14 research outputs found

    PIL – Praksis som integrerende element i lærerutdanningen: Sluttrapport fra lokalt PIL-prosjekt ved Høgskolen i Hedmark. Treklangsamarbeid og Trepartsamtaler

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    Høgskolen i Hedmark, Avdeling for lærerutdanning og naturvitenskap, har siden februar 2009 vært en del av det nasjonale PIL-prosjektet. Gjennom dette prosjektet har høgskolen fått anledning til å kvalitetssikre og videreutvikle tiltak som er iverksatt for å styrke samarbeidet og relasjonen mellom høgskolen og praksisfeltet. I det lokale PIL-prosjektet har vi forsket på egen praksis. PIL-rapporten fra Høgskolen i Hedmark presenterer i oppsummerende punkter noe av det vi har gjort, noe av det vi har lært og litt om hva vi ønsker å arbeide videre med. Så presenterer vi et tilbakeblikk på samarbeidstiltak og praksisorganisering som kom forut for PIL-prosjektet. Disse tiltakene har lagt vikte premisser for PIL-prosjektet. Deretter kommer en kortversjon av PIL-gruppenes arbeid ved Høgskolen i Hedmark. Så følger fullstendige rapporter fra hvert delprosjekt. Delrapportene finnes også som selvstendige rapporter i Høgskolen i Hedmarks rapportserie

    Factors associated with non-attendance, opportunistic attendance and reminded attendance to cervical screening in an organized screening program: a cross-sectional study of 12,058 Norwegian women

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cervical cancer incidence and mortality may be reduced by organized screening. Participant compliance with the attendance recommendations of the screening program is necessary to achieve this. Knowledge about the predictors of compliance is needed in order to enhance screening attendance.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The Norwegian Co-ordinated Cervical Cancer Screening Program (NCCSP) registers all cervix cytology diagnoses in Norway and individually reminds women who have no registered smear for the past three years to make an appointment for screening. In the present study, a questionnaire on lifestyle and health was administered to a random sample of Norwegian women. The response rate was 68%. To address the predictors of screening attendance for the 12,058 women aged 25-45 who were eligible for this study, individual questionnaire data was linked to the cytology registry of the NCCSP. We distinguished between non-attendees, opportunistic attendees and reminded attendees to screening for a period of four years. Predictors of non-attendance versus attendance and reminded versus opportunistic attendance were established by multivariate logistic regression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Women who attended screening were more likely than non-attendees to report that they were aware of the recommended screening interval, a history of sexually transmitted infections and a history of hormonal contraceptive and condom use. Attendance was also positively associated with being married/cohabiting, being a non-smoker and giving birth. Women who attended after being reminded were more likely than opportunistic attendees to be aware of cervical cancer and the recommended screening interval, but less likely to report a history of sexually transmitted infections and hormonal contraceptive use. Moreover, the likelihood of reminded attendance increased with age. Educational level did not significantly affect the women's attendance status in the fully adjusted models.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The likelihood of attendance in an organized screening program was higher among women who were aware of cervical screening, which suggests a potential for a higher attendance rate through improving the public knowledge of screening. Further, the lower awareness among opportunistic than reminded attendees suggests that physicians may inform their patients better when smears are taken at the physician's initiative.</p

    Protocol for the Cognitive Interventions and Nutritional Supplements (CINS) trial: A randomized controlled multicenter trial of a brief intervention (BI) versus a BI plus cognitive behavioral treatment (CBT) versus nutritional supplements for patients with long-lasting muscle and back pain

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    Background: Brief intervention programs are clinically beneficial, and cost efficient treatments for low back pain, when offered at 8-12 weeks, compared with treatment as usual. However, about 30% of the patients do not return to work. The European Guidelines for treatment of chronic low back pain recommends Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), but conclude that further research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of CBT for chronic low back pain. Methods/Design: The aim of the multicenter CINS trial (Cognitive Interventions and Nutritional Supplements) is to compare the effectiveness of 4 different interventions; Brief Intervention, Brief Intervention and CBT, Brief Intervention and nutritional supplements of seal oil, and Brief Intervention and nutritional supplements of soy oil. All participants will be randomly assigned to the interventions. The nutritional supplements will be tested in a double blind design. 400 patients will be recruited from a population of chronic low back pain patients that have been sick listed for 2-10 months. Four outpatient clinics, located in different parts of Norway, will participate in recruitment and treatment of the patients. The Brief Intervention is a one session cognitive, clinical examination program based on a non-injury model, where return to normal activity and work is the main goal, and is followed by two booster sessions. The CBT is a tailored treatment involving 7 sessions, following a detailed manual. The nutritional supplements consist of a dosage of 10 grams of either soy or seal oil (capsules) per day for 3 months, administered in a double blind design. All patients will be followed up with questionnaires after 3, 6 and 12 months, while sick leave data will be collected up to at least 24 months after randomization. The primary outcome of the study is sick leave and will be based on register data from the National Insurance Administration. Secondary outcomes include self-reported data on disability, pain, and psychological variables. Conclusions: To our knowledge, the CINS trial will be the largest, randomized trial of psychological and nutritional interventions for chronic low back pain patients to date. It will provide important information regarding the effectiveness of CBT and seal oil for chronic low back pain patients

    Organic seed in the Nordic countries

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    According to the Council Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 seed and vegetative plant material for organic farming shall be organic. Until 31th december 2003, the competent authority in a member state may give a derogation for this if suitable organic seed is not available. The EU Commission reviews the requirements for seed and other propagating material at the latest by 31th december 2002. This report give an overview of the rules for production of organic seed in the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden). The production of organic seed is described for each country. In januar 2002, organic seed production was discussed at a workshop in Copenhagen as a part of this project. Special problems discussed in this report are; national criterias concidering availability and suitability, possible strategies against seed borne diseases, organic seed on conversion areas, organic seed for propagation, variety testing and trans-national trade of seed. A national database on available organic seed is recommended and it is concluded that there is a need of national criterias for derogation considering availability and suitability of organic seed lots

    PIL – Praksis som integrerende element i lærerutdanningen: Sluttrapport fra lokalt PIL-prosjekt ved Høgskolen i Hedmark. Treklangsamarbeid og Trepartsamtaler

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    Høgskolen i Hedmark, Avdeling for lærerutdanning og naturvitenskap, har siden februar 2009 vært en del av det nasjonale PIL-prosjektet. Gjennom dette prosjektet har høgskolen fått anledning til å kvalitetssikre og videreutvikle tiltak som er iverksatt for å styrke samarbeidet og relasjonen mellom høgskolen og praksisfeltet. I det lokale PIL-prosjektet har vi forsket på egen praksis. PIL-rapporten fra Høgskolen i Hedmark presenterer i oppsummerende punkter noe av det vi har gjort, noe av det vi har lært og litt om hva vi ønsker å arbeide videre med. Så presenterer vi et tilbakeblikk på samarbeidstiltak og praksisorganisering som kom forut for PIL-prosjektet. Disse tiltakene har lagt vikte premisser for PIL-prosjektet. Deretter kommer en kortversjon av PIL-gruppenes arbeid ved Høgskolen i Hedmark. Så følger fullstendige rapporter fra hvert delprosjekt. Delrapportene finnes også som selvstendige rapporter i Høgskolen i Hedmarks rapportserie

    Performance of Human Papillomavirus DNA and mRNA Testing Strategies for Women with and without Cervical Neoplasia ▿

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    In the present study we investigated the cross-sectional positivity for DNA and E6/E7 mRNA from high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) types in 643 women with high-grade cervical neoplasia (135 cases of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 [CIN2], 495 cases of CIN3/adenocarcinoma in situ [ACIS], and 13 cases of invasive carcinoma) and in 736 women with normal cytology by using the Amplicor and PreTect HPV-Proofer assays. In addition, genotyping was performed using Linear Array for women with normal cytology and a positive HPV test and in all women with histologically confirmed CIN2+. In women with normal cytology, 8.3% (61/736) were Amplicor positive and 3.3% (24/736) were PreTect HPV-Proofer positive (P < 0.001). Concordant results between the Amplicor and PreTect HPV-Proofer tests were present in 90.3% (665/736). In women with CIN2+ lesions 96.4% (620/643) were positive by Amplicor, 98.4% (633/643) by linear array, and 64.1% (412/643) by PreTect HPV-Proofer. Concordant results for the three HPV assays were present in 63.8%. The genotype profile detected by linear array and PreTect HPV-Proofer showed substantial agreement for HPV types 16, 18, 33, and 45. HPV type 16 and/or 18 was detected in 58.8% (378/643) of the women with high-grade neoplasia. Detection of E6/E7 mRNA by PreTect HPV-Proofer increased with severity of the cervical lesion. Detection of HPV DNA, however, was not associated with histology grade. In conclusion, the detection of HPV varied according to the assay used, and the concordance between the tests was poor. Our results indicate that mRNA testing may be a biomarker for progression of cervical neoplasia, but the optimal genotype mix remains to be determined

    Marine indikatorer

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    The Nature Index (NI) is established to get an overview of the state and development of biodiversity within the major ecosystems of Norway. It includes marine, limnic and terrestrial ecosystems. The aim of the index is to measure if Norway manage to halt the loss of biodiversity by the end of 2010. A number of indicators are chosen to represent the state of biodiversity. 125 scientists from various disciplines of research have contributed with data, expert judgements or modeled data for 310 indicators representing different aspects of biological diversity, such as trophic levels, key species and threatened and common species. In order to assemble all the data to an index, a reference value has been estimated for each indicator. The reference value reflects an ecological sustainable value for the indicator, and the indicator values displays eventual divergence from this state. This report describes how data on reference values, uncertainty and values for 1950, 1990, 2000 and 2010 has been set for each indicator. Furthermore this report documents the data sources for each of the indicators that are included in the data set

    Gjess i Ytre Oslofjord og Telemark. Antall og ungeproduksjon i 2020 for grågås og hvitkinngås

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    Tombre, I. M. Andersen, G. E. B., Axelsen, T., Kristiansen, V., Rasmussen, L., Syvertsen, R., Torp, J., Andersen, T., Antonsen, A., Botnermyr, R., Brandt, M., Eriksen, I. M., Fløseth, L., Fossum, B. V., Fredriksen, Å. S., Haga, A., Hansen, A. H., Hanssen, M. R., Hauge, F., Haugøy, G., Høyer-Jonassen, U., Haakaas, M., Johansen, P. -A., Karlsen, H. E., Krokeide, S., Kræmer, F., Lohne, M., Lundstad, I., Lågbu, Ø., Melland, A., Meyer, R., Moholt, Ø., Nilsen, R. N., Nyquist, T., Solhaug, R. B., Sondbø, S. M., Stigen, E., Tjønnås, T., Tronsen, K. S. & Viker, M. 2020. Gjess i Ytre Oslofjord og Telemark. Antall og ungeproduksjon i 2020 for grågås og hvitkinngås. NINA Rapport 1876. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Denne rapporten sammenfatter resultater fra systematiske registreringer av grågås (Anser anser) og hvitkinngås (Branta leucopsis) på begge sider av den ytre delen av Oslofjorden og kystdelen av Telemark (områdene der det er kjent at det er gjess. Det ble også gjort en vurdering av familiestørrelser i mai, juli og august, samt en vurdering av andel ungfulger som er i grågåsbestanden august som et mål på årets produksjon og rekruttering. I slutten av mai ble det registrert totalt 7523 grågjess og 737 hvitkinngjess i hele studieområdet, mens det i slutten av juni ble registrert 6062 grågjess og 714 hvitkinngjess. Gjessene var fordelt relativt likt på begge sider av fjorden med 4091 grågjess i mai i Vestfold og Telemark og 3432 grågjess i Østfold (nå del av Viken). For hvitkinngås var tallene henholdsvis 336 individer i Vestfold og Telemark og 401 individer i Østfold. Grågås er den vanligste gåsearten i regionen og utgjorde 86,7% av alle observasjonene mens hvitkinngås utgjorde 9,3%. Kanadagjess (Branta canadensis) ble også registrert når disse ble observert, men disse utgjorde et mindretall og representerte 4,0% av registreringene. En oversikt over lokalitetene med flest gjess er presentert i denne rapporten, og samlet for hver side av Oslofjorden presenteres oversikter som viser gåseforekomstene i hver kommune. I Vestfold og Telemark er det Færder og Tønsberg som har de største gåseforekomstene mens det i Østfold er flest gjess i Fredrikstad, Hvaler og Moss. For grågås-familiene som ble registrert i mai var gjennomsnittlig kullstørrelse fire unger per familie. Dette gjennomsnittet var redusert til to unger per familie når registreringene ble gjennomført i juli og august. Andel ungfugler i grågåsbestanden ble estimert til 36,1% og antyder en god hekkesesong. Verdien må imidlertid ses i lys av at dette representerer observasjoner fra kun to lokaliteter i Tønsberg; Ilene og Presterødkilen naturreservater. Hvor vidt dette er representativt for hele regionen er derfor usikkert. Registreringene presentert i denne rapporten er et bidrag for å få en bedre oversikt over geografisk fordeling, bestand og ungeproduksjonen hos gjess i de ytre delene av Oslofjorden i 2020. Dette er relevant kunnskap for lokal og regional forvaltning da det gir en oversikt over lokale forekomster og eventuelle konfliktområder.Tombre, I. M. Andersen, G. E. B., Axelsen, T., Kristiansen, V., Rasmussen, L., Syvertsen, R., Torp, J., Andersen, T., Antonsen, A., Botnermyr, R., Brandt, M., Eriksen, I. M., Fløseth, L., Fossum, B. V., Fredriksen, Å. S., Haga, A., Hansen, A. H., Hanssen, M. R., Hauge, F., Haugøy, G., Høyer-Jonassen, U., Haakaas, M., Johansen, P. -A., Karlsen, H. E., Krokeide, S., Kræmer, F., Lohne, M., Lundstad, I., Lågbu, Ø., Melland, A., Meyer, R., Moholt, Ø., Nilsen, R. N., Nyquist, T., Solhaug, R. B., Sondbø, S. M., Stigen, E., Tjønnås, T., Tronsen, K. S. & Viker, M. 2020. Geese in the exterior part of the Oslofjord area and Telemark, Norway. Numbers and the production of young in 2020 for greylag geese and barnacle geese. NINA Report 1876. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. This report summarizes the results of systematic and coordinated registrations of greylag geese (Anser anser) and barnacle geese (Branta leucopsis) in the exterior parts of the Oslofjord-area, Norway, in the spring/summer of 2020. Eight municipalities were surveyed at the eastern side of Oslofjorden, and eleven municipalities were surveyed on the western side. In addition to total counts, assessments of family sizes were conducted in May, July and August. An assessment of the juvenile:adult ratio in staging flocks of greylag geese was also conducted in August as a measure of the recruitment in the population. In May 2020 (22-25 May), a total of 7 523 greylag geese and 737 barnacle geese were registered in the study area. Corresponding figures for June (26-28 June) were 6 062 greylag geese and 714 barnacle geese. Numbers were more or less equally distributed between the eastern and western parts of the fjord, with May-figures of 4 091 greylag geese and 336 barnacle geese at the western side and 3 432 greylag geese and 401 barnacle geese on the eastern side. The most common goose species in the study area is the greylag goose, constituting 86,7% of all the registered geese, whereas barnacle geese constituting 9.2% of the registrations. Canada geese (Branta canadensis) were also registered when they were observed, but they counted a minor part of the geese with a fraction of 4,0%. An overview of all the locations with geese is presented in the report, showing the main geographic areas and municipalities with the highest goose numbers. For the western side of Oslofjorden, the municipalities of Tønsberg and Færder had the highest numbers, whereas most geese were registered in the Fredrikstad, Hvaler and Moss municipalities on the eastern side. For the greylag goose families registered, average brood size in May was four goslings per family. In July and August, on the other hand, the average brood size was reduced to two goslings per family. An estimation of the juvenile:adult ratio in August was 36,1%, suggesting a good breeding season in 2020. This figure is based on a limited sample form a few sites on the western side of the fjord, however, and should therefore be interpreted with caution. Mores sites, from both sides of the fjord with a wider distribution would presumably provide a more accurate and representative figure. The registrations presented in this report contribute to an improved overview of numbers and geographical distribution of greylag geese and barnacle geese, as well as providing estimates of family sizes and the production of young in the exterior parts of the Oslofjord area in 2020. Such knowledge is relevant for local and regional goose management, including the management of conflicts related to the distribution and numbers of geese