38 research outputs found


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    MUHAMMAD TOTONI, Perbandingan Kemampuan Penalaran Matematika Pada Penggunaan Metode Inkuiri dengan Ekspositori Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Kemampuan penalaran adalah salah satu kompetensi yang harus dicapai dalam pembelajaran matematika. Kemampuan penalaran juga mempunyai peranan penting dalam pembelajaran matematika, karena kemampuan penalaran adalah fundamental untuk mengetahui dan mengerjakan matematika. Tetapi dalam kenyataan kebanyakan siswa mempunyai kemampuan penalaran yang lemah. Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan penalaran matematika siswa yaitu guru menggunakan metode inkuiri dan metode ekspositori. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbandingan dari pengunaan metode inkuiri dengan ekspositori dalam pembelajaran matematika terhadap kemampuan penalaran matematika. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode penelitian yaitu eksperimen. Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah variabel observed yaitu kemampuan penalaran matematika dan variabel perlakuan yaitu metode inkuiri dan metode ekspositori. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah 60 siswa. Subyek tersebut dipilih berdasarkan nilai akhir hasil belajar matematika, hasil belajar tersebut kemudian diolah untuk dilihat varians dan homogenitasnya. Kelompok 1 (kelas VIII B) yang menggunakan metode inkuiri dengan jumlah siswa 30 dan kelompok 2 (kelas VIII C) yang menggunakan metode ekspositori dengan jumlah siswa 30. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis komparasi. Sebelum menganalisis data, terlebih dahulu dilakukan uji prasyarat analisis yaitu menguji normalitas dan homogenitas, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan uji statistik parametric yaitu uji t dua sampel saling bebas dan regresi variabel dumy. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan kemampuan penalaran matematika yang cukup signifikan antara yang menggunakan metode ekspositori dengan yang menggunakan metode inkuiri. Peningkatan kemampuan penalaran matematika yang menggunakan metode pembelajaran inkuiri lebih baik dengan nilai rata-rata 0,359 dibandingkan dengan yang menggunakan metode ekspositori dengan nilai rata-rata 0,269. Kata kunci : Kemampuan penalaran matematika, Metode Inkuiri, Metode ekspositor


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    Industrial Parks are a widespread initiative of the last decades especially in those countries that are trying to attract FDIs 237, to promote rapid industrialization andto achieve a more balanced regional distribution of production and employment.Industrial Parks provide optimal conditions for foreign investors and other entrepreneurs developing competitive industrial activities, because the parks ensureinfra structure, utilities and administration standards above the national average.Therefore they contribute directly in improving the country's attractive nessespecially for foreign investors that otherwise would have little or no motivation toinvest.This paper aims to explore the Industrial Parks experience in Albania and other Balkans countries and their FDI performance in order to evaluate the real outcomein comparison with their perceived advantages.For this purpose, it was conducted a wide literature review and a comparative analysis of Industrial Parks development in the Balkans and their FDI performance.Also a considerable number of half structured interviews were conducted with experts of actual and former units in charge of Industrial Parks development inAlbania in order to identify success factors and common problems that may lessen their impact as FDI attractors

    Parallelizing Julia with a Non-Invasive DSL

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    Computational scientists often prototype software using productivity languages that offer high-level programming abstractions. When higher performance is needed, they are obliged to rewrite their code in a lower-level efficiency language. Different solutions have been proposed to address this trade-off between productivity and efficiency. One promising approach is to create embedded domain-specific languages that sacrifice generality for productivity and performance, but practical experience with DSLs points to some road blocks preventing widespread adoption. This paper proposes a non-invasive domain-specific language that makes as few visible changes to the host programming model as possible. We present ParallelAccelerator, a library and compiler for high-level, high-performance scientific computing in Julia. ParallelAccelerator\u27s programming model is aligned with existing Julia programming idioms. Our compiler exposes the implicit parallelism in high-level array-style programs and compiles them to fast, parallel native code. Programs can also run in "library-only" mode, letting users benefit from the full Julia environment and libraries. Our results show encouraging performance improvements with very few changes to source code required. In particular, few to no additional type annotations are necessary

    Parallelizing Julia with a Non-Invasive DSL (Artifact)

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    This artifact is based on ParallelAccelerator, an embedded domain-specific language (DSL) and compiler for speeding up compute-intensive Julia programs. In particular, Julia code that makes heavy use of aggregate array operations is a good candidate for speeding up with ParallelAccelerator. ParallelAccelerator is a non-invasive DSL that makes as few changes to the host programming model as possible

    Using an Adaptive HPC Runtime System to Reconfigure the Cache Hierarchy

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    The cache hierarchy often consumes a large portion of a processor’s energy. To save energy in HPC environments, this paper proposes software-controlled reconfiguration of the cache hierarchy with an adaptive runtime system. Our approach addresses the two major limitations associated with other methods that reconfigure the caches: predicting the application’s future and finding the best cache hierarchy configuration. Our approach uses formal language theory to express the application’s pattern and help predict its future. Furthermore, it uses the prevalent Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) model of HPC codes to find the best configuration in parallel quickly. Our experiments using cycle-level simulations indicate that 67 % of the cache energy can be saved with only a 2.4 % performance penalty on average. Moreover, we demonstrate that, for some applica-tions, switching to a software-controlled reconfigurable streaming buffer configuration can improve performance by up to 30 % and save 75 % of the cache energy. I

    Power, Reliability, Performance: One System to Rule Them All

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    En un diseño basado en el marco de programación paralelo Charm ++, un sistema de tiempo de ejecución adaptativo interactúa dinámicamente con el administrador de recursos de un centro de datos para controlar la energía mediante la programación inteligente de trabajos, la reasignación de recursos y la reconfiguración de hardware. Gestiona simultáneamente la fiabilidad al enfriar el sistema al nivel óptimo de la aplicación en ejecución y mantiene el rendimiento a través del equilibrio de carg

    Biting the bullet: a call for action on lead-contaminated meat in food-banks

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    Each year in the United States, food banks receive more than one million kilograms of donated hunted game meat. The National Rifle Association’s (NRA’s) Hunters for the Hungry initiative has established programs in more than 40 states for hunters to take their harvested game animal to a meat processing facility and indicate intent to donate the resulting processed and packaged meat to a local food bank. Most donated game meat is ground deer meat (venison); other donated game includes wild hog and goose. Even though the presence of ammunition-derived metallic lead fragments in donated firearms-hunted meat has been recognized for more than a decade, most of the donated hunted meat is not inspected to discard meat containing lead fragments. An underlying lack of food safety standards for adulterated donated food increases risks to low-income recipients, who are already disproportionately affected by elevated blood lead levels (BLLs).2 Primary prevention is needed for this overlooked source of lead exposure.publishedVersio

    Energy-efficient computing for HPC workloads on heterogeneous manycore chips

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    Power and energy efficiency is one of the major challenges to achieve exascale computing in the next several years. While chips operating at low voltages have been studied to be highly energy-efficient, low voltage operations lead to heterogeneity across cores within the microprocessor chip. In this work, we study chips with low voltage operation and discuss programming systems, and performance modeling in the presence of heterogeneity. We propose an integer linear programming based approach for selecting optimal configu-ration of a chip that minimizes its energy consumption. We obtain an average of 26 % and 10.7 % savings in energy con-sumption of the chip for two HPC mini-applications- min-iMD and Jacobi, respectively. We also evaluate the energy savings with execution time constraints, using the proposed approach. These energy savings are significantly more than the savings by sub-optimal configurations obtained from heuristics

    Policy Comparison of Lead Hunting Ammunition Bans and Voluntary Nonlead Programs for California Condors

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    The endangered California condor (Gymnogyps californianus) is negatively affected by lead poisoning from spent lead‐based hunting ammunition. Because lead poisoning is the primary mortality factor affecting condors, the California Fish and Game Commission banned lead hunting ammunition during 2008 in the southern California condor range followed by a statewide ban implemented in 2019. In contrast, the Arizona Game and Fish Department instituted an outreach and awareness program encouraging voluntary use of nonlead hunting ammunition in the northern portion of the state during 2005 and a similar program was launched in Utah during 2012. The juxtaposition of policy tools provided a unique opportunity to evaluate the intended efforts to mitigate lead exposure in condors and their respective positive and negative effects. Herein we reflect upon the effectiveness of lead policy actions in the 3‐state region on the basis of condor blood‐lead levels, population status, and hunter awareness of the issue and use of nonlead hunting ammunition