26 research outputs found

    Autoevaluación y evaluación por pares (iguales) como herramientas de aprendizaje y de evaluación de competencias en la asignatura de Bioestadística y Metodología Científica en Ciencias de la Salud del Grado de Enfermería de la Universidad de León = Self-assessment and peer evaluation (peers) as learning tools and skills assessment in the subject of Biostatistics and Scientific Methodology in Health Sciences of the Degree of Nursing at the University of León

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    [ES] La entrada en vigor del Espacio Europeo de Educaci´on Superior (EEES) ha supuesto un gran cambio en la metodolog´ıa docente y en los sistemas de evaluaci´on, centr´andose en el proceso de aprendizaje-ense˜nanza en la adquisici´on de competencias. La evaluaci´on por competencias es un proceso de recogida de evidencias (a trav´es de actividades de aprendizaje)y de formulaci´on de valoraciones sobre la medida y la naturaleza del progreso del estudiante, seg´un unos resultados de aprendizaje esperados. Esta metodolog´ıa implica el dise˜no de instrumentos de evaluaci´on que definan con rigor y claridad los indicadores de logro y dominio de las competencias evaluadas. Con ello se pretende incorporar la autoevaluaci´on y la co-evaluaci´on (evaluaci´on por iguales) como herramientas continuas que gu´ıen el aprendizaje y como herramientas para la valoraci´on final del grado de adquisici´on de las competencias. Esto propiciar´a la participaci´on activa del estudiante en su proceso de aprendizaje y evaluaci´on y la mejora significativa de la comunicaci´on de la evaluaci´on por competencias al alumnadoS

    The Socio-educational, Psychological and Family-Related Antecedents of Entrepreneurial Intentions among Spanish Youth

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    Despite the abundant scientific literature on entrepreneurship, there is still only limited information on young students’ entrepreneurial intentions. The reasons for this, may be generally found in the different conceptual approaches to entrepreneurial intention, and particularly in the variables that regulate and act as antecedents to such intentions. This bias has generated different lines of investigation into the factors relating to entrepreneurial intention among students. One line of investigation is centered on the variables that influence entrepreneurial intention, in particular, relational, educational, and psychological variables, and another is centered on the antecedents of entrepreneurial intention, amongst which is entrepreneurial interest. In this paper, we seek to analyze the relationship between the entrepreneurial interest of Spanish youth and a set of socio-educational, psychological, and health-related variables using principal component analysis. A previously validated ad hoc questionnaire was administered to 1764 students (15–18 years old). Notably, few Spanish youth expressed significantly high entrepreneurial interest; those who did were mostly men with a family tradition of entrepreneurial parents, who held high perceptions of their health and quality of life, and considered it important in business to detect opportunities beforehand and to create employment. Their principal motives were to improve their professional development, to put their ideas into practice, and to achieve economic independence. This paper proposes the early detection of entrepreneurial interests in young people in order to reinforce these interests as potential long-term initiatives.This research was funded by MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND COMPETITIVENESS. GOVERNMENT OF SPAIN, grant number EDU 2012-39080-C07-00 a 07

    Entrepreneurial Interest and Entrepreneurial Competence Among Spanish Youth: An Analysis with Artificial Neural Networks

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    Studies of the socio-economic function of entrepreneurship have emphasized the critical role that entrepreneurial competence and its implementation play at different stages of the education system. In this paper, as a research objective, we seek to determine the entrepreneurial interest of Spanish youth aged between 15 and 18 years of age enrolled in formal secondary education programs, an initial stage in the development of entrepreneurship. A previously validated ad hoc questionnaire is applied through simple random sampling to 1764 students at secondary school in Spain. A descriptive cross-sectional study is carried out. The analysis is done with Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), a technique that reduces the high dimensionality of data through Cooperative Maximum Likelihood Hebbian Learning (CMLHL), applying neurocomputational methods to the educational sciences. We find as key results that Spanish youth express a medium level of interest in entrepreneurship. Analysis with ANNs shows that education in entrepreneurial competence is an influential aspect of interest in entrepreneurship. As a conclusion, our results suggest that educational and curricular reforms must be undertaken to promote the development of entrepreneurial competence at various stages of education in order to increase interest in entrepreneurship.This research was funded by MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND COMPETITIVENESS. GOVERNMENT OF SPAIN, grant number EDU 2012-39080-C07-00 a 07

    The Association of Parental Interest in Entrepreneurship with the Entrepreneurial Interest of Spanish Youth

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    As entrepreneurial interest is believed to represent a causal factor increasing entrepreneurship, research has begun to explore how family systems affect youth entrepreneurial interests. In the present study, we attempt to identify different types of family influence on the entrepreneurial interests of young people. A questionnaire was used to obtain data from 1633 Spanish adolescents (15 to 18 years old) and another questionnaire was used to obtain data from 839 parents. Principal component analysis identified unique family types and revealed that they have differential associations to entrepreneurial interest among youth. These findings reaffirm the influence of family on the entrepreneurial ecosystem and the promotion of an entrepreneurial family culture. This study further suggests that early attention should focus on the detection of entrepreneurial interest among youth so that actions can be implemented in the families to incentivize an entrepreneurial family culture.This research was funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Government of Spain. Grant Number: EDU 2012-39080-C07-00 a 07

    Clinical Utility of HeartLogic, a Multiparametric Telemonitoring System, in Heart Failure

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    Telemonitoring through multiple variables measured on cardiac devices has the potential to improve the follow-up of patients with heart failure. The HeartLogic algorithm (Boston Scientific), implemented in some implantable cardiac defibrillators and cardiac resynchronisation therapy, allows monitoring of the nocturnal heart rate, respiratory movements, thoracic impedance, physical activity and the intensity of heart tones, with the aim of predicting major clinical events. Although HeartLogic has demonstrated high sensitivity for the detection of heart failure decompensations, its effects on hospitalisation and mortality in randomised clinical trials has not yet been corroborated. This review details how the HeartLogic algorithm works, compiles available evidence from clinical studies, and discusses its application in daily clinical practice

    Novos meridianos da produção editorial em castelhano: o papel de espanhóis exilados pela Guerra Civil na Argentina e no México New axes of editorial production in Castilian: the role of Spanish civil war exiles in Argentina and Mexico

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    Este artigo tem por objetivo lançar luz sobre o impacto da Guerra Civil Espanhola sobre a indústria editorial argentina e mexicana. Em particular, pretende enfocar as contribuições oferecidas por refugiados ou exilados espanhóis que, uma vez estabelecidos na outra margem do Atlântico, procuraram retomar seus ofícios de origem, inserindo-se nas gráficas e editoras existentes nesses dois países ou fundando novos negócios livreiros. Tanto o México como, em especial, a Argentina, beneficiaram-se da crise impingida pela guerra à indústria editorial da antiga metrópole para explorar o vasto mercado aberto aos impressos em língua espanhola.<br>This article aims at shedding light on the impact of the Spanish Civil War on the publishing industry in Argentina and in Mexico. Particularly, it intends to analyze the contributions of Spanish refugees or in exile who, once established on the other border of the Atlantic Ocean, tried to go back to their previous jobs, working at preexisting publishing houses in those two countries or creating new ones. Both Mexico and specially Argentina took advantage of the Spanish publishing industry's crises so to explore the vast business opportunities for books in Spanish