290 research outputs found

    Computational analysis of gene content in Xenacoelomorpha

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    Xenacoelomorpha are simple, marine worms with net-like nervous systems, no circulatory or respiratory systems and a blind gut. The phylogenetic position of Xenacoelomorpha is the subject of ongoing debate in the literature. The two possible locations for the Xenacoelomorpha within the animal tree are i) as the sister clade to all other bilaterians and ii) as deuterostomes, closely related to the Ambulacraria (echinoderms and hemichordates). The understanding of the phylogenetic position of Xenacoelomorpha has major implications in understanding the appearance of the Bilateria last common ancestor and the direction of the evolutionary process within the animal kingdom. If Xenacoelomorpha are in fact basal bilaterians, they can resemble many similarities to simple acoel-like bilaterian ancestor. However, if Xenacoelomorpha are sister group to Ambulacraria, they likely secondary simplified from a complex, segmented, coelomate Bilateria ancestor. I analysed the quality of 6 new xenacoelomorph genomic and 7 transcriptomic data sets (Symsagittifera roscoffensis, Pseudophanostoma variabilis, Paratomella rubra and Praesagittifera naikaiensis, the nemertodermatids Meara stichopi and Nemertoderma westbladi and the xenoturbellid Xenoturbella bocki), and have constructed comprehensive datasets of xenacoelomorph proteins (proteomes (entire set of proteins expressed by a specific organism (UniProt Consortium, 2010))). I used these, together with proteomes from 60 other species, to construct a database of gene families, which have descended from the same common ancestor within the broad range of 67 species within the animal kingdom. Based on inferred orthology/paralogy relations within 2 these families, I reconstructed the duplications, gains and losses of genes across the Metazoa. The analysis of ancestral gene family content is suggestive for the phylogenetic position of the Xenacoelomorpha, as ancestral Xenacoelomorpha gene content is more similar to inferred Xenambulacraria gene content then to ancestral Bilateria gene content. Moreover, Xenacoelomorpha show more simultaneous gene losses with Ambulacraria then with other major Bilateria clades. To reconstruct a molecular phylogenetic tree of Xenacoelomorpha, I first established a bioinformatics pipeline for large-scale molecular phylogeny reconstruction, by comparing 3 commonly used automated methods for orthology and paralogy prediction (OMA, CEGMA, OrthoMCL). I tested the application of these methods in constructing phylogenetic matrices from high throughput sequencing data. I used the best performing pipeline to infer the species tree involving 8 Xenacoelomorpha species. Our phylogenetic analysis tentatively supports the placement of Xenacoelomorpha as a sister group of Ambulacrari

    Fabrication, Composition, Properties and Application of the AlMg1SiCu Aluminium Alloy Matrix Composite Materials Reinforced with Halloysite or Carbon Nanotubes

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    In this chapter, the characterisation of the halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) and multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) as the reinforcement in the composite materials was described. The original and author technology of production of the aluminium AlMg1SiCu matrix composite materials reinforced with halloysite or carbon nanotubes using powder metallurgy techniques, including mechanical alloying and hot extrusion and the range of own research in the case to determine microstructure, as well as mechanical properties of those materials was present. It was investigated that the addition of carbon and halloysite nanotubes causes a significant improvement in mechanical properties of the obtained nanocomposites. The investigation results show that the technology used in manufacturing nanocomposite materials can find the practical application in the production of new light metal matrix nanocomposites

    Creating a Design and Simulation of the Technological Process by using the B&R Scene Viewer Environment

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    Diplomová práce řeší úvod do problematiky programovatelných logických automatů a rozbor možností pro virtuální uvedení do provozu s konceptem digitálního dvojčete. Teoretická část obsahuje obecné informace o způsobech virtuálního uvedení do provozu spolu s technickými možnostmi hojně využívaných softwarů pro tyto účely. Cílem praktické části je vytvořit digitální model stávajícího technologického procesu a zhodnotit možnosti simulace v prostředí Scene Viewer spolu s vývojovým prostředím Automation Studio. Pro ověření funkčnosti simulace je vytvořen řídicí program.The thesis addresses the introduction to the issue of programmable logic controllers and the analysis of the possibilities for virtual commissioning with the concept of a digital twin. The theoretical section contains general information on the modalities of virtual commissioning, together with the technical capabilities of widely used software for these purposes. The objective of the practical part is to create a digital model of the existing technological process and to evaluate simulation capabilities in the Scene Viewer environment together with the Automation Studio development environment. A control program is created to verify the functionality of the simulation.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívelmi dobř

    Jumping Unbounded Nonlinearities and ALP Condition

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    We investigate the existence of solutions to the nonlinear problem u′′(x) + λ_+u^+(x) − λ_−u^−(x) + g(x, u(x)) = f (x) , x ∈ (0, 2π) , u(0) = u(2π) , u′(0) = u′(2π) ,where the point [λ_+, λ_−] is a point of the Fučík spectrum Σ = ⋃ Σ_m. We denote φ_m any nontrivial solution toour problem with g = f = 0 corresponding to [λ_+, λ_−] ∈ Σ_m. We assume that g(x, s) = γ(x, s)s + h(x, s) and the nonlinearity g satisfies ALP type condition

    Smart Home - library for data acquisition

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá vývojem softwarové knihovny pro agregaci dat z elektroměrů a zasílání dat do centrální stanice. Jsou popsány nejvíce používané protokoly v inteligentních sítích. Práce se detailněji zabývá nejdůležitějšími částmi standardu DLMS/COSEM. Nejprve je rozebrán protokol DLMS, který zajišťuje komunikaci mezi klienty a servery. Dále je popsán objektový model COSEM, který specifikuje modelování objektů, pro přístup k měřícím zařízením a systém OBIS, který určuje identifikaci datových objektů. Dále je popsána knihovna Gurux, která se specializuje na inteligentní odečty měřičů. Ve výsledcích práce je popsána realizace a testování softwarové knihovny pro agregaci dat ze serverů protokolem DLMS/COSEM s použitím knihovny GURUX. Na závěr je popsána série testů, které byly provedeny za pomocí této softwarové knihovny.The diploma thesis deals with the development of a software library for aggregating data from electricity meters and sending data to a central station. The most used protocols in smart grids are described. The work deals in more detail with the most important parts of the DLMS/COSEM standard. The DLMS protocol is described, which ensures communication between clients and servers. Next, the COSEM object model is described, which specifies object modeling, for access to measuring devices, and the OBIS system, which determines the identification of data objects. The Gurux library, which specializes in intelligent meter readings, is also described. The results of the work describe the implementation and testing of a software library for aggregation of data from servers using the DLMS/COSEM protocol using the GURUX library. At the end of the work is described a series of tests that were performed using this software library.

    Muzykoterapia w terapii niepłynności mowy. Opis przypadku

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    The following article presents a case of a five year old boy afflicted with a speech disfluency, in whom the logopedic diagnosis of speech showed a moderate degree of stuttering. For reasons beyond the control of a speech therapist the boy’s therapy took place in the school environment during group activities using the rhythm method of E. Jaques-Dalcroze, additionally extended to work on slowing down the boy’s speech. Active participation in the activi-ties of music therapy resulted in a measurable improvement in both the child’s speech and his relationships with peers.Artykuł przedstawia opis przypadku pięcioletniego chłopca do-tkniętego niepłynnością mowy, u którego diagnoza logopedyczna wykazała umiarkowany stopień jąkania. Z przyczyn niezależnych od logopedy terapia od-bywała się w warunkach szkolnych, w trakcie zajęć grupowych, z wykorzystaniem metody rytmiki E. Jaques’a-Dalcroze’a, poszerzonych o pracę nad spowolnieniem mowy chłopca. Czynne uczestnictwo w zajęciach muzykoterapii przyniosło mie-rzalną poprawę zarówno mowy dziecka, jak i jego relacji z rówieśnikami

    Modernisation of Laboratory Experiment for Measurement of Temperature

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je modernizace stávajícího pracoviště měření dynamických vlastností snímačů teploty v laboratoři senzorů neelektrických veličin. Pro stěžejní komponenty konstrukce je využit 3D tisk. V obslužné aplikaci měřící úlohy jsou implementovány algoritmy pro ukládání naměřených dat do MySQL databáze, PWM řízení teploty pece, detekci ustálených teplot, ovládání pohonu posunu termočlánků a ochrany pece před přehřátím. Pro vývoj SW bylo využito vývojové prostředí LabVIEW. Součástí práce je návrh a výroba řídicího modulu pro pohon posunu termočlánků a externího watchdog timeru spolu s programováním platformy Arduino Nano.The aim of this bachelor thesis is the modernization of the current workplace of laboratory experiment for measurement of temperature. 3D printing is used for the main components of the design. Algorithms for storing measured data into MySQL database, PWM furnace temperature control, steady-state temperature detection, thermocouple shifting drive control and protecting the furnace from overheating are implemented in the service application. LabVIEW development environment was used for SW development. Bachelor thesis includes the design and manufacture of a control module for thermocouple drive and external watchdog timer together with Arduino Nano programming.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívelmi dobř


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    Upowszechnienie Internetu doprowadziło do zmian w zakresie dostępu i korzystania z informacji. To stosunkowo nowe medium uległo znaczącej popularyzacji w Polsce pod koniec ubiegłego wieku. W roku 2006 liczba internautów w Polsce powyżej 15. roku życia kształtowała się na poziomie 11,5 mln, co w porównaniu z rokiem poprzednim oznacza wzrost aż o 3,1 mln użytkowników2. Szybko też Internet stał się przedmiotem publicznej dyskusji o jego roli społeczno-kulturowej. Jego udział w życiu polskiego (i nie tylko polskiego) społeczeństwa jest znaczący i tym samym nie można go lekceważyć. Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu są problemy i konsekwencje wynikające z nowego sposobu dostępu do kultury, który nastąpił wraz z pojawieniem się Internetu. W tym aspekcie najbardziej interesujący wydaje się utwór filmowy, który jako produkt audiowizualny zwłaszcza wpisuje się w estetykę nowego medium i w szczególny sposób jest przez nie udostępniany

    Application of thermal analysis in the selection of polymer components used as a binder for metal injection moulding of Co-Cr-Mo alloy powder

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    To produce the polymer-powder slurry for injection moulding the thermoplastic polymers such as polypropylene, high-density polyethylene and ethylene-vinyl acetate were used. Depending on skeletal polymers, in every feedstock paraffin wax (PW) was used in the amount of 50% of binder. Application of PW gives the possibility using solvent debinding or thermal debinding at a lower temperature. Then the open porosity into the injected samples reduces the time of thermal debinding of binder residue. Application of one type of skeletal polymer requires using a long isothermal step. The use of a blend of skeletal polymers enables subsequent thermal degradation which consecutively removes skeletal polymers during the heating to the sintering temperature, to minimise the time of isothermal stops. The rheological properties of blends used as a binder and next feedstocks were investigated during mixing in the twin-screw extruder and capillary rheometer. This results gives the information about the possibility to produce feedstocks and then to their injection moulding. Thermal behaviour of samples was determined by differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis to obtain the information about the temperature of mixing the polymers and to propose the thermal debinding cycle