36 research outputs found

    Toksikokinetika i korelacija koncentracija karbamazepina u salivi i serumu kod akutnog trovanja

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    Background/Aim. Saliva is a body fluid which, like serum, can be used for determination of concentrations of certain drugs, both in pharmacotherapy as well as in acute poisonings. The aim of this study was to determine carbamazepine concentrations in both saliva and serum in acute poisoning in order to show if there is a correlation between the obtained values, as well as to monitor toxicokinetics of carbamazepine in body fluides. Methods. Saliva and serum samples were obtained from 26 patients treated with carbamazepine and 20 patients acutely poisoned by the drug immediately after their admission in the Emergency Toxicology Unit. Determination of salivary and serum carbamazepine concentrations was performed by the validated high pressure liquid chromatographyultraviolet (HPLC-UV) method. Results. A significant correlation of salivary and serum carbamazepine concentrations in both therapeutic application and acute poisoning (r = 0.9481 and 0.9117, respectively) was confirmed. In acute poisonings the mean ratio between salivary and serum concentrations of carbamazepine (0.43) was similar to the mean ratio after its administration in therapeutic doses (0.39), but there were high inter-individual variations in carbamazepine concentrations in the acutely poisoned patients, as a consequence of different ingested doses of the drug. In acute poisoning the halftime of carbamazepine in saliva and serum was 12.57 h and 6.76 h, respectively. Conclusion. Our results suggest a possible use of saliva as an alternative biological material for determination of carbamazepine concentrations in therapeutic application and acute poisoning as well, and a possible extrapolation of the results obtained in saliva to serum concentrations of carbamazepine.Uvod/Cilj. Slično serumu, saliva je biološki materijal koji se može primeniti za određivanje koncentracije lekova kako nakon terapijske primene, tako i u akutnom trovanju. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se odrede koncentracije karbamazepina u salivi i serumu u akutnom trovanju da bi se pokazalo da li postoji korelacija između dobijenih vrednosti, kao i da se isprati toksikokinetika karbamazepina u salivi i serumu. Metode. Uzorci salive i seruma uzeti su od 26 bolesnika na terapiji karbamazepinom i 20 bolesnika akutno otrovanih ovim lekom nakon prijema u toksikološku ambulantu. Određivanje koncentracije karbamazepina vršeno je validovanom metodom visokoefikasne tečne hromatografije sa ultravioletnom detekcijom (HPLC-UV). Rezultati. Potvrđena je značajna korelacija koncentracija karbamazepina u salivi i serumu nakon terapijske primene (r = 0,9481), kao i u akutnom trovanju ovim lekom (r = 0,9117). Prosečni odnos koncentracija karbamazepina u salivi i serumu u akutnim trovanjima (0,43) bio je sličan odgovarajućem parametru nakon terapijske primene leka (0,39), ali je bilo većih interindividualnih razlika u koncentracijama leka u akutnim trovanjima, zbog, najverovatnije, razlika u ingestiranim dozama karbamazepina. U akutnim trovanjima poluvreme eliminacije karbamazepina u serumu bilo je 12,57 h, a u salivi 6,76 h. Zaključak. Dobijeni rezultati govore o mogućoj primeni salive kao biološkog materijala za određivanje koncentracije karbamazepina tokom terapijske primene i u akutnom trovanju, kao i o mogućoj ekstrapolaciji vrednosti koncentracija karbamazepina u salivi na serumske koncentracije ovog leka

    Estimation of surface water contamination by organic pollutants in the Kovin area, Serbia

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    У индустријској зони града Ковина налазe се фабрике које се баве производњом алкохола и сточног квасца, хране за кућне љубимце, сечењем и завршном обрадом челика, производњом шприцева и амбалаже за вакцине и лекове, као и највећа на Балкану фарма печурака. Поред тога, на 11 km од Ковина је рудник који угаљ вади са дна језера које је повезано са Дунавом, и представља јединствену подводну експлоатацију угља на свету. Упркос наведеним бројним делатностима које могу имати утицаја на квалитет површинских вода, нема лабораторије која се бави њиховим мониторингом. Стога је циљ овог рада прелиминарна карактеризација степена оптерећења површинских вода укупно присутним и специфичним, најзаступљенијим угљоводоничним загађујућим супстанцама. Узорци коришћени у раду узети су током новембра 2022. године, са пет репрезентативних локација на подручју Ковина (слика 1). Након одређивања основних параметара (табела 1), воде су анализиране применом стандардне методе ASTM D1252-06 [1], како би се утврдиле вредности хемијске потрошње кисеоника (ХПК). У циљу специфицирања најзаступљенијих угљоводоничних загађујућих супстанци, примењена је екстракција узорака вода помоћу трихлорметана. Добијени екстракти су након сушења и концентровања хроматографски пречишћени и анализирани на гасном хроматографу Agilent 7890A GC куплованом са квадруполним масеним детектором Agilent 5975C. Четири од пет анализираних узорака показују вредности ХПК карактеристичне за класу III површинских вода (табела 1; [2]). Најзаступљeнија специфична угљоводонична једињења у свим узорцима су n-алкани (слика 1). Нижи n-алкани са мање од 20 угљеникових атома су присутни само у траговима, што указује да ове воде углавном нису изложене загађењу сировом нафтом, дизелом или керозином. У три узорка (Дунавац, Шљункара и Црна Бара), CPI вредности за цео опсег n-алкана (С16- С34), као и за и више (С25-С34) и ниже (С15-С20, са изузетком Шљункаре) n-алканске хомологе су ниже или блиске 1, што уз n-алканске максимуме у опсегу С24-С26 указује на допринос органске супстанце акватичних макрофита, бактерија, васкуларних биљака и маховина рода Sphagnum [3]. Присуство нижих n-алкана (С15-С20) карактерише алге и бактерије, док се доминација непарних нижих хомолога у узорку Шљункара може повезати за цијанобактеријама. У узорицима Канал и Поњавица CPI вредности за цео опсег n-алкана (С16-С34), као и за више хомологе (С25-С34) веће су од 1, што уз n-алкански максимум у узорку Канал на С27 указује на допринос виших сувоземних биљака. Међутим поред наведених природних извора идентификованих n-алкана, треба истаћи да веома сличне n-алканске расподеле имају моторна уља, теже фракције уља за ложење и течни производи пиролизе лигнита. Од посебног значаја је и резултат да је у екстракту узорка воде са локације Поњавица доминантно једињење елементарни сумпор (слика 1), што се може повезати са великом количином муља у којем преовлађују аноксични услови, услед чега су фаворизовани редукциони хемијски/биохемијски процеси. Резултати прелиминарног истраживања показују да је неопходно наставити континуално и знатно детаљније истраживање предметних вода, како би се предупредило њихово даље загађење и негативан утицај на живи свет у њима, као и на подземне воде и земљиште у непосредној околини.Постерска презентација представљена је на 9. симпозијуму Хемија и заштита животне средине ENVIROCHEM2023 са међународним учешћем у Кладову, Србија у периоду од 04. до 07. јуна 2023. године

    Paraoxonase and arylesterase activity of paraoxonase 1 and oxidative stress parameters in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

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    Graphical abstract Highlights Reduced paraoxonase 1 arylesterase activity was observed in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia Malondialdehyde was lower in the cervical intraepithelial neoplasia group Reduced glutathione was higher in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia IntroductionParaoxonase 1 (PON1) is the enzyme that removes carcinogenic radicals from lipids. The aim of the study was to investigate the differences in PON1 activity and oxidation stress parameters between patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and healthy controls. Materials and methodsThe study included 65 women with CIN and 109 healthy women. Lipid parameters were determined on Cobas Integra 400 plus (Roche, Mannheim, Germany). Tiols and reduced glutathione (GSH) were determined spectrophotometric using Eliman reagent. Activity of PON1 was assessed with two substrates, paraoxon and phenylacetate by spectrophotometric method. Malondialdehyde (MDA) was determined by high performance liquid chromatography (Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan). Mann-Whitney-test, t-test, χ2-test, correlation and logistic regression was used in statistical analysis. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. ResultsThe basal (P = 0.929) and NaCl-stimulated (P = 0.985) PON1 activity and activities standardised on the concentration of high-density lipoprotein (HDL; P = 0.076; P = 0.065, respectively) and apolipoprotein AI (apo AI; P = 0.444; P = 0.499, respectively) as well as PON1 phenotypes (P = 0.842) did not differ significantly between the groups. The PON1 arylesterase activity (53±19 kU/L vs. 77±17 kU/L; P < 0.001) and HDL-standardized activity (37 (28-44) kU/mmol vs. 43 (37-50) kU/mmol; P < 0.001) and apoAI (29±11 kU/g vs. 44±11 kU/g; P < 0.001) was significantly reduced in the CIN group. The concentration of the thiol groups was similar (P = 0.519), of MDA was lower (0.39 (0.27-0.55) µmol/L vs. 0.76 (0.57-1.15) µmol/L; P < 0.001) and of GSH was higher (112.0 (66.0-129.6) µg/mL vs. 53.4 (34.8-134.4) µg/mL; P < 0.001) in the CIN group. ConclusionReduced PON1 arylesterase activity, lower MDA and higher GSH concentration were observed in CIN patients

    The Genus Heterogynis Rambur, 1866 (Heterogynidae, Lepidoptera): Congruence of Molecular, Morphological and Morphometric Evidence Reveal New Species in Serbia

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    The Heterogynidae are a small family of moths consisting of a single genus Heterogynis and sixteen described species distributed in the Mediterranean region. A species new to science, Heterogynis serbica sp. nov., is described from the locality of Srebrenac, Mt. Kopaonik, Republic of Serbia, Balkan Peninsula, by applying an integrative taxonomic approach using morpho-anatomical characteristics, wing morphometics and DNA barcoding. Male genitalia, scanning electron micrographs of adult male head anatomy, abdominal tergites/sternites, cocoons and habitats of the closely related species H. serbica sp. nov. and H. zikici are discussed and illustrated. Photographs of adult males and females, cocoons, plants in which the cocoons were found and habitats are shown. Importantly, marked differences in genital structure and other morphological characters were noted. These differences were confirmed with forewing morphometrics and COI-based DNA barcoding results. Additionally, DNA barcodes for H. serbica sp. nov. and H. zikici were compared against previously available data for the genus to evaluate the phylogenetic relationships. We conclude that deep, previously unknown and unexpected intrageneric morphological diversity exists in the genus Heterogynis.The authors wish to express their gratitude to Goran Anaˇckov, a Director of The Department of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, for his support; he enabled the usage of the equipment in the University Center for Electronic Microscopy (UCEM-NS), at the University of Novi Sad for this research. The authors are also very grateful to the Director and the Executive Director of the National Park “Kopaonik” Bojan Milovanovi´c and Predrag Šumarac for their long-term cooperation and support in this research. Finally, the authors deeply appreciate the support from Vladimir Žiki´c, from the University of Niš, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Department of Biology and Ecology, who has kindly provided the analysed samples of H. zikici

    Antimicrobial resistance as a problem for the quality of boar semen

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    The aim of the study was to determine whether the bacteria from the environment and from the mucous membrane of the boar prepuce have antimicrobial resistance and whether the result obtained is similar/same to the bacteria that can be found in native boar semen. The study addresses the problem of the presence of primarily resistant bacterial strains in the boar sperm, which, due to their reduced sensitivity, cannot be suppressed by antibiotics used in the semen dilution agent, as well as to emphasize the importance of microbiological monitoring of the boar mucous membranes and ambient surfaces before and during their exploitation. Such an examination could contribute to the interchangeable design of the dilution agent for the boar semen relative to the antibiotic content.Resistant strains of bacteria from prepuce swabs and swabs taken from the facility, as well as from native boar semen were isolated. The presence of these bacteria affected the quality of the semen. In conclusion, it should be pointed out that bacterial monitoring of the prepuce and surface of the facility can indicate possible problems related to the quality of semen, and that the design of the dilution agent for boar semen should be adjusted to the established resistance of isolated bacteria

    The Presence of the nematode Ancylostoma caninum in red foxes from Medvednica Nature Park

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    Lisica (Vulpes vulpes) nositelj je brojnih parazita među kojima se nalazi i oblić Ancylostoma caninum. Ovaj parazit može u odgovarajućim okolnostima predstavljati i opasnost za zdravlje ljudi i domaćih životinja. Iz takvih je razloga praćenje parazitskog statusa lisica od iznimne važnosti, posebice onih koje se nalaze u neposrednoj blizini čovjeka, poput prigradskih i gradskih lisica. Tu se ubrajaju i lisice u različitim parkovima gdje je povećana aktivnost ljudi i kućnih ljubimaca te postoji i povećan rizik od međusobnog prijenosa različitih uzročnika bolesti. U ovom istraživanju prikazani su rezultati makroskopske i dodatnih pretraga probavnog sustava 28 lisica s područja Parka prirode Medvednica prikupljenih u okviru provedbe Programa zaštite divljači. Oblić A. caninum utvrđen je u 10 životinja, što čini 36 % ukupnog nalaza parazita. Usporedbom prema revirima zaštite prirode nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike. Usporedbom prema spolovima također nema statistički značajne razlike (????2 = 2,273; p = 0,131; OR = 5,50; CI (95%) = 0,51-59,01). Istraživanje je pokazalo relativno visoku učestalost ovog oblića u lisica s područja PP Medvednica.The red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is a potential host of numerous parasites, including the nematode Ancylostoma caninum. In certain conditions this nematode can pose a risk for the health of humans and domestic animals. This means that it is extremely important to monitor the health of wild red foxes, especially those living in suburban and urban areas, as well as in Nature and National Parks. In such areas the risk of mutual transmission of diseases between foxes, domestic animals and humans has increased. This is mainly due to increased human activity, visits by domestic animals with different parasitic status and the increased fox population. In this research, the results of macroscopic and additional analysis of the gastrointestinal system of 28 foxes are presented. Fox carcasses originated from Medvednica Nature Park and were collected within the Game Protection Program. The nematode A. caninum was found in 10 animals (36%). We did not find any statistically significant differences between different nature protection areas (????2 = 2.273; p = 0.131; OR = 5.50; CI (95%) = 0.51-59.01. We found a relatively high prevalence of this nematode in the Medvednica fox population

    Ružička days : International conference 16th Ružička Days “Today Science – Tomorrow Industry” : Proceedings

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    Proceedings contains articles presented at Conference divided into sections: open lecture (1), chemical analysis and synthesis (3), chemical and biochemical engineering (8), food technology and biotechnology (8), medical chemistry and pharmacy (3), environmental protection (11) and meeting of young chemists (2)

    Inter satellite communication using ZigBee technology

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    U ovom radu obrađena je ZigBee tehnologija te načini povezivanja satelita uz pomoć nje. ZigBee je komunikacijski protokol namijenjen prvenstveno osobnim mrežama s malom propušnošću baziran na IEEE 802.15.4 normi. U teorijskom dijelu rada opisana je propagacija elektromagnetskog vala u slobodnom prostoru, osnove bežične komunikacije, komunikacija satelitima te su navedeni primjeri međusatelitske veze. Kako je glavno obilježje ZigBee tehnologije mala potrošnja energije, njena upotreba u svemirskim mislijama bi bila idealna, pošto je u takvim misijama ušteda energije od velike važnosti. Objašnjen je način na koji bi ZigBee tehnologija mogla biti korištena u svemiru. Na posljetku su opisati rezultati programskog proračuna ZigBee tehnologije u međusatelitskoj vezi.This paper describes ZigBee technology and ways using ZigBee for inter satellite communication. ZigBee is communication protocol for personal area networks based on IEEE 802.15.4 standard. In theoretic part of this paper, propagation of electromagnetic waves in free space, basics of wireless communications, communication using satelites and the different types of inter satellite communication are described. It is necessary to add that one of the main characteristics of ZigBee technology is low energy consumption. Therefore, its usage for space missions would be ideal on the grounds that saving energy is crucial in that types of missions. This paper also demonstrates the theory of using ZigBee in space missions. In the end, test results of ZigBee are illustrated which is used for inter satellite communication

    Epidemiological Study of Suburban Fox (Vulpes vulpes) Intestinal Parasites on the Area of Medvednica

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    Lisica (Vulpes vulpes) je nositelj brojnih parazita koji mogu u odgovarajućim okolnostima predstavljati opasnost za zdravlje ljudi i domaćih životinja. Iz takvih je razloga praćenje parazitskog statusa lisica, posebice onih koje se nalaze u neposrednoj blizini čovjeka, poput prigradskih i gradskih lisica, od iznimne važnosti. Ovdje se ubrajaju i lisice u različitim parkovima gdje je aktivnost ljudi i kućnih ljubimaca povećana te postoji i povećan rizik od međusobnog prijenosa različitih uzročnika bolesti. U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati makroskopske i dodatnih pretraga probavnog sustava 28 lisica sa područja Parka prirode Medvednica prikupljenih u okviru provedbe Programa zaštite divljači. Parazitska fauna pretraživanih lisica zastupljena je s predstavnicima oblića, trakavica, metilja, praživotinja i kokcidija. Ukupno je utvrđeno 13 parazita determiniranih na razini vrste ili roda: Trichuris vulpis, Toxocara canis, Ancylostoma caninum, Toxascaris leonina, Trichinella sp., Uncinaria stenocephala, Spirocerca lupi, Mesocestoides sp., Alaria alata, Isospora sp., Eimeria sp., Strongyloides sp. i Giardia duodenalis. Najveći broj različitih parazita utvrđenih u jednoj lisici je 7. Od potencijalno zoonotskih i zoonotskih parazita najučestaliji je T. vulpis (89%), a slijede ga T. canis (39%), A. caninum (36%), U. stenocephala (7%), Trichinella spp. (3,6%) i G. duodenalis (3,6%). Usporedbom prema revirima i prema spolu lisice nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike, osim u slučaju oblića T. canis usporedbom revira 3 i 7 (χ2 = 5,00, p = 0,025). Istraživanje je pokazalo veliku raznovrsnost parazitske faune lisica sa područja PP Medvednica kao i možebitni značaj za veterinarsko javno zdravstvo i zdravlje kućnih ljubimaca.Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) can carry numerous parasites that can represent potential risks to human health and health of domestic animals, when in adequate conditions. From that reasons it is essential to monitor regularly parasitic status of foxes, especially those that reside in close vicinity to humans, like suburban and urban foxes. Animals inhabiting Natural and National Parks where human and pets activities are increased leading to higher risks of mutual transmission of various pathogens, should be also monitored. In this research results of macroscopic and additional analysis of gastrointestinal system from 28 foxes collected at Nature Park ‘’Medvednica’’ are presented. Foxes were collected within conduction of Game Protection Program. Parasitic fauna of analysed foxes is composed of nematodes, tapeworms, trematodes and protozoans. In total, 13 different parasites, determined at the level of species or genus, were recovered: Trichuris vulpis, Toxocara canis, Ancylostoma caninum, Toxascaris leonina, Trichinella sp., Uncinaria stenocephala, Spirocerca lupi, Mesocestoides spp., Alaria alata, Isospora sp., Eimeria sp., Strongyloides sp. and Giardia duodenalis. Highest recovered number of parasite from one animal was 7. Of potentially zoonotic and zoonotic parasites highest prevalence was determined for T. vulpis (89%), followed by T. canis (39%), A. caninum (36%), U. stenocephala (7%), Trichinella sp. (3.6%) and G. duodenalis (3.6%). When compared according to districts and gender no statistically significant differences were observed, except in the case of nematode T. canis when districts 3 and 7 were compared (χ2 = 5,00, p = 0,025). This research has shown high diversity of red fox parasitic fauna on the area of NP Medvednica, as well as potential significance for veterinary public health and health of domestic animals