2,890 research outputs found

    Estudio sobre la competencia digital de los docentes en las aulas de educación infantil

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    Existen algunas opiniones encontradas en cuanto al papel y la intensidad de uso de tecnologías en las aulas de infantil, generando controversia y posturas diferentes que influyen en la implementación de metodologías activas basadas en el uso de las TIC Sin embargo, nadie parece discutir la necesidad de la formación digital de todos los docentes en esta etapa, por lo que, cabe preguntarse acerca de las competencias digitales que se requieren en la sociedad del conocimiento realizando la siguiente pregunta a los propios docentes: ¿Cuáles son las competencias digitales necesarias para desarrollar con éxito las tareas diarias de tu aula de infantil? Para ello, primero se preguntó a un grupo innovador de docentes de infantil sobre el tipo de tareas y el tiempo dedicado en el uso de TIC a la semana. Después de una validación mediante Método Delphi por ocho expertos en tecnología educativa y formación del profesorado en Educación Infantil, se elaboró un cuestionario definitivo que se pasó en 91 aulas de infantil. Del análisis de resultados surgieron nueve factores y cuatro dimensiones mediante el estudio del índice KMO (índice de Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin) y la realización del análisis factorial (valor del índice, 0,754). El análisis realizado nos ofreció un coeficiente “alfa de Cronbach” de 0.939, lo que demuestra un alto grado de consistencia interna y nos lleva a asumir que los ítems miden un mismo constructo y están altamente correlacionados entre sí. Los resultados permitieron definir cuáles son las prácticas y las TIC más utilizadas, junto con un listado de competencias digitales más relevantes para la formación inicial y permanente de los docentes de educación infantil. También los resultados del estudio permitieron obtener seis factores relacionados con la creación de contenidos, las explicaciones asociadas a las tareas, evaluación y actas, metodología, comunicación y momento de acogida en el aula.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Analysis of the influence of the plasma thermodynamic regime in the spectrally resolved and mean radiative opacity calculations of carbon plasmas in a wide range of density and temperature

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    In this work the spectrally resolved, multigroup and mean radiative opacities of carbon plasmas are calculated for a wide range of plasma conditions which cover situations where corona, local thermodynamic and non-local thermodynamic equilibrium regimes are found. An analysis of the influence of the thermodynamic regime on these magnitudes is also carried out by means of comparisons of the results obtained from collisional-radiative, corona or Saha–Boltzmann equations. All the calculations presented in this work were performed using ABAKO/RAPCAL code

    Determination and analysis of plasma radiative properties for numerical simulations of laboratory radiative blast waves launched in xenon clusters

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    Radiative shock waves play a pivotal role in the transport energy into the stellar medium. This fact has led to many efforts to scale the astrophysical phenomena to accessible laboratory conditions and their study has been highlighted as an area requiring further experimental investigations. Low density material with high atomic mass is suitable to achieve radiative regime, and, therefore, low density xenon plasmas are commonly used for the medium in which the radiative shocks propagate. The knowledge of the plasma radiative properties is crucial for the correct understanding and for the hydrodynamic simulations of radiative shocks. In this work, we perform an analysis of the radiative properties of xenon plasmas in a range of matter densities and electron temperatures typically found in laboratory experiments of radiative shocks launched in xenon plasmas. Furthermore, for a particular experiment, our analysis is applied to make a diagnostics of the electron temperatures of the radiative shocks since they could not be experimentally measure

    Relativistic screened hydrogenic radial integrals

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    The computation of dipole matrix elements plays an important role in the study of absorption or emission of radiation by atoms in several fields such as astrophysics or inertial confinement fusion. In this work we obtain closed formulas for the dipole matrix elements of multielectron ions suitable for using in the framework of a Relativistic Screened Hydrogenic Model

    Parametrization of the average ionization and radiative cooling rates of carbon plasmas in a wide range of density and temperature

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    In this work we present an analysis of the influence of the thermodynamic regime on the monochromatic emissivity, the radiative power loss and the radiative cooling rate for optically thin carbon plasmas over a wide range of electron temperature and density assuming steady state situations. Furthermore, we propose analytical expressions depending on the electron density and temperature for the average ionization and cooling rate based on polynomial fittings which are valid for the whole range of plasma conditions considered in this work

    Analysis of microscopic magnitudes of radiative blast waves launched in xenon clusters with collisional-radiative steady-state simulations

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    Radiative shock waves play a pivotal role in the transport energy into the stellar medium. This fact has led to many efforts to scale the astrophysical phenomena to accessible laboratory conditions and their study has been highlighted as an area requiring further experimental investigations. Low density material with high atomic mass is suitable to achieve radiative regime, and, therefore, low density xenon gas is commonly used for the medium in which the radiative shocks such as radiative blast waves propagate. In this work, by means of collisional-radiative steady-state calculations, a characterization and an analysis of microscopic magnitudes of laboratory blast waves launched in xenon clusters are made. Thus, for example, the average ionization, the charge state distribution, the cooling time or photon mean free paths are studied. Furthermore, for a particular experiment, the effects of the self-absorption and self-emission in the specific intensity emitted by the shock front and that is going through the radiative precursor are investigated. Finally, for that experiment, since the electron temperature is not measured experimentally, an estimation of this magnitude is made both for the shock shell and the radiative precursor

    On the applicability of ray-tracing propagation models to V2V-intersection environments

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    In this work, we analyze the applicability of a geometric-based stochastic (GBS) model based on ray-tracing techniques to vehicular-to-vehicular (V2V) intersections. The accuracy and usefulness of the proposed model is analyzed using simulated results and narrowband channel measurements at 5.9 GHz. The results show that these type of models can be a good choice to evaluate communications protocols and system performance of future vehicular networks

    Revisión Preliminar de la Literatura sobre la Capacidad de Carga en Playas del Pacifico y Caribe Colombiano: Preliminary Review of the Literature on Carrying Capacity in Colombian Pacific and Caribbean Beaches

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    In this preliminary review of the literature, we address the carrying capacity on the Colombian Pacific and Caribbean beaches, with the aim of answering the following question: What does the scientific literature available in the databases say about the carrying capacity in Caribbean and Pacific beaches of Colombia? To achieve this, an exhaustive literature review was carried out using the Google Scholar database, the search strategy focused on: (“Ecological Load Capacity for Tourists in Colombian Beaches”). A total of 11 selected manuscripts that were linked to the Colombian Pacific and Caribbean beaches were studied and used the estimation of carrying capacity in their studies. However, 978 documents were highlighted as they were not related to said beaches and did not address the estimation of carrying capacity. Two types of tourism present on the beaches stand out: sun and sand and ecological tourism. Regarding the methods to evaluate load capacity, it was found that the most used are physical, real and effective approaches. Unfortunately, there is concern about the shortage of jobs related to the carrying capacity in the specific area of ​​the beaches in the Pacific and Caribbean of Colombia. It is inferred that the lack of study shows the panorama on the lack of sustainable management of tourism in the area. Therefore, it is necessary that future studies address this issue to better understand the impact of tourism on beaches and develop appropriate strategies for their management and preservation.En esta revisión preliminar de la literatura, abordamos la capacidad de carga en las playas del pacífico y el Caribe colombiano, con el objetivo de responder al siguiente interrogante: ¿Qué dice la literatura científica disponible en las bases de datos sobre la capacidad de carga en Playas del Caribe y el Pacifico de Colombia? Para lograrlo se realizó una exhaustiva revisión de literatura utilizando la base de datos de Google académico, la estrategia de búsqueda se centró: (“Capacidad de Carga Ecológica para Turistas en Playas de Colombia”). Se estudiaron un total de 11 manuscritos seleccionados que estaban vinculados con las playas del pacífico y Caribe colombiano y utilizaron la estimación de capacidad de carga en sus estudios. Sin embargo, se destacaron 978 documentos ya que no estaban relacionados con dichas playas y no abordaban la estimación de capacidad de carga. Se destacan 2 tipos de turismo presentes en las playas: el de sol y playa y el ecológico. En cuanto a los métodos para evaluar capacidad de carga se encontró que los más empleados son enfoques físicos, real y efectivo. Lamentablemente, se revela una preocupación por la escasez de trabajos relacionados con la capacidad de carga en el área específica de las playas en el Pacifico y caribe de Colombia. Se infiere que la falta de estudio muestra el panorama sobre la falta de gestión sostenible del turismo en la zona. Por lo tanto, es necesarios que futuros estudios aborden esta cuestión para comprender mejor el impacto del turismo en las playas y desarrollen estrategias adecuadas para su manejo y preservación

    New constraints on the presence of debris disks around G 196-3 B and VHS J125601.92–125723.9 b

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    Context. The existence of warm (protoplanetary) disks around very young isolated planetary and brown dwarf mass objects is known based on near- and mid-infrared flux excesses and millimeter observations. These disks may later evolve into debris disks or rings, although none have been observed or confirmed so far. Little is known about circum(sub)stellar and debris disks around substellar objects. Aims. We aim to investigate the presence of debris disks around two of the closest (~20 pc), young substellar companions, namely G196-3 B and VHS J125601.92–125723.9 b (VHS J1256–1257 b), whose masses straddle the borderline between planets and brown dwarfs. Both are companions at wide orbits (≥100 au) of M-type dwarfs and their ages (50–100 Myr and 150–300 Myr, respectively) are thought to be adequate for the detection of second-generation disks. Methods. We obtained deep images of G196-3 B and VHS J1256–1257 b with the NOrthern Extended Millimeter Array (NOEMA) at 1.3 mm. These data were combined with recently published Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) and Very Large Array (VLA) data of VHS J1256–1257 b at 0.87 mm and 0.9 cm, respectively. Results. Neither G196-3 B nor VHS J1256–1257 b were detected in the NOEMA, ALMA, and VLA data. At 1.3 mm, we imposed flux upper limits of 0.108 mJy (G196-3 B) and 0.153 mJy (VHS J1256–1257 b) with a 3-σ confidence. Using the flux upper limits at the millimeter and radio wavelength regimes, we derived maximum values of 1.38×10−2 MEarth and 5.46 × 10−3 MEarth for the mass of any cold dust that might be surrounding G196-3 B and VHS J1256–1257 b, respectively. Conclusions. We put our results in the context of other deep millimeter observations of free-floating and companion objects with substellar masses smaller than 20 MJup and ages between approximately one and a few hundred million years. Only two very young (2–5.4 Myr) objects are detected out of a few tens of them. This implies that the disks around these very low-mass objects must have small masses, and possibly reduced sizes, in agreement with findings by other groups. If debris disks around substellar objects scale down (in mass and size) in a similar manner as protoplanetary disks do, millimeter observations of moderately young brown dwarfs and planets must be at least two orders of magnitude deeper to be able to detect and characterize their surrounding debris disks

    Atomic physics modeling and applications for ICF plasmas

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    The Atomic Physics Group at the Institute of Nuclear Fusion (DENIM) in Spain has accumulated experience over the years in developing a collection of computational models and tools for determining some relevant microscopic properties of, mainly, ICF and laser-produced plasmas in a variety of conditions. In this work several applications of those models in determining some relevant microscopic properties are presented