221 research outputs found

    Test of structural models for the (4 4) phase formed by oxygen adsorption on the Pt3Sn(1 1 1) surface

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    Exposure of the Pt3Sn(1 1 1) surface to oxygen at a pressure in the 10-6 mbar range at 800 K leads to the formation of a chemisorbed phase with a (4 Ă— 4) periodicity. In previous works we investigated the structure of the (4 Ă— 4) phase by means of scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and XPD. STM images show that the (4 Ă— 4) periodicity results from an array of protrusions and holes. XPD data suggest that oxygen adsorption induces the reconstruction of the substrate with the formation of a Sn-O overlayer. In the present work, several structural models compatible with the STM and XPD results were tested by tensor LEED analysis. The best agreement with the experimental I-V curves was obtained for a model similar to that proposed to interpret the STM images of the Ag(1 1 1)(4 Ă— 4)-O phase. According to this structure, the protrusions observed in STM would correspond to tin atoms occupying on-top positions

    The antimicrobial peptide temporin G: Anti-biofilm, anti-persister activities, and potentiator effect of tobramycin efficacy against Staphylococcus aureus

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    Bacterial biofilms are a serious threat for human health, and the Gram-positive bacterium Staphylococcus aureus is one of the microorganisms that can easily switch from a planktonic to a sessile lifestyle, providing protection from a large variety of adverse environmental conditions. Dormant non-dividing cells with low metabolic activity, named persisters, are tolerant to antibiotic treatment and are the principal cause of recalcitrant and resistant infections, including skin infections. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) hold promise as new anti-infective agents to treat such infections. Here for the first time, we investigated the activity of the frog-skin AMP temporin G (TG) against preformed S. aureus biofilm including persisters, as well as its efficacy in combination with tobramycin, in inhibiting S. aureus growth. TG was found to provoke ~50 to 100% reduction of biofilm viability in the concentration range from 12.5 to 100 µM vs ATCC and clinical isolates and to be active against persister cells (about 70–80% killing at 50–100 µM). Notably, sub-inhibitory concentrations of TG in combination with tobramycin were able to significantly reduce S. aureus growth, potentiating the antibiotic power. No critical cytotoxicity was detected when TG was tested in vitro up to 100 µM against human keratinocytes, confirming its safety profile for the development of a new potential anti-infective drug, especially for treatment of bacterial skin infections

    Resource-Bound Quantification for Graph Transformation

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    Graph transformation has been used to model concurrent systems in software engineering, as well as in biochemistry and life sciences. The application of a transformation rule can be characterised algebraically as construction of a double-pushout (DPO) diagram in the category of graphs. We show how intuitionistic linear logic can be extended with resource-bound quantification, allowing for an implicit handling of the DPO conditions, and how resource logic can be used to reason about graph transformation systems

    Towards an embedding of Graph Transformation in Intuitionistic Linear Logic

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    Linear logics have been shown to be able to embed both rewriting-based approaches and process calculi in a single, declarative framework. In this paper we are exploring the embedding of double-pushout graph transformations into quantified linear logic, leading to a Curry-Howard style isomorphism between graphs and transformations on one hand, formulas and proof terms on the other. With linear implication representing rules and reachability of graphs, and the tensor modelling parallel composition of graphs and transformations, we obtain a language able to encode graph transformation systems and their computations as well as reason about their properties

    Near-field imaging of single walled carbon nanotubes emitting in the telecom wavelength range

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    International audienceHybrid systems based on carbon nanotubes emitting in the telecom wavelength range and Si-photonic platforms are promising candidates for developing integrated photonic circuits. Here, we consider semiconducting single walled carbon nanotubes (s-SWNTs) emitting around 1300 nm or 1550 nm wavelength. The nanotubes are deposited on quartz substrate for mapping their photoluminescence in hyperspectral near-field microscopy. This method allows for a sub-wavelength resolution in detecting the spatial distribution of the emission of single s-SWNTs at room temperature. Optical signature delocalized over several micrometers is observed, thus denoting the high quality of the produced carbon nanotubes on a wide range of tube diameters. Noteworthy, the presence of both nanotube bundles and distinct s-SWNT chiralities is uncovered

    Popillia japonica – Italian outbreak management

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    Popillia japonica, a priority pest for the EU, was first detected in Northern Italy in 2014. Since its discovery, the outbreak extended over an area of more than 16,000 square kilometers in Northern Italy and Southern Switzerland. In this review, we summarize the state-of-the-art of research conducted in Italy on both the spreading capacity and control measures of P. japonica. Chemical, physical, and biological control measures deployed since its detection are presented, by highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. An in-depth study of the ecosystems invaded by P. japonica disclosed the presence and pathogenicity of natural strains of entomopathogenic fungi and nematodes, some of which have shown to be particularly aggressive towards the larvae of this pest under laboratory conditions. The Plant Health authorities of the Lombardy and Piedmont regions, with the support of several research institutions, played a crucial role in the initial eradication attempt and subsequently in containing the spread of P. japonica. Control measures were performed in the infested area to suppress adult populations of P. japonica by installing several traps (e.g., for mass trapping, for auto-dissemination of the fungus Metarhizium anisopliae, and “attract & kill”). For larval control, the infested fields were treated with commercial strains of the entomopathogenic fungus M. anisopliae and nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora. Future studies will aim at integrating phenological and spread models developed with the most effective control measures, within an ecologically sustainable approach

    A microRNA program regulates the balance between cardiomyocyte hyperplasia and hypertrophy and stimulates cardiac regeneration

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    Myocardial regeneration is restricted to early postnatal life, when mammalian cardiomyocytes still retain the ability to proliferate. The molecular cues that induce cell cycle arrest of neonatal cardiomyocytes towards terminally differentiated adult heart muscle cells remain obscure. Here we report that the miR-106b~25 cluster is higher expressed in the early postnatal myocardium and decreases in expression towards adulthood, especially under conditions of overload, and orchestrates the transition of cardiomyocyte hyperplasia towards cell cycle arrest and hypertrophy by virtue of its targetome. In line, gene delivery of miR-106b~25 to the mouse heart provokes cardiomyocyte proliferation by targeting a network of negative cell cycle regulators including E2f5, Cdkn1c, Ccne1 and Wee1. Conversely, gene-targeted miR-106b~25 null mice display spontaneous hypertrophic remodeling and exaggerated remodeling to overload by derepression of the prohypertrophic transcription factors Hand2 and Mef2d. Taking advantage of the regulatory function of miR-106b~25 on cardiomyocyte hyperplasia and hypertrophy, viral gene delivery of miR-106b~25 provokes nearly complete regeneration of the adult myocardium after ischemic injury. Our data demonstrate that exploitation of conserved molecular programs can enhance the regenerative capacity of the injured heart.E.D. is supported by a VENI award 916-150-16 from the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMW), an EMBO Long-term Fellowship (EMBO ALTF 848-2013) and a FP7 Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship (Project number 627539). V.S.P. was funded by a fellowship from the FCT/ Ministério da Ciência, Tec-nologia e Inovação SFRH/BD/111799/2015. P.D.C.M. is an Established Investigator of the Dutch Heart Foundation. L.D.W. acknowledges support from the Dutch CardioVascular Alliance (ARENA-PRIME). L.D.W. was further supported by grant 311549 from the European Research Council (ERC), a VICI award 918-156-47 from the Dutch Research Council and Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 813716 (TRAIN-HEART)

    Oscheius tipulae in Italy: Evidence of an Alien Isolate in the Integral Natural Reserve of Montecristo Island (Tuscany)

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    Montecristo Island is an integral natural reserve of the Tuscan Archipelago National Park (Central Italy), characterized by a peculiar assemblage of flora and fauna, with several endemic taxa, and also with a high number of alien species. During a soil survey, we found an alien Oscheius tipulae Lam & Webster, 1971 isolate, phylogenetically close to others from South America. In this article, we examined the possible pathways of introduction of this nematode. Because of the high number of alien plants in this protected area and the low desiccation survival ability of O. tipulae, we hypothesized that the presence of this alien nematode isolate may be related to the soil of introduced plants, although historical association with plant-associated invertebrates is also possible. Further studies with more populations and marker molecules are necessary to investigate the distribution of O. tipulae and the possible impact on this natural reserve

    Long-term outcome of COVID-19 patients treated with helmet noninvasive ventilation vs. high-flow nasal oxygen: a randomized trial

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    Background: Long-term outcomes of patients treated with helmet noninvasive ventilation (NIV) are unknown: safety concerns regarding the risk of patient self-inflicted lung injury and delayed intubation exist when NIV is applied in hypoxemic patients. We assessed the 6-month outcome of patients who received helmet NIV or high-flow nasal oxygen for COVID-19 hypoxemic respiratory failure. Methods: In this prespecified analysis of a randomized trial of helmet NIV versus high-flow nasal oxygen (HENIVOT), clinical status, physical performance (6-min-walking-test and 30-s chair stand test), respiratory function and quality of life (EuroQoL five dimensions five levels questionnaire, EuroQoL VAS, SF36 and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist for the DSM) were evaluated 6 months after the enrollment. Results: Among 80 patients who were alive, 71 (89%) completed the follow-up: 35 had received helmet NIV, 36 high-flow oxygen. There was no inter-group difference in any item concerning vital signs (N = 4), physical performance (N = 18), respiratory function (N = 27), quality of life (N = 21) and laboratory tests (N = 15). Arthralgia was significantly lower in the helmet group (16% vs. 55%, p = 0.002). Fifty-two percent of patients in helmet group vs. 63% of patients in high-flow group had diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide < 80% of predicted (p = 0.44); 13% vs. 22% had forced vital capacity < 80% of predicted (p = 0.51). Both groups reported similar degree of pain (p = 0.81) and anxiety (p = 0.81) at the EQ-5D-5L test; the EQ-VAS score was similar in the two groups (p = 0.27). Compared to patients who successfully avoided invasive mechanical ventilation (54/71, 76%), intubated patients (17/71, 24%) had significantly worse pulmonary function (median diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide 66% [Interquartile range: 47–77] of predicted vs. 80% [71–88], p = 0.005) and decreased quality of life (EQ-VAS: 70 [53–70] vs. 80 [70–83], p = 0.01). Conclusions: In patients with COVID-19 hypoxemic respiratory failure, treatment with helmet NIV or high-flow oxygen yielded similar quality of life and functional outcome at 6 months. The need for invasive mechanical ventilation was associated with worse outcomes. These data indicate that helmet NIV, as applied in the HENIVOT trial, can be safely used in hypoxemic patients. Trial registration Registered on clinicaltrials.gov NCT04502576 on August 6, 202

    Does the Underground Economy Hold Back Financial Deepening? Evidence from the Italian Credit Market

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