318 research outputs found

    Zero-inflated hierarchical models for faecal egg counts to assess anthelmintic efficacy

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    The prevalence of anthelmintic resistance has increased in recent years, as a result of the extensive use of anthelmintic drugs to reduce the infection of parasitic worms in livestock. In order to detect the resistance, the number of parasite eggs in animal faeces is counted. Typically a subsample of the diluted faeces is examined, and the mean egg counts from both untreated and treated animals are compared. However, the conventional method ignores the variabilities introduced by the counting process and by different infection levels across animals. In addition, there can be extra zero counts, which arise as a result of the unexposed animals in an infected population or animals. In this paper, we propose the zero-inflated Bayesian hierarchical models to estimate the reduction in faecal egg counts. The simulation study compares the Bayesian models with the conventional faecal egg count reduction test and other methods such as bootstrap and quasi-Poisson regression. The results show the Bayesian models are more robust and they perform well in terms of both the bias and the coverage. We further illustrate the advantages of our proposed model using a case study about the anthelmintic resistance in Swedish sheep flocks

    Alternative Paradigms in Animal Health Decisions: A Framework for Treating Animals Not Only as Commodities

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    Zoonoses are diseases transmitted from (vertebrate) animals to humans in the environment. The control and prevention of these diseases require an appropriate way to measure health value for prudent and well-balanced decisions in public health, production costs, and market values. Currently, the impact of diseases and animal disease control measures are typically assessed in monetary values, thus lacking consideration of other values such as emotional, societal, ecological, among others. Therefore, a framework is proposed that aims to explore, understand, and open up a conversation about the non-monetary value of animals through environmental and normative ethics. This method might help us complement the existing metrics in health, which are currently DALY and zDALY, adding more comprehensive values for animal and human health to the “One Health” approach. As an example of this framework application, participants can choose what they are willing to give in exchange for curing an animal in hypothetical scenarios selecting a human health condition to suffer, the amount of money, and lifetime as a tradeoff. Considering animals beyond their monetary value in public health decisions might contribute to a more rigorous assessment of the burden of zoonotic diseases, among other health decisions. This study is structured as follows: after a brief introduction of zoonoses, animal health, and health metrics, briefly, different environmental health perspectives are presented. Based on this, a framework for animal health decisions is proposed. This framework introduces the “anthropozoocentric interface” based on anthropocentrism and zoocentrism perspectives

    Hazard potential of Swiss Ixodes ricinus ticks: Virome composition and presence of selected bacterial and protozoan pathogens.

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    Ticks play an important role in transmitting many different emerging zoonotic pathogens that pose a significant threat to human and animal health. In Switzerland and abroad, the number of tick-borne diseases, in particular tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), has been increasing over the last few years. Thus, it remains essential to investigate the pathogen spectrum of ticks to rapidly detect emerging pathogens and initiate the necessary measures. To assess the risk of tick-borne diseases in different regions of Switzerland, we collected a total of 10'286 ticks from rural and urban areas in ten cantons in 2021 and 2022. Ticks were pooled according to species, developmental stage, gender, and collection site, and analyzed using next generation sequencing (NGS) and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). The metagenomic analysis revealed for the first time the presence of Alongshan virus (ALSV) in Swiss ticks. Interestingly, the pool-prevalence of ALSV was higher than that of tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV). Furthermore, several TBEV foci have been identified and pool prevalence of selected non-viral pathogens determined

    Helminths of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides) in Lithuania

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    Red foxes and raccoon dogs are hosts for a wide range of parasites including important zoonotic helminths. The raccoon dog has recently invaded into Europe from the east. The contribution of this exotic species to the epidemiology of parasitic diseases, particularly parasitic zoonoses is unknown. The helminth fauna and the abundance of helminth infections were determined in 310 carcasses of hunted red foxes and 99 of raccoon dogs from Lithuania. Both species were highly infected with Alaria alata (94·8% and 96·5% respectively) and Trichinella spp. (46·6% and 29·3%). High and significantly different prevalences in foxes and raccoon dogs were found for Eucoleus aerophilus (97·1% and 30·2% respectively), Crenosoma vulpis (53·8% and 15·1%), Capillaria plica (93·3% and 11·3%), C. putorii (29·4% and 51·5%), Toxocara canis (40·5% and 17·6%) and Uncinaria stenocephala (76·9% and 98·8%). The prevalences of the rodent-transmitted cestodes Echinococcus multilocularis, Taenia polyacantha, T. crassiceps and Mesocestoides spp. were significantly higher in foxes than in raccoon dogs. The abundances of E. multilocularis, Mesocestoides, Taenia, C. plica and E. aerophilus were higher in foxes than those in raccoon dogs. A. alata, U. stenocephala, C. putorii and Echinostomatidae had higher abundances in raccoon dogs. The difference in prevalence and abundance of helminths in both animals may reflect differences in host ecology and susceptibility. The data are consistent with red foxes playing a more important role than raccoon dogs in the transmission of E. multilocularis in Lithuani

    Bizneset e vogla familjare garant i zhvillimit ekonomik e social

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    Integrimi global ekonomik si proces gjithnjë e më shumë po ka ndikim edhe në politikat nacionale të zhvillimit, ndaj si i tillë është jashtëzakonisht vështir që të kontrollohet me aplikimin e metodave dhe instrumenteve tradicionale të zhvillimit ekonomik. Kjo mbase vështirëson që në vitet në vijim, të planifikohen qëllime të caktuara ekonomike në nivel shteti. Të gjitha ndërmarrjet në botë, të mëdha apo të vogla, familjare dhe jo familjare, publike apo jo publike, të zhvilluara dhe të pa zhvilluara, po përballen me një sërë pyetjesh të cilat kanë të bëjnë me ardhmërinë dhe perspektivën e tyre, respektivisht vije në pikëpyetje ekzistenca e tyre në situata të paparapara turbulente për rrethinën. Çfarë do të jenë nevojat e tregut, çfarë synon konkurrenca, a po lëkunden qëndrimet e blerësve, kah pretendon përparimi i teknikës dhe teknologjisë, çfarë me zhvillimin e prodhimeve të reja, a ka mundësi të sigurimit të resurseve të nevojshme, kah udhëzon globalizimi i biznesit,cilat nevoja duhet përdorur për arritjen e efikasitetit, efektiviteti dhe inovacionet, etj… të gjitha këto pyetje u adresohen çdo ditë ndërmarrjeve – pa marrë parasysh nëse ato janë në pronësi të familjes apo nuk janë të tilla. Ajo çka ndërmarrjet familjare i bënë të veçanta dhe që i dallon nga ndërmarrjet e tjera që nuk janë në pronësi apo kontroll të familjes, paraqet diversitetin e interesit familjar dhe interesit të ndërmarrjes në sistemin e unik të biznesit familjar. Pronarët e kompanive familjare në të gjithë botën ndajnë filozofinë dhe vlerat e njëjta, ata mendojnë në perspektivë, kapitali i tyre është durimi dhe zelli, interesohen për bashkësinë ku veprojnë dhe punojnë ashtu që kompaninë në gjendjen më të mirë të mundshme t’ua lënë trashëgimtarëve të tyre. Modeli i biznesit të kompanive familjare është tejet inovativ dhe largpamës, kërkon në realizim më të mirë, krijon më shumë vlera, ruan vendet e punës, përkundër rënieve dhe recesioneve ciklike. Zhvillimi i ndërmarrjeve të vogla dhe të mesme familjare, paraqet rrugën më të shpejtë dhe më të lirë të zhvillimit të ekonomive kombëtare. NVM janë shtyllat kurrizore të zhvillimit ekonomik të shteteve në tranzicion dhe përkrah rolit të madh që kanë në punësim ato janë mjaft domethënëse për demokratizimin e shoqërisë

    Validation of an interactive map assessing the potential spread of Galba truncatula as intermediate host of Fasciola hepatica in Switzerland

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    Bovine fasciolosis, caused by Fasciola hepatica, is widespread in Switzerland. The risk regions were modelled in 2008 by an interactive map, showing the monthly potential risk of transmission of F. hepatica in Switzerland. As this map is based on a mathematical model, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the interactive map by means of a field survey taking different data sources into account. It was found that the interactive map has a sensitivity of 40.7-88.9%, a specificity of 11.4-18.8%, a positive predictive value of 26.7-51.4%, and a negative predictive value of 13.1-83.6%, depending on the source of the data. In conclusion, the grid of the interactive map (100 x 100 m) does not reflect enough detail and the underlying model of the interactive map is lacking transmission data
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