243 research outputs found
Teatro español/inglés para enseñanza secundaria y universidad
Este artículo estudia al teatro en la educación y la representación escénica como técnica didáctica en el aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa y su iteratura, en la enseñanza secundaria y en la universidad. El trabajo muestra algunos aspectos teóricos y prácticas. En la teóría se propone un teatro español/inglés nuevo y la creación de objetivos generales que nos ayuden a escribir nuestras propias obras o adaptar las ya existentes. Los ejemplos prácticos muestran los resultados de esta propuesta y la convicción del potencial didáctico que encierra este tipo de teatro original.This article studies theater-in-education and the performance of plays as a pedagogical technique in the teaching of English language and literature to secondary school and university students. The work shows some theoretical and practical aspects. The theory proposes a new Spanish / English theater and the creation of general objectives that can help in writing our own plays or adapting the existing ones. The practical examples show the results of this proposal and the conviction of the pedagogical potential that this kind of original theater has.Cet article étudie le théátre dans l'éducation et la mise en scéne de piéces de théátre comme technique didactique dans l'enseignement de la langue anglaise et sa literature, dans l'enseignement secondaire et á l'université. Le travail montre quelques aspects théoriques et pratiques. Dans la théorie l'auteur propose un théátre espagnol/anglais nouveaux et la création d'objectifs généraux
qui nous aident á écrire nos propres piéces ou á adapter celles qui existent déjá. Les exemples pratiques montrent les resultats de cette proposition et la conviction du potenciel didactique qu'on trouve dans le théátre original proposé
Conflicto lingüístico y separatismo en Canadá
Este artículo analiza la historia del conflicto lingüístico entre el pueblo francófono y el pueblo anglófono dentro de la doble realidad cultural de Canadá y muestra el imperialismo inglés hacia el pueblo québécois a lo largo de su historia. Con respecto a la posible independencia de Quebec, el artículo habla a favor de un Canadá unido sin miedo de ofender a los québécois. Y se desprenden dos conclusiones: una emocional y otra racional. La emocional nos recuerda las palabras del profesor Russell: “Amo a Canadá”, “Canadá es un gran país”. En la racional se nos recuerda las trágicas consecuencias de la desintegración de imperios y naciones. Y se afirma que los québécois no van a vivir mejor si se separan del resto de Canadá. Lo que se necesita verdaderamente es un federalismo más interactivo y más económicamente independiente de los Estados Unidos. This article examines the history of the linguistic conflict between Francophones and Anglophones within the double cultural reality of Canada and shows the English imperialism towards the Quebecois throughout their history. With regard to the possible independence of Quebec, the article discusses Canadian unity without fear of offending the Quebecois. Two conclusions stand out: one emotional and another rational. The emotional one reminds us of Professor Russell’s words: “I love Canada”, “Canada is a great place”. The rational conclusion reminds us of the tragic consequences of the disintegration of empires and nations. It is asserted that the Quebecois will not live better if they separate from the rest of Canada. What the country really needs is a federalism, more interactive and more economically independent from the United States
The Rejection of Falstaff.
This article discusses the rejection of Falstaff comparing Act 5, scene 5 of 2 Henry IV, with Act 1, scene 2 of 1 Henry IV. The rejection is inevitable because Falstaff represents disorder. His triumph would mean the victory of anarchy over order, stability and justice. But we become so involved with him that we even tolerate his conspiracies. He is clever, funny and one of the most fascinating characters in English literature. The two plays show the Prince as a good student of Machiavelli; we could consider them as a practical guide to instruct the Prince in his road to power
Contribution of nitrogen from chicken manure to broccoli crop (Brassica oleracea L.)
Se evaluó a través de la técnica isotópica de 15N el aporte de nitrógeno (N) proveniente
de la pollinaza durante el desarrollo del cultivo de brócoli (Brassica oleracea L.). Se
establecieron seis tratamientos a una dosis de 300 kg N ha-1producto de la combinación de
fertilizante químico (N-fosfonitrato) y fertilizante orgánico (N-pollinaza): 1) 0 + 300; 2)
100 + 200; 3) 150 + 150; 4) 200 + 100; 5) 300 kg N-fosfonitrato ha−1 + 0 kg N-pollinaza ha−1; y
6) testigo sin fertilización N, en un diseño de bloques al azar con cinco repeticiones. Los
resultados mostraron el mayor rendimiento en los tratamientos 200 kg N-fosfonitrato
ha-1 + 100 kg N-pollinaza ha-1 y 300 kg N-fosfonitrato ha-1 (16 y 17 Mg ha-1, respectivamente).
El mayor rendimiento de N total (347 kg N ha-1) ocurrió a 150 kg N-pollinaza.
Los datos de 15N indican una baja asimilación de N-fertilizante, destacando los tratamientos
donde se aplicó pollinaza con los valores menores (3,2-4,1%) en comparación
con el tratamiento a base de N-fosfonitrato (28,7-48,0%). La absorción de N-pollinaza
fue aproximadamente 29,5%. Los datos sugieren un efecto sinérgico entre el fertilizante
químico y orgánico, ya que se observó una alta contribución del N del suelo dadas las
constantes aplicaciones de pollinaza al sistema de producción en Tepeaca, Puebla.The nitrogen (N) contribution from chicken manure to broccoli crop
(Brassica oleracea L.) was evaluate using the 15N isotopic technique. Six treatments
combining chemical fertilizer (N-phosphonitrate) and organic fertilizer (N-chicken
manure) at a total rate of 300 kg N ha-1 were established: 1) 0 + 300; 2) 100 + 200;
3) 150 + 150; 4) 200 + 100; 5) 300 kg N-phosphonitrate ha−1 + 0 kg N-chicken manure ha-1;
and 6) an unfertilized N control. Five replicates per treatment were established under a
statistical design of random blocks. The highest yield of broccoli (heads) corresponded
to treatments 200 kg N-phosphonitrate ha-1 + 100 kg N-chicken manure ha-1 and
300 kg N-phosphonitrate ha-1 yielding 16 and 17 Mg ha-1, respectively. The highest
value of total N-uptake (347 kg N ha-1) was observed in treatment corresponding to
150 kg N-phosphonitrate ha−1 + 150 kg N-chicken manure ha−1. The 15N data indicate low
values of N-fertilizer uptake (3.2-4.1%) when manure was applied. The N-phosphonitrate
alone treatment showed a higher value of N-fertilizer (28.7-48.0%) than treatment
200 kg N-phosphonitrate ha−1 + 100 kg N-chicken manure ha−1 (4.5-5.1%). The N uptake
by plants from manure was 29.5% average. The combination of chemical and organic
fertilizers resulted in a higher total N-uptake. The constant application of manure to soil
under broccoli production in Puebla region resulted in a significant contribution of soil
N to the broccoli crop.Fil: Daniel Torres Nava.
Colegio de Postgraduados. Campus Puebla (México)Fil: Engelberto Sandoval Castro.
Colegio de Postgraduados. Campus Puebla (México)Fil: Juan José Peña-Cabriales.
Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados (Guanajuato, México)Fil: José Antonio Vera-Núñez.
Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados (Guanajuato, México
Antibiotic Use by Members of the Spanish Endodontic Societ
The purpose of this study was to determine the prescribing habits of active
members of the Spanish Endodontic Society (AEDE) with regard to antibiotics.
A one-page questionnaire was sent to the active members of the AEDE. Of the
508 surveys mailed, 158 surveys were returned, and 140 were found to be
usable. The overall response rate was 31.1%. The data were analyzed using
descriptive statistics and chi-square tests of independence. The average
duration of antibiotic therapy was 6.8 1.8 days. In patients with no medical
allergies most of responders (86.1%) selected amoxicillin as first-choice
antibiotic, alone (44.3%) or associated to clavulanate (41.8%); metronidazole spiramycin and clindamycin were prescribed by 7.6% and 3.7% of the
respondents. The first drug of choice for patients with an allergy to penicillins
was clindamycin 300 mgr (63.2%), followed by metronidazole-spiramycin
(23.7%). For cases of irreversible pulpitis, 40.0 % of respondents prescribed
antibiotics. For the scenario of a necrotic pulp, acute apical periodontitis, and no
swelling, 52.9% prescribed antibiotics. Almost 21.5% prescribed antibiotics for
necrotic pulps with chronic apical periodontitis and a sinus tract. We conclude
that, for the most part, the majority of the members of the AEDE were selecting
the appropriate antibiotic for use in orofacial infections, but there are still many
who are prescribing antibiotics inappropriately. The use of antibiotics for minor
infections, or in some cases in patients without infections, could be a major
contributor to the world problem of antimicrobial resistance
Aporte de nitrógeno proveniente de pollinaza al cultivo de brócoli (Brassica oleracea L.)
The nitrogen (N) contribution from chicken manure to broccoli crop (Brassica oleracea L.) was evaluate using the 15N isotopic technique. Six treatments combining chemical fertilizer (N-phosphonitrate) and organic fertilizer (N-chicken manure) at a total rate of 300 kg N ha-1 were established: 1) 0 + 300; 2) 100 + 200; 3) 150 + 150; 4) 200 + 100; 5) 300 kg N-phosphonitrate ha−1 + 0 kg N-chicken manure ha-1; and 6) an unfertilized N control. Five replicates per treatment were established under a statistical design of random blocks. The highest yield of broccoli (heads) corresponded to treatments 200 kg N-phosphonitrate ha-1 + 100 kg N-chicken manure ha-1 and 300 kg N-phosphonitrate ha-1 yielding 16 and 17 Mg ha-1, respectively. The highest value of total N-uptake (347 kg N ha-1) was observed in treatment corresponding to 150 kg N-phosphonitrate ha−1 + 150 kg N-chicken manure ha−1. The 15N data indicate low values of N-fertilizer uptake (3.2-4.1%) when manure was applied. The N-phosphonitrate alone treatment showed a higher value of N-fertilizer (28.7-48.0%) than treatment 200 kg N-phosphonitrate ha−1 + 100 kg N-chicken manure ha−1 (4.5-5.1%). The N uptake by plants from manure was 29.5% average. The combination of chemical and organic fertilizers resulted in a higher total N-uptake. The constant application of manure to soil under broccoli production in Puebla region resulted in a significant contribution of soil N to the broccoli crop.Se evaluó a través de la técnica isotópica de 15N el aporte de nitrógeno (N) proveniente de la pollinaza durante el desarrollo del cultivo de brócoli (Brassica oleracea L.). Se establecieron seis tratamientos a una dosis de 300 kg N ha-1producto de la combinación de fertilizante químico (N-fosfonitrato) y fertilizante orgánico (N-pollinaza): 1) 0 + 300; 2) 100 + 200; 3) 150 + 150; 4) 200 + 100; 5) 300 kg N-fosfonitrato ha−1 + 0 kg N-pollinaza ha−1; y 6) testigo sin fertilización N, en un diseño de bloques al azar con cinco repeticiones. Los resultados mostraron el mayor rendimiento en los tratamientos 200 kg N-fosfonitrato ha-1 + 100 kg N-pollinaza ha-1 y 300 kg N-fosfonitrato ÂÂÂÂÂ ha-1 (16 y 17 Mg ha-1, respectivamente). El mayor rendimiento de N total (347 kg N ha-1) ocurrió a 150 kg N-pollinaza. Los datos de 15N indican una baja asimilación de N-fertilizante, destacando los tratamientos donde se aplicó pollinaza con los valores menores (3,2-4,1%) en comparación con el tratamiento a base de N-fosfonitrato (28,7-48,0%). La absorción de N-pollinaza fue aproximadamente 29,5%. Los datos sugieren un efecto sinérgico entre el fertilizante químico y orgánico, ya que se observó una alta contribución del N del suelo dadas las constantes aplicaciones de pollinaza al sistema de producción en Tepeaca, Puebla
Resumen · El Loro Tricahue (Cyanoliseus patagonus bloxami) es una subespecie endémica de Chile amenazada de extinción, siendo la caza, la captura de pollos para su comercio como mascotas y la pérdida de hábitat sus principales amenazas. Abundante y ampliamente distribuida en el pasado, su población está fragmentada y en 1985 no superaba los 3300 ejemplares. Por medio de censos sistemáticos se estudió la variación temporal en la abundancia de los Tricahues en el río Cachapoal (región de O’Higgins, Chile), entre 1985 y 2015, determinando un aumento poblacional de 217 individuos en 1985 hasta 2979 individuos en 2014–2015. El aumento poblacional se debe probablemente a la creación de la Reserva Nacional Río de los Cipreses, la protección directa de las loreras en época de reproducción y campañas de educación ambiental dirigidas a los habitantes de las localidades cercanas.Abstract · The Burrowing Parrot (Cyanoliseus patagonus bloxami, Aves: Psittaciformes) colony from Alto Cachapoal, Chile: variations in population size between 1985 and 2015 The endangered endemic subspecies of the Burrowing Parrot from Chile (Cyanoliseus patagonus bloxami) is threatened by hunting, pet trade, and loss of its habitat. Abundant and widely distributed in the past, its population has become fragmented and, by 1985, consisted of only about 3300 birds in Chile. Based on a systematic monitoring we studied population dynamics at the Cachapoal River (O’Higgins region, Central Chile), documenting a population increase from 217 individuals in 1985 to 2979 in 2014–2015. This growth is probably related to the creation of the Rio Cipreses National Reserve, as well as the direct protection of its colonies and a campaign of environmental awareness aimed at the local people
Usefulness of the hemogram as a measure of clinical and serological activity in systemic lupus erythematosus
Background and objectives: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) follow-up is based on clinical, and analytical parameters. We aimed to determine the differences between the Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), Platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) and Red blood cell distribution width (RDW) between SLE patients and healthy controls and to assess their association with anemia status, classical inflammatory biomarkers and cytokines, disease activity, SLE related factors and treatment received for SLE. Methods: Seventy-seven patients with SLE according to 2012 SLICC criteria and 80 healthy controls were included. Patients with SLE were classified in SLE with anemia (SLE-a) and SLE without anemia (SLE-na). Statistical analysis between SLE patients and controls and the association of serological and clinical activity markers with proposed hematological indices among SLE patients were performed. Results: RDW, NLR and PLR, were significantly higher in SLE patients than in healthy control group (p < 0.001), in SLE-a patients as compared to SLE-na (p < 0.0001) and were significantly associated with hypocomplementemia (p < 0.05). PLR was higher in active patients measured by SLEDAI-2K score and with longer disease duration (p < 0.05). RDW was associated with serological activity of the patients (p < 0.05) and was correlated with SLEDAI-2K and SLICC/ACR scores, hsCRP, D-dimer, fibrinogen, IL-6 and TNF as well as with corticosteroids intake (p = 0.05). A logistic regression analysis confirmed that after adjustment by age and hemoglobin values, RDW presented linear correlation with IL-6 levels (Beta-coefficient = 0.369, p = 0.003). Conclusion: NLR, PLR and RDW values suggest SLE serological and clinical activity. Given their availability, these markers not only could be useful tools to identify and monitor active SLE patients but whose application should be considered in inflammatory pathologies orchestrated by IL-6 and TNFThis work has been supported by a grant from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Expedient number PI16-01480): VMT has a grant from
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CM19/00223)
miRNAs as radio-response biomarkers for breast cancer stem cells
In breast cancer (BC), the presence of cancer stem cells (CSCs) has been
related to relapse, metastasis, and radioresistance. Radiotherapy (RT) is an
extended BC treatment, but is not always effective. CSCs have several
mechanisms of radioresistance in place, and some miRNAs are involved in
the cellular response to ionizing radiation (IR). Here, we studied how IR
affects the expression of miRNAs related to stemness in different molecular
BC subtypes. Exposition of BC cells to radiation doses of 2, 4, or 6 Gy
affected their phenotype, functional characteristics, pluripotency gene
expression, and in vivo tumorigenic capacity. This held true for various
molecular subtypes of BC cells (classified by ER, PR and HER-2 status),
and for BC cells either plated in monolayer, or being in suspension as
mammospheres. However, the effect of IR on the expression of eight stemness-
and radioresistance-related miRNAs (miR-210, miR-10b, miR-182,
miR-142, miR-221, miR-21, miR-93, miR-15b) varied, depending on cell
line subpopulation and clinicopathological features of BC patients. Therefore,
clinicopathological features and, potentially also, chemotherapy regimen
should be both taken into consideration, for determining a potential
miRNA signature by liquid biopsy in BC patients treated with RT. Personalized
and precision RT dosage regimes could improve the prognosis, treatment,
and survival of BC patients.This work has been partially funded by the Consejería
de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad
de la Junta de Andalucía and European Regional
Development Fund (ERDF), ref. SOMM17/6109/
UGR, and with grants from the Ministry of Economy
and Competitiveness (FEDER funds, projects no.
PIE16/00045) and from the Chair ‘Doctors Galera-
Requena in cancer stem cell research’ (CMC-CTS963)
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