1,931 research outputs found

    Noticiário criminal: a representação do Morro da Favela nas páginas dos impressos cariocas na primeira década do século XX

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    No presente artigo, analisaremos como o Morro da Favela era representado pelos jornais da cidade do Rio de Janeiro na primeira década do século XX. Desse modo, veremos como as grandes empresas jornalísticas se harmonizavam na maneira de descrever os habitantes da Favela. Independentemente das distintas orientações políticas, todos os periódicos da capital federal destacaram esta região como reduto da malandragem carioca. Especialmente, essa particularidade da imprensa tornava-se mais evidente quando os repórteres construíam as narrativas sobre os crimes cometidos na Favela

    A Multilingual Study of Multi-Sentence Compression using Word Vertex-Labeled Graphs and Integer Linear Programming

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    Multi-Sentence Compression (MSC) aims to generate a short sentence with the key information from a cluster of similar sentences. MSC enables summarization and question-answering systems to generate outputs combining fully formed sentences from one or several documents. This paper describes an Integer Linear Programming method for MSC using a vertex-labeled graph to select different keywords, with the goal of generating more informative sentences while maintaining their grammaticality. Our system is of good quality and outperforms the state of the art for evaluations led on news datasets in three languages: French, Portuguese and Spanish. We led both automatic and manual evaluations to determine the informativeness and the grammaticality of compressions for each dataset. In additional tests, which take advantage of the fact that the length of compressions can be modulated, we still improve ROUGE scores with shorter output sentences.Comment: Preprint versio

    Criação de interfaces do aplicativo ECASEI

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    Este trabalho visa mostrar detalhadamente a criação do layout de um aplicativo móvel, em uma área tão ampla, porém pouco explorada no nicho escolhido. Desde sua fase inicial, onde se busca idéias e referências para criação de uma interface gráfica, usando métodos, tendências e conceitos modernos de design, design mobile até mesmo a interface gráfica e experiência do usuário, UI/UX. Aborda-se também questões complexas como a identidade visual, conceito da marca, passando pela tipografia que deve ser utilizada, sua paleta de cores, criação da logo do aplicativo, tudo detalhado minuciosamente em nosso manual de identidade visual e tudo mais que um cliente e futuramente usuários esperam. Na prática, mostramos que o design é de suma importante na área móvel, esta área que esta em ascensão no momento, promovendo maior mobilidade e acessibilidade aos casais que procuram este tipo de serviço. Estudos apontam que milhares de aplicativos são criados diariamente, mas poucos, focados em casamentos (quando focados, são apenas versões do site em formato Web App) sendo que a maioria é terrivelmente falho, cometendo erros crassos para quem detém conhecimentos da área e espera algo visualmente melhor. O aplicativo em si, que é gratuito, visa minimizar todo o trabalho que as pessoas deveriam ter ao planejar um casamento, sendo possível se fazer de tudo, desde o checklist de tarefas, organização, vestimentas/trajes, buffet, cerimonial, indicações de locais próximos na região, via gps do aparelho, orçamento, dentre muitas outras funções. Por fim, esperamos mostrar neste trabalho que o design pode ser o diferencial na escolha de um aplicativo e consequentemente a solução de seu problema de forma elegante

    Leafing patterns and drivers across seasonally dry tropical communities

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    Investigating the timing of key phenological events across environments with variable seasonality is crucial to understand the drivers of ecosystem dynamics. Leaf production in the tropics is mainly constrained by water and light availability. Identifying the factors regulating leaf phenology patterns allows efficiently forecasting of climate change impacts. We conducted a novel phenological monitoring study across four Neotropical vegetation sites using leaf phenology time series obtained from digital repeated photographs (phenocameras). Seasonality differed among sites, from very seasonally dry climate in the caatinga dry scrubland with an eight-month long dry season to the less restrictive Cerrado vegetation with a six-month dry season. To unravel the main drivers of leaf phenology and understand how they influence seasonal dynamics (represented by the green color channel (Gcc) vegetation index), we applied Generalized Additive Mixed Models (GAMMs) to estimate the growing seasons, using water deficit and day length as covariates. Our results indicated that plant-water relationships are more important in the caatinga, while light (measured as day-length) was more relevant in explaining leafing patterns in Cerrado communities. Leafing behaviors and predictor-response relationships (distinct smooth functions) were more variable at the less seasonal Cerrado sites, suggesting that different life-forms (grasses, herbs, shrubs, and trees) are capable of overcoming drought through specific phenological strategies and associated functional traits, such as deep root systems in trees

    Spatio-Temporal Vegetation Pixel Classification by Using Convolutional Networks

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    Plant phenology studies rely on long-term monitoring of life cycles of plants. High-resolution unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and near-surface technologies have been used for plant monitoring, demanding the creation of methods capable of locating, and identifying plant species through time and space. However, this is a challenging task given the high volume of data, the constant data missing from temporal dataset, the heterogeneity of temporal profiles, the variety of plant visual patterns, and the unclear definition of individuals' boundaries in plant communities. In this letter, we propose a novel method, suitable for phenological monitoring, based on convolutional networks (ConvNets) to perform spatio-temporal vegetation pixel classification on high-resolution images. We conducted a systematic evaluation using high-resolution vegetation image datasets associated with the Brazilian Cerrado biome. Experimental results show that the proposed approach is effective, overcoming other spatio-temporal pixel-classification strategies

    Accuracy and limitations for spectroscopic prediction of leaf traits in seasonally dry tropical environments

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    Generalized assessments of the accuracy of spectroscopic estimates of ecologically important leaf traits such as leaf mass per area (LMA) and leaf dry matter content (LDMC) are still lacking for most ecosystems, and particularly for non-forested and/or seasonally dry tropical vegetation. Here, we tested the ability of using leaf reflectance spectra to estimate LMA and LDMC and classify plant growth forms within the cerrado and campo rupestre seasonally dry non-forest vegetation types of Southeastern Brazil, filling an existing gap in published assessments of leaf optical properties and plant traits in such environments. We measured leaf reflectance spectra from 1648 individual plants comprising grasses, herbs, shrubs, and trees, developed partial least squares regression (PLSR) models linking LMA and LDMC to leaf spectra (400–2500 nm), and identified the spectral regions with the greatest discriminatory power among growth forms using Bhattacharyya distances. We accurately predicted leaf functional traits and identified different growth forms. LMA was overall more accurately predicted (RMSE = 8.58%) than LDMC (RMSE = 9.75%). Our model including all sampled plants was not biased towards any particular growth form, but growth-form specific models yielded higher accuracies and showed that leaf traits from woody plants can be more accurately estimated than for grasses and forbs, independently of the trait measured. We observed a large range of LMA values (31.80–620.81 g/m2) rarely observed in tropical or temperate forests, and demonstrated that values above 300 g/m2 could not be accurately estimated. Our results suggest that spectroscopy may have an intrinsic saturation point, and/or that PLSR, the current approach of choice for estimating traits from plant spectra, is not able to model the entire range of LMA values. This finding has very important implications to our ability to use field, airborne, and orbital spectroscopic methods to derive generalizable functional information. We thus highlight the need for increasing spectroscopic sampling and research efforts in drier non-forested environments, where environmental pressures lead to leaf adaptations and allocation strategies that are very different from forested ecosystems. Our findings also confirm that leaf reflectance spectra can provide important information regarding differences in leaf metabolism, structure, and chemical composition. Such information enabled us to accurately discriminate plant growth forms in these environments regardless of lack of variation in leaf economic traits, encouraging further adoption of remote sensing methods by ecologists and allowing a more comprehensive assessment of plant functional diversity

    Facilitação neuromuscular proprioceptiva e a terapia do espelho em membros inferiores de um paciente hemiparético: Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation technique and mirror therapy in lower limbs of a hemiparetic patient

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     Introdução: O Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) é umas das doenças mais comuns que atingem boa parte da população brasileira e possui um grande de risco de mortalidade. Anualmente são registradas acerca de 68 mil mortes, atingindo acerca de 2.231 milhões de pessoas no Brasil. Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia da técnica de facilitação neuromuscular proprioceptiva com a terapia do espelho em membros inferiores de um paciente hemiparético. Metodologia: O estudose trata de um relato de casoem uma abordagem baseadana PNF e terapia do espelho. Os materiais utilizados para a avaliação pré e pós-tratamento foram as escalas de Índice Barthel, Escala Modificada de Ashworth, Medida de Independência Funcional (MIF motor) e o teste de força muscular realizadasemtrês avaliações. Resultados: A paciente apresentou melhoras funcionais dosmembros inferioresalém na independência funcionalhouve um incremento de 25 pontos na escala de Barthel e 9 pontos na MIF. Notou-setambém melhoras em oito movimentosdos membros inferiores comparando aprimeira com a última avaliação. Conclusões: Associação dessas técnicas obteve benefícios em vários aspectos, tanto para o aprendizado motor, ganho da força muscular e a melhora do controle motor, o que favoreceu uma boa mobilidade da paciente. Palavras-chave: Feedback visual. AVC. Facilitação neuromuscular proprioceptiva