7 research outputs found

    Curiosity as Brazilian tourist motivation in visiting Europe

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    Although the theme of push and pull motivations has received increasing attention in tourist behavior literature, little attention has been devoted to the investigation of the interaction between single push motivations and visitor loyalty and other relevant variables influencing tourist behavior. Given its undoubtable relevance in motivating human behavior, we propose curiosity as a single push motive by examining its causal relationships with destination attributes (evaluated in holistic way), attitude toward destination, and loyalty. In particular, we tested a new research model on a sample of 273 potential Brazilian travelers to Europe by using a structural equation modeling approach. Sample size is in line with the state-of-the-art in literature (Ciasullo et al., 2017). The data moderately well fitted the "curiosity model" and the findings highlighted that curiosity plays a crucial role in shaping attitude and pull motivation, and in influencing tourist loyalty. Consequently, destination managers or European Union institutions should magnify the role of curiosity, attitude towards destination, and pull motivations in terms of marketing policies

    Efeitos das denúncias sobre crimes corporativos no valor das empresas / Effects of denouncements on corporate crimes on the value of companies

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    A presente pesquisa procura contribuir com a discussão sobre crimes corporativos no Brasil. O objetivo do estudo foi verificar se as denúncias de crimes corporativos publicadas no Jornal Valor Econômico influenciaram o valor de mercado das companhias abertas brasileiras no período de 2010 até 2019. O método escolhido foi o estudo de evento com as 100 maiores empresas listadas na B3 que tiveram denúncias publicadas no jornal online. Os resultados apontam que o mercado opera de maneira ineficiente, visto que a maioria dos eventos não influenciaram no retorno anormal e acumulado das ações. A possibilidade da empresa estar, ou não, cometendo alguma ilegalidade, dependendo do caso, não afeta a decisão de investimento dos agentes de mercado. Contudo, nos achados do presente estudo, os investidores penalizaram as organizações promovendo retornos negativos nos casos de denúncias sobre crimes de fraude, ambiental e corrupção.

    Audit's Role: a view from Twitter

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    Como uma forma de reduzir a assimetria informacional e garantir confiabilidade e fidedignidade às informações contábeis, a auditoria ganhou notoriedade. Contudo, há certa discordância na literatura sobre  suas funções e responsabilidades, essa discordância advém especialmente da função exercida e o que é esperadao pela sociedade. Diante disso, essa  pesquisa objetiva analisar a percepção do público quanto ao papel da auditoria externa. Esta pesquisa caracteriza-se como descritiva e quanti-quali ao analisar informações coletadas através de 501.533 tweets publicados entre 2007 e 2020 que continham a palavra “auditoria” por usuários cujo idioma do perfil é o português. Os resultados obtidos, apesar de não identificarem nitidamente o fenômeno de Audit Expectation Gap, sugerem que a maioria dos usuários que “twetam” sobre a auditoria, o fazem discutindo a auditoria em relação aos recursos públicos e aspectos de cunho político, esse resultado reforça a falta de entendimento das reais funções exercidas pela auditoria. Este estudo contribui ao explorar o conceito de Audit Expectation Gap no contexto brasileiro, fornecendo evidências sobre as expectativas geradas pela opinião pública acerca da profissão de auditoria no ambiente das mídias sociais, onde os comentários são gerados de forma espontânea pelos usuários.As a way to reduce informational asymmetry and ensure reliability and reliability of accounting information, auditing gained notoriety. However, there is some disagreement in the literature about their roles and responsibilities, this disagreement comes especially from the function performed and what is expected by society. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the perception of the role of external audit based on the confrontation of the concepts of accounting standards and public opinion. This research is characterized as descriptive and quanti-quali when analyzing information collected through 501,533 tweets published between 2007 and 2020 that contained the word “audit” by users whose profile language is Portuguese. The results obtained, despite not clearly identifying the phenomenon of Audit Expectation Gap, suggest that most users who tweet about the audit do so by discussing the audit in relation to public resources and aspects of a political nature. it reinforces the lack of understanding of the real functions performed by the audit. This study contributes by exploring the concept of Audit Expectation Gap in the Brazilian context, providing evidence about the expectations generated by public opinion about the auditing profession in the social media environment, where comments are generated spontaneously by users

    Better with age: financial reporting quality in family firms

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the literature on financial reporting quality (FRQ) within family firms (FFs), assessing whether longevity can determine a different propensity to earning management (EM) behaviors. Design/methodology/approach The sample, composed by Italian and Brazilian listed family (and non-family) firms, is segregated into old and young. For each subsample, unsigned discretionary accruals are calculated, using two different EM models. A linear regression model is then proposed, together with some robustness tests, to confirm the research hypothesis. Findings The outcome is that, within FFs, the entrenchment effect seems to be diminishing with the company’s age, up to become lower than the alignment effect. With some caveat, research also demonstrates that old FFs are more propense to supply higher FRQ than any other subsample group. Research limitations/implications The authors demonstrated that, in terms of EM decision process, FFs become virtuous just with time. More research is needed to evaluate the impact of the share and management control separately and to analyze different generation segmentation. Practical implications This paper could help non-family stakeholders, as it shows that different company types (family vs non-family), at a different stage of the life-cycle (young vs old) have a different attitude toward FRQ. On the other hand, family owners could exploit the longevity as a value driver. Originality/value This paper suggests that agency theory and socio-emotional theory are complementary in explaining the family control role in earnings management decisions. The study also contributes to the debate of FF homogeneity and on risk behavior in FFs, often portrayed as having a patient capital