1,031 research outputs found

    3C 33: another case of photoionized soft X-ray emission in radio galaxies

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    All the observations available in the Chandra and XMM-Newton archives have been used to investigate the X-ray spectral properties of 3C 33. In this paper is presented a complete X-ray analysis of the nuclear emission of this narrow line radio galaxy. The broad band spectrum of 3C 33 is complex. The hard part resembles that of Seyfert 2 galaxies, with a heavily obscured nuclear continuum (N_H~10^23 cm^-2) and a prominent Fe Kalpha line. This represents the nuclear radiation directly observed in transmission through a cold circumnuclear gas. On the other hand an unabsorbed continuum plus emission lines seem to fit well the soft part of the spectrum (0.5-2 keV) suggesting that the jet does not significantly contribute to the X-ray emission. We discuss the possible collisional or photoionized origin of the gas that emits the soft X-ray lines. Our results, strengthened by optical spectroscopy favor the photoionization scenario.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Nanochromics: Old Materials, New Structures And Architectures For High Performance Devices

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    Due to the development of nanoscience, the interest in electrochromism has increased and new assemblies of electrochromic materials at nanoscale leading to higher efficiencies and chromatic contrasts, low switching times and the possibility of color tuning have been developed. These advantages are reached due to the extensive surface area found in nanomaterials and the large amount of organic electrochromic molecules that can be easily attached onto inorganic nanoparticles, as TiO2 or SiO2. Moreover, the direct contact between electrolyte and nanomaterials produces high ionic transfer rates, leading to fast charge compensation, which is essential for high performance electrochromic electrodes. Recently, the layer-by-layer technique was presented as an interesting way to produce different architectures by the combination of both electrochromic nanoparticles and polymers. The present paper shows some of the newest insights into nanochromic science. ©2008 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.19712481257Somani, P.R., Radhakrishnan, S., (2003) Mater. Chem. Phys, 77, p. 117Monk, P.M.S., Mortimer, R.J., Rosseinsky, D.R., (1995) Electrochromism: Fundamentals and Applications, , John Wiley & Sons: New YorkRowley, N.M., Mortimer, R.J., (2002) Sci. Prog, 85, p. 243Mortimer, R.J., (1997) Chem. Soc. Rev, 26, p. 147De Oliveira, S.C., Torresi, R.M., Córdoba de Torresi, S.I., (2000) Quim. Nova, 23, p. 79Livage, J., Ganguli, D., (2001) Sol. Energy Mater, 68, p. 365Rauh, R.D., (1999) Electrochim. Acta, 44, p. 3165Rosseinsky, D.R., Mortimer, R.J., (2001) Adv. Mater, 13, p. 783Monk, P.M.S., Mortimer, R.J., Rosseinky, D.R., (2007) Electrochromism and Electrochromic Devices, , University Press: CambridgeCordoba de Torresi, S.I., Gorenstein, A., (1992) Electrochim. 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    Spectroscopic characterization and investigation of the dynamic of charge compensation process of supramolecular films derived from tetra-2-pyridyl-1,4-pyrazine ligand

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    This work describes the infrared spectroscopy characterization and the charge compensation dynamics in supramolecular film FeTPPZFeCN derived from tetra-2-pyridyl-1,4-pyrazine (TPPZ) with hexacyanoferrate, as well as the hybrid film formed by FeTPPZFeCN and polypyrrole (PPy). For supramolecular film, it was found that anion flux is greater in a K+ containing solution than in Li+ solution, which seems to be due to the larger crystalline ionic radius of K+. The electroneutralization process is discussed in terms of electrostatic interactions between cations and metallic centers in the hosting matrix. The nature of the charge compensation process differs from others modified electrodes based on Prussian blue films, where only cations such as K+ participate in the electroneutralization process. In the case of FeTPPZFeCN/PPy hybrid film, the magnitude of the anions’s flux is also dependent on the identity of the anion of the supporting electrolyte.Este trabalho descreve a caracterização espectroscópica por infravermelho e o estudo da dinâmica de compensação de cargas do filme supramolecular FeTPPZFeCN derivado do ligante tetra-2-piridil-1,4-pirazina (TPPZ) com hexacianoferrato, bem como o filme híbrido envolvendo FeTPPZFeCN e uma matriz de polipirrol (PPy). Para o filme supramolecular, foi observado um aumento no fluxo de ânion em solução contendo K+ em relação ao Li+, que parece estar relacionado ao tamanho do raio iônico cristalino do K+. O processo de eletroneutralização é discutido em termos de interação eletrostática entre cátions e centros metálicos na matriz hospedeira. A natureza do processo de compensação de carga difere de outros eletrodos modificados derivados do azul da Prússia, onde somente cátions tais como K+ participam no processo de eletroneutralização. No caso do filme híbrido FeTPPZFeCN/PPy, a magnitude do fluxo de ânions é também dependente da identidade do ânion em diferentes eletrólitos de suporte.FAPESPConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)SP

    Macroporous MnO2 electrodes obtained by template assisted electrodeposition for electrochemical capacitors

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    Macroporous MnO2 electrodes prepared by template-assisted electrodeposition using spherical polystyrene colloidal particles are studied. The wettability of such electrodes by a LiClO4 aqueous electrolyte is measured by the contact angle technique. Cyclic voltammetry experiments are performed in order to evaluate the use of these electrodes for electrochemical capacitor applications. The specific capacity obtained is about 60% higher than that obtained for flat MnO2 surfaces showing that, in spite of the wettability being lower, some penetration of the electrolyte into the pores must occur, increasing the electroactive area with respect to the flat electrode. Furthermore, the macroporous electrode showed excellent electrochemical stability, with neither a capacitance decrease nor a loss of morphology, after 1000 cycles

    The central FR0 in the sloshing cluster Abell 795: Indications of mechanical feedback from Chandra data

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    We present a detailed study of the galaxy cluster Abell 795 and of its central Fanaroff-Riley Type 0 (FR0) radio galaxy. From an archival Chandra observation, we found a dynamically disturbed environment with evidences for sloshing of the intracluster medium. We argue that the environment alone cannot explain the compactness of the radio galaxy, as similar conditions are also found around extended sources. We identified a pair of putative X-ray cavities in the proximity of the center: These could have been created in a past outburst of the FR0, and dragged away by the large-scale gas movement. The presence of X-ray cavities associated with a FR0 could open a new window on the study of jet power and feedback properties of this recently discovered class of compact radio galaxies

    A Chandra study of Abell 795 - A sloshing cluster with an FR0 radio galaxy at its centre

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    We present the first X-ray dedicated study of the galaxy cluster Abell 795 (A795) and of the Fanaroff-Riley type 0 (FR0) hosted in its brightest cluster galaxy. Using an archival 30 ks Chandra observation, we study the dynamical state and cooling properties of the intracluster medium (ICM), and we investigate whether the growth of the radio galaxy is prevented by the surrounding environment. We discover that A795 is a weakly cool-core cluster, with an observed mass deposition rate ≲14 M☉ yr−1 in the cooling region (central ∼66 kpc). In the inner ∼30 kpc, we identify two putative X-ray cavities, and we unveil the presence of two prominent cold fronts at ∼60 and ∼178 kpc from the centre, located along a cold ICM spiral feature. The central galaxy, which is offset by 17.7 kpc from the X-ray peak, is surrounded by a multi-temperature gas with an average density of ne = 0.02 cm−3. We find extended radio emission at 74-227 MHz centred on the cluster, exceeding the expected flux from the radio galaxy extrapolated at low frequency. We propose that sloshing is responsible for the ICM spiral morphology and the formation of the cold fronts, and that the environment alone cannot explain the compactness of the FR0. We argue that the power of the cavities and the sloshing kinetic energy can reduce and offset cooling. Considering the spectral and morphological properties of the extended radio emission, we classify it as a candidate radio mini-halo

    Conducting polymer- hydrogel blends for electrochemically controlled drug release devices

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    Blends formed by electrochemical polymerization of polypyrrole (PPy) into polyacrylamide (PAAm) hydrogels were used as devices for controlled drug release. The influence of several parameters in the synthesis, such as type of hydrogel matrix and polymerization conditions was studied by using a fractional factorial design. The final goal was to obtain an adequate device for use in controlled release tests, based on electrochemical potential control. For controlled release tests, Safranin was used as model drug and release curves (amount of drug vs. time) have shown that these blends are promising materials for this use. The optimized blends obtained were characterized by cyclic voltammetry and Raman spectroscopy.Blendas formadas pela polimerização eletroquímica de pirrol em matriz de acrilamida (hidrogel) foram utilizadas, neste trabalho, como dispositivos para a liberação controlada de drogas. A influência de vários parâmetros nesta síntese, como tipo de matriz de hidrogel e condições de polimerização, foi estudada empregando-se planejamento fatorial fracionário. O objetivo final consistiu na obtenção de um material adequado para liberação baseada no controle de potencial. Para os testes de liberação foi utilizada Safranina, como substância modelo. As curvas de liberação demonstram a potencialidade do uso de tais dispositivos. Estes dispositivos foram também caracterizados por espectroscopia Raman e voltametria cíclica.FAPESPCNP

    Challenges and opportunities in the bottom-up mechanochemical synthesis of noble metal nanoparticles

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    Mechanochemistry is a promising alternative to solution-based protocols across the chemical sciences, enabling different types of chemistries in solvent-free and environmentally benign conditions. The use of mechanical energy to promote physical and chemical transformations has reached a high level of refinement, allowing for the design of sophisticated molecules and nanostructured materials. Among them, the synthesis of noble metal nanoparticles deserves special attention due to their catalytic applications. In this review, we discuss the recent progress on the development of mechanochemical strategies for the controlled synthesis of noble metal nanostructures. We start by covering the fundamentals of different preparation routes, namely top-down and bottom-up approaches. Next, we focus on the key examples of the mechanochemical synthesis of non-supported and supported metal nanoparticles as well as hybrid nanomaterials containing noble metals. In these examples, in addition to the principles and synthesis mechanisms, their performances in catalysis are discussed. Finally, a perspective of the field is given, where we discuss the opportunities for future work and the challenges of mechanochemical synthesis to produce well-defined noble metal nanoparticles.Peer reviewe