1,171 research outputs found

    Sistema de Visión Estereoscópica para Navegación Autónoma de vehículos no tripulados

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    La visión estereoscópica constituye un campo de la inteligencia artificial que se basa en la composición de imágenes 3D mediante visión binocular. De esta manera, un autómata equipado con un sistema de dos cámaras a la misma altura y desplazadas a cierta distancia, podría reconstruir el entorno que le rodea tridimensionalmente. El presente proyecto está enfocado a este fin: obtener, a partir de las imágenes, un mapa del entorno que, de la manera más aproximada, represente la distancia a la que se encuentran los objetos en la escena respecto del robot. Con dicha reconstrucción, un robot es capaz de poder detectar y esquivar los obstáculos que se puede encontrar en su camino, pudiendo así planificar distintas rutas seguras que le lleven hasta su objetivo. [ABSTRACT] Stereoscopic vision is a field of artificial intelligence based on the composition of 3Dimages by binocular vision. In this way, a robot equipped with a system of two cameras at the same height and displaced at a distance among them, could rebuild the tridimensional surrounding environment. This project is aimed for this purpose: to obtain images from the environment that, as nearly, represents the distance at which objects are located on with respect the robot. With this reconstruction of the scene, the stereovision system in the robot could be able to detect and avoid obstacles that can be found on its path, thus being able to plan different routes that lead to secure targets


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    Se presenta un análisis sobre la educación que llevamos a cabo y la que deberíamos llevar con nuestros niños, partiendo de la propuesta de Jean Jacob Rousseau de volver a un estado de naturaleza en el que el hombre se basta a sí mismo gracias a que sabe identificar sus verdaderas necesidades; mujer y varón tienen el mismo objetivo pero no las mismas tareas por la propia naturaleza de su género; esta posibilidad que no puede darse de otra manera que mediante la educación, en la que se le instruirá desde su nacimiento para poder realizar cualquier actividad que necesite para vivir, no creando así ningún tipo de encadenamiento: El verdadero estudio nuestro es el de la humana condición. Aquel de nosotros que más bien sabe sobrellevar los bienes y males de esta vida, es a mi entender el más bien educado. (Rousseau, 2008: 17) En el primer capítulo se define la educación, teniendo por esta: todas las enseñanzas que demos al infante desde que nace para proceder en su vida; y la libertad como el estado que el hombre alcanza en el que no necesita más de lo que tiene para vivir; en el segundo se habla de algunos rasgos de la educación del varón y en el tercero de algunos rasgos en la educación de la mujer, haciendo esta división debido a que cada uno tiene funciones propias que debe cumplir para seguir con el orden que la naturaleza les ha dado y de este modo exista un equilibrio. La educación que se dé al infante busca formar varones y mujeres libres que sepan hacer frente a cualquier situación que la vida les presente sin tener la necesidad de encadenarse a nada ni nadie, de esta manera cuando decidan unirse su relación se basará en el apoyo mutuo y no en una lucha de poder, logrando así encaminar a su familia a la libertad y por tanto a la felicidad que es el objetivo de la humanidad: Si pudiera al igual del hombre subir la mujer a los principios, y si tuviera el hombre como aquélla el espíritu de las menudas circunstancias, siempre independientes uno de otro, vivirían en discordia eterna y no podría subsistir su sociedad; mas, con la armonía que entre ellos reina, todo se encamina al fin común; no sabemos cuál pone más de lo suyo; sigue cada uno el impulso del otro; obedece cada cual y ambos son árbitros (Ibídem: 447)

    Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) ISG15: molecular characterization and in vivo interplay with viral infections

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    The interferon-stimulated gene 15 (Isg15) is strongly induced by type I interferon (IFN I), viral infection, and double-stranded RNA (poly I:C) in several fish species, suggesting that Isg15 protein could play a key role in fish innate immunity against viral diseases. Thus, the aim of the present study was to characterize the molecular structure and transcription pattern of the Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) Isg15 gene in response to viral infections. The molecular characterization shows that the Senegalese sole Isg15 gene codes for a typical Isg15 protein of 165 aa, containing two ubiquitin-like domains and one conserved LRLRGG conjugating motif at the C-terminal end. The untranslated 5´-end region exhibited the structure of an IFN-stimulated gene promoter, with two interferon stimulated response elements (ISRE). Pairwise alignments based on deduced amino acid sequences showed homologous relationships (72.5-74.2%) between the Isg15 of Senegalese sole and other pleuronectiforms. The Isg15 transcription has been studied in head kidneys of Senegalese sole inoculated with poly I:C and with different fish viruses: two Viral Haemorrhagic Septicaemia Virus (VHSV) isolates (highly pathogenic and non-pathogenic to sole), and one reassortant Viral Nervous Necrosis Virus (VNNV) isolate, composed of a RGNNV-type RNA1 and a SJNNV-type RNA2 (pathogenic to sole). These challenges showed that poly I:C induces Isg15 transcription from 3 to 72 h post-injection (p.i.), whereas the induction in response to viral infections started at 24-48 h p.i. The fast induction of Isg15 indicates the potential implication of this ISG in the antiviral state stablished by the IFN I system. On the other hand, the interaction between each virus and the IFN I system was evaluated in fish inoculated with poly I:C and subsequently (24 h later) challenged with the different viruses. This challenge showed a viral multiplication decrease in poly I:C treated animals compared with untreated fish. Besides, results showed that only both pathogenic isolates interfered negatively with the Isg15 stimulation triggered by poly I:C. These results suggest that the Isg15 might play an important role in host defense against RNA virus infection, and the pathogenic isolates used in this study may have mechanisms to evade or limit the Senegalese sole innate host defenses.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Dolores Ibárruri, imagen pública y vida privada: procesos de comunicación de un modelo de feminidad impuesta

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    La incorporación de unas pocas mujeres a la primera línea de la política durante la II República no vino acompañada de cambios en la ideología patriarcal dominante. Dolores Ibárruri adecuó su imagen pública y su discurso a los valores morales dominantes en aras de la aceptación de su liderazgo.The involvement of some women in first-rate politics during the II Republic in Spain did not bring about any changes in the dominant patriarchal ideology. Dolores Ibárruri adapted her public image as well as her discourse to the dominant moral values for the sake of her leadership being generally accepte

    Porous Titanium Cylinders Obtained by the Freeze-Casting Technique: Influence of Process Parameters  on Porosity and Mechanical Behavior

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     The discrepancy between the stiffness of commercially pure titanium and cortical bone  tissue compromises its success as a biomaterial. The use of porous titanium has been widely studied,  however, it is still challenging to obtain materials able to replicate the porous structure of the bones  (content, size, morphology and distribution). In this work, the freeze‐casting technique is used to  manufacture cylinders with elongated porosity, using a home‐made and economical device. The  relationship between the processing parameters (diameter and material of the mold, temperature  gradient), microstructural features and mechanical properties is established and discussed, in terms  of ensuring biomechanical and biofunctional balance. The cylinders have a gradient porosity  suitable for use in dentistry, presenting higher Young’s modulus at the bottom, near the cold spot  and, therefore better mechanical resistance (it would be in contact with a prosthetic crown), while  the opposite side, the hot spot, has bigger, elongated pores and walls.  Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain  grant  MAT2015‐71284‐P  FEDER‐Junta de Andalucía Research  Project (Modeling and implementation of the freeze casting technique: gradients of porosity with a tribomechanical equilibrium and electro‐stimulated cellular behavior).

    Simultaneous determination of PT, PD, RH and IR traces in environmental samples by flow injection solid phase extraction coupled with online inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES)

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    An increased worldwide usage of platinum group elements (PGEs) has been observed during the last twenty years due to their applications in areas such as chemical industry, metallurgy, jewelry production, dental devices, anti-cancer drug and automobile catalytic converter systems. These applications were found to be anthropogenic sources of pollution of these elements nowadays. The presence of PGEs in different environmental and biological materials is a risk to ecological and human health because may be easily mobilized and solubilized in several matrices. The determination of Pt, Pd, Rh and Ir presents difficulties because of the low concentrations of these metals in environmental samples and the numerous interactions between the analytes and the matrix constituents, which can significantly influence both the limit of detection and the accuracy of determination in complex samples. Initial sample pretreatment such as pre-concentration of these elements and matrix separation are often necessary. Numerous reviews devoted to PGEs determination have been published; however, they deal mainly with techniques used for analytical signal formation and less with pre-concentration and separation procedures which usually precede the quantification of the analyte by spectrometric techniques [1]. In this work, Pt, Pd, Rh and Ir have been simultaneously determined by flow injection solid phase extraction coupled online with ICP-AES. The system is based on the retention of the analytes onto a minicolumn filled with a chelating exchange resin placed in the injection valve of a simple flow manifold. This configuration offers several advantages, including (a) elimination of the matrix effect, (b) increase the sensitivity by the preconcentration and, (c) automatization of the different steps. The effects of chemicals and flow variables were investigated. The optimized operating conditions selected were: sample pH 7.5, sample flow rate 2.2 mL min-1, eluent flow rate 0.9 mL min-1, eluent 0.07% thiourea in 2M HCl. With these conditions, the enrichment factors obtained were 6.3, 6.7, 3.7 and 6.3 for Pt, Pd, Rh and Ir respectively. Detection limits (3 min sample loading time) were 1.4 µg L-1 for Pt, 0.5 µg L-1 for Pd, 256 µg L-1 for Rh and 0.6 µg L-1 for Ir. The accuracy of the proposed method was checked with the certified reference material NIST-2557 autocatalyst. The results obtained using this method were in good agreement with the certified values of the standard reference material. The method was applied to the determination of Pt, Pd, Rh and Ir in different sea-water samples collected in Málaga, Spain. [1] B. Godlewska-Zylkiewicz, Microchim. Acta 147 (2004) 189.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    La cultura organizacional en la eficiencia de los colaboradores del área de ventas del sector seguros Lima Metropolitana 2023

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    Las organizaciones de hoy en día valoran mucho el comportamiento de sus trabajadores y los miden a través de la utilidad de la empresa. Por ello, se ha identificado que los empleadores deben contar con reglas, valores, creencias y hábitos claros para que un colaborador pueda desempeñarse de la mejor forma y lograr alcanzar un buen resultado. El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar la influencia de la cultura organizacional en la eficiencia de los colaboradores del área de ventas del sector seguros en Lima Metropolitana 2023. Con esta finalidad, se recopilaron y analizaron artículos relacionados a la cultura organizacional y eficiencia en el trabajo. Asimismo, se diseñó una encuesta con preguntas involucrando a las dimensiones de las dos variables en estudio y se aplicó a una muestra de 308 personas del área de ventas del sector seguros. Con el análisis estadístico en el software SPSS se logró observar los coeficientes de regresión logístico ordinal con un valor de 0.000 menor a 0.05 y el coeficiente R2 de Nagelkeroske con un valor de 59.8% donde se valida que la cultura organizacional influye en la eficiencia laboral. Asimismo, se confirmó junto con los autores estudiados que es importante que las organizaciones presten mucha atención a las dimensiones de la cultura organizacional: misión, adaptabilidad, involucramiento y consistencia; que son la llave para construir una buena cultura en la empresa y que el trabajador se pueda desempeñar eficientemente.Today's organizations highly value the behavior of their workers and measure them through the company's profit. For this reason, it has been identified that employers must have clear rules, values, beliefs and habits so that an employee can perform in the best way and achieve a good result. The general objective of this research work was to determine the influence of organizational culture on the efficiency of collaborators in the sales area of the insurance sector in Metropolitan Lima 2023. To do this, articles related to organizational culture and efficiency in the job. Likewise, a survey was designed with questions involving the dimensions of the two variables under study and was applied to a sample of 308 people from the sales area of the insurance sector. With the statistical analysis in the SPSS software, it was possible to observe the ordinal logistic regression coefficients with a value of 0.000 less than 0.05 and the Nagelkeroske R2 coefficient with a value of 59.8% where it is validated that organizational culture influences work efficiency. Likewise, it was confirmed together with the authors studied that it is important for organizations to pay close attention to the dimensions of organizational culture: mission, adaptability, involvement and consistency, which are the key to building a good culture in the company so that the worker can perform efficiently.Tesi

    Investigating the Role of Mitochondrial Haplogroups in Genetic Predisposition to Meningococcal Disease

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Meningococcal disease remains one of the most important infectious causes of death in industrialized countries. The highly diverse clinical presentation and prognosis of Neisseria meningitidis infections are the result of complex host genetics and environmental interactions. We investigated whether mitochondrial genetic background contributes to meningococcal disease (MD) susceptibility. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Prospective controlled study was performed through a national research network on MD that includes 41 Spanish hospitals. Cases were 307 paediatric patients with confirmed MD, representing the largest series of MD patients analysed to date. Two independent sets of ethnicity-matched control samples (CG1 [N = 917]), and CG2 [N = 616]) were used for comparison. Cases and controls underwent mtDNA haplotyping of a selected set of 25 mtDNA SNPs (mtSNPs), some of them defining major European branches of the mtDNA phylogeny. In addition, 34 ancestry informative markers (AIMs) were genotyped in cases and CG2 in order to monitor potential hidden population stratification. Samples of known African, Native American and European ancestry (N = 711) were used as classification sets for the determination of ancestral membership of our MD patients. A total of 39 individuals were eliminated from the main statistical analyses (including fourteen gypsies) on the basis of either non-Spanish self-reported ancestry or the results of AIMs indicating a European membership lower than 95%. Association analysis of the remaining 268 cases against CG1 suggested an overrepresentation of the synonym mtSNP G11719A variant (Pearson's chi-square test; adjusted P-value = 0.0188; OR [95% CI] = 1.63 [1.22-2.18]). When cases were compared with CG2, the positive association could not be replicated. No positive association has been observed between haplogroup (hg) status of cases and CG1/CG2 and hg status of cases and several clinical variants. CONCLUSIONS: We did not find evidence of association between mtSNPs and mtDNA hgs with MD after carefully monitoring the confounding effect of population sub-structure. MtDNA variability is particularly stratified in human populations owing to its low effective population size in comparison with autosomal markers and therefore, special care should be taken in the interpretation of seeming signals of positive associations in mtDNA case-control association studies

    Role of the IFN I system against the VHSV infection in juvenile Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis)

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    Senegalese sole is susceptible to marine VHSV isolates but is not affected by freshwater isolates, which may indicate differences regarding virus-host immune system interaction. IFN I induces an antiviral state in fish, stimulating the expression of genes encoding antiviral proteins (ISG). In this study, the stimulation of the Senegalese sole IFN I by VHSV infections has been evaluated by the relative quantification of the transcription of several ISG (Mx, Isg15 and Pkr) after inoculation with marine (pathogenic) and freshwater (non-pathogenic) VHSV isolates. Compared to marine VHSV, lower levels of RNA of the freshwater VHSV induced transcription of ISG to similar levels, with the Isg15 showing the highest fold induction. The protective role of the IFN I system was evaluated in poly I:C-inoculated animals subse‑ quently challenged with VHSV isolates. The cumulative mortality caused by the marine isolate in the control group was 68%, whereas in the poly I:C-stimulated group was 5%. The freshwater VHSV isolate did not cause any mortality. Furthermore, viral RNA fold change and viral titers were lower in animals from the poly I:C + VHSV groups than in the controls. The implication of the IFN I system in the protection observed was confirmed by the transcription of the ISG in animals from the poly I:C + VHSV groups. However, the marine VHSV isolate exerts a negative effect on the ISG transcription at 3 and 6 h post-inoculation (hpi), which is not observed for the freshwater isolate. This difference might be partly responsible for the virulence shown by the marine isolateThis study was funded by the project P09-CVI-4579 from Junta de Andalucía (proyectos de Excelencia de la Junta de Andalucía), and partially by the CSD2007-00002 Aquagenomics grant (funded by the program Consolider-Ingenio 2010) from the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC). D. Alvarez-Torres was supported by a fellowship from Junta de Andalucía (Proyecto de Excelencia P09- CVI-4579)S

    A year after virtual teaching in higher education: teachers and students’ opinion

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    La necesidad de transformar la docencia presencial a docencia online debido al COVID-19 supuso un reto para docentes y para alumnos. Lo inesperado de la situación hizo que rápidamente se intentaran establecer estrategias de virtualización que no en todos los casos fueron igual de eficaces. Después de un año de docencia online, es interesante analizar la valoración que tanto docentes como estudiantes realizan a todas estas estrategias y conocer su percepción ante esta situación. En este artículo se recoge la valoración de más de 50 alumnos del grado de Farmacia sobre la docencia online teórica, la docencia online práctica y la evaluación online, destacando las ventajas y limitaciones que suponen estos métodos de enseñanza. También se recoge la valoración de docentes que evalúan de forma positiva todo lo aprendido sobre TICs y nuevas plataformas pero que al igual que los alumnos piensan que el entorno no presencial supone una desventaja para la formación de los alumnos en grados con una importante carga de docencia práctica.The COVID -19 pandemic forced to move from face-to-face teaching to completely virtual teaching, which was a great challenge for both teachers and students. The unexpectedness of the situation led to rapid attempts to establish virtualization strategies, which were not always equally effective. After one year of online teaching, it is interesting to analyze the assessment that both teachers and students make of all these strategies and their perception of this situation. This manuscript collects the analysis of more than 50 students of the Pharmacy degree on both, theoretical and practical online lessons and on online exams, highlighting their advantages and limitations. Teacher’s assessment is also included. On the one hand, teachers positively value all that they have learned about information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the developed online teaching platforms. However, they consider that a completely virtual education impairs the learning, especially in practical lessons.Facultad de Informátic