160 research outputs found

    El ministro Lora Tamayo y la universidad

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    El eje de este trabajo es la figura de Manuel Lora Tamayo, ministro de educación entre 1962 y 1968, años en los que la incorporación de España al concierto internacional obligó al régimen franquista a reinterpretarse. Lora Tamayo, enfrentado a las consecuencias de una política educativa cicatera en inversiones e impregnada de la ideologización franquista, quiso materializar la simetría entre progreso económico y educación siguiendo, así, los postulados de la tecnocracia que él defendía. El programa de reformas afectó a todos los niveles educativos, pero fue en el universitario –de especial atención para la autora– en el que los cambios tuvieron especial relevancia. Lora pretendía un modelo de universidad con estructuras modernas, con categorías de profesorado nuevas y donde el binomio docencia-investigación marcara el quehacer universitario. Las resistencias a algunos cambios pretendidos por Lora Tamayo se agravaron por las difíciles relaciones entre la universidad –y su contradictoria vida interna– y la confrontación de intereses de los poderes fácticos que apuntalaban el franquismo y cuya lucha soterrada enturbió el panorama educativo y cultural español.The focus of this work is the figure of Manuel Lora Tamayo, Minister of Education between 1962 and 1968, years in which Spain's incorporation into the international concert forced the Franco regime to reinterpret itself. Lora Tamayo, faced with the consequences of an educational policy that was miserly in terms of investment and impregnated with Francoist ideology, wanted to materialise the symmetry between economic progress and education, thus following the postulates of the technocracy that he defended. The reform programme affected all levels of education, but it was at the university level - of particular importance to the author - where the changes were especially relevant. Lora wanted a university model with modern structures, with new categories of teaching staff and where the teaching-research binomial would mark university work. Resistance to some of Lora Tamayo's proposed changes was aggravated by the difficult relations between the university - and its contradictory internal life - and the confrontation of interests of the powers that be, which underpinned Franco's regime and whose underground struggle clouded the Spanish educational and cultural panorama.Publicación financiada por el proyecto de investigación “Disciplinas académicas jurídicas. De la época liberal al régimen franquista” (PID2019-109351GB-C32) del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, España

    La autodeterminación de género en la intersexualidad a propósito de d.1,5,10 Paul. 1 ad Sab.

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    With this article we intend to analyze the importance of determining sex. This demand, as a consequence of the limitations on women’s legal capacity and capacity to act, is of special importance, as demonstrated by the texts on succession matters. The previous step is to find out which criterion is most suitable to assign a sex to people with external genital ambiguity. The alternatives, reduced exclusively to the binomial man/woman, are: the coincidence with the normal masculine or feminine appearance or the self-perception that the hermaphrodite has of his-herself. Although not expressly treated in the sources, in Roman law the hermaphroditism raises other controversies, related to the requirement of human form as a requirement of legal personality, and others about its consideration as a disease or physical defect. Con este artículo pretendemos analizar la importancia que tiene la determinación del sexo. Esta exigencia, consecuencia de las limitaciones en la capacidad jurídica y de obrar de las mujeres, tiene especial trascendencia, como demuestran los textos, en materia sucesoria. El paso previo es averiguar qué criterio resulta más idóneo para asignar un sexo a las personas con ambigüedad genital externa. Las alternativas, reducidas exclusivamente al binomio hombre/mujer, son: la coincidencia con la normal apariencia masculina o femenina o la autopercepción que el hermafrodita tiene de sí mismo. Aunque no expresamente tratados en las fuentes, en derecho romano el hermafroditismo plantea otras controversias unas, relacionadas con la exigencia de forma humana como requisito de la personalidad jurídica, y otras acerca de su consideración como enfermedad o defecto físico.With this article we intend to analyze the importance of determining sex. This demand, as a consequence of the limitations on women’s legal capacity and capacity to act, is of special importance, as demonstrated by the texts on succession matters. The previous step is to find out which criterion is most suitable to assign a sex to people with external genital ambiguity. The alternatives, reduced exclusively to the binomial man/woman, are: the coincidence with the normal masculine or feminine appearance or the self-perception that the hermaphrodite has of his-herself. Although not expressly treated in the sources, in Roman law the hermaphroditism raises other controversies, related to the requirement of human form as a requirement of legal personality, and others about its consideration as a disease or physical defect

    A Disruptive Educational Project in Secondary Education. The Case of IES Cartagines.

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    The project presented here arises from the new educational needs that emanate from the changes taking place in the social, cultural, political, and economic spheres. The boundaries of formal education, as it has been understood until now, are being breached by new forms of learning, communication, and relationships, which are claiming their place in educational institutions. This is particularly relevant at the level of secondary education where the boundaries of conventional cultural and social systems are constantly being overwhelmed by these new realities (Fernández Enguita, 2016). This makes it necessary to rethink the systems of teaching and working in the educational system. Students at this educational level have a profile and resources closely linked to the knowmadic society (Cobo, 2016, Movarec, 2008), in which there is less and less sense in a teaching model based mainly on the unidirectional transmission of knowledge (Downes, 2017). This, in interaction with families, teachers and other educational agents, generates a world of conflicts of various kinds: curricular, social, attitudinal and expectations, etc.Ministerio de Economía y competitividad. RT2018-097144-b- 100 Uma20-FEDERIA-121 Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Does Being a Scout Affect Confinement Due to COVID-19? A Comparative Exploratory Descriptive Study with Spanish Adolescents

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    The pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 has caused great social changes, some of them not yet described. This article tries to give an answer to how it has impacted Spanish adolescents in the field of domestic activity and how they use their free time and if there are differences between the normal population and people who have been involved in non-formal education programs, such as Scouts. In addition, young adolescents who actively participate as Scouts have been compared and, if so, belonging to a group has changed their behavior pattern. The sample has been obtained in a probabilistic way representing all the autonomous communities of Spain with a total of 1280 participants. To obtain the data, an online questionnaire was prepared with which qualitative analyzes were subsequently carried out. The results show statistically significant differences in behavior, both in domestic responsibilities and in what they do with their free time. Young Scouts display different behaviors than their non-Scout peers

    Modelo instrucional Blended-Flipped: personalização, flexibilidade e metacognição para o nivelamento do inglês no ensino superior

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    This research article presents an exploration of the scope of an instructional model of English as a foreign language created in a hybrid environment and with a flipped classroom approach, in addressing the leveling needs of a group of university students. The model was born as an academic success strategy for university students who need to study English with an adjustable option both to their learning processes and to their life circumstances. Data collection followed a qualitative approach; and the analysis involved a constant analysis and coding of the data implementing the postulates of grounded theory. The research results indicate that students perceive that the hybrid-flipped instructional model allowed them to overcome time and affective barriers through flexibility and personalization. The model also encouraged students’ metacognitive behaviors. These findings allowed the researchers to conclude that the proposed model favors English learning and that the hybrid-flipped approach demonstrates that technology facilitates the process of flexibilization and adaptation of teaching practices to the language learners’ needs.Este artículo de investigación presenta una exploración de un modelo instruccional híbrido y de aula invertida para el aprendizaje de inglés como lengua extranjera y sus alcances en la atención de las necesidades de nivelación de un grupo de estudiantes universitarios. El modelo nace como una estrategia de éxito académico para estudiantes universitarios que requieren estudiar inglés con una opción ajustable tanto a sus procesos de aprendizaje como a sus circunstancias de vida. Con un enfoque de corte cualitativo, se recolectaron los datos y se siguieron los postulados propuestos en la teoría fundamentada para el análisis constante y la codificación de los datos. Los resultados de investigación indican que los estudiantes perciben que el modelo instruccional híbrido-invertido les permitió superar barreras afectivas y de tiempo, mediante la flexibilidad y la personalización, además de incentivar comportamientos metacognitivos. Lo anterior permitió a los investigadores concluir que el modelo propuesto favorece el aprendizaje de inglés y que su enfoque híbrido-invertido demuestra que la tecnología es un medio facilitador en el proceso de flexibilización y adaptación de las prácticas de enseñanza a las necesidades de los aprendices de lenguas.Este artigo de pesquisa apresenta uma análise exploratória sobre a abrangência de um modelo instrucional do inglês como língua estrangeira, criado em um ambiente híbrido e com uma abordagem de aula invertida, para atender às necessidades de nivelamento de um grupo de estudantes universitários. O modelo nasceu como uma estratégia de sucesso acadêmico para estudantes universitários que precisam estudar inglês com uma opção ajustável tanto ao processo de aprendizagem quanto às circunstâncias da vida. Mediante uma abordagem qualitativa, foram coletados os dados e se seguiram os postulados propostos na teoria fundamentada, com base na constante análise e codificação dos dados. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que os alunos percebem que o modelo instrucional híbrido-invertido lhes permitiu superar barreiras afetivas e de tempo por meio de flexibilidade e personalização, além de incentivar comportamentos metacognitivos. O acima referido permitiu que os pesquisadores concluíram que o modelo proposto favorece o aprendizado do inglês e que sua abordagem híbrida-invertida demonstra que a tecnologia é um meio facilitador no processo de flexibilização e adaptação das práticas de ensino às necessidades dos alunos línguas

    TGFβ Governs the Pleiotropic Activity of NDRG1 in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Progression

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    In triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), the pleiotropic NDRG1 (N-Myc downstream regulated gene 1) promotes progression and worse survival, yet contradictory results were documented, and the mechanisms remain unknown. Phosphorylation and localization could drive NDRG1 pleiotropy, nonetheless, their role in TNBC progression and clinical outcome was not investigated. We found enhanced p-NDRG1 (Thr346) by TGFβ1 and explored whether it drives NDRG1 pleiotropy and TNBC progression. In tissue microarrays of 81 TNBC patients, we identified that staining and localization of NDRG1 and p-NDRG1 (Thr346) are biomarkers and risk factors associated with shorter overall survival. We found that TGFβ1 leads NDRG1, downstream of GSK3β, and upstream of NF-κB, to differentially regulate migration, invasion, epithelial-mesenchymal transition, tumor initiation, and maintenance of different populations of cancer stem cells (CSCs), depending on the progression stage of tumor cells, and the combination of TGFβ and GSK3β inhibitors impaired CSCs. The present study revealed the striking importance to assess both total NDRG1 and p-NDRG1 (Thr346) positiveness and subcellular localization to evaluate patient prognosis and their stratification. NDRG1 pleiotropy is driven by TGFβ to differentially promote metastasis and/or maintenance of CSCs at different stages of tumor progression, which could be abrogated by the inhibition of TGFβ and GSK3β.Instituto de Salud Carlos III European Commission PI15/00336 PI19/01533 CP14/00197 CP19/00029 PIE16/00045Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain (MICINN)Instituto de Salud Carlos IIISpanish Government RTI2018.101309B-C22Chair "Doctors Galera-Requena in cancer stem cell research" CMC-CTS963European Regional Development Fund (European Union)Ministerio de Universidades FPU19/04450Junta de Andalucia RH-0139-2020Sistema Nacional de Garantia Juvenil (Fondo Social Europeo) 8064Junta de Andalucia, Consejeria de Transformacion Economica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades DOC_01686Fundacion Cientifica Asociacion Espanola Contra el Cancer, Junta Provincial de Jaen (AECC) PRDJA19001BLA


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    Given the epidemiological context in Chile concerning the increased quantities of people with HIV, improving the care given to these patients becomes relevant. The objective of this research is to find about the perception of nurses concerning the care given to people living with HIV (PLHIV) in a tertiary health care hospital service, seeking to contribute to nursing improvements. In order to accomplish this task a qualitative research paradigm was used as a type of case study, collecting the information with a semi-structured interview, ending with a semiotic analysis of the discourse. It was pointed out that in the first sessions there is some fear generated in the attention to PLHIV, which gradually disappears with the increase of the professional’s knowledge. Participating nurses referred to the lack of differences in care between PLHIV and other patients, evidencing incongruence between the speech and the action by taking greater precautions when performing procedures for PLHIV. The strengths identified in the attention to PLHIV were the no discrimination to these patients, the ability to face different contexts of attention and the procedural skills, among others, while aspects to improvement in care were linked to the relationship that is generated with PLHIV and their families. In conclusion, nurses do not make noticeable distinctions in the care of PLVIH. It is important that professionals recognize their skills and the aspects that can be improved in order to continue humanizing the attention to PLHIV, acting as educators and agents of change.Dado el contexto epidemiológico en Chile referente al alza de la cantidad de personas con VIH, cobra relevancia el fortalecimiento del cuidado otorgado a estos pacientes. Por esto, el objetivo de esta investigación es conocer la percepción de enfermeras(os) respecto a la atención otorgada a personas que viven con VIH (PVVIH) en un servicio hospitalario de atención terciaria de salud, buscando contribuir a la enfermería. Para ello se utilizó un paradigma de investigación cualitativo tipo estudio de caso, recolectando la información con una entrevista semiestructurada, finalizando con un análisis del discurso de tipo semiótico. Se destacó que en las primeras atenciones se generaba “temor” en la atención a PVVIH, el que desaparecía a medida que aumentaban los conocimientos de la(el) profesional. Enfermeras(os) participantes refirieron la inexistencia de diferencias en la atención entre PVVIH y otros pacientes, evidenciándose una incongruencia entre el discurso y el actuar en enfermería al ocupar mayores medidas de precaución al realizar procedimientos a PVVIH. Como fortalezas identificadas en la atención a PVVIH se encontró el no discriminar a pacientes, la capacidad de enfrentar distintos contextos de atención y la destreza procedimental, entre otras, mientras que los aspectos a mejorar en la atención se vincularon con la relación que se genera con los PVVIH y sus familiares. Como conclusión, las(os) enfermeras(os) no hacen mayores distinciones en la atención con PVVIH. Es importante que las(os) profesionales reconozcan sus habilidades y aspectos a mejorar para seguir humanizando la atención a PVVIH, siendo agentes educadores y de cambio.Dado o contexto epidemiológico no Chile referente ao aumento das pessoas com HIV, é relevante a necessidade de fortalecer os cuidados desses pacientes. Devido a isso, o objetivo de esta pesquisa é conhecer a percepção de enfermeiros(as) em relação a atenção fornecida para as pessoas que vivem com HIV num serviço hospitalar de atenção terciária em saúde, buscando contribuir para a disciplina e profissão de enfermagem. Para isso se utilizou um paradigma de pesquisa qualitativo tipo estudo de caso, o meio para reunir informação foi a entrevista semiestruturada, finalizando com uma análise de discurso.Destacou que nas primeiras atenções de pessoas portadoras de HIV o “temor” era perceptível. “Temor” que desaparecia à medida que o conhecimento do profissional aumentava. Enfermeiros(as) participantes falaram que não existe diferença alguma na forma de atenção de pacientes portadores de HIV, mas se notou uma incongruência entre o discurso e a atuação da enfermagem ao tomar maiores medidas de precaução no momento de realizar procedimentos com esses pacientes. Pontos fortes identificados na atenção de portadores de HIV foram a não discriminação dos pacientes, a capacidade de enfrentar-se a distintos contextos na atenção, as habilidades de procedimentos, entre outras. Enquanto aos aspectos a melhorar na atenção se vincularam com a relação que se gera como os pacientes portadores de HIV e seus familiares Como conclusão os enfermeiros(as) não fazem maiores distinções na atenção de pacientes com HIV. É importante que os profissionais reconheçam suas habilidades e pontos para melhorar e assim continuar avançando na humanização da atenção dos portadores de HIV conseguindo ser agentes educadores e de mudança

    Recicland, demostration on the management of organic and inorganic waste from agriculture

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    La agricultura protegida que se desarrolla principalmente en el litoral oriental andaluz es una actividad de gran importancia económica y social para Andalucía. Sin embargo, el crecimiento exponencial de la superficie de invernadero ha dado lugar a un incremento del volumen de residuos agrarios. Además, este sistema agrícola está evolucionando hacia nuevas técnicas de cultivo que implican, no sólo la generación de residuos, sino también una mayor diversificación que hace más complicada su gestión. El principal problema para la gestión de estos residuos agrarios no está sólo en su dispersión geográfica, sino también en su estacionalidad, ya que se genera gran cantidad en determinados periodos anuales, coincidiendo con la finalización de las campañas agrícolas. Por este motivo, la capacidad máxima de recogida y almacenamiento y el proceso de gestión están condicionados por el volumen generado al finalizar los ciclos de cultivo. En este contexto, surge el proyecto RECICLAND que pretende palear dichos problemas y contribuir a la gestión sostenible de los residuos generados en los procesos productivos. Concretamente, el objetivo general de este proyecto es desarrollar actividades demostrativas piloto, informando de modo práctico sobre diferentes técnicas para la gestión específica de residuos inorgánicos y restos vegetales. Para ello, se ha establecido un área de reciclaje, junto con actividades de transferencia (jornadas prácticas, visitas, vídeos demostrativos y publicaciones) en el Centro IFAPA La Mojonera (Almería).Protected agriculture, which takes place mainly on the eastern coast of Andalusia, constitutes the major economic and social activity for this region. However, greenhouse area exponential growth has led to an increase in the volume of agricultural waste. In addition, this agricultural system is evolving towards new cultivation techniques that not only involve the generation of waste, but also a greater diversification that makes its management hard to tackle. The main issue regarding management of this agricultural waste is not only its geographical dispersion, but also its seasonality, as a large quantity is generated during certain periods of the year, coinciding with the end of agricultural campaigns. Indeed, the maximum collection and storage capacity and the management process itself are conditioned by the volume generated at the end of cropping cycles. In this context, the RECICLAND project arises, which aims to alleviate these problems and contribute to the sustainable management of the waste generated in the production processes. Specifically, the general objective of project is to develop pilot demonstration activities, providing practical information on different techniques for the specific management of inorganic waste and plant debris. For this purpose, a recycling area has been set up, where transference activities such as practical workshops, guide visits, demonstration, videos, and publications are being carried out in IFAPA La Mojonera (Almería)

    Tamaño del folículo ovulatorio, cuerpo lúteo y progesterona sanguínea en vaquillas receptoras de embriones de tres razas en pastoreo en Ecuador.

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    El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar el tamaño del folículo preovulatorio del cuerpo lúteo y los niveles de progesterona sanguínea en los días 6 y 12 post-ovulación en vaquillas de las razas Holstein, Brown Swiss  y Criolla  criadas en pastoreo en el Altiplano Ecuatoriano. Se determinó el tamaño del folículo preovulatorio, del cuerpo lúteo y los niveles sanguíneos de progesterona en los días 6 y 12 post-ovulación en nueve vaquillas de cada raza. La valoración de las estructuras ováricas se realizó mediante ultrasonografía. La concentración de progesterona sanguínea se determi-nó con el método de electroquimio-luminiscencia. Se estableció que el tamaño del folículo preovulatorio de las vaquillas Criolla  fue más grande (14,6  ±  0,41 mm) que el de las Holstein  (12,7  ±  0,47 mm)  y Brown Swiss  (12,7  ± 0,65 mm). La concentración de progesterona en los días 6 y 12  post-ovulación  en las vaquillas Criolla  (11,0  ±1,68 ng/ml y 18,4 ± 2,04 ng/ml, respectivamente) fue más elevada que el de las Holstein y Brown Swiss. Se observa-ron valores de  asociación lineal altos y significativos (P  <  0,05), entre  el  folículo preovulatorio;  cuerpo lúteo  y progesterona en las  Holstein  y Brown Swiss  y se demostró que  por cada milímetro de tamaño adicional sobre la media del Criolla  del  día  6, se generaría 1,67 ng/ml más de progesterona en las vaquillas Criolla  (P  <  0,05) que en las dos restantes. Se concluye que las vaquillas Criolla presentaron mayores niveles de progesterona en los días 6 y 12 post-ovulación en comparación con las razas Holstein y Brown Swiss, lo que generaría un mejor ambiente uterino y, por consiguiente, menores pérdidas embrionarias tempranas.Size of Ovulation Follicle and Corpus Luteum, and Blood Progesterone in Heifers Receiving Em-bryos from Three Cattle Breeds Grazing, in Ecuador. ABSTRACTThe aim of this paper was to determine the size of the pre-ovulation  follicle in the  corpus luteum, and in  bloodprogesterone on the sixth and twelfth days  after ovulation, in Holstein, Brown, Swiss and Criolla breeds grazing on Ecuadoran Highlands. The size of the pre ovulation  follicle  and  corpus luteum, and the levels of blood progesterone were determined on days sixth and twelfth, in  nine heifers from each breed.  Assessment of ovarian structures was made by ultrasound scanning. The concentration of blood progesterone was determined by  electrochemilumines-cence. The pre ovulation  follicle  in Criolla heifers was larger (14.6 ± 0.41 mm)  than  in  Holstein (12.7 ±0.47 mm), and in Brown Swiss (12.7 ± 0.65 mm).  Progesterone concentration on days six and twelve  after  ovulation of Criolla heifers (11.0 ± 1.68 ng/ml,  and 18.4 ± 2.04 ng/ml, respectively) was higher than  for Holstein and Brown Swiss.  The linear association values were high and significant (P < 0.05), in the pre ovulati on follicle, corpus luteum and proges-terone, in Holstein and Brown Swiss. It was demonstrated that for every additional millimeter above the Criolla mean on the sixth day, 1.67 ng/ml more of progesterone was generated in Criolla heifers (P < 0.05) than in the rest. It was concluded that the Criolla heifers had higher progesterone levels  than  Holstein and Brown Swiss  on the sixth and twelfth days, thus producing better conditions in the uterus and lower early embryo losses

    Risk and outcomes of COVID-19 in patients with multiple sclerosis

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    Background and purpose Limited information is available on incidence and outcomes of COVID-19 in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). This study investigated the risks of SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19-related outcomes in patients with MS, and compared these with the general population. Methods A regional registry was created to collect data on incidence, hospitalization rates, intensive care unit admission, and death in patients with MS and COVID-19. National government outcomes and seroprevalence data were used for comparison. The study was conducted at 14 specialist MS treatment centers in Madrid, Spain, between February and May 2020. Results Two-hundred nineteen patients were included in the registry, 51 of whom were hospitalized with COVID-19. The mean age ± standard deviation was 45.3 ± 12.4 years, and the mean duration of MS was 11.9 ± 8.9 years. The infection incidence rate was lower in patients with MS than the general population (adjusted incidence rate ratio = 0.78, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.70–0.80), but hospitalization rates were higher (relative risk = 5.03, 95% CI = 3.76–6.62). Disease severity was generally low, with only one admission to an intensive care unit and five deaths. Males with MS had higher incidence rates and risk of hospitalization than females. No association was found between the use of any disease-modifying treatment and hospitalization risk. Conclusions Patients with MS do not appear to have greater risks of SARS-CoV-2 infection or severe COVID-19 outcomes compared with the general population. The decision to start or continue disease-modifying treatment should be based on a careful risk–benefit assessment.post-print996 K