966 research outputs found

    Ten Bee Species New to Green Roofs in the Chicago Area

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    Green roofs increasingly provide habitat for many insects in urban environments. Pollinators such as bees may utilize foraging and nesting resources provided by green roofs but few studies have documented which species occur in these novel habitats. This study identified bees from 26 species, 11 genera and 5 families collected from 7 green roofs using pan trapping methods over 2 years. Ten of these species have not previously been recorded on green roofs in the Chicago region. Although the majority of bee species collected were solitary, soil-nesting, and native to Illinois, the proportion of exotic species was high compared to previous collections from Chicago area green roofs and urban parks. Urban green roofs may enhance populations of both native and exotic bees, but their ability to support the same range of native diversity recorded from other urban habitats requires further investigation

    Un colpo di stato mancato? Il golpe Borghese e l\u2019eversione nera in Italia

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    Il tentativo eversivo di Junio Valerio Borghese si inserisce nel quadro della strategia della tensione e della stagione stragista vissuta in Italia dal 1969 al 1974. Questo intervento mira a dimostrare come la minaccia di un rovesciamento dello Stato fosse reale. Grazie al materiale raccolto dalle inchieste giudiziarie possiamo delineare la ramificazione delle organizzazioni eversive: elementi legati all\u2019estrema destra, ufficiali dell\u2019esercito, esponenti della massoneria e della criminalit\ue0 mafiosa. Ma soprattutto possiamo mostrare come, nonostante il fallimento dell\u2019operazione, l\u2019obiettivo del golpe (il mantenimento dell\u2019Italia in una posizione anticomunista, centrista e filoatlantica) venga raggiunto senza che si renda utile un colpo di Stato

    Espumantes de terroir da Serra Gaúcha: como proteger produtores e consumidores?

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    Quando a elaboração de espumantes no Brasil teve início em Garibaldi Serra Gaúcha, no início do século XX, não era possível prever que esta trajetória representaria a consagração de um verdadeiro produto de terroir. E não era previsível porque o terroir somente pode ser caracterizado após comprovada a qualidade e as características distintivas de um produto numa região específica, expressa por fatores naturais (clima e solo) e por fatores humanos, representados pelo saberfazer local desenvolvido para um determinado produto de uma região específica.bitstream/item/146615/1/Tonietto-BonVivant-v8-n99-p21-23-2007.pd

    The Subban Brand: A Case Study of a Hockey Star\u27s Instagram

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    Human brands can be described as a set of associations corresponding with a particular person. The creation and maintenance of a strong human brand can shape perceptions of an athlete, and therefore create strong and lasting connections between athletes and consumers. The purpose of this research was to conduct a case study to identify the various elements of National Hockey League (NHL) player P.K. Subban\u27s human brand, as well as determine if and how his changing circumstances and environment has influenced how he presents his brand. A case study of his Instagram content from August 2013 to January 2018 was conducted. The use of both a priori and emergent coding enabled the researcher to analyze the frequency at which these elements were communicated to his Instagram followers, the proportionality of each category, as well as the consistency of how Subban presents himself throughout the many phases of his brand. The researcher attempted to uncover any posting patterns present in Subban\u27s Instagram account as well as any kind of evolution within his human brand over the course of the time period studied. Ultimately, this discovery leads to a greater understanding of Subban\u27s self-marketing methods and tactical insights into online promotional strategies of one of hockey\u27s most marketable players. Because the data spanned a considerable period of time (5 years), the results will be able to determine evolutions (changes within the phases of his brand) or consistencies within Subban\u27s brand as his online presence evolved

    Pinto Bandeira no caminho da indicação geográfica de vinhos.

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    Le reti di spionaggio e sabotaggio nazifasciste nell\u2019Italia occupata dagli Alleati (1943-1945)

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    Questo lavoro si prefigge lo scopo di descrivere le reti di spionaggio e di sabotaggio, le missioni e gli agenti dei servizi segreti tedeschi e della RSI inviati nell\u2019Italia centro-meridionale, tra il 1943 e il 1945, con l\u2019obiettivo di contrastare l\u2019avanzata Alleata nella Penisola. I due servizi segreti tedeschi, l\u2019Abwehr e il Sicherheitsdienst, riorganizzati dopo l\u2019Armistizio, reclutarono agenti italiani (provenienti dalla Milizia o dalle neonate Brigate Nere ma anche dalla Decima Mas di Borghese) per operazioni di spionaggio e sabotaggio oltre le linee Alleate. Anche gli stessi fascisti, tramite il neonato SID ed altri gruppi come quello del Principe Pignatelli o l\u2019Ufficio Pucci-Del Massa, tentarono di pianificare reti spionistiche ma anche di porre le basi per la sopravvivenza del fascismo all\u2019indomani della fine della guerr

    Taxonomic study and population variation of scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccidae and Diaspididae) and associated parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) in an olive grove at Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    This study evaluated the population variation of Hemiberlesia lataniae (Signoret) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) and associated parasitoids in Olea europaea L. (Oleaceae) groves located in the municipality of Barra do Ribeiro (30°30′54.95″S; 51°30′20.84″W), Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Eight samples were collected during the four seasons from November 2015 until October 2017; four branches with approximately 20 leaves were taken from12 olive trees (four each from Arbequina, Arbosana and Koroneiki varieties). The collected material was placed inplastic bags and taken to the laboratory for further study. Scale insects were slide-mounted and were identifiedaccording to morphological characteristics of the adult female. Parts of two branches and 40 leaves of each variety infested with scale insects were sectioned and placed inside glass tubes, labeled, capped with cotton, kept in the laboratory at room temperature and examined daily to verify the emergence of parasitoids. Parasitoid specimens studied were critical point dried from ethanol and point-mounted. Some specimens were slide mounted in Canada balsam for more detailed study. In all samples, the presence of H. lataniae, as well as six associated parasitoid species, were identified. Metaphycus flavus (Howard) is recorded for the first time as a parasitoid of H. lataniae. Two other scale insects were also identified: Pseudaulacaspis pentagona (Targioni Tozzetti) (Diaspididae) and Saissetia coffeae (Walker) (Coccidae), but the population data of these did not permit statistical analysis. A key to identify the scale insect species recorded on olive trees in Brazil, based on adult females, is provided.Fil: Wolff, Vera. Secretaria Estadual de Agricultura, Pecuária e Irrigação; BrasilFil: Efron, Caio. Secretaria Estadual de Agricultura, Pecuária e Irrigação; BrasilFil: Aquino, Daniel Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores; ArgentinaFil: Tonietto, Adilson. Secretaria Estadual de Agricultura, Pecuária e Irrigação; Brasi

    The Hidden Costs of Scheduling: Temporal Structure Reduces Task Enjoyment and Contracts Time

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    Time is an important but limited resource, and consumers are constantly looking for ways to get more from their time. This has led to the popularity of scheduling as a strategy to help consumers manage and organize their time. Although scheduling is both highly recommended and widely adopted, surprisingly little is known about the psychological effects of scheduling. In this dissertation, I explore the potential effects of scheduling for task enjoyment, perceived time, and time consumption, finding that scheduling may have some important hidden costs. In the first chapter, I examine the effect of scheduling leisure activities. While prior research has demonstrated many benefits to scheduling in the work domain, the leisure domain has remained unexplored in the literature. I propose that scheduling uniquely undermines the benefits of leisure activities. In particular, I argue that by imposing temporal structure on otherwise free-flowing leisure activities, scheduling can lead leisure to feel more like work and reduce both the anticipation and consumption utility for the scheduled activity. In thirteen studies using unambiguous leisure activities that consumers commonly schedule (e.g., movies, a coffee break), I find that scheduling a leisure activity (vs. experiencing it impromptu) makes it feel less free-flowing and more work-like. Furthermore, scheduling diminishes utility from leisure activities, in terms of both excitement in anticipation of the activities and experienced enjoyment. Importantly, I find that maintaining the free-flowing nature of the activity by “roughly scheduling” (without pre-specified times) eliminates this effect, thus indicating that the effect is driven by a detriment from scheduling rather than by a boost from spontaneity. Finally, the effects of scheduling are unique to leisure and do not occur for work activities. Thus, by examining scheduling outside of the work domain, I am able to identify and demonstrate an important detriment to scheduling. Having examined the effect of scheduling on the individual scheduled tasks, in the second chapter, I next examine the effect of scheduling on the time surrounding scheduled tasks. That is, consumers often organize their time by scheduling some tasks while also leaving some time unaccounted. I examine whether the presence of scheduled tasks systematically influences the perception and ultimate consumption of intervals of unaccounted time. Across nine studies conducted in both the lab and field, I find that bounded intervals (i.e., that end in a scheduled task) feel prospectively shorter than equivalent-length intervals that are unbounded, leading consumers to use this time differently. I propose that this temporal contraction of bounded time is driven by attentional narrowing, whereby salient future tasks loom nearer, making the distance to these tasks feel shorter. In line with this, I find that only terminating (vs. initiating) boundary tasks that mark the interval endpoint contract time. Finally, in line with the notion that once time feels short it may also feel scarce and insufficient for completing tasks, I find that consumers become less willing to spend their time once it is bounded, forgoing in particular relatively extended (though feasible) and productive tasks in favor of shorter and more easily accomplished tasks. This chapter identifies unique outcomes of scheduling, finding that how consumers organize their tasks impacts not only the scheduled activities, but also consumers’ perceived time and decisions of how to consume their available time throughout the day. My results show that scheduling can inadvertently contract the perception and consumption of unaccounted time

    O clima de São Joaquim para a viticultura de vinhos finos: classificação pelo sistema CCM Geovitícola.

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    bitstream/item/37166/1/BRIGHENTI-TONIETTO-2004.pdfArtigo técnico online

    A multicriteria climatic classification system for grape-growing regions worldwide.

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    resumo Este estudo refere-se em primeiro lugar, a metodologia para descrever o clima de vinhedos, em uma escala de macroclimate regiões vitícolas em todo o mundo. Três índices climáticos vitícolas sintéticos e complementares (potencial balanço hídrico do solo ao longo do ciclo de crescimento, condições heliothermal sobre a crescente temperatura do ciclo e de noite durante a maturação), são utilizados, validados como descritores: (1) índice de secura (DI), que corresponde a o balanço hídrico potencial do solo do índice de Riou, aqui adaptado usando condições precisas para calculá-lo, como um indicador do nível de presença-ausência de secura; (2) índice de heliothermal (HI) que corresponde ao índice de heliothermal Huglin; (3) índice noite fresca (CI) um índice desenvolvido como um indicador das condições de temperatura durante a noite de maturação. Estes índices são representativos da variabilidade do clima vitícola em todo o mundo, relacionada com os requisitos de qualidade, variedades vindima (açúcar, cor, aroma) e typeness dos vinhos. A multicritério Sistema de Classificação Climática (Geovitícola MCC System) para as regiões produtoras de uvas em todo o mundo é formulada com base em classes para cada um dos três índices climáticos, com elementos para explicar os resultados. Três conceitos formulados fornecem a base do sistema: o clima vitícola, grupo climático e clima vitícola com a variabilidade intra-anual (para regiões quentes com mais de uma safra por ano, em condições climáticas naturais). A aplicação do Geovitícola multicritério Sistema de Classificação Climática é apresentado para 97 regiões vitícolas em 29 países. O sistema é uma ferramenta de pesquisa para a uva-crescimento e zoneamento vitivinícola. Ele também permite o trabalho em diferentes níveis da escala, em escala mundial ou maior - a região cultivo de uvas grandes, a região cultivo de uvas pequenas, como mostram os estudos realizados. Ele permite relacionar o clima vitícola para os elementos de qualidade da uva e do typeness dos vinhos considerando a zona climática. Abstract This study concerns firstly the methodology to describe the climate of vineyards, on a macroclimate scale of viticultural regions worldwide. Three synthetic and complementary viticultural climatic indices (potential water balance of the soil over the growing cycle, heliothermal conditions over the growing cycle and night temperature during maturation), validated as descriptors, are used: (1) dryness index (DI) which corresponds to the potential water balance of the soil of Riou?s index, here adapted using precise conditions to calculate it, as an indicator of the level of presence-absence of dryness; (2) heliothermal index (HI) which corresponds to Huglin?s heliothermal index; (3) cool night index (CI) an index developed as an indicator of night temperature conditions during maturation. These indices are representative of the variability of the viticultural climate worldwide, related to the requirements of varieties, vintage quality (sugar, colour, aroma), and typeness of the wines. A Multicriteria Climatic Classification System (Géoviticulture MCC System) for the grape-growing regions worldwide is formulated based on classes for each of the three climate indices, with elements to explain the results. Three formulated concepts provide the system base: viticultural climate, climatic group and viticultural climate with intra-annual variability (for warm regions with more than one harvest a year in natural climate conditions). The application of the Géoviticulture Multicriteria Climatic Classification System is presented for 97 grape-growing regions in 29 countries. The system is a research tool for grape-growing and wine-making zoning. It also enables work at different levels on the scale, on a world-wide scale or larger ? the large grape-growing region, the small grape-growing region, as shown by the studies performed. It allows relating the viticultural climate to the elements of grape quality and the typeness of the wines considering the climatic zone