, and today more than 83 000 producers farm organically on over 300 000 hectares of land. Of these producers, 98 percent are small scale, farming an average of three hectares, and over 50 percent are indigenous people. Unfortunately, as is the case in many developing countries, the vast majority of organic production remains focused on export crops – particularly coffee, but also cocoa, coconut, and other fruit and vegetables – with 85 percent of organic goods being sent to foreign markets. From an environmental point of view, exportoriented production is extremely damaging because of the amounts of fossil fuels required for transportation. In addition, packaging for export consumes precious resources and creates mountains of waste. Moreover, an export-oriented focus constrains the degree to which domestic markets are developed, and it leaves Mexican producers highly vulnerable to international market fluctuations

    Manual de calidad para la inspección de vehículos a gas natural vehicular

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    El Manual de calidad para la inspección de vehículos a gas natural vehicular es un documento, cuya función principal es orientar al lector sobre la influencia del gas natural en el sector automotor y su debida regulación en Colombia_ La necesidad de encontrar combustibles más amables con el medio ambiente, ha dado como resultado la utilización del gas natural en los automóviles generando así una reducción de emisiones a la atmosfera_ Este Manual de calidad ilustra la parte regulatoria del gas natural vehicular y partes interesadas, que se dispone en la Resolución 0957 del Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo_ En esta Resolución encontramos un reglamento técnico que deben cumplir los talleres, sus procesos de conversión así como los fabricantes, importadores y comercializadores de equipos de conversión_The Quality Manual for the inspection of vehicles with natural gas is a document that its main function is guide to the reader about the influence of natural gas in the sector automotive and its regulation corresponding in Colombia_ Need to find a fuel more friendly with the environment has made to use the natural gas in the vehicles reducing then emissions to the atmosphere_ It´s Quality´s Manual illustrates the topics of regulation with the Resolution 0957 of Trade Industry and Tourism Ministry_ In this Resolution is the technical regulation for the garages its conversion´s process also the manufacturers importers and marketers of conversions gears

    Hinge parties in Mexico and the Use of Social Networks and Media Technologies: A comparison between Partido Verde Ecologista, Partido Nueva Alianza and Partido Movimiento Ciudadano

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    Since the beginning of the new century in México, the traditional party system was affected by a new model of actors: the hinge parties. They are small political parties: Partido Verde Ecologista, Partido Nueva Alianza and Partido Movimiento Ciudadano, which have allied to traditional parties in electoral periods, even though they do not necessarily share ideological affinities. This strategy results have evolved positively for some of them, which have managed to overcome the electoral barrier and, consequently, maintain their official recognition as parties; some others had won federal, regional or local elections as a coalition. These hinge parties present an interesting paradox. They use intensively new media and social networks, and don´t have the traditional organizational model based on territories, instead they have virtual interaction and developed online tools in their internal and external communications. Nevertheless, they have a segmented, clientele and corporate type of electorate. They are also part of the political system, so they don´t present themselves as an alternative to the traditional parties. This paper aims to compare between these three parties; and how, when and who (inside) use these tools, how do their organization structures are affected by these? and how did the media and social networks influence on the electoral campaigns?Desde el comienzo del nuevo siglo en México, el sistema de partidos tradicional se vio afectado por una nuevo modelo de actores: las partes de bunion. Son pequeños partidos políticos: Partido Verde Ecologista, Partido Nueva Alianza y Partido Movimiento Ciudadano, que se han aliado a los partidos tradicionales en períodos electorales, a pesar de que no necesariamente comparten afinidades ideológicas. Esta estrategia los resultados han evolucionado positivamente para algunos de ellos, que han logrado superar el barrera y, en consecuencia, mantener su reconocimiento oficial como partes; algunos otros habrían ganado elecciones federales, regionales o locales como una coalición

    University policy and the challenge of territorialization : reading and theoretical contributions for analysis from a concrete experience

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    El análisis de las políticas públicas en materia de educación constituye un campo amplísimo de trabajo. En este proyecto nos enfocaremos, específicamente, en las políticas públicas de educación superior relacionadas con la territorialización de la oferta educativa, a partir de la experiencia concreta desarrollada en la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales (FCEN).Se reflexiona acerca de la controversia existente entre el objetivo de desarrollo institucional de acercar a territorio la oferta académica, y la heterogeneidad estructural innegable que mantienen los centros provinciales (donde se encuentra la mayor oferta educativa) con sus localidades internas. Estos interrogantes surgen desde las problemáticas comunes de los estudios de casos previamente realizados y que conducen a una gran pregunta: ¿Cuáles son las condiciones estructurales que deben preverse para la efectiva territorialización de la oferta académica? En este tramo de la investigación se busca avanzar en una lectura crítica del diseño e implementación de las políticas públicas orientadas a la expansión de educación superior en el territorio. Los diagnósticos tradicionales en el campo educativo se han estructurado, en general, a partir de información estadística presentada a nivel provincial o regional. Este tipo de gestión de la información refleja el quehacer de la administración política del sector educativo y permite dar cuenta de las disparidades a nivel nacional. Sin embargo, no ayuda a visibilizar la heterogeneidad de situaciones y configuraciones particulares que se da en las comunidades específicas en las que se implementan los programas. A partir de la experiencia de la FCEN en la implementación de políticas de territorialización surgen interrogantes teóricos, conceptuales y metodológicos sobre las condiciones que deben darse para lograr su efectividad y, al mismo tiempo, al estar en funcionamiento hace más de una década nos permite contar con datos suficientes que aporten tanto a la reflexión teórica como al mejoramiento de su funcionamiento.he analysis of public policies on education is a very broad field of work. In this project we will focus, specifically, on public policies superior to the territorialization of the educational offer, based on the concrete experience developed in the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences (FCEN).Reflection on the existing controversy between the objective of institutional development the approach to the academic offer, and the undeniable structural heterogeneity that the provincial centers (where the greatest educational offer is) with their internal localities. These questions arise from the common problems of case studies.This section of the research seeks to advance in a critical reading of the design and implementation of public policies aimed at the expansion of higher education in the territory.Traditional diagnoses in the educational field have been structured, in general, from statistical information at the provincial or regional level. This is the type of information management that is presented in the political administration of the education sector and allows to account for disparities at the national level. However, there is no help to visualize the heterogeneity of the situations and the particular configurations presented in the communities.Based on the experience of the FCEN in the implementation of territorialization policies, theoretical, conceptual and methodological questions arise about the conditions that must be met to achieve its service and, at the same time, being in operation for more than a decade allows us to have sufficient data that contribute both to the theoretical reflection and to the improvement of its functioning

    Interfaz inmersiva de realidad virtual para la teleoperación de robots móviles

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    En este TFG se llevará a cabo un sistema de teleoperación completo dónde se implementará un sistema esclavo, un sistema maestro, y los canales de comunicación entre ellos. Estará centrado en la realización de la interfaz de teleoperación, la cual trabajará sobre realidad virtual y permitirá percibir la visión del robot de una forma inmersiva y fiel a la realidad, además de controlar el movimiento de este. Para ello, se diseñarán e implementarán los algoritmos necesarios para trasladar el mundo real al virtual y se trabajará en su rendimiento

    El Ciclo General de Conocimientos Básicos en Ciencias Exactas y Naturales en los departamentos de General Alvear, Tupungato, Malargüe, San Martín

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    El presente informe expone una síntesis de una investigación realizada por la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales (FCEN) por el lapso de los últimos cuatro años. Desde el 2016 a la fecha nuestra institución desarrolla, mediante proyectos dependientes de Secretaría Académica, una línea de trabajo que busca consolidar y mejorar la implementación del Ciclo General de Conocimientos Básicos en Ciencias Exactas y Naturales (CGCB-CEN) en toda la institución, especialmente en el interior de la provincia de Mendoza donde se encuentran las extensiones áulicas. Esta investigación tuvo como primer período los años 2016 al 2019, momento en el cual los objetivos principales fueron: recabar información para evaluar el impacto del Ciclo Básico en las localidades del interior de la provincia de Mendoza y analizar el funcionamiento interno de las extensiones áulicas. Al presente, la investigación continua con el propósito de realizar aportes a las políticas de democratización de la educación superior
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