42 research outputs found

    Application of Learning Sciences Animalia Class-Based Android

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    Animal biology learning application for Android is an application that displays a variety of information about the Animalia that exists in animal kingdom. It is made for Android because at the time this research was made, Android is growing rapidly. This application is made in order to display the material about animal Animalia Class, and there are exercises to test the users knowledge. Currently, because many students are using Android, this application can help students to learn animal without having to carry the book. This application is also equipped with the function for downloading materials, images, and video. It is intended to help the user in the learning process. This application can also run on Android with various sizes up to phablet and tablets

    Sistem Rekomendasi Hybrid untuk Pemesanan Hidangan Berdasarkan Karakteristik dan Rating Hidangan

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    The method that was often applied in recommender systems was content-based filtering or collaborative filtering which had several drawbacks if applied singly so that its accuracy was not too high. This study intended to solve the drawbacks of both by combining these two methods into a hybrid method. Apriori algorithm was used to provided recommendations based on dishes’s category and price range in customer order history or wishlist. The similarity between dishes was calculated using adjusted-cosine similarity algorithm while customer’s rating for dishes prediction was calculated using weighted sum algorithm. The values generated by these two methods were then averaged for recommendation process. The proposed hybrid recommender system successfully combines content-based with collaborative filtering methods where its precision and recall values when measured by confusion matrix are 80.73% and 76.52%. By considering the characteristics of dishes that have been ordered by customer, the recommender system is able to recommend new dishes or dishes that have not been ordered as long as their characteristics are similar to the dishes the customer has ordered

    Optimalisasi Koneksi Local Area Network (LAN) Menggunakan Metode Fasttrack Pada Routerboard Mikrotik

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    Internet network connection is very important to support the performance of an organization. Latency on the network can make the throughput on the network smaller, this can disrupt business processes that require the internet in an organization. To improve internet performance, we need a method that can reduce latency and increase throughput, one of which is fasttrack. Fasttrack is an option available on router devices from Mikrotik which can be used to speed up internet connections on a local network by doing several bypasses on running connections. In this case, the researcher tested the effectiveness of using a fasttrack connection on a RB951Ui-2ND type mikrotik routerboard as the main device in optimizing internet network connections, by making several settings to speed up internet connections. A model is needed for network system development to direct network development, here researchers use a model, namely PPDIOO whose contents are: Preparation, Planning, Design, Implementation, Operations, and Optimization. Supporting tools are also needed to help develop the system, namely the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The test results show that using Mikrotik fasttrack can reduce latency so that internet connection performance increases by up to 59% compared to using standard configurations. In addition, using a fasttrack connection can also reduce CPU resource usage on the used mikrotik routerboard


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    The verification system of tuition and thesis payment at ISB Atma Luhur which is running is felt to be less effective and efficient because students must come directly to campus with proof of payment during working hours to verify the payment. Also, there is the possibility of negligence by the finance department that only stamped the payment slip without doing a flag, consequently, related students were unable to carry out the selection of lecture groups and thesis supervisors when the schedule began. This caused them to not get the favorite lecture groups and thesis supervisors because the quota had run out. To overcome this problem, an information system for verification of tuition payment and web-based thesis verification will be developed with an adaptive layout design so that it can be accessed by laptop or smartphone users without reducing comfort during operation. The system development model and tool used in this research are the waterfall model and the Unified Modeling Language (UML), respectively. The developed system can be used by students to upload proof of payment and monitor the verification status of proof of payment that was previously uploaded. The system can also be used by the finance department to verify payments, as well as display and print payment verification reports. The developed system can be accessed anywhere and anytime so that the efficiency and effectiveness of the verification process are increased

    Implementasi Keamanan Akses Terhadap Website Menggunakan Wireguard VPN Di Routerboard Mikrotik

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    The need for the availability of information is currently very high, especially in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, all organizational activities are carried out online. Human dependence on the role of information technology is increasing and this has consequences for long distance communication between devices, which requires users to be authenticated for access rights granted by the system. The problem that arises is the security of data travel during the authentication process, where there is the possibility of leaking account information. This is because communication is done on a public network while accessing resources that require privacy. Therefore we need a network connection that is safe and efficient. Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a network communication technology that allows you to connect to public networks safely and quickly. The VPN used in the solution to this problem is Wireguard. Wireguard is a VPN protocol built with advanced cryptography and makes it extremely fast and secure. The method used by the author in developing this system is PPDIOO which consists of, Prepare, Plan, Design, Implement, Operate, and Optimize. And also some supporting tools for the development of the system Unified Modeling Language. By using Wireguard VPN, the expected result is the security of the data sent to be more secure and can connect two remote networks privately using the public internet.Keywords : VPN, Wireguard, Mikroti


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    ABSTRAKSI Setiawan, Tommy Wicahyo. 2023. “Tidak Tercapainya Suhu Pada Ruangan Penyimpanan Bahan Makanan di MV. Pan Flower”. Skripsi. Program Diploma IV, Program Studi Teknika, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Pembimbing I: Andy Wahyu Hermanto, MT., Pembimbing II: Pritha Kurniasih, M.Sc. Mesin refrigerator di atas kapal mempunyai peran penting dalam proses penyimpanan bahan makanan agar tetap awet. Keberadaan bahan makanan yang segar dan kenyamanan kru kapal sangat penting dalam pelayaran yang jauh. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk memeriksa kondisi komponenkomponen di dalam mesin refrigerator. Dengan demikian, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor, dampak, dan upaya yang perlu diambil ketika terjadi kenaikan pada ruangan penyimpanan bahan makanan di atas kapal. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif, dengan metode analisis SHEL. Sumber data dari penelitian ini berasal dari hasil observasi, studi pustaka, dan wawancara selama peneliti melaksanakan praktek laut dari 10 Juni 2021 – 11 Juni 2022 di kapal MV. PAN Flower. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa faktor penyebab kenaikan suhu di dalam ruangan penyimpanan bahan makanan, antara lain ketidakpatuhan dalam menjalankan Plan Maintenance System, terjadi kerusakan pada komponen expansion valve, siklus refrigerant terontaminasi debu, kondensor terlalu banyak kotoran, dan kurangnya komunikasi antar kru. Dampak dari kerusakan tersebut adalah terganggunya kinerja refrigerator, tidak maksimalnya kinerja evaporator, mengalami kenaikan suhu, kinerja kondensor tidak optimal, dan terjadinya overtime untuk menangani masalah tersebut. Upaya guna mencegah kerusakan tersebut disarankan untuk melakukan perawatan sesuai Plan Maintenance System, melakukan penyemprotan terhadap sisi evaporator, membersihkan kondensor, melaksanakan pengecekan filter dryer, dan selalu melaksanakan tool box meeting. Dengan demikian, pengoperasian mesin pendingin dapat dilakukan dengan benar dan mengurangi risiko kejadian yang berpotensi membahayakan kapal dan kru

    Analisis Pengaruh Supply Chain Management terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen

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    In this day and age, competition in the competitive business world, every company should be able to see far ahead a wide range of factors that arise to deal with changing conditions. They must analyze whether the factors facing it is an opportunity and a chance or otherwise a threat to the company. Supply chain management in order to overcome supply problems in the state of the product available and feasible consumption. Supply control is important to control the supply of the deficiency and excess production, supply, or demand. Shortage of these products will lead to complaints from consumers and companies will lose a number of opportunities to generate income. Meanwhile, the brand image of the item will be bad. As a result, consumers are becoming less loyal to consume goods, and even more negative impact consumer inadvertently talks by word of mouth (mouth to mouth) to other consumers not to purchase it at retail. While the excess inventory will result in losses for producers. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a significant influence of supply chain management to customer loyalty on Supermarket "DB" at Duta Mas. By taking a sample of 60 respondents, but only 57 are completed and after processing, the results obtained have a significant influence of supply chain management to customer loyalty on Supermarket "DB" at Duta Mas.Keywords: Supply Chain Management, Loyalitas, Regresi Linier Sederhan


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    Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Binamarga merupakan institusi yang bertanggung jawab untuk sistem jaringan jalan provinsi di wilayah Sumatera Selatan. Jalan provinsi adalah jalan kolektor dalam sistem jaringan primer yang menghubungkan ibukota kabupaten/kota atau antar ibukota kabupaten/kota dan jalan strategis provinsi.Saat ini Dinas pekerjaan umum Binamarga masih kesulitan dalam penyajian informasi data spasial, kesulitan dalam pemeliharaan data jalan dan kondisi jalan, serta kesulitan dalam memperoleh informasi mengenai jaringan jalan. Karena itu sistem yang akan dibuat adalah sistem informasi geografis berbasis web. Metodologi yang akan digunakan adalah metodologi waterfall yang terdiri dari tahap analisis, desain, pengkodean, pengujian. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan berdasarkan observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka. Hasil rancangan sistem informasi geografis diharapkan dapat membantu Dinas Pekerjaan Umum dalam memberikan informasi jaringan jalan berbasis web dan membantu pemeliharaan data jalan dan kondisi jalan provinsi di wilayah Sumatera Selata

    Pembuatan Aplikasi Pembelajaran Biologi Animalia Untuk SMA Kelas X Berbasis Android

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    Animal biology learning application for Android is an application that displays a variety of information about the phyla that exists in animal kingdom. It is made for Android because at the time this thesis was made, Android is growing rapidly. This application is made in order to display the material about animal, and there are exercises to test the user's knowledge. Currently, because many students are using Android, this application can help students to learn animal without having to carry the book.This application is also equipped with the function for downloading materials, images, and video. It is intended to help the user in the learning process. This application can also run on Android with various sizes up to phablet and tablets.Once completed, the application can display the desired material properly and it's features can be ran properly. Minimum operating system is KitKat, also internet connection needed is stable connection. Application design is user-friendly


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    Modernization causes the examination process in some educational institutions that are usually done conventionally now start to change to CBT (Computer Based Test). At STMIK Atma Luhur, CBT in the form of a coding test carried out on a computer laboratory was felt to be not effective enough due to a short correction time, as well as the possibility of lossing the students work due to sudden power failure. Collection of jobs using an LAN (Local Area Network) intranet network can not be realized due to the difficult network configuration and requires not a small cost. One solution that can be offered in overcoming the above problem is to create a web-based exam application that is connected to a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) intranet network. The system development model and tools used in this study are prototype models and UML (Unified Modeling Language). The proposed application is effective in facilitating and accelerating the process of collecting student answer files from several client computers to a server computer. In addition, the usage of the proposed application allows the lecturer not to correct students' answers in a hurry, so that the scores that are truly objective and can be accounted for are obtained