478 research outputs found

    Important Structural Linkages in the Process of Income Circulation Defined by SAMs

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    The main aim of this paper is to present the analytical possibilities offered by Social Accounting Matrices as regards economic policy. These matrices are synthetic presentations of income flows in the economy, described by the international statistical system - System of National Accounts (SNA). Comparative analyses presented in the paper are based on the structure of transactions observed in SNA for three years (2002, 2007, 2012) for selected countries (Germany, Spain, Poland, Bulgaria). The analysis includes a comparative study of the expenditure and income structure of individual institutional sectors, SAM multipliers as an important analytical tool, and the importance of SNA transactions, evaluated by how their changes influence multipliers.Głównym celem artykułu jest przestawienie wybranych możliwości analitycznych - w szczególności w zakresie polityki ekonomicznej - jakie stwarzają macierze rachunkowości społecznej (SAM). Macierze te są syntetycznym opisem cyrkulacji dochodów w gospodarce prezentowanym przez system międzynarodowej sprawozdawczości statystycznej - System Rachunków Narodowych. Przedstawiona w artykule analiza porównawcza opiera się na strukturach transakcji obserwowanych w SRN w trzech latach (2002, 2007, 2012) w wybranych krajach (w Niemczech, Hiszpanii, Polsce i Bułgarii). Analiza zawiera badanie porównawcze struktury wydatków i dochodów poszczególnych sektorów instytucjonalnych oraz mnożników SAM jako ważnego narzędzia analitycznego, a także ocenę ważności transakcji w SRN poprzez badanie wpływu ich zmian na zmiany mnożników

    The expansion and decline of charophyte communities in lakes within the Sejny Lake District (north-eastern Poland) and changes in water chemistry

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    AbstractOver the last 25 years, considerable changes have been observed in the littoral vegetation of 11 lakes within the Sejny Lake District. In eight lakes (Dowcień, Jurkowo, Kunis, Miałkie, Pilwie, Płaskie, Wiłkokuk, Zelwa) where Chara species dominated, their communities declined or disappeared completely. In four of these lakes (Dowcień, Jurkowo, Kunis and Miałkie), charophytes were replaced by communities of the class Potametea (mainly Nupharo-Nymphaeetum albae and Ceratophylletum demersi). In three other lakes (Pilwie, Płaskie and Wiłkokuk), the area covered by charophyte communities decreased. In Lake Zelwa, Charetum rudis and Charetum jubatae disappeared while Charetum tomentosae and Charetum fragilis expanded. A total area of charophyte communities remained approximately the same. A considerable increase in the water total hardness and PO43- concentration was noted in each of the eight lakes. In most of them increased levels of dissolved organic matter (measured as COD-KMnO4) and pH were detected as well. However, the increase in the PO43- concentration was smaller in Lakes Wiłkokuk and Zelwa in which only slight changes in the vegetation were observed. In the above two lakes, the concentration of dissolved organic matter decreased and low water colour values are now noted. In three lakes (Długie, Dmitrowo and Gajlik), the charophyte communities tended to expand under the condition of moderate or high (Lake Długie) PO43- concentration, while dissolved organic matter concentrations were low. These lakes are also characterized by low values of colour. Charophyte communities may persist in lakes for a long period of time even when there is a moderate increase in PO43- concentration until the colour of water distinctly increases (>20mgPtL−1)

    Input-Output Modeling

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    Input-output modeling activities have been sponsored by IIASA for many years. These activities provided a link between various research centers as well as associated research groups engaged in constructing similar systems, and also individual researchers interested in the application of input-output type models. The aim of the sixth IIASA meeting was to demonstrate to a wide community of researchers, policy makers and their advisers the likely uses of integrated input-output models in economic policy both at industrial and national levels. This message is well illustrated. The papers provide the users with illuminating simulation studies showing on the one hand the impact of technological structural changes in the macroaggregates and on the other hand how the changes in macrovariables influence the pattern of changes in particular industries. This volume presents the results of the meeting organized by IIASA and IES in Warsaw

    Experimental Evidence for the Syntax of Phrasal Comparatives in Polish

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    Pancheva (2009) argues that phrasal comparatives in Polish exhibit a subject-island effect. She proposes an account of the island effect as a combination of several factors: than has a small clause complement in phrasal comparatives; wh-movement turns the than-clause into a degree predicate; wh-movement of the vP subject is prohibited by an anti-locality constraint; sub-extraction of the vP subject is then the only option, but it causes an island violation. Informally elicited judgments support this proposal but there is a fair amount of variability among and even within speakers. Given this variability in speakers’ responses, we need to elicit judgments in controlled conditions allowing subsequent quantitative analysis. We conducted two acceptability-rating studies on Polish comparatives following standard experimental procedures and testing a large number of speakers. The results support the small clause analysis of phrasal comparatives

    Birds Do It, Bees Do It, And Even Electric Fish Do It: Cultural Transmission of Maze Learning in the African Weakly Electric Fish, Gnathonemus petersii (Mormyridae, Teleostei)

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    In this study, the ability of a maze-experienced, weakly electric fish to transmit spatial information to an inexperienced conspecific through exposure via paired training in a maze is evaluated using maze trial latency, electric signals discharged within the maze and the subsequent effect of training on molecular markers of memory

    Suitability of soils developed on the basis of black coal ash as a forest habitat

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the usefulness as a forest habitat, the technogenic soils developed by applying overlays containing organic matter in the waste substances, onto the layer of black coal ash. Properties of these soils, located in the power plant “Dolna Odra” in Nowe Czarnowo (West-Pomeranian province), were studied in 2015, i.e. 13 years after founding the experiment upon the use of waste materials in soilless land reclamation. Analysis required samples from the ash overlays and bottoms of the soils, in which applying methods commonly used in soil science, following properties were determined to enable calculation of the indicators used in the evaluation: forest soil trophism index (FSTI), soil site index (SSI), and mine soil quality index (MSQI). Values of FSTI allowed for classify studied soils as forest habitats, values of SSI as mixed forests and forest habitats, and values of MSQI as mixed forest habitats

    The impact of the anchorage and angle of the bonded anchors in the concrete substrate on the type of failure

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    Томашевич Д. Влияние анкеровки и угла сцепления анкеров в бетонном основании на тип разрушени

    Relative readings of superlatives: Scope or focus?

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    I provide an analysis of the relative readings of superlatives on which the superlative morpheme -est is more constrained at LF than previously argued, yet the range of superlative readings available cross-linguistically is still accounted for. I argue that -est scopes outside the superlative DP only when necessary. I also provide empirical arguments that the focus structure of the sentence must be included in the LF representation of relative readings. In English, where -est only scopes DP-internally, we correctly predict the optionality of focus for relative readings. In Polish, where -est can also scope DP-externally, focus can be obligatory to disambiguate between the different LFs

    Paramagnetism of Cu3RE2W4O18 semiconductors (RE = Gd, Dy-Er)

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    Cu3RE2W4O18 tungstates (RE = Gd, Dy Er) are paramagnets in the temperature range 4.2 300 K visible also in the absence of the energy losses in the curve of the imaginary part of magnetic susceptibility, 00. The negative values of the paramagnetic Curie Weiss temperature, , may suggest the weak antiferromagnetic coupling below 4.2 K. The temperature independent component of magnetic susceptibility has a positive value indicating a domination of the Van Vleck contribution. Calculations of the e ective number of the Bohr magnetons revealed that the orbital contribution to the magnetic moment comes mainly from the RE3+ ions

    Fundusze unijne a rozwój regionalny w Polsce

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    This study analyzed the impact of EU funds on regional development in Poland. The first part of the paper concerns regional and EU funds and their growing role in the EU budget. Next it describes the process of adapting Polish regional policy to the requirements of pre-accession and post-accession. It also presents the effects of the utilization of EU funds on Polish regional development. The study emphasizes the role of local political, economic and institutional issues with the largest impact on the regional policy. The EU funds were intended asa tool to facilitate the implementation of planned operational programs, which aimed to stabilize economic growth and reduce divergence between regions.(original abstract)W opracowaniu przeanalizowano wpływ funduszy unijnych na rozwój regionalny w Polsce. Jego pierwsza część dotyczy polityki regionalnej i funduszy unijnych oraz ich rosnącej roli w budżecie unijnym. Następnie opisano proces dostosowania polskiej polityki regionalnej do wymogów przed i poakcesyjnych. Przedstawiono również efekty wykorzystania funduszy unijnych w rozwoju regionalnym Polski. Podkreślona została rola lokalnych czynników politycznych, ekonomicznych i instytucjonalnych, które mają największy wpływ na politykę regionalną. Fundusze unijne miały pełnić rolę narzędzia ułatwiającego realizację zaplanowanych programów operacyjnych, których celem był stabilny rozwój gospodarczy oraz zmniejszenie dywergencji między regionami.(abstrakt oryginalny