43 research outputs found

    In Vivo Function and Evolution of the Eutherian-Specific Pluripotency Marker UTF1

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    Embryogenesis in placental mammals is sustained by exquisite interplay between the embryo proper and placenta. UTF1 is a developmentally regulated gene expressed in both cell lineages. Here, we analyzed the consequence of loss of the UTF1 gene during mouse development. We found that homozygous UTF1 mutant newborn mice were significantly smaller than wild-type or heterozygous mutant mice, suggesting that placental insufficiency caused by the loss of UTF1 expression in extra-embryonic ectodermal cells at least in part contributed to this phenotype. We also found that the effects of loss of UTF1 expression in embryonic stem cells on their pluripotency were very subtle. Genome structure and sequence comparisons revealed that the UTF1 gene exists only in placental mammals. Our analyses of a family of genes with homology to UTF1 revealed a possible mechanism by which placental mammals have evolved the UTF1 genes.This study was supported in part by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), and mostly by the Support Program for the Strategic Research Foundation at Private Universities, 2008–2012. This study was performed as a part of the Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST) Agency. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    In vivo partial cellular reprogramming enhances liver plasticity and regeneration.

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    Mammals have limited regenerative capacity, whereas some vertebrates, like fish and salamanders, are able to regenerate their organs efficiently. The regeneration in these species depends on cell dedifferentiation followed by proliferation. We generate a mouse model that enables the inducible expression of the four Yamanaka factors (Oct-3/4, Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc, or 4F) specifically in hepatocytes. Transient in vivo 4F expression induces partial reprogramming of adult hepatocytes to a progenitor state and concomitantly increases cell proliferation. This is indicated by reduced expression of differentiated hepatic-lineage markers, an increase in markers of proliferation and chromatin modifiers, global changes in DNA accessibility, and an acquisition of liver stem and progenitor cell markers. Functionally, short-term expression of 4F enhances liver regenerative capacity through topoisomerase2-mediated partial reprogramming. Our results reveal that liver-specific 4F expression in vivo induces cellular plasticity and counteracts liver failure, suggesting that partial reprogramming may represent an avenue for enhancing tissue regeneration

    Mutations in foregut SOX2+ cells induce efficient proliferation via CXCR2 pathway

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    Identification of the precise molecular pathways involved in oncogene-induced transformation may help us gain a better understanding of tumor initiation and promotion. Here, we demonstrate that SOX2+ foregut epithelial cells are prone to oncogenic transformation upon mutagenic insults, such as KrasG12D and p53 deletion. GFP-based lineage-tracing experiments indicate that SOX2+ cells are the cells-of-origin of esophagus and stomach hyperplasia. Our observations indicate distinct roles for oncogenic KRAS mutation and P53 deletion. p53 homozygous deletion is required for the acquisition of an invasive potential, and KrasG12D expression, but not p53 deletion, suffices for tumor formation. Global gene expression analysis reveals secreting factors upregulated in the hyperplasia induced by oncogenic KRAS and highlights a crucial role for the CXCR2 pathway in driving hyperplasia. Collectively, the array of genetic models presented here demonstrate that stratified epithelial cells are susceptible to oncogenic insults, which may lead to a better understanding of tumor initiation and aid in the design of new cancer therapeutics

    In vivo amelioration of age-associated hallmarks by partial reprogramming

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    Aging is the major risk factor for many human diseases. In vitro studies have demonstrated that cellular reprogramming to pluripotency reverses cellular age, but alteration of the aging process through reprogramming has not been directly demonstrated in vivo. Here, we report that partial reprogramming by short-term cyclic expression of Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc (OSKM) ameliorates cellular and physiological hallmarks of aging and prolongs lifespan in a mouse model of premature aging. Similarly, expression of OSKM in vivo improves recovery from metabolic disease and muscle injury in older wild-type mice. The amelioration of age-associated phenotypes by epigenetic remodeling during cellular reprogramming highlights the role of epigenetic dysregulation as a driver of mammalian aging. Establishing in vivo platforms to modulate age-associated epigenetic marks may provide further insights into the biology of aging

    Reprogramming of human fibroblasts to pluripotency with lineage specifiers

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    International audienceSince the initial discovery that OCT4, SOX2, KLF4, and c-MYC overexpression sufficed for the induction of pluripotency in somatic cells, methodologies replacing the original factors have enhanced our understanding of the reprogramming process. However, unlike in mouse, OCT4 has not been replaced successfully during reprogramming of human cells. Here we report on a strategy to accomplish this replacement. Through a combination of transcriptome and bioinformatic analysis we have identified factors previously characterized as being lineage specifiers that are able to replace OCT4 and SOX2 in the reprogramming of human fibroblasts. Our results show that it is possible to replace OCT4 and SOX2 simultaneously with alternative lineage specifiers in the reprogramming of human cells. At a broader level, they also support a model in which counteracting lineage specification networks underlies the induction of pluripotency

    Establishment of human iPSC-based models for the study and targeting of glioma initiating cells

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    International audienceGlioma tumour-initiating cells (GTICs) can originate upon the ă transformation of neural progenitor cells (NPCs). Studies on GTICs have ă focused on primary tumours from which GTICs could be isolated and the ă use of human embryonic material. Recently, the somatic genomic landscape ă of human gliomas has been reported. RTK (receptor tyrosine kinase) and ă p53 signalling were found dysregulated in similar to 90% and 86% of ă all primary tumours analysed, respectively. Here we report on the use of ă human-induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) for modelling ă gliomagenesis. Dysregulation of RTK and p53 signalling in hiPSC-derived ă NPCs (iNPCs) recapitulates GTIC properties in vitro. In vivo ă transplantation of transformed iNPCs leads to highly aggressive tumours ă containing undifferentiated stem cells and their differentiated ă derivatives. Metabolic modulation compromises GTIC viability. Last, ă screening of 101 anti-cancer compounds identifies three molecules ă specifically targeting transformed iNPCs and primary GTICs. Together, ă our results highlight the potential of hiPSCs for studying human ă tumourigenesis