16 research outputs found

    The structure of the Polish nobility in the 16th and the 17th century: some new findings and reflections

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    Neuere Ergebnisse auf dem Gebiet der eigentlichen Quantifizierung (bestehend in der Zusammenfassung von einzelnen Daten) in Bezug auf den Feudalbesitz in Polen in der frühen Periode der Neuzeit verändern die bestehenden Meinungen von Grund auf und geben Möglichkeiten der Interpretation politischer Geschichte. Die quantitative Analyse, die sich die Provinz Kalisz bezieht, zeigt, daß die frühere Behauptung, in Westpolen sei die Struktur des Landbesitzes vom mittleren Adel beherrscht gewesen (ein Adliger, der ein Dorf besaß), während jegliche zahlenmäßig stärkere Schicht reicheren Adels nicht vorhanden war, sich nicht halten kann. Für die Provinz Poznan wird die These über die wichtige Rolle des mittleren Adels in der allgemeinen Klassenstruktur weniger radikal formuliert. Gleichzeitig zeigen die bis dahin gemachten Feststellungen im Hinblick auf die Größe des polnischen Adels in der Neuzeit, daß die vorherrschende Meinung, daß der Adel zehn Prozent der Bevölkerung oder sogar mehr ausmacht, nicht haltbar ist. In Westpolen ging der Anteil des Adels nicht über ca. drei Prozent der Bevölkerung hinaus. (KWübers.)'The new findings in the field of quantification proper (consisting in grouping together scattered data) concerning the feudal property in Poland in the early modern period change substantially existing opinions giving thus new possibilities of the interpretation of political history. The quantitative analysis pertaining to the province of Kalisz shows that the earlier claim that in Western Poland in the structure of landed property was dominated by middle nobility (one noble being owner of one village) while any more numerous stratum of richer nobility was absent does not hold. For the province of Poznan the thesis on the large role of the middle nobility in the general structure of the class should be now formulated much less radically. At the same time the findings made so far concerning the number of the Polish nobility in modern times, show that the prevailing opinion that the nobility accounted for ten or even more percent of the population is untenable. In Western Poland the nobility did not exceed some three percent of the population.' (author's abstract

    Pensar el pasado

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    Este texto recoge una serie de reflexiones sobre el oficio del historiador, en momentos en los que las circunstancias políticas, socioeconómicas y culturales del país confrontan de modo imperativo al científico social. Los textos que componen este libro fueron escritos con motivo de la inaguración del Doctorado de Historia de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. / Contenido. Preliminares; Capítulo 1 - El camino de ayer y los retos de hoy; Capítulo 2 - Colonialismo, diversidad e intolerancia: La responsabilidad del historiador; Capítulo 3 - La Historia: "Hic Et Nunc"; Capítulo 4 - El historiador ¿O la alquimia del pasado?; Capítulo 5 - Porque los muertos mandan. El imaginario patriótico de la historia colombiana; Capítulo 6- La Verdad Posmoderna en la Historiografía*; Anexos

    Myth or Memory? Recollections of Penal Times in Irish Folklore

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    Stories of priests being hunted down and murdered at Mass Rocks by priest catchers and soldiers during the Penal era in Ireland persist to the present day. Using Ó Ciosáin’s (2004) tripartite taxonomy of memory this paper explores the reasons why these images continue to dominate and reflect persecuted nature of Catholicism

    Commerce des denrées agricoles et croissance économique de la zone baltique aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles

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    Topolski Jerzy. Commerce des denrées agricoles et croissance économique de la zone baltique aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles. In: Annales. Économies, Sociétés, Civilisations. 29ᵉ année, N. 2, 1974. pp. 425-435

    Stanisław Borowski as a Researcher of Wielkopolska History

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    Stanisław Borowski was a scientist, who combined integrally competences of economic historian, demographer and economist. Thanks to methodological and theoretical values He joined the group of best Polish historians and demographers. The Wielkopolska region, considered often with Pomerania and Silesia together, was a main subject and field of research for Professor Borowski, allowing to investigate and to verify regularities of socio-economic and demographic development. S. Borowski started His scientific output with an extensive study devoted to development of labour mechanization in Wielkopolska agriculture in the years 1823 - 1918. Further research aimed at exploration of social and economic action allowing to explain changes in agriculture and situation of peasants in Wielkopolska in the 19-th century. The first place was then occupied by research on influence of incorporating the country in the sphere of market. S. Borowski published two voluminous books on that subject. They significantly enriched our knowledge about the Wielkopolska's country and agriculture in the 19-th century. Simultaneously demographic structure of Wielkopolska in the course of ages was examined by S. Borowski. Demographic changes were always explained in the light of historic events and in the course of phenomena examination in their long-run development. The research pivot is showing and explaining processes of transition from traditional pre-industrial population development model to a modern model, and so analysis of demographic revolution. In that context S. Borowski examined among others factors that determined the process of dying out, questions of emigration from the Polish lands under German sector in the 19-th century and demographic development of Wielkopolska from the end of the 16-th to the 20-th century. A few studies were devoted to methodological considerations on statistical sources. They are original thoughts, still having their full inspirational value. Particularly, penetration in analysis of appraisal criterions of statistical sources should be underlined. S. Borowski was a modern scientist. He combined comprehensive empirical studies with theoretical and methodological thought in His research.Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/201

    Hacia un modelo integrado de la explicación histórica

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    El autor Jerzy Topolski propone en este artículo un modelo holístico de explicación histórica que considera tanto las regularidades del proceso histórico como el principio de causalidad.Author Jerzy Topolski puts forth in this article a holistic model of historical explanation that considers both the regularities of the historical process and the principal of causality

    Hacia un modelo integrado de la explicación histórica

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    El autor Jerzy Topolski propone en este artículo un modelo holístico de explicación histórica que considera tanto las regularidades del proceso histórico como el principio de causalidad.Author Jerzy Topolski puts forth in this article a holistic model of historical explanation that considers both the regularities of the historical process and the principal of causality

    Hacia un modelo integrado de la explicación histórica

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    El autor Jerzy Topolski propone en este artículo un modelo holístico de explicación histórica que considera tanto las regularidades del proceso histórico como el principio de causalidad.Author Jerzy Topolski puts forth in this article a holistic model of historical explanation that considers both the regularities of the historical process and the principal of causality