10 research outputs found

    ‘Like Sheep’? Disobedience Among Soviet Tourists Travelling Abroad

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    Die EinfĂŒhrung des von der UdSSR ausgehenden Auslandstourismus im Zuge der Chruơčevschen Tauwetterpolitik bescherte den sowjetischen AutoritĂ€ten eine Reihe schwieriger Fragen: Wie ließen sich BĂŒrger finden, die die Sowjetunion im Ausland wĂŒrdig vertreten wĂŒrden, wie konnten die Touristen wĂ€hrend der Reise unter Kontrolle gehalten werden, und wie konnten Auslandsreisen propagandistisch genutzt werden? Vor dem Hintergrund dieser Fragen betrieben die staatlichen sowjetischen Tourismusorganisationen einen betrĂ€chtlichen Aufwand, um Auslandsreisen zu einem kontrollierbaren Element der Kulturdiplomatie zu formen. Der vorliegende Artikel befasst sich in diesem Kontext mit Momenten, in denen die Kontrollmechanismen zeitweilig nicht mehr griffen, etwa wenn Touristen aus den erwarteten Verhaltensmustern ausbrachen oder MĂ€ngel in der Reiseorganisation den reibungslosen Ablauf der Auslandsfahrten störten. Derartige VorfĂ€lle waren mehr als nur UnregelmĂ€ĂŸigkeiten in einer ansonsten geölten Inszenierungsmaschinerie – sie verwiesen auf strukturelle Probleme des Auslandstourismus, eines wichtigen Elementes der Außendarstellung in Zeiten des Kalten Krieges

    Die gespaltene Erinnerung Traudl Junges: eine Analyse der autobiographischen ErzÀhlungen Traudl Junges und deren medialer Inszenierung

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    Der Beitrag interpretiert die autobiographischen ErzĂ€hlungen von Hitlers ehemaliger SekretĂ€rin. Traudl Junge (1920-2002) war keineswegs ein Opfer der Geschichte, aber der Preis fĂŒr ihre gelungene Integration in die Nachkriegsgesellschaft der Bundesrepublik war die Tabuisierung eines Teils ihrer Erinnerungen, die spĂ€testens seit den 1960er Jahren problematisch wurden. Junge konnte eine wohlgeformte Geschichte ihrer selbst erzĂ€hlen, die aber in ihrer Gegenwartsgesellschaft nicht ohne weiteres kommunizierbar war. Sie konnte sich nachtrĂ€glich ĂŒber die historische Rolle Hitlers informieren, aber diese 'dĂ€monisierte Figur' war nur schwer in eine eigene, kohĂ€rente biographische ErzĂ€hlung integrieren. Sie bemĂŒhte sich, ihrem Weltwissen als 'Augenzeugin' entsprechende, gesellschaftlich akzeptierte Geschichten zu erzĂ€hlen, produzierte jedoch vielfach banale ErzĂ€hlungen (Hitler als Hundeliebhaber) mit problematischem Gehalt. Alle Ungereimtheiten resultierten letztendlich aus dem BedĂŒrfnis, in der bundesrepublikanischen Gesellschaft akzeptiert zu werden, ohne ihre Vergangenheit zu verleugnen. (ICA2

    Multi-Parametric Analysis and Modeling of Relationships between Mitochondrial Morphology and Apoptosis

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    Mitochondria exist as a network of interconnected organelles undergoing constant fission and fusion. Current approaches to study mitochondrial morphology are limited by low data sampling coupled with manual identification and classification of complex morphological phenotypes. Here we propose an integrated mechanistic and data-driven modeling approach to analyze heterogeneous, quantified datasets and infer relations between mitochondrial morphology and apoptotic events. We initially performed high-content, multi-parametric measurements of mitochondrial morphological, apoptotic, and energetic states by high-resolution imaging of human breast carcinoma MCF-7 cells. Subsequently, decision tree-based analysis was used to automatically classify networked, fragmented, and swollen mitochondrial subpopulations, at the single-cell level and within cell populations. Our results revealed subtle but significant differences in morphology class distributions in response to various apoptotic stimuli. Furthermore, key mitochondrial functional parameters including mitochondrial membrane potential and Bax activation, were measured under matched conditions. Data-driven fuzzy logic modeling was used to explore the non-linear relationships between mitochondrial morphology and apoptotic signaling, combining morphological and functional data as a single model. Modeling results are in accordance with previous studies, where Bax regulates mitochondrial fragmentation, and mitochondrial morphology influences mitochondrial membrane potential. In summary, we established and validated a platform for mitochondrial morphological and functional analysis that can be readily extended with additional datasets. We further discuss the benefits of a flexible systematic approach for elucidating specific and general relationships between mitochondrial morphology and apoptosis

    Political travel across the ‘Iron Curtain’ and Communist youth identities in West Germany and Greece in the 1970s and 1980s

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    This article explores tours through the Iron Curtain arranged by West German and Greek pro-Soviet Communist youth groups, in an attempt to shed light on the transformation of European youth cultures beyond the ‘Americanisation’ story. It argues that the concept of the ‘black box’, employed by Rob Kroes to describe the influence of American cultural patterns on Western European youth, also applies to the reception of Eastern Bloc policies and norms by the Communists under study. Such selective reception was part of these groups’ efforts to devise a modernity alternative to the ‘capitalist’ one, an alternative modernity which tours across the Iron Curtain would help establish. Nevertheless, the organisers did not wish such travel to help eliminate American/Western influences on youth lifestyles entirely: the article analyses the excursions’ aims with regard to two core components of youth lifestyles in Western Europe since the 1960s, which have been affected by intra-Western flows, the spirit of ‘doing one’s own thing’ and transformations of sexual practices. The article also addresses the experience of the travellers in question, showing that they felt an unresolved tension: the tours neither served as a means of Sovietisation nor as an impulse to develop an openly anti-Soviet stance.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Why the hyphen? Individual and collective memories of Italianness in the United States at the intersection of class and generation

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    This three-generation oral history study offers insight into why descendants of Italian migrants to the United States still choose hyphenated identities today. The research project shows how the meaning of Italianness shifts among the interviewees depending on class affiliation: among the middle-class offspring the use of the hyphen can be understood mainly as a reaction to the experienced pressure to give in to Anglo conformity. Among the blue-collar, urban progeny, Italianness expresses itself as a combination of an experienced ethnic environment on the one hand and a symbolic ethnicity on the other