6 research outputs found

    Trajetória e especificidades de processos de inovação em agrotecnologias: estudo de casos.

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    The debate surrounding the need to bring together research and society, through a greater application of scientific knowledge, is increasing. This article addresses the issue, connecting the macro and micro scopes of analysis around the concepts of institutional and immediate specificities of innovation processes. The path followed by scientific information until its application as technological innovation was analyzed. Two cases of agrotechnological innovations developed in the university were evaluated. The objective was to understand how these processes occurred, emphasizing specific and immediate institutional issues related to their trajectories. The work used the case study method based on a theoretical foundation that incorporates the socio-economic context and the innovation processes themselves. The results instigate deep political and pragmatic reflections on the importance of several features of the immediate and specific institutional requirements mentioned, such as technical and economic feasibility, cultural legitimization of the innovation by the market, and the researchers’ contribution in solving problems in the institutional environment.technology innovation, agrotechnology, technology transfer, academic entrepreneurship., Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance, Industrial Organization,


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    The article analyzes parliamentary amendments, political decisions by deputies and senators, as a source of financial resources for federal public universities in the five regions of Brazil. This study focuses on showing what the details of committed, settled and paid expenses of federal universities reveal about the direction of these resources to these institutions throughout the national territory. The approach adopted was the qualitative to analyze the governance of individual parliamentary amendments. The results point to the essentiality of good governance on the part of the Ministry of Education to ensure efficiency in the use of these resources indicated by deputies and senators. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that federal universities in the Southeast Region were the most benefited from these parliamentary amendment resources. This research reveals valuable and understandings about the governance of the Ministry of Education, presents representativeness data and shows in detail the distribution of resources arising from individual parliamentary amendments on Brazilian federal universities.Este artículo profundiza en el análisis de las enmiendas parlamentarias, estos en el sentido las decisiones políticas de diputados y senadores, como una fuente de recursos financieros para las universidades públicas federales en las diversas regiones de Brasil. Este estudio se centra en la objetivo de evidenciar cómo se han dirigido estos fondos hacia las instituciones educativas en todo el país, centrándose en los detalles de los gastos comprometidos, liquidados y pagados por las universidades brasileñas. Es un estudio cualitativo, se examina la gobernanza relacionada con cada enmienda parlamentaria individual, concluyendo que el Ministerio de Educación de Brasil debe asegurar una gobernanza sólida para garantizar la eficiencia en la asignación de estos recursos gestionados por los legisladores. De ese modo, se destaca que las universidades federales en la Región Sudeste del estado brasileño han sido los más beneficiados por los fondos de las enmiendas parlamentarias. Este estudio resalta la calidad de la gobernanza en el Ministerio de Educación, proporciona datos representativos y detalla la distribución de los recursos provenientes de las enmiendas parlamentarias en las universidades federales de las regiones brasileñas.O artigo analisa emendas parlamentares, decisões políticas de deputados e senadores, como fonte de recursos financeiros para as universidades públicas federais nas cinco regiões do Brasil. Este estudo se concentra em mostrar o que o detalhamento das despesas empenhadas, liquidadas e pagas das universidades federais revelam sobre o direcionamento desses recursos para essas instituições em todo o território nacional. A abordagem adotada foi a qualitativa para analisar a governança das emendas parlamentares individuais. Os resultados apontam para a essencialidade de uma boa governança por parte do Ministério da Educação para assegurar a eficiência na utilização desses recursos direcionados pelos parlamentares. Além disso, destaca-se que as universidades federais da Região Sudeste foram as mais beneficiadas com essas verbas impositivas. Esta pesquisa desvela percepções e compreensões valiosas sobre a governança do Ministério da Educação, apresenta dados de representatividade e mostra detalhadamente a distribuição dos recursos provenientes de emendas individuais impositivas às universidades federais brasileiras


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    Uma pesquisa recente sobre política industrial mostrou que nos últimos cinco anos, pelos menos 84 países – tanto desenvolvidos quanto em desenvolvimento, adotaram estratégias formais de desenvolvimento industrial, sugerindo que as políticas industriais se tornaram presentes na conjuntura econômica mundial atual (UNCTAD, 2018). O objetivo deste artigo consiste na revisão bibliométrica dos estudos que contemplam esta temática, fazendo as devidas conexões com os principais autores ligados a esta linha de pesquisa, bem como redes de coautoria e colaboração, redes de colaboração entre países. Como método de pesquisa apresenta-se uma análise bibliométrica com a finalidade de identificar uma amostra da produção científica sobre o tema em questão. Os resultados encontrados demonstram que a rede de autores e coautores encontrada está de acordo com o referencial teórico apresentado, bem como as formulações teóricas principais. Um ponto a se destacar é que mesmo em se tratando de pesquisas cujo campo de aplicação se dá em países em desenvolvimento, a rede de autores e países (com exceção da China) ainda se concentra nos países ricos

    Public Innovation in Post-Transition Countries: Experiences from Brazil and Romania

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    We compare two cases of innovation in public services in Brazil and Romania, aiming to illustrate the connection between innovation, modernization, and path-dependence. One case is the Brazilian Pathway School Program, and the second is the Romanian School Bus Pro­gram. Both countries experienced periods of transition, which we considered fruitful for his­torical analysis. We based our investigation on two comparative case studies, using secondary data and employing document analysis and pre­vious researches’ reports. While Brazilian Path­way School Program proved to be a successful story of designing a centralized policy, Romania walked in the opposite direction, from a central­ized state, under the communist rule, to a polity where innovation occurs at the intersection be­tween local community and central government. In Romania, it would be difficult to perceive the contingencies of local engagement in a country where civil liberty was suspended for 42 years. In Brazil, the inquiry was connected to the atypical federation, where the subnational states devel­oped an extraordinary economic and budgetary dependence on the Union.</p

    Trajetória e especificidades de processos de inovação em agrotecnologias: estudo de casos.

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    The debate surrounding the need to bring together research and society, through a greater application of scientific knowledge, is increasing. This article addresses the issue, connecting the macro and micro scopes of analysis around the concepts of institutional and immediate specificities of innovation processes. The path followed by scientific information until its application as technological innovation was analyzed. Two cases of agrotechnological innovations developed in the university were evaluated. The objective was to understand how these processes occurred, emphasizing specific and immediate institutional issues related to their trajectories. The work used the case study method based on a theoretical foundation that incorporates the socio-economic context and the innovation processes themselves. The results instigate deep political and pragmatic reflections on the importance of several features of the immediate and specific institutional requirements mentioned, such as technical and economic feasibility, cultural legitimization of the innovation by the market, and the researchers’ contribution in solving problems in the institutional environment

    First narrow-band search for continuous gravitational waves from known pulsars in advanced detector data

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    International audienceSpinning neutron stars asymmetric with respect to their rotation axis are potential sources of continuous gravitational waves for ground-based interferometric detectors. In the case of known pulsars a fully coherent search, based on matched filtering, which uses the position and rotational parameters obtained from electromagnetic observations, can be carried out. Matched filtering maximizes the signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio, but a large sensitivity loss is expected in case of even a very small mismatch between the assumed and the true signal parameters. For this reason, narrow-band analysis methods have been developed, allowing a fully coherent search for gravitational waves from known pulsars over a fraction of a hertz and several spin-down values. In this paper we describe a narrow-band search of 11 pulsars using data from Advanced LIGO’s first observing run. Although we have found several initial outliers, further studies show no significant evidence for the presence of a gravitational wave signal. Finally, we have placed upper limits on the signal strain amplitude lower than the spin-down limit for 5 of the 11 targets over the bands searched; in the case of J1813-1749 the spin-down limit has been beaten for the first time. For an additional 3 targets, the median upper limit across the search bands is below the spin-down limit. This is the most sensitive narrow-band search for continuous gravitational waves carried out so far