35 research outputs found

    Effects of the Λ\Lambda(1405) on the Structure of Multi-Antikaonic Nuclei

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    The effects of the Λ\Lambda(1405) (Λ\Lambda^\ast) on the structure of the multi-antikaonic nucleus (MKN), in which several KK^- mesons are embedded to form deeply bound states, are considered based on chiral symmetry combined with a relativistic mean-field theory. It is shown that additional attraction resulting from the Λ\Lambda^\ast pole has a sizable contribution to not only the density profiles for the nucleons and KK^- mesons but also the ground state energy of the KK^- mesons and binding energy of the MKN as the number of the embedded KK^- mesons increases.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Talk presented at the 10th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics (Hyp-X), Tokai, Japan, Sept. 14-18, 2009. To be published in Nucl. Phys.

    Multi-antikaonic nuclei in the relativistic mean-field theory

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    Properties of multi-antikaonic nuclei (MKN), where several numbers of KK^- mesons are bound, are studied in the relativistic mean-field model, combined with chiral dynamics for kaonic part of the thermodynamic potential. The density profiles for nucleons and KK^- mesons, the single particle energy of the KK^- mesons, and binding energy of the MKN are obtained. The effects of the KˉKˉ\bar K-\bar K interactions on these quantities are discussed in comparison with other meson (σ\sigma, ω\omega, and ρ\rho)-exchange models. It is shown that the KˉKˉ\bar K-\bar K interactions originate from two contributions: One is the contact interaction between antikaons inherent in chiral symmetry, and the other is the one generated through coupling between the KK^- and meson mean fields. Both effects of the KˉKˉ\bar K-\bar K repulsive interactions become large on the ground state properties of the MKN as the number of the embedded KK^- mesons increases. A relation between the multi-antikaonic nuclei and kaon condensation in infinite and uniform matter is mentioned.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figure

    <ORIGINAL ARTICLE>Establishment and characteristics of a cell line derived from osteosarcoma induced by ^<32>P in the rat.

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    骨肉腫細胞株はヒト骨肉腫治療の実験モデルになるばかりでなく,骨形成を示すため骨代謝の研究に対しても有用な実験モデルとなりうる。しかし,可移植性骨肉腫株やその細胞株は今日においても非常に少ない。われわれはすでに^Pで誘発した可移植性骨肉腫を報告した。この腫瘍は継代移植においても骨形成能を維持している。今回の実験はこの骨腫瘍の細胞株を樹立すること,ならびにその生物学的特長を検索することである。その結果,1.ラット骨肉腫の細胞株(MSK,武藤-佐藤-金沢)が樹立された。2.この細胞株はin vitroにおいて強いアルカリフォスファターゼ活性とコラーゲン形成能を示した。3.MSK細胞を同系ラットの背部皮下に移植すると骨形成能を示した。4.ミリポアフィルターを用いたin VIVO骨形成実験では,フィルターの外側に骨形成が認められた。5.以上の結果より,MSK細胞は骨形成能を示すだけでなく骨誘導能の可能性が示唆された。それゆえ,この細胞株は骨芽細胞の特性の検索ばかりでなく骨誘導の研究にも有用なモデルであると考える。To study the medical treatment of human osteosarcoma there is a need for experimental tumor models Moreover, osteoblastic cell line is a useful model for research of the bone and mineral metabolism. Even today, a few transplantable bone-forming osteosarcomas and their cell lines are available Previously we have reported transplantation of osteosarcoma induced by administration of ^P This tumor retains the osteoid-forming ability even in serial transplantations In the present study, we established the cell line of our transplantable ratosteosarcoma and investigated the characteristics of the cell line The results were as follows 1. A cell line (MSK, Muto-Sato-Kanazawa) of rat osteosarcoma was established 2. The cell line showed intense staining of alkaline phosphatase and collagen synthesis in vitro. 3. MSK cell line also maintained the bone-forming ability when it was inoculated sub cutaneously into the back of syngenic rats 4. Osteogenesis outside a Millipore filter by MSK cells was demonstrated in vivo. 5. It was suggested that MSK cells had not only bone-forming ability but also bone-inductive ability. Therefore, MSK cell line would be a useful model for the study on the property of osteoblast and bone inductio

    Finite size effects on kaonic pasta structures

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    Non-uniform structures of mixed phases at the first-order phase transition to charged kaon condensation are studied using a density functional theory within the relativistic mean field model. Including electric field effects and applying the Gibbs conditions in a proper way, we numerically determine density profiles of nucleons, electrons and condensed kaons. Importance of charge screening effects is elucidated and thereby we show that the Maxwell construction is effectively justified. Surface effect is also studied to figure out its effect on the density profiles

    <ORIGINAL ARTICLE>The effects of sagittal ramus osteotomy for mandibular prognathism on maximum mouth opening and condylar movement

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    Maximum mouth opening and condylar movement before and more than 6 months after surgery were analyzed in 23 cases of sagittal ramus osteotomy of the mandible for correction of mandibular prognathism. Condylar movement (translation and rotation) did not show postoperatively a significant difference pre-and postoperatively, and then was a tendency to a reduction of maximum mouth opening was found

    <CLINICAL REPORT>A case of inverted papilloma of the maxillary sinus

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    A case of inverted papilloma arising in the maxillary sinus is described. The first symptoms were rhinorroea and discomfort of the left infraorbital region. A biopsy obtained by penetration into the maxillary sinus resulted in a diagnosis of chronic sinusitis. However, the surgical specimen showed characteristic inverted epithelial proliferation. Two years after operation by the Caldwell-Luc method, there are no signs of recurrence. The diagnosis and treatment of inverted papilloma are discussed

    Kaon Condensation and Lambda-Nucleon Loop in the Relativistic Mean-Field Approach

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    The possibility of kaon condensation in high-density symmetric nuclear matter is investigated including both s- and p-wave kaon-baryon interactions within the relativistic mean-field (RMF) theory. Above a certain density, we have a collective Kˉs{\bar K}_s state carrying the same quantum numbers as the antikaon. The appearance of the Kˉs{\bar K}_s state is caused by the time component of the axial-vector interaction between kaons and baryons. It is shown that the system becomes unstable with respect to condensation of KK-Kˉs{\bar K}_s pairs. We consider how the effective baryon masses affect the kaon self-energy coming from the time component of the axial-vector interaction. Also, the role of the spatial component of the axial-vector interaction on the possible existence of the collective kaonic states is discussed in connection with Λ\Lambda-mixing effects in the ground state of high-density matter. Implications of KKˉsK{\bar K}_s condensation for high-energy heavy-ion collisions are briefly mentioned.Comment: 27 pages text, 8 figure

    Neutrino Opacities in Neutron Stars with Kaon Condensates

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    The neutrino mean free paths in hot neutron-star matter are obtained in the presence of kaon condensates. The kaon-induced neutrino absorption process, which is allowed only in the presence of kaon condensates, is considered for both nondegenerate and degenerate neutrinos. The neutrino mean free path due to this process is compared with that for the neutrino-nucleon scattering. While the mean free path for the kaon-induced neutrino absorption process is shown to be shorter than the ordinary two-nucleon absorption process by several orders of magnitude when temperature is not very high, the neutrino-nucleon scattering process has still a dominant contribution to the neutrino opacity. Thus, the kaon-induced neutrino absorption process has a minor effect on the thermal and dynamical evolution of protoneutron stars.Comment: 35 pages, 4 figure

    Thermal and Quantum Fluctuations in the Kaon Condensed Phase

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    A new formulation is presented to treat thermal and quantum fluctuations around the kaon condensate on the basis of chiral symmetry; separating the zero-mode from the beginning and using the path-integral method, we can formulate the inclusion of fluctuations in a transparent way. Nucleons as well as kaons are treated in a self-consistent way to the one-loop order. The effects of the Goldstone mode, stemming from the breakdown of V- spin symmetry in the condensed phase, are figured out. A procedure is discussed to renormalize the divergent integrals properly up to the one-loop order. Consequently the thermodynamic potential is derived. It is pointed out that the zero-point fluctuation by nucleons gives a sizable effect, different from the kaonic one.Comment: 27 page