79 research outputs found

    Caracteristicas de acción del GLP-1 y exendinas sobre el metabolismo de la glucosa, en la obesidad y diabetes

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología. Fecha de lectura: 19-06-0

    Acoustic assessment and distribution of anchovy, sardine and chub mackerel in ICES Subdivision 9a South during the ECOCADIZ-RECLUTAS 2021-10 Spanish survey (October 2020) with notes on the distribution of other pelagic species. Preliminary information.

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    The present working document summarises a part of the main results obtained during the ECOCADIZ-RECLUTAS 2021-10 Spanish (pelagic ecosystem-) acoustic survey. The survey was conducted by IEO between 21st October and 07th November 2021 in the Portuguese and Spanish shelf waters (20-200 m isobaths) off the Gulf of Cadiz (GoC) onboard the R/V Ramón Margalef. The survey suffered a ten-day delay in relation to the usual starting dates, resulting in ending dates very close to the starting ones of the WGACEGG meeting. Therefore, no acoustic estimates were available at the time of WG meeting. The survey’s main objective is the acoustic assessment of anchovy and sardine juveniles (age 0 fish) in the recruitment areas of the GoC. The 21 foreseen acoustic transects were sampled. A total of 18 valid fishing hauls were carried out for echo-trace ground-truthing purposes. This working document only provides information on the results of these hauls in terms of species-specific occurrences, yields in numbers and weight, size ranges, mean size and mean weight in catches

    Clima organizacional y el estrés laboral de los trabajadores de la Agencia Financiera Confianza de Huaycán, Ate –Vitarte, 2019

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    Utilizamos el programa SPSS25 (Paquete estadístico para ciencias sociales) como herramienta de análisis de datos, basándonos en la estadística descriptiva e inferencial. El presente trabajo de investigación titulado: Clima organizacional y el estrés laboral de los trabajadores de la Agencia Financiera Confianza de Huaycán, Ate – Vitarte 2019, tiene como objetivo general determinar el nivel de relación que existe entre clima organizacional y el estrés laboral de los trabajadores de la empresa en mención, el tipo de investigación tiene un enfoque cuantitativo, de nivel descriptivo - correlacional; de diseño no experimental con corte transversal. La población y la muestra representan lo mismo y estuvo formada por 40 trabajadores, el muestreo fue no probabilístico intencional. La técnica empleada para recolectar información fue encuesta y el instrumento de recolección fue el cuestionario de 26 preguntas en total con escala de Likert tipo ordinal para cada variable, se consideró 13 preguntas para la variable Clima Organizacional y 13 preguntas para la variable Estrés Laboral las cuales fueron debidamente validados a través de juicios de expertos. Determinamos su confiabilidad a través del estadístico Alfa de Cronbach, que mostró los siguientes resultados α=0.973 para el clima organizacional y α=0.903 para el estrés laboral, esto quiere decir que las dos variables presentan una consistencia interna alta. Para medir la relación que existe entre las dos variables empleamos el coeficiente de Rho de Spearman, donde se comprobó la hipótesis con una significancia de p=0,020 siendo menor que p =0,05, por lo tanto se rechaza la hipótesis nula y utilizamos la hipótesis alternativa, también se concluyó que existe una correlación negativa media con un Rho de r=-0.366 lo cual indica de que a medida de que el clima organizacional baja, entonces al estrés laboral aumenta en los colaboradores de la Agencia Financiera Confianza de Huaycán, Ate-Vitarte 2019.

    Characterization of the Use of Emergency Contraception from Sentinel Pharmacies in a Region of Southern Europe

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    Numerous studies have been published suggesting that emergency contraception (EC) is used repeatedly, but a lack of information regarding the profile of users makes it difficult to evaluate actual consumer habits. The aim of this study was to obtain information regarding the profile of users who obtain EC and other factors that might play a role, and to provide criteria to evaluate and improve the strategies of current contraceptive programs. This was an observational one-year study based on surveillance data on the provision of EC to women of reproductive age in 60 community pharmacies in Catalonia, Spain. In total, 941 notifications of dispensation of EC in Catalonia were received. A total of 44.2% of users said it was not the first time that they had taken the medication (repeat user). The percentage of users who used condoms was lower in repeat users compared to first-time users (56.7% vs. 64.4%, p < 0.05). A total of 25.7% of users stated that they did not use any barrier contraceptive method. The use of natural methods in repeat users was 53.8% in the subgroup who requested the medication after 48 h, significantly higher than in users who obtained the medication within the first 24 h (p < 0.05). A high percentage of repeat users with risky sexual behaviors were detected, suggesting that new measures must be implemented to provide information for this method, together with educational and preventive strategies

    Selected reaction monitoring assays in mesenchymal stem cells from osteoarthritis patients

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is considered the most prevalent form of arthritis. The aim of this study was to verify potential protein OA biomarkers by applying Selected Reaction Monitoring (SRM) assays to protein extracts obtained from Bone Marrow-Mesenchymal Stem Cells (BM-MSCs) isolated from OA patients. BM aspirates were obtained from the femoral channel of OA patients at the time of surgery and from the femoral channel of hip fracture subjects without OA during hip joint replacement surgery for the treatment of subcapital fracture. SRM results verified the differential expression of several protein biomarkers in BM-MSCs from OA patients.CNIC is supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and the Fundación Pro CNIC. Support was also provided by FIS PI10/00178 and RETICS Program, RD08/0075 (RIER) from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII). JRL is a recipient of Miguel Servet Program from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII).S

    Influenza syndromic surveillance based on sentinel pharmacies in Catalonia (Spain) in 2017-2020

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    Objective: To analyse influenza surveillance data obtained from sentinel pharmacies of Catalonia, Spain, in 2017−18, 2018−19 and 2019-20 influenza seasons. Methods: Influenza surveillance information was collected from a representative sample of community pharmacies of Catalonia. Influenza-like cases were identified based on the ECDC criteria.The Chi-square test and Odds ratios were used to compare percentages between different population groups, with a p <0.05 considered as statistically significant. The screening method was used to assess influenza vaccination effectiveness. The moving epidemic method (MEM) was used to assess influenza epidemics in the three influenza seasons. Results: A total of 836, 1,000 and 587 influenza-like cases were reported in 2017−18, 2018−19 and 2019−20. Sentinel pharmacies dispended medications to 94-98% of patients. Paracetamol, cough medication, ibuprofen and antihistamines were dispended to more than 25% of patients. Dispensation of antibiotics decreased by 57% from 2017-18 to 2019-20 (OR = 0.45, 95% CI: 0.28-0.74, p < 0.001). Physicians prescribed medications to 30-38% of influenza-like patients. The influenza vaccination effectiveness in individuals aged 65 or more years was 51.4% (95% CI: 41.9−60.7) in 2018-19 and 67% (95% CI: 53.4−79.8) in 2019-20 influenza seasons. Influenza epidemics occurred from week 50 of 2017 to week 7 of 2018; from week 51 of 2017 to week 8 of 2019; and from week 2 to week 7 of 2020. Conclusion: The influenza surveillance system based on sentinel pharmacies provided consistent information on the influenza epidemic, influenza morbidity not assisted in health centres and medications used to treat influenza-like cases during 2017−2019

    Evaluation of Medicine Abuse Trends in Community Pharmacies: The Medicine Abuse Observatory (MAO) in a Region of Southern Europe

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    The misuse of medicines is a global public health concern that needs to be taken into consideration and requires actions across all government sectors and society. The aim of this study is to identify trends of drug abuse in Catalonia, a region of Spain located in the South of Europe. For this purpose, a questionnaire-based detection tool was created and implemented in 60 community pharmacies. Out of 548 questionnaires (98.4%), 64.2% of participants were men and the highest age proportion was 25-35 years (31.4%). Potential drug abuse was the highest in urban pharmacies (84.9%). The main drug class involved were benzodiazepines (31.8%), codeine (19.3%), tramadol (7.5%), methylphenidate (5.8%), gabapentinoids (5.8%), cycloplegic drops (4.4%), z-drugs (2.6%), piracetam (2.2%), dextromethorphan (1.6%) and clomethiazole (1.1%). The majority of drugs were requested without prescription (58.6%) and through probably forged prescriptions (23.7%). Slightly less than half (49.8%) of the patients request frequently to the pharmacist, especially in rural and mountain pharmacies (73.3% and 88.5%, respectively). A small proportion (10.8%) were requested with intimidation. Pharmacists only supplied in 21.7% of the cases. This study has demonstrated the suitability of the new detection system, being a useful approach to replicate in other locations with similar needs
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