423 research outputs found

    Indigenous response to state colonization in southern Chile

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    The invasion of indigenous territories by national states in the 19th century produced a forced social and physical re-accommodation of Pehuenche groups, inhabitants of the southern Andes. In a context of cultural homogenisation policies and justifying the territorial appropriation, the 19th century written sources shaped a stereotyped image of Pehuenche. I go beyond the stereotypes by comparing historical and ethnographic information, recognising how Pehuenche responded to and shaped changesA invasão dos territórios indígenas pelos estados nacionais no século XIX produziram uma realocação social e física forçada de grupos Pehuenche, habitantes do sul dos Andes. Em um contexto de políticas de homogeneização cultural e justificação da apropriação territorial, as fontes escritas do século XIX moldaram uma imagem estereotipada dos Pehuenche. Vou além dos estereótipos comparando informações históricas e etnográficas, reconhecendo como os Pehuenche responderam e moldaram às mudança

    De la imputación penal sustancial a la imputación penal procesal valida. Un diálogo de doble vía

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    La construcción de la denominada imputación con relevancia en el campo del derecho procesal penal, demanda que la misma tenga como referente general la teoría del delito y como referente específico, por lo menos, la construcción dogmática y los elementos estructurantes del tipo objetivo del delito, sin olvidar, el señalamiento del grado de participación o intervención en la ejecución del delito. Un acto de imputación que atienda a ese diálogo - derecho penal sustancial y derecho procesal penal - , permitirá un ejercicio pleno del derecho de defensa. Una incorrecta imputación genera invalidez en la actuación y, consecuencialmente, produce un estado de indefensión


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    As aridity has been identified as an active promoter of diversification in deserts, attempts to test organismal differentiation in the Atacama Desert have resulted particularly challenging. Most limitations are related to the recent origin of the extreme aridity in the Atacama Desert, which have stimulated a rapid process of diversification and obscured evidence of interspecific divergence. Based on its favorable biological attributes and high endemicity, genera from the tribe Schizopetalae (Mathewsia and Schizopetalon) emerge as a practical study group to conduct studies of diversification under rapid and recent diversification. The present dissertation focuses on exploring this issue, 1) solving the phylogenetic relationships in the tribe Schizopetalae, 2) describing patterns of interspecific divergence in a well-defined lineage of Schizopetalon from the Atacama Desert, and 3) searching and testing multiple highly variable nuclear loci for phylogenetic and phylogeographic purposes. The results confirmed the monophyletic status of the tribe Schizopetalae and genus Schizopetalon; nevertheless, genus Mathewsia requires to be redefined because the exclusion of M. nivea. Patterns of interspecific differentiation suggest a process of allopatric divergence promoted by ecological niche differentiation between the Andes and coastal ranges in the Atacama Desert. While this result is consistent with previous hypotheses of divergence by habitat differentiation, elements of hybridization, incomplete lineage sorting, and phenotypic plasticity obscured the identification of species limits and precluded a better inference of lineage isolation. The analysis of available genomic resources demonstrated the suitability of obtaining multiple low copy nuclear loci from already available genomic data in Schizopetalon. However, the use of these markers is yet limited, as the detection of multiple copies implies that further analyses are needed to discard paralogous copies. Overall, this dissertation sets the foundation for more elaborated studies, as more available genomic resources and intricate pattern of divergence can result promising to explore the consequences of local patterns of extreme aridity in the diversification and evolution of species of Schizopetalae

    The mobility and identity of a Pehuenche community as expressed through their material culture (Alto Biobío, Chile)

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    This research focuses on the changing role of mobility within one Pehuenche comunidad, Cauñicú, which is part one of twenty legally recognised Pehuenche comunidades in southern Chile, South America. Working within an interdisciplinary perspective, I use archaeological, ethnographic, and historical sources, adopting a diachronic view to reflect on the processes of change that this social group has gone through: from highly mobile pastoralist in the Colonial period, to becoming validated officially as ´indigenous communities´ or comunidades indígenas by the Chilean state in the current context of globalisation. A defining characteristic of the Pehuenche has been the seasonal movement of some families from their annual residence in the lower valleys in colder seasons, to the highland pastures in summer, where they take their livestock and collect pinenuts from the Araucaria trees. However, this seasonal movement is in decline, and pinenuts may never have been as important a resource as the ‘Pehuenche’ ethnonym suggests. This research includes original ethnographic fieldwork to study how the socio-political organisation, economy, and perception of the landscape and their own past, as well as state policies have influenced the material culture and settlement organisation. This generates a landscape in which present and past material culture co-exist and can be explained from, and through, their cycle of mobility, with a strong sense of identity embedded in these aspects of Pehuenche culture. This maintenance of practices such as rituals, seasonal movements, and the material expressions connect the present Pehuenches to past ways of life. This approach gives importance to the historical processes of how mobile groups interacted with colonial societies and responded to changes through their material culture. It also serves to reflect on their collective identity, which is not only sustained through their current, more limited, mobility in a context of a globalised wider society, but in certain characteristics of their daily and ritual material assemblages

    Antagonism of Trichoderma spp. strains against pea (Pisum sativum L.) Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi.

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    The antagonistic effectiveness of native strains of Trichoderma spp. on Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi. in vitro, greenhouse and field conditions, were evaluated. in vitro conditions, the antagonistic capacity of 12 strains of Trichoderma spp., C2, C7, C12 and C21 strains, exhibited a better behavior measured by the following variables: inhibition halo and mycelial growth. In greenhouse conditions, the four strains, which showed the best in vitro antagonistic behavior, were evaluated using a DIA experimental design with factorial arrangement for three factors, which corresponded to strain, concentration and dose. The results of this evaluation, showed that C12 and C21 strains at doses of 20 mL, and at concentrations of 108 and 106 conidia.mL-1, respectively. The best antagonistic response was determined by variables as follows: plant height, fresh root weight and incidence. Under field conditions, the evaluations were carried out in the municipalities of Ipiales, Pupiales and Gualmatán, in the department of Nariño, Colombia. In each location, a BCA experimental design was used with four treatments and five replicates, treatments were as follows: C12 strains at 108 concentration, C21 at 106 concentration, chemical control and absolute control. In Gualmatan location, C12 and C21 strains, showed no antagonistic capacity, whereas in Ipiales and Pupiales locations, strain C12, presented a lower incidence of F. oxysporum than the control, but with no effect on yields. In Pupiales location, C21 strain surpassed in performance to the control treatment, even though the two treatments had similar incidence

    Efecto del origen, la época de recolección y la edad de las hojas en el rendimiento y el contenido de timol de aceites esenciales de Lippia origanoides H.B.K.

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    En este estudio se evaluó el efecto del origen (cuatro zonas), la época de recolección (lluviosa y seca) y la edad de las hojas (jóvenes y maduras) sobre el rendimiento y el contenido de timol del aceite esencial (AE) de plantas de Lippia origanoides, que crecen en estado silvestre en la región del Alto Patía al suroccidente de Colombia. Las extracciones de AE se realizaron mediante la técnica de hidro-destilación asistida por radiación de microondas (MWHD) y fueron analizadas por cromatografía de gases. Los rendimientos de AE variaron entre 2.53 y 3.28% y sólo se encontraron diferencias significativas (P < 0.05) para la zona de origen de las plantas. Para el contenido de timol se observaron diferencias relacionadas con la época de recolección, siendo mayor el contenido en las muestras recolectadas en época seca. Los compuestos principales identificados en los AE fueron timol (50.8 - 81.6%), r-cimeno (7.5 � 19.5%) y g-terpineno (2.3 � 7.4%)

    Efecto del tratamiento con dipropionato de imidocarb sobre los días abiertos en vacas lactantes (Alcalá, Valle del Cauca)

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    Los días abiertos corresponden al tiempo que pasa desde el día del parto hasta que la vaca vuelve a quedar preñada. En las lecherías es un indicador que debería ser bajo, por lo que mejorar el bienestar de las vacas debería contribuir a que se mantenga así. El dipropionato de imidocarb es un fármaco indicado para el tratamiento de Anaplasma spp, Babesia spp que causan en el bovino un cuadro agudo que se caracteriza principalmente por fiebre, anemia y hemoglobinuria, que si el animal supera lo va a llevar a un estado de infección persistente. El propósito de esta investigación fue conocer el efecto del dipropionato de imidocarb como antihemoparásitario en los días abiertos al controlar los síntomas que manifiestan los animales al estar infectados con Anaplasma spp o Babesia spp. Para esto se seleccionó un grupo de 20 vacas de la hacienda La Abuelita ubicada en Alcalá, Valle del Cauca, que estaban próximas a parir y presentaban una alta presencia de garrapatas. Teniendo en cuenta que la región es endémica para hemoparásitos después del parto se procedió a aplicar una dosis de dipropionato de imidocarb (Imizol® 120mg/ml) a un grupo de 10 vacas (3 mg/kg) y se contaron los días hasta que se detectó preñez. Con los resultados se realizó la prueba estadística t-Student y se determinó que no hay diferencia significativa entre los animales tratados y los no tratados

    Response: Commentary: Past, present and future of epigenetics applied to livestock breeding

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    Following our recent Review article (González-Recio et al., 2015), we received correspondence by Steele (2016). We thank Dr. Steele for his comments, which provide a thorough review of his work on human immunology, which has persuaded him that “hard types of soma-to-germline transfer are ongoing at very high frequency in human immune system germlines.” His and other researchers' studies on reverse transcriptase (RT) based feedback mechanisms showed that RNA could be retrotranscripted to DNA, and it can be inserted into the mammalian germline, and therefore be transferred to the progeny

    Diplomado de profundización CISCO.

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    Escenario1, Escenario2En este documento vamos a desarrollar dos ecenarios por medio de la herramienta packet tracer, debemos realizar procesos de documentación, detallar el registro de configuracion de los dispositivos y comprobar su conectividad por medio de comandos definidas, los dos ecenarios se componen de 3 sedes en diferentes cuidades del pais, los cuales solicitan ciertos parametros y caracteristicas para su desarrollo.In this document we will develop two scenarios through the package tracking tool, we must carry out documentation processes, detail the configuration record of the devices and verify their connectivity through defined commands, the two scenarios are composed of 3 locations in different The country's cities, which request certain parameters and characteristics for their developmen