619 research outputs found

    Hoax Language Rhetoric and Hate Speech as A Principle Representation of Democratic Rights

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    On the Internet, when you search for deceptive rhetoric or rhetoric hoax, you'll get more than two million hits for either one. That volume of hits is an echo of what we've heard all our lives---that Rhetoric is associated with deception and trickery, even though the college experts try to reassure us that the discipline of Rhetoric is really neutral. Fact is, though, most of what the public knows about Rhetoric is a hoax, especially as regards th


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    Questa tesi è concepita come Compendio Multidisciplinare, essendo inerente alla Water Politics un approccio integrato. Scopo della tesi è disegnare un ampio quadro di supporto ad attori pubblici e privati delle economie politiche dei paesi nella riflessione sulle eventuali distorsioni di dinamiche democratiche nella gestione delle risorse idriche e ambientali. La domanda sottesa, al Capitolo Primo è: quali condizioni Culturali hanno permesso, nella storia e nella geografia dell'Ambiente, l'impostazione di un discorso regolatorio legato all'acqua e quali condizioni sono state identificate, all'interno di varie società ed economie, perchè si arrivasse storicamente ad un pattern di regole che ponessero le condizioni per una politica idrica sostenibile ? Viene fornita una presentazione delle principali teorie di sostenibilità applicate all’acqua, conseguentemente, attraverso l’approccio della Storia dell’ Ambiente si illustrano i casi della progressive era statunitense e della battaglia per la difesa di due laghi nel Lake District, diversi per ambiente culturale e periodo storico, interpretati nell'ottica dell’indagine sulle origini della consapevolezza del valore dell’acqua e dell’ambiente, cui, in entrambi i paesi, conseguono delle riforme regolatorie e politiche; l’attenzione è stata posta alle condizioni culturali che hanno posto le basi del processo di riforma politica. L’approccio del Capitolo Secondo è più tecnicamente ascrivibile alla regolazione economica. Sul tema della regolazione, la mente tecnica scivola spesso nelle complicate teorie che, nel corso del XX secolo hanno dato spiegazione dei giochi che i vari attori mettono in scena allo scopo di assicurarsi il vantaggio competitivo. Si affronta qui in sintesi la storia del Public Management in USA settori Idrico ed Elettrico, nel XIX e XX sec., e più recentemente la storia della regolazione economica del settore idrico in Gran Bretagna, seguita alla privatizzazione thatcheriana, e l’avvento delle varie Agenzie di Regolazione, che negli Stati Uniti e Gran Bretagna, hanno rappresentato tra i modelli di regolazione delle utilities maggiormente replicati al mondo. La storia e il design di alcune delle principali Agenzie di Regolazione vengono qui proposti come suggestione comparativa per lo sviluppo di un analogo sistema di regolazione, benchè quelli proposti non siano gli unici modelli possibili, essendo il nostro paese caratterizzato da una differente tradizione di gestione pubblica. In tal senso, la conoscenza dei sistemi di Regolazione delle Utilities presenti altrove nel mondo, con i loro conseguenti risultati, ha lo scopo di fornire al legislatore, all’amministratore pubblico e privato, e al singolo cittadino utili elementi per future decisioni sulla regolazione democratica del sistema delle utilities; nella parte finale si esplorano alcuni casi di Gestione Sostenibile e Corporate Social Responsibility delle Utilities in Paesi in via di Sviluppo. Gli ultimi due Capitoli della tesi sono orientati a fornire al lettore un’introduzione al pensiero ecologico-politico, passando in rassegna le visioni di alcune tra le più autorevoli voci del settore, tra i quali Eric Swingedouw, Karen Bakker e Tony Allan, allo scopo di fornire i fondamenti teorici per affrontare nuovi temi scottanti e dibattuti come il mercato dell’acqua, la privatizzazione e l’ambientalismo di mercato ( i servizi ecosistemici i.e., adottati entusiasticamente dall'Europa ). In particolare, alle geniali intuizioni idropolitiche del Prof. J A Allan, vincitore dello Stockholm World Water Prize e supervisore di questa tesi, ed al suo concetto di Acqua Virtuale è dedicato l’ultimo Capitolo, in ringraziamento e come tributo alla Sua vita totalmente dedicata agli studi nel settore della geografia idrico-economica. Un riconoscimento particolare va al Prof. John Briscoe, della Harvard University, che ha confermato l'interesse per questa tesi

    Mesoscale Morphological Change, Beach Rotation and Storm Climate Influences along a Macrotidal Embayed Beach

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    Abstract: Cross-shore profiles and environmental forcing were used to analyse morphological change of a headland bay beach: Tenby, West Wales (51.66 N; −4.71 W) over a mesoscale timeframe (1996–2013). Beach profile variations were attuned with longer term shoreline change identified by previous research showing southern erosion and northern accretion within the subaerial zone and were statistically significant in both sectors although centrally there was little or no significance. Conversely a statistically significant volume loss was shown at all profile locations within the intertidal zone. There were negative phase relationships between volume changes at the beach extremities, indicative of beach rotation and results were statistically significant (p < 0.01) within both subaerial (R2 = 0.59) and intertidal (R2 = 0.70) zones. This was confirmed qualitatively by time-series analysis and further cross correlation analysis showed trend reversal time-lagged associations between sediment exchanges at either end of the beach. Wave height and storm events displayed summer/winter trends which explained longer term one directional rotation at this location. In line with previous regional research, environmental forcing suggests that imposed changes are influenced by variations in southwesterly wind regimes. Winter storms are generated by Atlantic southwesterly winds and cause a south toward north sediment exchange, while southeasterly conditions that cause a trend reversal are generally limited to the summer period when waves are less energetic. Natural and man-made embayed beaches are a common coastal feature and many experience shoreline changes, jeopardising protective and recreational beach functions. In order to facilitate effective and sustainable coastal zone management strategies, an understanding of the morphological variability of these systems is needed. Therefore, this macrotidal research dealing with rotational processes across the entire intertidal has significance for other macrotidal coastlines, especially with predicted climate change and sea level rise scenarios, to inform local, regional and national shoreline risk management strategies. Keywords: mesoscale morphological change; beach rotation; storm climat

    Early Miocene carbonate ramp development in a warm ocean, North West Shelf, Australia

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    Although carbonate ramps are widely described from the geological record,there is still a debate on the relative influence of water temperature, trophicconditions and type of carbonate factories on their development. Theca2400 km long Australian North West Shelf is among the largest Cenozoic car-bonate provinces worldwide, and records a transition from an early Mioceneramp to a middle Miocene rimmed platform. This change is observable onpublicly available seismic data, giving the opportunity to investigate envi-ronmental influences on platform evolution. This study combines macro-scopic and petrographic descriptions of early Miocene strata cropping out inthe Cape Range Anticline (North West Cape, southern end of the North WestShelf) and of time-equivalent well cuttings from the adjacent, offshoreExmouth Sub-basin. Particular emphasis is placed on the identification oflarger benthic foraminifera at a broad generic level, because differing taxahave a limited range of habitable conditions that serve as environmentalproxies. The results show that early Miocene strata are dominantly com-posed of larger benthic foraminifera with minor coralline algae in the proxi-mal platform, grading to micropackstones in the more distal platform. Aramp margin is inferred from the lithological data on the basis of the lack offramework builders and the presence of open oceanic indicators. Facies shal-low upward through individual outcrops, with a proximal to distal trendtowards the north-west. These trends along outcrops are consistent with theseismic interpretations. Identification of taxa with warm, oligotrophic wateraffinity suggests that the ramp was formed in an oligotrophic and warmocean, despite the absence of coral reefs. Changes of carbonate facies withdepth do not seem to be associated with changes in ramp morphology, andthe latter may have been controlled by physical oceanic parameters, such asoffshore currents and waves.Early Miocene carbonate ramp development in a warm ocean, North West Shelf, AustraliapublishedVersio

    What is news? News values revisited (again)

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    The deceptively simple question “What is news?” remains pertinent even as we ponder the future of journalism in the digital age. This article examines news values within mainstream journalism and considers the extent to which news values may be changing since earlier landmark studies were undertaken. Its starting point is Harcup and O’Neill’s widely-cited 2001 updating of Galtung and Ruge’s influential 1965 taxonomy of news values. Just as that study put Galtung and Ruge’s criteria to the test with an empirical content analysis of published news, this new study explores the extent to which Harcup and O’Neill’s revised list of news values remain relevant given the challenges (and opportunities) faced by journalism today, including the emergence of social media. A review of recent literature contextualises the findings of a fresh content analysis of news values within a range of UK media 15 years on from the last study. The article concludes by suggesting a revised and updated set of contemporary news values, whilst acknowledging that no taxonomy can ever explain everything

    Angola 2001/2002. Key Development Issues and Aid in a Context of Peace

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    This is the third report on Angola under the Country Advisor Agreement between the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) and Chr. Michelsen Institute. The report consists of a part I synthesising and assessing existing information regarding political, economic and social developments in Angola, and a Part II focussing on development aid in a context of peace. This is done through contributions on the economy, the state and civil society by leading social scientists on Angola, originally presented at the seminar “Preparing for Peace. Workshop on Future Swedish and Norwegian Development Cooperation with Angola” hosted by CMI 8-9 April 2002

    The kiwifruit lycopene beta-cyclase plays a significant role in carotenoid accumulation in fruit

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    The composition of carotenoids, along with anthocyanins and chlorophyll, accounts for the distinctive range of colour found in the Actinidia (kiwifruit) species. Lutein and beta-carotene are the most abundant carotenoids found during fruit development, with beta-carotene concentration increasing rapidly during fruit maturation and ripening. In addition, the accumulation of beta-carotene and lutein is influenced by the temperature at which harvested fruit are stored. Expression analysis of carotenoid biosynthetic genes among different genotypes and fruit developmental stages identified Actinidia lycopene beta-cyclase (LCY-β) as the gene whose expression pattern appeared to be associated with both total carotenoid and beta-carotene accumulation. Phytoene desaturase (PDS) expression was the least variable among the different genotypes, while zeta carotene desaturase (ZDS), beta-carotene hydroxylase (CRH-β), and epsilon carotene hydroxylase (CRH-ϵ) showed some variation in gene expression. The LCY-β gene was functionally tested in bacteria and shown to convert lycopene and delta-carotene to beta-carotene and alpha-carotene respectively. This indicates that the accumulation of beta-carotene, the major carotenoid in these kiwifruit species, appears to be controlled by the level of expression of LCY-β gene

    Consensus Decision Models for Biologics in Rheumatoid and Psoriatic Arthritis: Recommendations of a Multidisciplinary Working Party.

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    INTRODUCTION: Biologic therapies are efficacious but costly. A number of health economic models have been developed to determine the most cost-effective way of using them in the treatment pathway. These models have produced conflicting results, driven by differences in assumptions, model structure, and data, which undermine the credibility of funding decisions based on modeling studies. A Consensus Working Party met to discuss recommendations and approaches for future models of biologic therapies. METHODS: Our working party consisted of clinical specialists, modelers, and policy makers. Two 1-day meetings were held for members to arrive at consensus positions on model structure, assumptions, and appropriate data sources. These views were guided by clinical aspects of rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis and the principles of evidence-based medicine. Where opinions differed, we sought to identify a research agenda that would generate the evidence needed to reach consensus. RESULTS: We gained consensus in four areas of model development: initial response to treatment; long-term disease progression; lifetime costs and benefits; and model structure. Consensus was also achieved on some key parameters such as choices of outcome measures, methods for extrapolation beyond trial data, and treatment switching. A research agenda to support further consensus was also identified. CONCLUSION: Consensus guidance that fully reflects current evidence and clinical understanding was gained successfully. In addition, research needs have been identified. Such guidance can be updated as evidence develops and policy questions change and need not be prescriptive as long as deviations from consensus are clearly explained and justified. FUNDING: Arthritis Research UK and the UK Medical Research Council Network of Hubs for Trials Methodology Research