253 research outputs found

    Análisis del puesto de gerente de instalaciones deportivas: tareas reactivas y proactivas

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    The need for organizations to adapt to increasingly complex environments has motivated research into standardized managerial tasks (reaction) and tasks related to anticipation, search and extra-role behaviour (proaction) (Toulson & Smith, 1994). This paper has two aims: a) to determine whether there are two distinguishable kinds of managerial tasks which can be identified as reactive/proactive; and b) to study the degree of development of reactive/proactive managerial tasks in recently professionalized sports installations. A survey based on task inventory techniques was specifically designed (Gael, 1988). The sample consisted of 73 managers of diferent kinds of sports installations. Results confirm the existence of reactive and proactive managerial performance. The results also show that proactive tasks are less developed than reactive ones. The implications of the study are discussed.La necesidad que tienen las organizaciones de afrontar ambientes cada vez más complejos, ha motivado la investigación no sólo de tareas directivas estandarizadas (reacción) sino también de aquellas relacionadas con la anticipación, búsqueda y comportamiento extra-rol (proacción) (Toulson y Smith, 1994). En este contexto, el presente trabajo tiene dos objetivos: a) observar si existen dos tipos diferenciados de tareas directivas que pudieran ser identificados como reacción/proacción; y b) explorar cuán desarrolladas están estas dos dimensiones en un ámbito, el de la gestión de instalaciones deportivas, de reciente profesionalización. Para su análisis, se ha desarrollado un cuestionario basado en las técnicas de inventarios de tareas (Gael, 1988). La muestra está formada por 73 gerentes de diferentes tipos de instalaciones deportivas. Los resultados confirman la enistencia de los dos tipos de dimensiones mencionados. Asimismo, se observa que las tareas proactivas están menos desarrolladas que las reactivas. Las implicaciones de estos resultados se detallan en la discusión del trabajo

    Reducing Contrast Agent Dose in Cardiovascular MR Angiography with Deep Learning

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    BACKGROUND: Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is used to assess various cardiovascular conditions. However, gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs) carry a risk of dose-related adverse effects. PURPOSE: To develop a deep learning method to reduce GBCA dose by 80%. STUDY TYPE: Retrospective and prospective. POPULATION: A total of 1157 retrospective and 40 prospective congenital heart disease patients for training/validation and testing, respectively. FIELD STRENGTH/SEQUENCE: A 1.5 T, T1-weighted three-dimensional (3D) gradient echo. ASSESSMENT: A neural network was trained to enhance low-dose (LD) 3D MRA using retrospective synthetic data and tested with prospective LD data. Image quality for LD (LD-MRA), enhanced LD (ELD-MRA), and high-dose (HD-MRA) was assessed in terms of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), and a quantitative measure of edge sharpness and scored for perceptual sharpness and contrast on a 1-5 scale. Diagnostic confidence was assessed on a 1-3 scale. LD- and ELD-MRA were assessed against HD-MRA for sensitivity/specificity and agreement of vessel diameter measurements (aorta and pulmonary arteries). STATISTICAL TESTS: SNR, CNR, edge sharpness, and vessel diameters were compared between LD-, ELD-, and HD-MRA using one-way repeated measures analysis of variance with post-hoc t-tests. Perceptual quality and diagnostic confidence were compared using Friedman's test with post-hoc Wilcoxon signed-rank tests. Sensitivity/specificity was compared using McNemar's test. Agreement of vessel diameters was assessed using Bland-Altman analysis. RESULTS: SNR, CNR, edge sharpness, perceptual sharpness, and perceptual contrast were lower (P < 0.05) for LD-MRA compared to ELD-MRA and HD-MRA. SNR, CNR, edge sharpness, and perceptual contrast were comparable between ELD and HD-MRA, but perceptual sharpness was significantly lower. Sensitivity/specificity was 0.824/0.921 for LD-MRA and 0.882/0.960 for ELD-MRA. Diagnostic confidence was 2.72, 2.85, and 2.92 for LD, ELD, and HD-MRA, respectively (PLD-ELD , PLD-HD < 0.05). Vessel diameter measurements were comparable, with biases of 0.238 (LD-MRA) and 0.278 mm (ELD-MRA). DATA CONCLUSION: Deep learning can improve contrast in LD cardiovascular MRA. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE LEVEL: 2 TECHNICAL EFFICACY: Stage 2

    Disability Justice Praxis: Sick, Disabled, Deaf Women and Non-Binary Educators of Color Holding Each Other in Radical Love and Accessible Kinship

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    Academic spaces in the United States remain exclusive and toxic for those who embody multiple marginalized identities. There is hope, however, as subversive practices and resistance to systemic oppression and hostility continue to infiltrate academia through the work of socially engaged scholar-activists. In this paper, we—four sick, disabled, and Deaf women and non-binary educators of color—come together to discuss our paths to understanding ourselves and our places within academia. Through the methodology of activist ethnography, we explore the diverse and complex ways we embrace Disability Justice in our teaching, research, scholarship, and activism. Collectively and through interwoven storytelling, we disrupt and challenge ableism, racism, settler colonialism, cis-hetero-sexism, classism, and other intersecting forms of oppression within academia by (re)centering and amplifying our lived experiences and disabled, Deaf, and chronically ill epistemologies. Simultaneously, through a Disability Justice praxis, we work to imagine and create educational spaces that build and support radical love, accessible kinship, and healing

    Visores 3D, servicios interoperables e información geográfica: aplicaciones en ciencias de la tierra

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    Esta comunicación muestra los resultados de incorporar la geovisualización 3D y el tiempo (4ª dimensión) a la información geográfica (mapas temáticos, MDE, etc) y, específicamente, a los servicios interoperables a través de Internet, aplicados al campo de las ciencias naturales. Para ello se utiliza el visor Condor (con versiones desktop y cliente-web) desarrollado informáticamente por la empresa Elimco Sistemas, con la que el Grupo de Investigación al que pertenecen los autores de la Universidad de Sevilla mantiene una estrecha colaboración para el diseño de sus funcionalidades y el tratamiento semiológico de los datos geográficos. Se han elegido dos áreas específicas del territorio de Andalucía: un sector litoral y marino (tramo Algeciras- Estepona) y un área de alta montaña (Sierra Nevada). Los resultados reflejan el interés de estos visores para la visualización multitemporal y 3D de dos medios extremos (el medio submarino y el alpino) que, al incorporar algunas sencillas herramientas interactivas de análisis de los datos (cálculo de perfiles topográficos, simulación de subidas del nivel del mar, calculo de pendientes, etc.), les proporcionan un claro valor añadido para la transmisión del conocimiento en el medio natural.The aim of this paper is to show the results of incorporating the 3D geovisualization and the time (as a 4th dimension) to the geographical information and, specifically, to the interoperable geoservices by means of the Internet, applied to the field of Natural Sciences. The Condor geoviewer (with desktop and web-client versions) is a software developed by Elimco Sistemas, a company which keeps a strong relationship with the authors focussed on the design of the functionalities and the usage of graphic semiology to the geographical data. In order to make a test of these geoviewer capabilities, two areas –a coastal and marine one and an alpine geomorphological area- were chosen. The results show the potentialities of this tool in the 3D and multitemporal geovisualization applied to two extreme environments (such as alpine and submerged areas). An obvious additional advantage in the transmission of knowledge of natural environments is given to the geoviewer by means of the addition of some user-friendly interactive analysis tools (real time calculations of slope and shades, topographic profiles, etc)

    Análisis del puesto de gerente de instalaciones deportivas: tareas reactivas y proactivas

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    The need for organizations to adapt to increasingly complex environments has motivated research into standardized managerial tasks (reaction) and tasks related to anticipation, search and extra-role behaviour (proaction) (Toulson &amp; Smith, 1994). This paper has two aims: a) to determine whether there are two distinguishable kinds of managerial tasks which can be identified as reactive/proactive; and b) to study the degree of development of reactive/proactive managerial tasks in recently professionalized sports installations. A survey based on task inventory techniques was specifically designed (Gael, 1988). The sample consisted of 73 managers of diferent kinds of sports installations. Results confirm the existence of reactive and proactive managerial performance. The results also show that proactive tasks are less developed than reactive ones. The implications of the study are discussed.La necesidad que tienen las organizaciones de afrontar ambientes cada vez más complejos, ha motivado la investigación no sólo de tareas directivas estandarizadas (reacción) sino también de aquellas relacionadas con la anticipación, búsqueda y comportamiento extra-rol (proacción) (Toulson y Smith, 1994). En este contexto, el presente trabajo tiene dos objetivos: a) observar si existen dos tipos diferenciados de tareas directivas que pudieran ser identificados como reacción/proacción; y b) explorar cuán desarrolladas están estas dos dimensiones en un ámbito, el de la gestión de instalaciones deportivas, de reciente profesionalización. Para su análisis, se ha desarrollado un cuestionario basado en las técnicas de inventarios de tareas (Gael, 1988). La muestra está formada por 73 gerentes de diferentes tipos de instalaciones deportivas. Los resultados confirman la enistencia de los dos tipos de dimensiones mencionados. Asimismo, se observa que las tareas proactivas están menos desarrolladas que las reactivas. Las implicaciones de estos resultados se detallan en la discusión del trabajo

    Reducing the effects of routing inaccuracy by means of prediction and an innovative linkstate cost

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    Abstract-The routing inaccuracy problem is one of the major issues impeding the evolution and deployment of ConstraintBased Routing (CBR) techniques. This paper proposes a promising CBR strategy that combines the strengths of prediction with an innovative link-state cost. The latter explicitly integrates a two-bit counter predictor, with a novel metric that stands for the degree of inaccuracy (seen by the source node) of the state information associated with the links along a path. In our routing model, Link-State Advertisements (LSAs) are only distributed upon topological changes in the network, i.e., the state and availability of network resources along a path are predicted from the source rather than updated through conventional LSAs. As a proof-of-concept, we apply our routing strategy in the context of circuit-switched networks. We show that our approach considerably reduces the impact of routing inaccuracy on the blocking probability, while eliminating the typical LSAs caused by the traffic dynamics in CBR protocols

    Adquisición automática de recursos para traducción automática en el proyecto Abu-MaTran

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    This paper provides an overview of the research and development activities carried out to alleviate the language resources' bottleneck in machine translation within the Abu-MaTran project. We have developed a range of tools for the acquisition of the main resources required by the two most popular approaches to machine translation, i.e. statistical (corpora) and rule-based models (dictionaries and rules). All these tools have been released under open-source licenses and have been developed with the aim of being useful for industrial exploitation.Este artículo presenta una panorámica de las actividades de investigación y desarrollo destinadas a aliviar el cuello de botella que supone la falta de recursos lingüísticos en el campo de la traducción automática que se han llevado a cabo en el ámbito del proyecto Abu-MaTran. Hemos desarrollado un conjunto de herramientas para la adquisición de los principales recursos requeridos por las dos aproximaciones m as comunes a la traducción automática, modelos estadísticos (corpus) y basados en reglas (diccionarios y reglas). Todas estas herramientas han sido publicadas con licencias libres y han sido desarrolladas con el objetivo de ser útiles para ser explotadas en el ámbito comercial.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 under grant agreement PIAP-GA-2012-324414 (Abu-MaTran)

    Identification of Interleukin-27 (IL-27)/IL-27 Receptor Subunit Alpha as a Critical Immune Axis for In Vivo HIV Control

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    Intact and broad immune cell effector functions and specific individual cytokines have been linked to HIV disease outcome, but their relative contribution to HIV control remains unclear. We asked whether the proteome of secreted cytokines and signaling factors in peripheral blood can be used to discover specific pathways critical for host viral control. A custom glass-based microarray, able to measure >600 plasma proteins involved in cell-to-cell communication, was used to measure plasma protein profiles in 96 HIV-infected, treatment-naive individuals with high (>50,000) or low (600 soluble proteins, our data highlight the importance of Th17 cells and Wnt/β-catenin signaling in HIV control and especially identify the IL-27/IL-27 receptor subunit alpha (IL-27RA) axis as a predictor of plasma viral load and proviral copy number in the peripheral blood. These data may provide important guidance to therapeutic approaches in the HIV cure agenda

    Regulation of markers of synaptic function in mouse models of depression: chronic mild stress and decreased expression of VGLUT1

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    Depression has been linked to failure in synaptic plasticity originating from environmental and/or genetic risk factors. The chronic mild stress (CMS) model regulates the expression of synaptic markers of neurotransmitter function and associated depressive-like behaviour. Moreover, mice heterozygous for the synaptic vesicle protein (SVP) vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (VGLUT1), have been proposed as a genetic model of deficient glutamate function linked to depressive-like behaviour. Here, we aimed to identify, in these two experimental models, mechanisms of failure in synaptic plasticity, common to stress and impaired glutamate function. First, we show that CMS induced a transient decrease of different plasticity markers (VGLUT1, synapsin 1, sinaptophysin, rab3A and activity regulated cytoskeletal protein Arc) but a long-lasting decrease of the brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) as well as depressive-like behaviour. The immediate early gene (IEG) Arc was also downregulated in VGLUT1+/- heterozygous mice. In contrast, an opposite regulation of synapsin 1 was observed. Finally, both models showed a marked increase of cortical Arc response to novelty. Increased Arc response to novelty could be suggested as a molecular mechanism underlying failure to adapt to environmental changes, common to chronic stress and altered glutamate function. Further studies should investigate whether these changes are associated to depressive-like behaviour both in animal models and in depressed patients