662 research outputs found

    Finite mutation classes of coloured quivers

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    We consider the general notion of coloured quiver mutation and show that the mutation class of a coloured quiver QQ, arising from an mm-cluster tilting object associated with HH, is finite if and only if HH is of finite or tame representation type, or it has at most 2 simples. This generalizes a result known for 1-cluster categories

    Veien fra ide til lønnsom internettbasert applikasjon

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    Oppgavens hensikt. Bacheloroppgaven har til hensikt å belyse det vi mener er sentrale problemstillinger knyttet til å etablere en egenutviklet web applikasjon ut fra forretningsmessige og brukermessige behov og strategier. Dette gjør at vi kan gjøre bruk av et bredt spekter av de kunnskaper som studiet har gitt oss, samt etablerere ny og viktig kunnskap innen enkelte felt. Omfang av undersøkelser og metodebruk. Det har vært nødvendig å tilegne seg kunnskaper som ligger utenfor studiets pensum både når det gjelder utviklingen av forretningsområdet og teknologiområdet. Utviklingen av forretningsområdet har støttet seg på aktuelle problemområder som det finnes oppdatert informasjon om på Internett. Her kan søkemotoroptimalisering nevnes som et godt eksempel. Dette er et svært viktig område for oss sett både i et forretningsmessig og teknologisk perspektiv og hvor oppdatert og relevant informasjon må hentes fra intemenkilder og ikke to år gamle bøker. Videre hadde vi et behov for å gjøre brukerundersøkelser for å belyse om vår applikasjon, i form aven prototyp, tilfredsstilte brukerens behov for informasjon. Det ble etablert en egnet testmetodikk som det er redegjort for i kapittel 2, metode. Utviklingen av selve applikasjonen har vært aven eksperimentell karakter. Vi som utviklere har måttet tilegne oss kompetanse underveis og realisert denne kompetansen i en helhetlig applikasjon, prototypen. Vi har således fulgt en egendefmert tilnærming til metodikk som det er redegjort for under kapitel 2, metode. Resultater. Ut fra definerte problemstillinger har vi slått fast at vår ide virker å være teknisk løsbar med den kompetansen vi hadde og i tillegg har klart å tilegne oss underveis i prosjektet. Den forretningsmessige visjonen har blitt bekreftet å være gyldig ut fra resultat av brukertester og videre undersøkelser gjort under forretningsområdet. Brukertester og beste praksis sett fra et brukerperspektiv har også gitt klare utviklingsretninger for en endelig applikasjon. Planer videre. Bacheloroppgaven avslutter første fase i etableringen av det nye Forbrukertipset.no. Vi har nå en prototyp som må utvikles videre og modnes ut fra føringer som kommer fra forretningsområdet og brukerområdet. Det må videre jobbes aktivt for å kunne tilby flere produkter fra vår applikasjon, samt tilby enda bedre soneringsmuligheter for brukeren. En tradisjonell søkemotor basert på fritekst må implementeres slik at denne kan gi gode svarresultater for brukeren. Da vil vi sikre at brukeren også får det som vanligvis er forventet med denne type tjenester. I tillegg har vi konkrete planer om å lansere flere tjenester på nettstedet noe som igjen krever utvikling av nye applikasjoner og en helhetlig integrering av alle applikasjonene på ett nettsted

    Efficacy of orally administered oxolinic acid and Vetoquinol, an oxolinic acid ester, for the treatment furunculosis in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar held seawater

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    This study was performed to determine the efficacy of orally administered oxolinic acid and Vetoquinol, an oxolinic acid ester, in the treatment of experimental induced furunculosis in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar held in seawater. Two strains of the causative bacterium Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, 1 sensitive (VI-88/09/03175) and 1 resistant (3475/90) to oxolinic acid, were used. In 2 trials, cohabitational challenges were performed by introducing 8 fish challenged in advance by an intraperitoneal injection of 2.2 x 10(4) colony forming units of strain 3475/90 (Trial 1) or strain VI-88/09/03175 (Trial 2) to 10 aquaria each containing 40 healthy fish. The treatment groups in both trials consisted of 4 groups receiving either oxolinic acid (2 groups) or Vetoquinol (2 groups) and 1 control group. An unchallenged, unmedicated group was used to determine the natural mortality in the population. The recommended therapeutic dose of 25 mg oxolinic acid kg(-1) fish at Days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 following initiation of treatment was used. Oral medication initiated at Day 10 (Trial 1) or Day 11 (Trial 2) following challenge significantly (p < 0.05) lowered the specific mortality in all drug-treated groups compared to the untreated control groups. Mortality in Vetoquinol-treated groups was significantly (p < 0.05) lower than in oxolinic acid-treated groups in Trial 1 whereas no significant (p < 0.05) difference in survival rate was found between the medicated groups in Trial 2

    Regneprøven som kartleggingsprøve i matematikk på småskoletrinnet : en analyse i forhold til forskning på tallforståelse og regneferdighet

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    This master thesis is about an obligatory national assessment test in numeracy and calculation for 2nd grade in Norwegian primary school, referred to as “Regneprøven”. The following research questions have been formulated based on a development project at three schools: What information could Regneprøven provide on students' numeracy and arithmetic skills after 2nd grade? In order to refine the research question and the research field, I have asked the four questions below: I. What is the theoretical basis for Regneprøven? II. In what way do Regneprøven and the competency goals of LK06 correspond? III. In what way do Regneprøven and the theoretical basis of this test correspond? IV. What can Regneprøven provide of information on number comprehension and arithmetic skills can of the students in my data that come under the critical limit? I understand the term theoretical basis as the research literature the development of Regneprøven has been based on. The theoretical basis refers specifically to a range of international research-based frameworks that describes children's development of numeracy and calculation skills. Results In this master thesis I find that there is great consistency between the framework for Regneprøven and the theoretical basis. I also examine Regneprøven mapping the competency goals of the curriculum. My analysis shows that Regneprøven mainly maps the student's counting skills. Parts of the competency goals are to a smaller extent mapped, and some are not mapped at all. For a couple of competency goals it is not clear whether they are mapped on Regneprøven or not, and I discuss the reasons for this. In the development project on the three schools the teachers discussed the results of the pupil. I use data from the implementation of Regneprøven in 2009 and 2010 and conclude that the distance between the pupils during the critical limit compared with the total group of pupils increases from 2nd to 3rd grade. Some tasks in Regneprøven turns out to be particularly demanding for the pupils. These tasks can still provide information about pupils under the critical limit. Pedagogical implications It should be considered whether Regneprøven should be supplied with qualitative assessment. The results of Regneprøven must be followed up by the teacher in relation to identifying which pupils have a worrying development. It can also be fruitful to a team of teachers to discuss what information such assessment can provide

    Bacteria associated with early life stages of the great scallop, Pecten maximus: impact on larval survival

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    International audienceA bacteriological study was carried out at a scallop (Pecten maximus) hatchery near Bergen, western Norway following a severe increase in mortality rates during the larval stages of the scallops. No larvae survived to settling, except for those in groups treated prophylactically with chloramphenicol. In order to identify pathogenic strains of bacteria, we performed a challenge test on 10- to 16-day-old larvae using isolated bacterial strains from the hatchery. Infection with six of these strains produced mortalities that were not statistically different from that resulting from infection with the known pathogen Vibrio pectenicida. However, about 5% of the strains tested in the challenge experiment produced higher motility rates than found in the unchallenged control group, indicating a possible probiotic effect. On the basis of 16S rDNA analysis on these strains, the phylogenetic tree indicated two groups of apparent pathogens: (1) one strain, LT13, grouped together with Alteromonas/Pseudoalteromonas; (2) a cluster of strains grouped together with Vibrio splendidus (LT06, LT21, LT73, PMV18 and PMV19). Strain LT13 was isolated from cultures of the microalga Chaetoceros calcitrans used for feed, while the other strains were isolated from larval cultures. Transmission electron microscopy showed intracellular bacteria that resembled bacteria in the groups Chlamydiaceae and Rickettsiaceae

    A Geometric Interpretation of Categories of Type à and of Morphisms in the Infinite Radical

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    We give a geometric realization of the module category of a hereditary algebra of type A~A~. We work with oriented arcs to define a translation quiver isomorphic to the Auslander-Reiten quiver of the module category of type A~A~. To get a description of the module category, we introduce long moves between arcs. These allow us to include the infinite radical in the geometric description. Finally, our results can also be used to describe the corresponding cluster categories by taking unoriented arcs instead