75 research outputs found

    A new HPLC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous determination of quercetin and its derivatives in green coffee beans

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    Green coffee (Coffee arabica and Coffee robusta) is one of the most commonly traded goods globally. Their beans are enriched with polyphenols and numerous health benefits are associated with their consumption. The main aim of this work was to develop a new and fast analytical HPLC-MS/MS method to simultaneously determine six flavonoid polyphenolic compounds (quercetin, rutin, isorhamnetin, quercetin-3-glucouronide, hyperoside, and quercitrin) in 22 green coffee samples from six different geographical origins (Ethiopia, Brazil, Guatemala, Nicaragua, India and Colombia). In addition, by adjusting pH, temperature, solvent type, and extraction duration, several extraction methods such as acidic and alkaline hydrolysis, and extraction without hydrolysis were evaluated. The optimal extraction procedure in terms of recovery percentages (78.67–94.09%)was acidic hydrolysis at pH 2, extraction temperature of 60 °C, extraction solvent of 70% ethanol, and extraction duration of 1.5 h. Hyperoside (878–75 μg/kg) was the most abundant compound followed by quercitrin (408–38 μg/kg), quercetin (300–36 μg/kg), rutin (238–21 μg/kg), and quercetin-3-glucouronide (225–7 μg/kg), while isorhamnetin (34–3 μg/kg) showed the lowest amount. Overall, green coffee beans are rich in flavonoid polyphenolic compounds and could be used as part of a healthy diet

    El comportamiento post-critico de las vigas de acero armadas con chapas delgadas

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    An advance of expositions concerning the method of ultimate strength or post-critical strength of steel beams reinforced with thin plates is presented. This method is being object of experimental researches at the Applied Mechanics and Structures Institute (IMAE) of the Mathematics and Engineering Faculty, National University, Rosario (Argentina).Se presenta un avance de planteamientos relativos al método de la resistencia última o resistencia post-crítica de vigas de acero armadas con chapas delgadas, el cual está siendo objeto de investigaciones experimentales en el Instituto de Mecánica Aplicada y Estructuras (IMAE) de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas e Ingeniería de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario (República Argentina)

    Certificazione di progetto. Cos\u2019\ue8, come si ottiene e quali vantaggi riserva al settore

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    Con l'affermarsi della bioedilizia e, pi\uf9 in generale, dell'edilizia in legno, anche la certificazione forestale ha sviluppato strumenti specifici. Accanto alla certificazione della gestione forestale e della catena di custodia, negli ultimi anni \ue9 andata affermandosi la certificazione di progetto. Tale tipologia di certificazione consente di certificare interi progetti (es. un edificio) o parti degli stessi (es. pavimenti, tetto, serramenti) purch\ue9 vi sia impiego di legno certificato. Nel mondo i progetti certificati sono circa 40, due dei quali in Italia. L'utilizzo di legno certificato \ue9 inoltre oggetto di interesse anche da parte di altri standard di certificazione settoriali, quali LEED e BREEAM. La certificazione di progetto potrebbe consentire di coniugare due pratiche virtuose: (i) l\u2019uso del legno in edilizia, con vantaggi in termini ambientali, energetici, tecnologici, di benessere umano ed estetici, e (ii) la gestione responsabile delle foreste. Essa consente infatti di dare garanzia dell\u2019approvvigionamento e dell\u2019impiego di legno proveniente da aree forestali gestite nel rispetto di criteri ambientali, sociali ed economici, dimostrandone la veridicit\ue0 e dandone visibilit\ue0

    Constituents of Nothapodytes foetida

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    Five new alkaloids, along with camptothecin 1 and 9-methoxycamptothecin 2, were isolated from a trunk bark extract of Nothapodytes foetida (Wight) Sleumer (lcacinaceae). The structures were elucidated by spectroscopic means as mappicine and the 9-methoxymappicine glycosides (3-6) and the di-p-coumaroylspermidine ester of a camptothecin-like compound 7, which we have named foetidin I

    Solventless clay-promoted Friedel-Crafts reaction of indoles with alpha-amido sulfones: Unexpected synthesis of 3-(1-arylsulfonylalkyl) indoles

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    Friedel-Crafts reaction of indoles with r-amido sulfones in the presence of montmorillonite K-10 leads unexpectedly to 3-(1-arylsulfonylalkyl)indoles in good yield. The obtained products can be further desulfonylated under reductive or alkylative conditions giving linear and branched 3-substituted indoles