346 research outputs found

    Upper lip swelling caused by a large dentigerous cyst

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    Swelling of the upper lip can result from various diseases such as salivary tumors, infectious and inflammatory diseases and cysts. Among the latter, dentigerous cysts, typically involving unerupted teeth, are sometimes associated with supernumerary teeth in the maxillary anterior incisors region called the mesiodens. We report an unusual case of a large dentigerous cyst associated with an impacted mesiodens in a 42-year-old male who presented with a slow-growing swelling in the upper li

    Removal of unusual, large high-velocity metallic maxillary sinus foreign bodies by a modified free bone flap technique

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    Metallic foreign bodies are rarely found in the maxillary sinus, and usually they have a dental origin. Potential complications related to foreign bodies include recurrent sinusitis, rhinolith formation, cutaneous fistula, chemical poisoning, facial neuralgic pain and even malignancies. Two main surgical approaches are currently used for the removal of foreign bodies in the maxillary sinus: the bone flap and the endoscopic sinus techniques. We are reporting two unusual cases of large high-velocity foreign bodies removed by a modified maxillary lateral antrotomy, with free bone flap repositioning and fixation with a titanium miniplat

    Chapter Per una lettura dell’Epistola XIII di Giovanni Boccaccio

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    The contribution proposes an analysis of some stylistic, thematic and intertextual aspects of Giovanni Boccaccio’s letter to Francesco Nelli (1363). In particular, through the highlighting of some significant points of contact of the epistle (Epistola XIII) with the enigmatic and probably coeval work of Corbaccio, it tries to open a perspective on a particularly problematic period of Boccaccio’s production from the point of view of a text which has been still little explored by the studies

    Modellazione Simulink di un impianto fotovoltaico con produzione di Green Hydrogen gassoso

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    Il problema delle emissioni di CO2 e la ricerca di sistemi che garantiscano l’indipendenza energetica attraverso lo sfruttamento di fonti rinnovabili ed ecosostenibili è all’ordine del giorno. Ruolo chiave nell’affrontare questo tema delicato è la consapevolezza sociale e culturale. Tuttavia, ci sono organizzazioni o imprese, quali l’Università di Bologna, che si stanno prodigando verso la causa. Obiettivo della tesi è completare lo studio di fattibilità di un impianto fotovoltaico installabile sulle strutture che compongono il Campus Universitario di Forlì. La caratteristica principale è la collaborazione di un classico impianto che sfrutta l’energia solare con un ramo che si occupi dell’immagazzinamento dell’energia prodotta in idrogeno. A tal fine, è stato implementato un modello attraverso il software Simulink, ricreando i comportamenti dei singoli componenti che costituiscono l’impianto e le condizioni verosimili in cui l’impianto stesso si troverebbe ad operare. I risultati mostrano la correttezza della via intrapresa, la fattibilità dell’impianto in condizioni ideali e alcuni limiti che si palesano introducendo circostanze verosimili, frutto delle tecnologie ancora non perfettamente adeguate. L'elaborato propone alcune soluzioni, che hanno lo scopo di ovviare ai problemi che compaiono in termini di produzione insufficiente

    Neurolytic effects of ampicillin on the rat infraorbital nerve

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to investigate the histomorphological changes of the infraorbital nerve of rats treated with ampicillin. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The infraorbital nerve was approached through the infraorbital foramen, and 0.01 ml of ampicillin dissolved in distilled water was injected taking care not to damage the nerve. Saline solution was used in control animals. Nerves were dissected and after routine histology processing analysed by light microscopy. RESULTS: Cross-section of the nerve treated with ampicillin showed damaged axons with disintegration of heavily myelinated fibres, while thinly myelinated fibres remain unaffected. In the saline group, no damage was observed. The signs of regeneration of the damaged infraorbital nerves were detected on the fourth postoperative week. CONCLUSION: Ampicillin can cause peripheral nerve damage when injected perineurally. J Oral Pathol Med (2012) 41: 268-27

    Early impairment of endothelial structure and function in young normal-weight women with polycystic ovary syndrome

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of early vascular damage in young normal-weight women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).Thirty young normal-weight women with PCOS, who had no additional metabolic or cardiovascular diseases, and 30 healthy women (controls) matched for age and body mass index were studied. A complete hormonal assay was performed in each subject. Serum insulin and glucose levels were measured at baseline and after the oral glucose tolerance test. Plasma endothelin-1 levels and serum lipid profile were also assessed. The endothelial function was studied by flow-mediated dilation on the brachial artery, and arterial structure was evaluated by intima-media thickness measurement using Doppler ultrasound of both common carotid arteries.A significant (P < 0.05) difference in flow-mediated dilation (14.3 +/- 1.9% vs. 18.1 +/- 2.0% for PCOS patients and controls, respectively) and in intima-media thickness (0.53 +/- 0.09 mm vs. 0.39 +/- 0.08 mm for PCOS patients and controls, respectively) was found between PCOS and control subjects. Serum endothelin-1 levels were also significantly (P < 0.05) higher in PCOS patients compared with controls (1.1 +/- 0.4 pmol/liter vs. 0.5 +/- 0.2 pmol/liter for PCOS patients and controls, respectively).In conclusion, our data show that young, normal-weight, nondyslipidemic, nonhypertensive women with PCOS have an early impairment of endothelial structure and function

    Evaluation of gas production in a industrial anaerobic digester by means of biochemical methane potential of organic municipal solid waste components

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    The Biochemical Methane Potential (BMP) of several components of the Organic Fraction of the Municipal Solid Waste (OFMSW) were tested in order to assess the possibility to obtain a good estimate of the biogas production of a real scale anaerobic digestion plant. In particular, five different fractions and a mixed food waste sample were tested with batch anaerobic digesters at 37°C and both the BMP after 21 days (BMP21) and final BMP (BMPf) were measured. Regarding the mixed food waste substrate it was found an average BMP21 of about 405 NL/kgVS and a BMPf of 484 NL/kgVS with an average methane content of 57%. From the experimental results, some industrial potential biogas production were defined to compare them with data from real anaerobic digestion plants. In particular two different plants were considered: one located in a rural area that treats the source selected OFMSW from a public collection point, another located in a city area with a curbside collection system. Furthermore, studying the BMP of the pre-treatment reject of these plants, it was possible to study the pre-treatment efficiency and the difference performance of the two real plants

    Rapid shedding of proinflammatory microparticles by human mononuclear cells exposed to cigarette smoke is dependent on Ca(2+) mobilization.

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    Microparticles are membrane vesicles shed by cells upon activation and apoptosis. Agonists capable of inducing microparticle generation include cytokines, bacterial products, P-selectin, histamine. Cigarette smoke extract has also been recognized as an agonist involved in microparticle generation with an apoptosis-dependent mechanism. We investigated the possibility that cigarette smoke extract induces the rapid generation of proinflammatory microparticles by human mononuclear cells with a calcium-dependent mechanism.Human mononuclear cells were exposed to cigarette smoke extract. [Ca(2+)]i mobilization was assessed with the fluorescent probe Fluo-4 NW. Microparticles were quantified with a prothrombinase assay and by flow cytometry. Normal human bronchial epithelial cells and A549 alveolar cells were incubated with cigarette smoke extract-induced microparticles and the generation of ICAM-1, IL-8, and MCP-1 was assessed by ELISA.Exposure to cigarette smoke extract induced a rapid increase in [Ca(2+)]i mobilization. Microparticle generation was also increased. EGTA, verapamil and the calmodulin inhibitor, W-7, inhibited microparticle generation. Incubation of lung epithelial cells with cigarette smoke extract-induced microparticles increased the expression of proinflammatory mediators.Exposure of mononuclear cells to cigarette smoke extract causes a rapid shedding of microparticles with a proinflammatory potential that might add to the mechanisms of disease from tobacco use
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